More winning-Obamacare on the ropes

The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

Yeah, a great idea but probably unconstitutional.

Still though, Donald might not want to get the courts all riled up on non-liberal constitutional interpretations of executive powers so I don't know if I'd call it winning.

Unless you want hospitals to throw those who can't pay out in the street still bleeding more than you want a border wall or tanks at a parade.
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Right now right now they are trying to stop the GOP from destroying the country for crying out loud LOL. We're going to fix everything after 2021. Next time we'll use the nuclear option and pass Health Care daycare living wage paid parental leave one-month vacation great infrastructure, ID card to end illegal immigration, cheap college and training, and mainly will tax the rich and help the non rich 4 a change.... Yes I am running. LOL
They’re too stupid to get ID cards remember?
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
That's the way health plans were going before Obamacare, super duper. The only problem with Obamacare is how much our health care costs after being a GOP big Health big Pharma scam forever, super duper. Now stop obstructing and start going after costs. Obamacare is a framework for doing that. So you are for single-payer then? That would be about time.
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
$6,000 per person and that is also about the limit on annual costs out of pocket. So s t h u, brainwashed functional moron.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

So you're happy with the prospect of millions of Americans losing their insurance and dying.

I've had employer provided insurance for over 30 years. It was through my ex and his work.

I got divorced. The law allows me to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years. That 3 years will expire at the end of this year.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight with everything I have and won.

Because of that I'm now preexisting condition.

The cancer I had was receptive at 100% to 2 hormones my body naturally produces. Which means my own body chemistry is programmed to be the food for that cancer to live and grow. Which means that the question isn't if but when the cancer returns.

If you get your way, I will die. Just as 4 women in my family died of the same cancer before me.

It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take insurance from me. I paid into that fund for decades and now, I lose all that money I paid into it to cover my medical expenses. On top of that you want to make sure I will never be able to buy insurance again which will kill me.

I'm not surprised by your actions.

I'm disgusted and sickened.

I’m not one of your ex’s. And you aren’t one of my children. I don’t owe you a dime. You display the contempt and entitlement handouts breed.

I don't want your money. I'm sure I make much more money than your ugly butt.

Obamacare isn't free health care to everyone. Just to those who qualify for medicaid. I make way too much money to qualify for medicaid or any public assistance.

What Obamacare has that I want is the protection of preexisting condition. I made that very clear in my post. Yet you went off on something that I never mentioned and doesn't have anything to do with me.

When they take away the protections for preexisting conditions I'm screwed. No one will sell me a policy and I will die.

You disgust me. You are not a even a decent person. Get help. Quick.

The contempt of the leech for its host.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

So you're happy with the prospect of millions of Americans losing their insurance and dying.

I've had employer provided insurance for over 30 years. It was through my ex and his work.

I got divorced. The law allows me to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years. That 3 years will expire at the end of this year.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight with everything I have and won.

Because of that I'm now preexisting condition.

The cancer I had was receptive at 100% to 2 hormones my body naturally produces. Which means my own body chemistry is programmed to be the food for that cancer to live and grow. Which means that the question isn't if but when the cancer returns.

If you get your way, I will die. Just as 4 women in my family died of the same cancer before me.

It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take insurance from me. I paid into that fund for decades and now, I lose all that money I paid into it to cover my medical expenses. On top of that you want to make sure I will never be able to buy insurance again which will kill me.

I'm not surprised by your actions.

I'm disgusted and sickened.

I’m not one of your ex’s. And you aren’t one of my children. I don’t owe you a dime. You display the contempt and entitlement handouts breed.

I don't want your money. I'm sure I make much more money than your ugly butt.

Obamacare isn't free health care to everyone. Just to those who qualify for medicaid. I make way too much money to qualify for medicaid or any public assistance.

What Obamacare has that I want is the protection of preexisting condition. I made that very clear in my post. Yet you went off on something that I never mentioned and doesn't have anything to do with me.

When they take away the protections for preexisting conditions I'm screwed. No one will sell me a policy and I will die.

You disgust me. You are not a even a decent person. Get help. Quick.

The contempt of the leech for its host.
GOP hate and character assassination propaganda has turned you into a pure hater dupe, ignoramus. Everybody's a leech but you. Unbelievable. Anything to save the rich from paying their fair share, right hater doop? Enjoy hell, God will not be amused.
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
$6,000 per person and that is also about the limit on annual costs out of pocket. So s t h u, brainwashed functional moron.

If someone is so poor they can't afford health insurance a plan that will cost them 12000 dollars before the plan pays anything is absolute junk you fucking idiot.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate


What I'd recommend DOTR and Deno
is to argue that the difference in coverage
should be paid for by the politicians, parties and taxpayers
who endorsed ACA because they BELIEVE in paying for health care through govt.

Whichever people violated the Constitution by passing
and enforcing this law through govt should be compelled
to pay the costs themselves to keep those provisions going
they set up for people as they promised.

So I'd start naming people and groups responsible
and assess the costs that should be charged to them.

Since judges can't write that into law, it may take
lawyers writing it up and asking for it as part
of the order.

That is not the way the country works. A majority of the House and Senate passed it and the President signed it. The Constitution was not violated.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate


What I'd recommend DOTR and Deno
is to argue that the difference in coverage
should be paid for by the politicians, parties and taxpayers
who endorsed ACA because they BELIEVE in paying for health care through govt.

