Zone1 Mormons who have apostatized or stopped going to Church

False narrative. You know that I know my Bible. You also know that I'm well acquainted with your religion. That's why you and your pal are so hostile.
No you don’t know a thing about the Bible. We’ve already shown this to be true.
What about polytheism. What about polygamy. What about Jesus and Satan being brothers. What about man becoming God. Etcetera.
Man's destiny IS to become part of the God Family.

Why don't you believe the Bible? God is my Father. Jesus IS my older Brother.

Well, which Jesus are you talking about? The Jesus of the Bible or the Mormon Jesus?
I'm not Mormon. I quote the Bible. Protestants don't have a full understanding having come from Catholicism

I gave you the Scriptures. You should stick to the Scriptures

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters
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I'm not Mormon. I quote the Bible. Protestants don't have a full understanding having come from Catholicism

I gave you the Scriptures. You should stick to the Scriptures

God knew them before he made the world, and he chose them to be like his Son so that Jesus would be the firstborn of many brothers and sisters.
Okay, let's stick to Scripture. Tell me who Jesus is.
If God is your Father, and Jesus is your Brother, what are you as a BEGOTTEN Christian?

If my last name is Smith, and my father is Smith, and my older brother is Smith, what FAMILY am I part of? Am I their pet DOG? Am I a slave? Am I a friend? No. I'm part of the Smith FAMILY.

I am a begotten son of God (not yet born into the Family).

Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.
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If God is your Father, and Jesus is your Brother, what are you as a BEGOTTEN Christian?

If my last name is Smith, and my father is Smith, and my older brother is Smith, what FAMILY am I part of? Am I their pet DOG? Am I a slave? Am I a friend? No. I'm part of the Smith FAMILY.

I am a begotten son of God (not yet born into the Family).

Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters.
Slam dunk BS brother. Now go and sulk for losing another battle. Oh wait! Watch! He will do his bible bashing manure again.
Okay, let's stick to Scripture. Tell me who Jesus is.
She quotes the bible as we do bird breath. We know our elder brother. Hopefully you will humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you up before it’s too late.
I'm sure it happens in all churches where there are anti-Christians or Anti-Mormons that attempt to share literature that tears down a person's faith. For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it's been going on since Joseph Smith said the Father and Son visited him and told him not to join any of the churches for they are all wrong and come close with their lips but are far away from their hearts. So, a General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints poses these questions to those who have had a testimony of the Latter-day work:
1. Do you believe in the pre-mortal existence- that we lived with God as His children before we came to this earth?
2. Do you believe in the doctrine of the spirit world-that everyone will have a fair chance to hear the gospel in its fullness either on earth or in the spirit world before they are judged?
3. Do you believe, then, in baptism for the dead because that too is in the Bible?
4. Contrary to the doctrine of the Trinity as taught by most of the Christian world, do you believe that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are two separate personages with glorified bodies of flesh and bones?
5. Do you believe in one heaven and one hell as taught by most of the Christian world, or do you believe in three degrees of Glory?
6. Do you believe in the eternal nature of families?
7. Do you believe that Christ's Church today should have Apostles just as existed in Christ's mortal ministry?
8. Do you believe in on-going revelation today or believe that it ceased at the time the Bible ended and thereafter God left us on our own?

Then, the big question, Can you think of any other Christian Church that teaches one, let alone all of these doctrinal principles? So, if you still believe lost sheep are you willing to give up all this doctrine you know to be true, to throw it all away, because you have a few questions you can't answer?
Someone can't very well embrace the doctrine of the Church on one hand and then reject the prophets and scriptures through which it came on the other, any more than someone can claim that good fruit comes from a bad tree. If the fruit is good, the Savior taught, the tree is good. Accordingly, if the doctrine is true, then the prophets through whom it came are true.

Once we know that the doctrinal teachings of the Church are true, then we don't have to agonize over and dissect every statement of the prophets...we can accept them as the will of God and move forward in a positive, constructive way. The profound doctrinal teachings of the Church are powerful witness that our prophets are inspired, and thus, we can trust their counsel..

I'm 100% sure of my testimony and knowledge. I'm guessing most Christians have never read the bible completely. Their preachers make sure they don't read things that would cause them to seek out Mormon Missionaries. Their preachers would lose their revenue of filthy lucre.

Many times through completely. Now reading the Book of Romans and the NT entirely this year. Also just read Nahum for a church event.

I read it almost on the daily.
I'm sure it happens in all churches where there are anti-Christians or Anti-Mormons that attempt to share literature that tears down a person's faith. For members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it's been going on since Joseph Smith said the Father and Son visited him and told him not to join any of the churches for they are all wrong and come close with their lips but are far away from their hearts. So, a General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints poses these questions to those who have had a testimony of the Latter-day work:
1. Do you believe in the pre-mortal existence- that we lived with God as His children before we came to this earth?
2. Do you believe in the doctrine of the spirit world-that everyone will have a fair chance to hear the gospel in its fullness either on earth or in the spirit world before they are judged?
3. Do you believe, then, in baptism for the dead because that too is in the Bible?
4. Contrary to the doctrine of the Trinity as taught by most of the Christian world, do you believe that God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are two separate personages with glorified bodies of flesh and bones?
5. Do you believe in one heaven and one hell as taught by most of the Christian world, or do you believe in three degrees of Glory?
6. Do you believe in the eternal nature of families?
7. Do you believe that Christ's Church today should have Apostles just as existed in Christ's mortal ministry?
8. Do you believe in on-going revelation today or believe that it ceased at the time the Bible ended and thereafter God left us on our own?

Then, the big question, Can you think of any other Christian Church that teaches one, let alone all of these doctrinal principles? So, if you still believe lost sheep are you willing to give up all this doctrine you know to be true, to throw it all away, because you have a few questions you can't answer?
Someone can't very well embrace the doctrine of the Church on one hand and then reject the prophets and scriptures through which it came on the other, any more than someone can claim that good fruit comes from a bad tree. If the fruit is good, the Savior taught, the tree is good. Accordingly, if the doctrine is true, then the prophets through whom it came are true.

Once we know that the doctrinal teachings of the Church are true, then we don't have to agonize over and dissect every statement of the prophets...we can accept them as the will of God and move forward in a positive, constructive way. The profound doctrinal teachings of the Church are powerful witness that our prophets are inspired, and thus, we can trust their counsel..

Folks, this is the very sad way the Mormons "get" you. Accept that it's true, wait for the "burning in your bosom" (!?!) and then if you get that feeling, it's your "testimony". So no matter how many lies, inconsistencies and contradictions you come upon, you once had that "burning in your bosom" so just go with that.

And the lies are manifest.

In the Book of Mormon, so many historical inaccuracies. Big ones.

Look up the "Book of Abraham", a total fabrication of Joseph Smith.

Mormons then try to recast these posts as "Anti-Mormon". They're not; they're just the truth, which is hard for Mormons to hear.

I feel bad for Mormons. They're mostly well-intentioned people who are led very badly astray by a false teacher. :(

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