'Morning Joe: Democrats Have Nothing That Voters Can Rally Around'...And Liberals Don't Seem to Care

To some degree it's true though. Obama's agenda was NOT unpopular.
Ummm, yeah - among snowflakes. The ACA, for example, was opposed buy the majority of US citizens at the time Obama and Democrats rammed the minority-supported socialist agenda-driven legislation down their throats and into law in the wee hours of the morning.

Financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, and defending terrorists and arming Drug cartels was NOT 'popular'.

Dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional, un-approved wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS - NOT popular.

Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, an the USSC - NOT popular.

Illegally using the IRS as a personal political weapon against Americans who opposed his re-election - NOT popular

Paying terrorists / Iran for hostages - NOT popular

Emptying out Gitmo of the terrorists caught attempting to kill US soldiers, releasing the 'mastermind' behind the Benghazi attacks - responsible for killing a US Ambassador and 3 other Americans, releasing the Taliban 5 - the leaders of the enemy we were fighting a war against - NOT popular...

...except among snowflakes.

The ACA is more popular than Trumpcare at this point in time. The Republican alternative is even less popular than ACA was at the time.

DACA is supported by a majority of voters including Republicans.

The rest is pretty much of a laundry list of crazy conspiracy theories that voters would laugh in your face if you talked to them about it.
The ACA is more popular than Trumpcare at this point in time.

DACA is supported by a majority of voters including Republicans.

1. There is no such thing as 'Trumpcare'.

The GOP are still trying to put a patchwork quilt of pieces together to come up with an acceptable alternative to the minority-supported, socialist agenda-driven, steppigg stone-to Single Payer, lie-based collapsing POS known as Obamacate that was forced downthe throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

2. The number of people who support something does not determine if it is Constitutional or not, ignorant snowflake.

DACA is an Un-Constitutional Obama-agenda program, an illegal bastardized Obama violation of the Separation of Powers in which Obama attempted to bypass the Legislative Branch of the US government to impose his own illegitimate law through illegal Executive Order, simply because Congress would not give him exactly what he wanted when he wanted it.

Obama himself acknowledged he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so ... and then did it anyway, proving Barak Obama intentionally violated the US Constitution, taking it upon himself to RULE rather than act as President limited by powers outlined within this nation's Constitution.

For his CRIME(s), Barak Obama should have been IMPEACHED.
The ACA is more popular than Trumpcare at this point in time.

DACA is supported by a majority of voters including Republicans.

1. There is no such thing as 'Trumpcare'.

The GOP are still trying to put a patchwork quilt of pieces together to come up with an acceptable alternative to the minority-supported, socialist agenda-driven, steppigg stone-to Single Payer, lie-based collapsing POS known as Obamacate that was forced downthe throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

2. The number of people who support something does not determine if it is Constitutional or not, ignorant snowflake.

DACA is an Un-Constitutional Obama-agenda program, an illegal bastardized Obama violation of the Separation of Powers in which Obama attempted to bypass the Legislative Branch of the US government to impose his own illegitimate law through illegal Executive Order, simply because Congress would not give him exactly what he wanted when he wanted it.

Obama himself acknowledged he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so ... and then did it anyway, proving Barak Obama intentionally violated the US Constitution, taking it upon himself to RULE rather than act as President limited by powers outlined within this nation's Constitution.

For his CRIME(s), Barak Obama should have been IMPEACHED.

Too funny. Like the republicans give a damn about the constitution. Remember when bush2 said the constitution was just a goddam piece of paper?
Odd how the winner's still feel the need to attack the opposition. One might wonder why they do not celebrate their President and their Congress, unless, somewhere in the deep recess of their head, they know the truth - The R's cannot govern effectively, and the President and Vice President are empty suits.

The D's may very well have the next laugh, come Nov. 2018, unless the R's can figure out how to govern, something much more difficult than winning an election. Demagoguery ends when the buck stops, blaming Democrats for all of our ills will no longer convince the voters, especially now that promises to make America Great Again have fallen flat among failures to keep promises and the continuous deviation from the course promised.