Whichever people violated the Constitution by passing
and enforcing this law through govt should be compelled
to pay the costs themselves to keep those provisions going
they set up for people as they promised.

So I'd start naming people and groups responsible
and assess the costs that should be charged to them.

Since judges can't write that into law, it may take
lawyers writing it up and asking for it as part
of the order.

That is not the way the country works. A majority of the House and Senate passed it and the President signed it. The Constitution was not violated.

Funny that ain't what a federal judge said.

What judge's ruling means for people covered under Obamacare

Appeals court most likely will agree:

Appeals court appears ready to rule Obamacare unconstitutional

Just because a law was passed by both houses and signed by a wanna-be president doesn't make the law legal. It means it was put into law legally, but the law itself can still be ruled unconstitutional.
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Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
$6,000 per person and that is also about the limit on annual costs out of pocket. So s t h u, brainwashed functional moron.

If someone is so poor they can't afford health insurance a plan that will cost them 12000 dollars before the plan pays anything is absolute junk you fucking idiot.
In states that are not GOP Dupe States, they get Medicaid. Stop saying 12,000, it is 6000. And 6000 with a payment plan is a hell of a lot better than 280,000 LOL
The question is whether these judges will act like judges or as Republicans. The fact is that this Texas judge's reasoning makes no sense. Republicans in Congress may have wanted to end Obamacare but they did not have the votes The Congress decided that Obamacare could exist without the mandate. They decided it was severable.

Jonathan Adler who was involved in the original court fight against Obamacare has called the judge's decision "bananas".

Texas judge’s Obamacare ruling is ‘bananas,’ says Case Western law professor whose research fueled previous attempt to gut law
Penelope said:
many will not be able to afford ins, esp if they have pre-existing conditions.
Republicans Had A Health Bill
Covered Pre-Existing Conditions
It Passed The House
But Famously Failed In The Senate....By ONE Vote:

View attachment 269137

Good for John McCain. He refused to join the Republican Party's jihad against Americans being protected from insurance companies.

The Republicans had no health bill.
It pitted groups of people against each other.
That is why the Republicans lost the House. The Senate and White House will be next .
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
That's the way health plans were going before Obamacare, super duper. The only problem with Obamacare is how much our health care costs after being a GOP big Health big Pharma scam forever, super duper. Now stop obstructing and start going after costs. Obamacare is a framework for doing that. So you are for single-payer then? That would be about time.
Neither party is going to solve this because it is a loser. I would suggest we start with check ups first and see where we are-second year med students should be able to do them for something off their tuition.
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
That's the way health plans were going before Obamacare, super duper. The only problem with Obamacare is how much our health care costs after being a GOP big Health big Pharma scam forever, super duper. Now stop obstructing and start going after costs. Obamacare is a framework for doing that. So you are for single-payer then? That would be about time.
Neither party is going to solve this because it is a loser. I would suggest we start with check ups first and see where we are-second year med students should be able to do them for something off their tuition.
Amazing how every other modern country does this no problem at half the cost isn't it super duper? Thanks scumbag GOP
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
That's the way health plans were going before Obamacare, super duper. The only problem with Obamacare is how much our health care costs after being a GOP big Health big Pharma scam forever, super duper. Now stop obstructing and start going after costs. Obamacare is a framework for doing that. So you are for single-payer then? That would be about time.

That statement right there proves you either didn't have insurance before or you did and you just lie to try to make yourself seem more believable.

I had health insurance before Obamacare. It was Bluecross Bluemax plan, 200 dollars a month, zero deductible 100% coverage on office visits and hospital stays.

I went to an urgent care clinic because I got attacked by yellow jackets. My bill was ZERO.
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Just as reprehensible as the right’s unwarranted hostility toward the ACA is the fact that conservatives have no plan to replace the Act, that Republicans have no desire to enact a replacement, and are perfectly content that millions of Americans will lose access to affordable healthcare and millions more will continue to have no access to affordable healthcare.
Nothing is a better replacement for something illegal.

If you take someones heroin you are not responsible to replace it with a legal drug.
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
That's the way health plans were going before Obamacare, super duper. The only problem with Obamacare is how much our health care costs after being a GOP big Health big Pharma scam forever, super duper. Now stop obstructing and start going after costs. Obamacare is a framework for doing that. So you are for single-payer then? That would be about time.

That statement right there proves you either didn't have insurance before or you did and you just lie to try to make yourself seem more believable.

I had health insurance before Obamacare. It was Bluecross Bluemax plan, 200 dollars a month, zero deductible 100% coverage on office visits and hospital stays.

I went to an urgent care clinic because I got attacked by yellow jackets. My bill was ZERO.
None the less that was the way insurance plans were going because the cost just got too high. Thanks GOP.
Only those on the reprehensible right would perceive millions of Americans losing access to affordable health care "winning."

Only those on the reprehensible left would consider health insurance for poor people with a $12,000 deductible to be "affordable."
That's the way health plans were going before Obamacare, super duper. The only problem with Obamacare is how much our health care costs after being a GOP big Health big Pharma scam forever, super duper. Now stop obstructing and start going after costs. Obamacare is a framework for doing that. So you are for single-payer then? That would be about time.
Neither party is going to solve this because it is a loser. I would suggest we start with check ups first and see where we are-second year med students should be able to do them for something off their tuition.
Amazing how every other modern country does this no problem at half the cost isn't it super duper? Thanks scumbag GOP
Don't believe that story. and don't blame GOP, Dems had the Congress and white house and did not do it.

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