More winning-Obamacare on the ropes

What I'd recommend DOTR and Deno
is to argue that the difference in coverage
should be paid for by the politicians, parties and taxpayers
who endorsed ACA because they BELIEVE in paying for health care through govt.

Whichever people violated the Constitution by passing
and enforcing this law through govt should be compelled
to pay the costs themselves to keep those provisions going
they set up for people as they promised.

So I'd start naming people and groups responsible
and assess the costs that should be charged to them.

Since judges can't write that into law, it may take
lawyers writing it up and asking for it as part
of the order.

The ACA and universal healthcare ins, is the thing of the future. Accept it. You can belong to anything you want, but when universal healthcare takes root, you will pay the taxes for it.

You Tards always want everyone else to pay for your shit...

I'm all for helping people that really need it....

But you don't need to take my insurance to do it....

You Tards fluck up everything you touch....
Your employer likely carrires your fat ass. So don't pretend you pay for it.

I weigh 165 pounds dip shit....

I could work your dumb ass in the ground.
boys boys, you do know that politics comes from policy and that is what we're supposed to be debating.... You doops never ever ever think about policy, just phony scandals and free stuff and the poor Rich having to pay so much in taxes LOL wrong.

I suspect you have slobber on your chin and shit in your pants.......
The ACA and universal healthcare ins, is the thing of the future. Accept it. You can belong to anything you want, but when universal healthcare takes root, you will pay the taxes for it.

You Tards always want everyone else to pay for your shit...

I'm all for helping people that really need it....

But you don't need to take my insurance to do it....

You Tards fluck up everything you touch....
Your employer likely carrires your fat ass. So don't pretend you pay for it.

I weigh 165 pounds dip shit....

I could work your dumb ass in the ground.
boys boys, you do know that politics comes from policy and that is what we're supposed to be debating.... You doops never ever ever think about policy, just phony scandals and free stuff and the poor Rich having to pay so much in taxes LOL wrong.

I suspect you have slobber on your chin and shit in your pants.......
So you have no argument at all. Stunning
Some other arrangements must be made-we can't go on this way. How are the Dems coming with their fix as promised in the 2018 elections?
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Right now right now they are trying to stop the GOP from destroying the country for crying out loud LOL. We're going to fix everything after 2021. Next time we'll use the nuclear option and pass Health Care daycare living wage paid parental leave one-month vacation great infrastructure, ID card to end illegal immigration, cheap college and training, and mainly will tax the rich and help the non rich 4 a change.... Yes I am running. LOL
Great paragraph, but you forgot to answer the question-WHERE IS THE DEMOCRAT FIX ON HEALTHCARE?
It is being blocked by bought off hypocrite Republicans as always of course duh. Since Reagan that has happened LOL next time we should do the nuclear option.
I'll answer for you-they lied to you. It was a political ploy to win seats in the 2018 mid terms. They have no good answers other than Medicare for all-which won't fly. They might fix ACA enough if they spent the time on it instead of endless investigations. But they need the inquests to bolster their 2020 elections and will forget their promise to you.
You Tards always want everyone else to pay for your shit...

I'm all for helping people that really need it....

But you don't need to take my insurance to do it....

You Tards fluck up everything you touch....
Your employer likely carrires your fat ass. So don't pretend you pay for it.

I weigh 165 pounds dip shit....

I could work your dumb ass in the ground.
boys boys, you do know that politics comes from policy and that is what we're supposed to be debating.... You doops never ever ever think about policy, just phony scandals and free stuff and the poor Rich having to pay so much in taxes LOL wrong.

I suspect you have slobber on your chin and shit in your pants.......
So you have no argument at all. Stunning

Arguing with a Tard like you is useless....

You are all ignorant closed minded zealots...
Still waiting for the republicans' plans and solutions. They have had at least 30 years to come up with something. Where is it???
Wait-Obama was just in position to do that and he came up with something illegal. Don't blame just one side-they ALL suck on this.
Actually Obama did not want a mandate nor did he want changes of doctors and plans. The Democratic Congress changed that and then the Democrats had to take the Senate version because Massachusetts elected Scott Brown like morons LOL... Why don't you Chumps change what you want to with it and stop trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater...all Trump does is promise stuff and then not do anything about it. Great for the dupes but...
Like I said ALL suck on this.
no the Republicans do great with their reconciliation law in cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else-all they want.. they only need 51 votes in the Senate with reconciliation their law from 1974- thanks tricky dick. But the Democrats need 60 votes for reform -clever scam... And this filibuster has got to go. Nuclear option from now on. then people will know what Democrats actually want for a change, especially dupes....
No-they ALL suck-and Harry Reid did the 51 votes in senate thing-thank him.
Your employer likely carrires your fat ass. So don't pretend you pay for it.