The same failures exist in The Congress, in particular the H. or Reps. which is alienated from the Executive and continues to keep the can down the road, blame Democrats and hold the word compromise in contempt. Ryan isn't a leader, and does not represent The People.

As a Republican, I'm not worried.

The Democrats have made it clear that they are on the side of criminals, traitors, perverts, illegal aliens,and other subhuman filth. For all of his shortcomings, Mr. Trump is clearly on the side of the rest of us, who vastly outnumber the subhuman filth whose side the Democrats have taken against us.
The ACA is more popular than Trumpcare at this point in time.

DACA is supported by a majority of voters including Republicans.

1. There is no such thing as 'Trumpcare'.

The GOP are still trying to put a patchwork quilt of pieces together to come up with an acceptable alternative to the minority-supported, socialist agenda-driven, steppigg stone-to Single Payer, lie-based collapsing POS known as Obamacate that was forced downthe throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

2. The number of people who support something does not determine if it is Constitutional or not, ignorant snowflake.

DACA is an Un-Constitutional Obama-agenda program, an illegal bastardized Obama violation of the Separation of Powers in which Obama attempted to bypass the Legislative Branch of the US government to impose his own illegitimate law through illegal Executive Order, simply because Congress would not give him exactly what he wanted when he wanted it.

Obama himself acknowledged he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so ... and then did it anyway, proving Barak Obama intentionally violated the US Constitution, taking it upon himself to RULE rather than act as President limited by powers outlined within this nation's Constitution.

For his CRIME(s), Barak Obama should have been IMPEACHED.

Too funny. Like the republicans give a damn about the constitution. Remember when bush2 said the constitution was just a goddam piece of paper?
Fail, snowflake. Your rant does not change the facts.
DACA is an Un-Constitutional Obama-agenda program, an illegal bastardized Obama violation of the Separation of Powers in which Obama attempted to bypass the Legislative Branch of the US government to impose his own illegitimate law through illegal Executive Order, simply because Congress would not give him exactly what he wanted when he wanted it.

Obama himself acknowledged he did not have the Constitutional authority to do so ... and then did it anyway, proving Barak Obama intentionally violated the US Constitution, taking it upon himself to RULE rather than act as President limited by powers outlined within this nation's Constitution.

For his CRIME(s), Barak Obama should have been IMPEACHED.

For using the power of his office to take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of his own country and his own fellow Americans, Mr. Obama should have been put to death for treason.
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"


The OP brought up Trump, dumbass.
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"

bah, who needs something positive to obtain power. look at the republicans. coasted on obstruction right into power. and now, completely stunned. LOL
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"


The OP brought up Trump, dumbass.
The thread is about D-losers with nothing to offer. The reference to Trump was in pointing out how snowflakes' every attempt to hurt him through BS accusations have failed... dumbass. :p
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"

bah, who needs something positive to obtain power. look at the republicans. coasted on obstruction right into power. and now, completely stunned. LOL
Wasn't obstruction - you can't obstruct un-Constitutional EOs like DACA.

It was the opposition of everything Hillary represented, a rejection of the fascist liberal agenda, corruption, crime, non-representative govt.

People did not vote FOR obstruction. They voted AGAINST Hillary and the hate-filled Democrats...more than 1,000 times...
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"

bah, who needs something positive to obtain power. look at the republicans. coasted on obstruction right into power. and now, completely stunned. LOL
Wasn't obstruction - you can't obstruct un-Constitutional EOs like DACA.

It was the opposition of everything Hillary represented, a rejection of the fascist liberal agenda, corruption, crime, non-representative govt.

People did not vote FOR obstruction. They voted AGAINST Hillary and the hate-filled Democrats...more than 1,000 times...
now i heard everything, pinocchio.

The Victory of ‘No’
The Regressives still don't understand that screaming HITLER NAZI RACIST ISLAMOPHOBE STUPID RUBE at everything that moves isn't a sound political strategy.