I weigh 165 pounds dip shit....

I could work your dumb ass in the ground.
boys boys, you do know that politics comes from policy and that is what we're supposed to be debating.... You doops never ever ever think about policy, just phony scandals and free stuff and the poor Rich having to pay so much in taxes LOL wrong.

I suspect you have slobber on your chin and shit in your pants.......
So you have no argument at all. Stunning

Arguing with a Tard like you is useless....

You are all ignorant closed minded zealots...
I honestly can't tell what you guys are arguing about.
Trump’s still president
The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Right now right now they are trying to stop the GOP from destroying the country for crying out loud LOL. We're going to fix everything after 2021. Next time we'll use the nuclear option and pass Health Care daycare living wage paid parental leave one-month vacation great infrastructure, ID card to end illegal immigration, cheap college and training, and mainly will tax the rich and help the non rich 4 a change.... Yes I am running. LOL
Great paragraph, but you forgot to answer the question-WHERE IS THE DEMOCRAT FIX ON HEALTHCARE?
It is being blocked by bought off hypocrite Republicans as always of course duh. Since Reagan that has happened LOL next time we should do the nuclear option.
I'll answer for you-they lied to you. It was a political ploy to win seats in the 2018 mid terms. They have no good answers other than Medicare for all-which won't fly. They might fix ACA enough if they spent the time on it instead of endless investigations. But they need the inquests to bolster their 2020 elections and will forget their promise to you.
They can't do anything unless they have 60 votes in the Senate or at least 51 and do the nuclear option. Did you notice the last 8 years? Same under Clinton. The Democrats gave Reagan a honeymoon and really George W bush also. But Republicans don't believe in honeymoons for democratic presidents, just endless Congressional investigations and garbage phony scandals. Democrats passed free Medicaid for 15 million people the only time they had 60 votes in at least 40 years which was for 3 weeks basically in session. The dupes think they had two years. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace LOL aaarrrggghhh.
Still waiting for the republicans' plans and solutions. They have had at least 30 years to come up with something. Where is it???
Wait-Obama was just in position to do that and he came up with something illegal. Don't blame just one side-they ALL suck on this.
Actually Obama did not want a mandate nor did he want changes of doctors and plans. The Democratic Congress changed that and then the Democrats had to take the Senate version because Massachusetts elected Scott Brown like morons LOL... Why don't you Chumps change what you want to with it and stop trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater...all Trump does is promise stuff and then not do anything about it. Great for the dupes but...
Like I said ALL suck on this.
no the Republicans do great with their reconciliation law in cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else-all they want.. they only need 51 votes in the Senate with reconciliation their law from 1974- thanks tricky dick. But the Democrats need 60 votes for reform -clever scam... And this filibuster has got to go. Nuclear option from now on. then people will know what Democrats actually want for a change, especially dupes....

I used to believe the filibuster should go. The republicans have abused it to the point that democracy is dead in the senate.


The filibuster prevented extremist legislation and judges from happening.

Presidents wouldn't nominate people to judge positions they knew would be filibustered. The filibuster is necessary but the republicans have abused it.

The nuclear option isn't the answer. There will be a time when the republicans have total. control and they will be able to do anything they want if the filibuster is gone.

Our nation can't survive that.
Penelope said:
many will not be able to afford ins, esp if they have pre-existing conditions.
Republicans Had A Health Bill
Covered Pre-Existing Conditions
It Passed The House
But Famously Failed In The Senate....By ONE Vote:

j mccain.jpg
Wait-Obama was just in position to do that and he came up with something illegal. Don't blame just one side-they ALL suck on this.
Actually Obama did not want a mandate nor did he want changes of doctors and plans. The Democratic Congress changed that and then the Democrats had to take the Senate version because Massachusetts elected Scott Brown like morons LOL... Why don't you Chumps change what you want to with it and stop trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater...all Trump does is promise stuff and then not do anything about it. Great for the dupes but...
Like I said ALL suck on this.
no the Republicans do great with their reconciliation law in cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else-all they want.. they only need 51 votes in the Senate with reconciliation their law from 1974- thanks tricky dick. But the Democrats need 60 votes for reform -clever scam... And this filibuster has got to go. Nuclear option from now on. then people will know what Democrats actually want for a change, especially dupes....

I used to believe the filibuster should go. The republicans have abused it to the point that democracy is dead in the senate.


The filibuster prevented extremist legislation and judges from happening.

Presidents wouldn't nominate people to judge positions they knew would be filibustered. The filibuster is necessary but the republicans have abused it.

The nuclear option isn't the answer. There will be a time when the republicans have total. control and they will be able to do anything they want if the filibuster is gone.

Our nation can't survive that.
That is the argument but we have fallen so far behind the rest of the modern world the last 35 years and the Democrats policies are so popular if you just ask people whether they're in favor of them we just have to do it. I think that is the argument that makes Democrats into pussies. LOL fear of the Republicans who are already absolutely wrecking the place in favor of the rich and only they're horrible propaganda machine makes it possible. It can't get any worse we should pass a fairness convey doctrine to gives 5 minutes of debate per hour on Fox and demagogues on the radio.
Penelope said:
many will not be able to afford ins, esp if they have pre-existing conditions.
Republicans Had A Health Bill
Covered Pre-Existing Conditions
It Passed The House
But Famously Failed In The Senate....By ONE Vote:

View attachment 269137
Bologna they had a plan. He saved Obama Care which they were going to repeal with no plan to replace it. The GOP way, super duper. Only garbage b******* propaganda makes you people possible. Thank God he had a conscience. GOP politicians are total hypocrites scumbags and you dupes are just that.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

So you're happy with the prospect of millions of Americans losing their insurance and dying.

I've had employer provided insurance for over 30 years. It was through my ex and his work.

I got divorced. The law allows me to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years. That 3 years will expire at the end of this year.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight with everything I have and won.

Because of that I'm now preexisting condition.

The cancer I had was receptive at 100% to 2 hormones my body naturally produces. Which means my own body chemistry is programmed to be the food for that cancer to live and grow. Which means that the question isn't if but when the cancer returns.

If you get your way, I will die. Just as 4 women in my family died of the same cancer before me.

It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take insurance from me. I paid into that fund for decades and now, I lose all that money I paid into it to cover my medical expenses. On top of that you want to make sure I will never be able to buy insurance again which will kill me.

I'm not surprised by your actions.

I'm disgusted and sickened.

I’m not one of your ex’s. And you aren’t one of my children. I don’t owe you a dime. You display the contempt and entitlement handouts breed.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

So you're happy with the prospect of millions of Americans losing their insurance and dying.

I've had employer provided insurance for over 30 years. It was through my ex and his work.

I got divorced. The law allows me to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years. That 3 years will expire at the end of this year.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight with everything I have and won.

Because of that I'm now preexisting condition.

The cancer I had was receptive at 100% to 2 hormones my body naturally produces. Which means my own body chemistry is programmed to be the food for that cancer to live and grow. Which means that the question isn't if but when the cancer returns.

If you get your way, I will die. Just as 4 women in my family died of the same cancer before me.

It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take insurance from me. I paid into that fund for decades and now, I lose all that money I paid into it to cover my medical expenses. On top of that you want to make sure I will never be able to buy insurance again which will kill me.

I'm not surprised by your actions.

I'm disgusted and sickened.

I’m not one of your ex’s. And you aren’t one of my children. I don’t owe you a dime. You display the contempt and entitlement handouts breed.
You are a brainwashed functional moron at best.

Dana talk to someone about your choices because where are you? - in a Republican state I guess -they are a disgrace. Pre-existing conditions isn't supposed to be a problem anywhere yet... Or did they change that too. Move to a democratic state. GOP wants to kill the unfortunate now LOL a a r r ggghhhh....
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The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

So you're happy with the prospect of millions of Americans losing their insurance and dying.

I've had employer provided insurance for over 30 years. It was through my ex and his work.

I got divorced. The law allows me to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years. That 3 years will expire at the end of this year.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight with everything I have and won.

Because of that I'm now preexisting condition.

The cancer I had was receptive at 100% to 2 hormones my body naturally produces. Which means my own body chemistry is programmed to be the food for that cancer to live and grow. Which means that the question isn't if but when the cancer returns.

If you get your way, I will die. Just as 4 women in my family died of the same cancer before me.

It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take insurance from me. I paid into that fund for decades and now, I lose all that money I paid into it to cover my medical expenses. On top of that you want to make sure I will never be able to buy insurance again which will kill me.

I'm not surprised by your actions.

I'm disgusted and sickened.

I’m not one of your ex’s. And you aren’t one of my children. I don’t owe you a dime. You display the contempt and entitlement handouts breed.
As no Democrat is talking about making you pay anymore for anything, they want to tax the rich who are getting away with murder under GOP tax rates. We have a flat tax system if you count all taxes so that in itself in the end ruins the middle class and the working class.... No money to invest in anyting.
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The Dems said they would fix what the Republicans did not-where is it? Or did they over promise?
Right now right now they are trying to stop the GOP from destroying the country for crying out loud LOL. We're going to fix everything after 2021. Next time we'll use the nuclear option and pass Health Care daycare living wage paid parental leave one-month vacation great infrastructure, ID card to end illegal immigration, cheap college and training, and mainly will tax the rich and help the non rich 4 a change.... Yes I am running. LOL
Great paragraph, but you forgot to answer the question-WHERE IS THE DEMOCRAT FIX ON HEALTHCARE?
It is being blocked by bought off hypocrite Republicans as always of course duh. Since Reagan that has happened LOL next time we should do the nuclear option.
I'll answer for you-they lied to you. It was a political ploy to win seats in the 2018 mid terms. They have no good answers other than Medicare for all-which won't fly. They might fix ACA enough if they spent the time on it instead of endless investigations. But they need the inquests to bolster their 2020 elections and will forget their promise to you.
They can't do anything unless they have 60 votes in the Senate or at least 51 and do the nuclear option. Did you notice the last 8 years? Same under Clinton. The Democrats gave Reagan a honeymoon and really George W bush also. But Republicans don't believe in honeymoons for democratic presidents, just endless Congressional investigations and garbage phony scandals. Democrats passed free Medicaid for 15 million people the only time they had 60 votes in at least 40 years which was for 3 weeks basically in session. The dupes think they had two years. Their propaganda machine is a disgrace LOL aaarrrggghhh.
If their programs were good, voters would put them in. Dems just won house seats on MODERATE policies-not free stuff.
Wait-Obama was just in position to do that and he came up with something illegal. Don't blame just one side-they ALL suck on this.
Actually Obama did not want a mandate nor did he want changes of doctors and plans. The Democratic Congress changed that and then the Democrats had to take the Senate version because Massachusetts elected Scott Brown like morons LOL... Why don't you Chumps change what you want to with it and stop trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater...all Trump does is promise stuff and then not do anything about it. Great for the dupes but...
Like I said ALL suck on this.
no the Republicans do great with their reconciliation law in cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else-all they want.. they only need 51 votes in the Senate with reconciliation their law from 1974- thanks tricky dick. But the Democrats need 60 votes for reform -clever scam... And this filibuster has got to go. Nuclear option from now on. then people will know what Democrats actually want for a change, especially dupes....

I used to believe the filibuster should go. The republicans have abused it to the point that democracy is dead in the senate.


The filibuster prevented extremist legislation and judges from happening.

Presidents wouldn't nominate people to judge positions they knew would be filibustered. The filibuster is necessary but the republicans have abused it.

The nuclear option isn't the answer. There will be a time when the republicans have total. control and they will be able to do anything they want if the filibuster is gone.

Our nation can't survive that.
What can't they survive, specifically?
Actually Obama did not want a mandate nor did he want changes of doctors and plans. The Democratic Congress changed that and then the Democrats had to take the Senate version because Massachusetts elected Scott Brown like morons LOL... Why don't you Chumps change what you want to with it and stop trying to throw the baby out with the bathwater...all Trump does is promise stuff and then not do anything about it. Great for the dupes but...
Like I said ALL suck on this.
no the Republicans do great with their reconciliation law in cutting taxes on the rich and giant corporations and screwing everybody else-all they want.. they only need 51 votes in the Senate with reconciliation their law from 1974- thanks tricky dick. But the Democrats need 60 votes for reform -clever scam... And this filibuster has got to go. Nuclear option from now on. then people will know what Democrats actually want for a change, especially dupes....

I used to believe the filibuster should go. The republicans have abused it to the point that democracy is dead in the senate.


The filibuster prevented extremist legislation and judges from happening.

Presidents wouldn't nominate people to judge positions they knew would be filibustered. The filibuster is necessary but the republicans have abused it.

The nuclear option isn't the answer. There will be a time when the republicans have total. control and they will be able to do anything they want if the filibuster is gone.

Our nation can't survive that.
That is the argument but we have fallen so far behind the rest of the modern world the last 35 years and the Democrats policies are so popular if you just ask people whether they're in favor of them we just have to do it. I think that is the argument that makes Democrats into pussies. LOL fear of the Republicans who are already absolutely wrecking the place in favor of the rich and only they're horrible propaganda machine makes it possible. It can't get any worse we should pass a fairness convey doctrine to gives 5 minutes of debate per hour on Fox and demagogues on the radio.
Democrat policies are NOT popular-they used to be when they were fair to people who ACTUALLY work. I am not rich, but the Republican policies are better for me-I moved to escape high rising taxes I could not longer afford under Democrat rule. Your fairness rule is called voting.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

So you're happy with the prospect of millions of Americans losing their insurance and dying.

I've had employer provided insurance for over 30 years. It was through my ex and his work.

I got divorced. The law allows me to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years. That 3 years will expire at the end of this year.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight with everything I have and won.

Because of that I'm now preexisting condition.

The cancer I had was receptive at 100% to 2 hormones my body naturally produces. Which means my own body chemistry is programmed to be the food for that cancer to live and grow. Which means that the question isn't if but when the cancer returns.

If you get your way, I will die. Just as 4 women in my family died of the same cancer before me.

It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take insurance from me. I paid into that fund for decades and now, I lose all that money I paid into it to cover my medical expenses. On top of that you want to make sure I will never be able to buy insurance again which will kill me.

I'm not surprised by your actions.

I'm disgusted and sickened.

I’m not one of your ex’s. And you aren’t one of my children. I don’t owe you a dime. You display the contempt and entitlement handouts breed.

I don't want your money. I'm sure I make much more money than your ugly butt.

Obamacare isn't free health care to everyone. Just to those who qualify for medicaid. I make way too much money to qualify for medicaid or any public assistance.

What Obamacare has that I want is the protection of preexisting condition. I made that very clear in my post. Yet you went off on something that I never mentioned and doesn't have anything to do with me.

When they take away the protections for preexisting conditions I'm screwed. No one will sell me a policy and I will die.

You disgust me. You are not a even a decent person. Get help. Quick.
The de-obamafication of America continues. We all knew Obamacare was unconstitutional.

Appeals Court Seems Skeptical About Constitutionality of Obamacare Mandate

So you're happy with the prospect of millions of Americans losing their insurance and dying.

I've had employer provided insurance for over 30 years. It was through my ex and his work.

I got divorced. The law allows me to stay on that insurance through COBRA for 3 years. That 3 years will expire at the end of this year.

Cancer was removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight with everything I have and won.

Because of that I'm now preexisting condition.

The cancer I had was receptive at 100% to 2 hormones my body naturally produces. Which means my own body chemistry is programmed to be the food for that cancer to live and grow. Which means that the question isn't if but when the cancer returns.

If you get your way, I will die. Just as 4 women in my family died of the same cancer before me.

It doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to take insurance from me. I paid into that fund for decades and now, I lose all that money I paid into it to cover my medical expenses. On top of that you want to make sure I will never be able to buy insurance again which will kill me.

I'm not surprised by your actions.

I'm disgusted and sickened.

I’m not one of your ex’s. And you aren’t one of my children. I don’t owe you a dime. You display the contempt and entitlement handouts breed.

I don't want your money. I'm sure I make much more money than your ugly butt.

Obamacare isn't free health care to everyone. Just to those who qualify for medicaid. I make way too much money to qualify for medicaid or any public assistance.

What Obamacare has that I want is the protection of preexisting condition. I made that very clear in my post. Yet you went off on something that I never mentioned and doesn't have anything to do with me.

When they take away the protections for preexisting conditions I'm screwed. No one will sell me a policy and I will die.

You disgust me. You are not a even a decent person. Get help. Quick.
I hear a lot about preexisting conditions-who said THEY are taking them away? NOT what the Dems or Reps say, but who is actually on record saying that? It would be political suicide.

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