Which is weird, because as we all know, they're MUCH smarter than anyone else.
Odd how the winner's still feel the need to attack the opposition. One might wonder why they do not celebrate their President and their Congress, unless, somewhere in the deep recess of their head, they know the truth - The R's cannot govern effectively, and the President and Vice President are empty suits.

The D's may very well have the next laugh, come Nov. 2018, unless the R's can figure out how to govern, something much more difficult than winning an election. Demagoguery ends when the buck stops, blaming Democrats for all of our ills will no longer convince the voters, especially now that promises to make America Great Again have fallen flat among failures to keep promises and the continuous deviation from the course promised.

The same failures exist in The Congress, in particular the H. or Reps. which is alienated from the Executive and continues to keep the can down the road, blame Democrats and hold the word compromise in contempt. Ryan isn't a leader, and does not represent The People.

As a Republican, I'm not worried.

The Democrats have made it clear that they are on the side of criminals, traitors, perverts, illegal aliens,and other subhuman filth. For all of his shortcomings, Mr. Trump is clearly on the side of the rest of us, who vastly outnumber the subhuman filth whose side the Democrats have taken against us.

Your first clause is bullshit and your second sentence ridiculous. Trump has alienated whole sets of people, including a number of Republicans, our allies and given our adversaries talking points for propaganda. He patronizes people with total insincerity which work only on the biddable and fools.

Congrats, you may win the prize for the most ignorant post of the decade.
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"

bah, who needs something positive to obtain power. look at the republicans. coasted on obstruction right into power. and now, completely stunned. LOL

The Republicans didn't coast into anything. The Republicans in Washington are mostly permanent political class as much as the Democrats. The only difference between the two are the constituencies that both so poorly represent.

Recent elections opposing Democrats at all levels of government have clearly been a refutation of policies and practices that have put us into the mess we are in. The people aren't voting for Republicans. They are voting for the values and principles that Republicans use to get elected whether or not they follow through.

Democrats represent all the values and principles that ultimately hurt more than they help while they pretend to be the party that take the high road and is made up of kinder, nicer, better people who are superior to the 'basket of deplorables' as they see the Republicans.

President Trump was not elected because he was a Republican. He was elected because he recognizes the mess that we are in and he convinced enough people that he intended to start fixing it instead of maintaining the status quo. And he has been following through on that as much as the permanent political class in Washington will allow.
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"

bah, who needs something positive to obtain power. look at the republicans. coasted on obstruction right into power. and now, completely stunned. LOL

The Republicans didn't coast into anything. The Republicans in Washington are mostly permanent political class as much as the Democrats. The only difference between the two are the constituencies that both so poorly represent.

Recent elections opposing Democrats at all levels of government have clearly been a refutation of policies and practices that have put us into the mess we are in. The people aren't voting for Republicans. They are voting for the values and principles that Republicans use to get elected whether or not they follow through.

Democrats represent all the values and principles that ultimately hurt more than they help while they pretend to be the party that take the high road and is made up of kinder, nicer, better people who are superior to the 'basket of deplorables' as they see the Republicans.

President Trump was not elected because he was a Republican. He was elected because he recognizes the mess that we are in and he convinced enough people that he intended to start fixing it instead of maintaining the status quo. And he has been following through on that as much as the permanent political class in Washington will allow.
Scarborough said this morning that the GOP's last ditch attempt to repeal Obamacare is proof that they want Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker.

How do you like him now? lolol
What nonsense. The Trump agenda is a trainwreck of failures, disappointments, and broken promises.

The thread topic is how Morning joe pointed out that Democrats have NOTHING positive to rally around....so you immediately start attacking the Trump administration as a distraction.

You might as well have just started your post by saying, "Oh YEAH?! Well...you're a poopy-head!"

bah, who needs something positive to obtain power. look at the republicans. coasted on obstruction right into power. and now, completely stunned. LOL

The Republicans didn't coast into anything. The Republicans in Washington are mostly permanent political class as much as the Democrats. The only difference between the two are the constituencies that both so poorly represent.

Recent elections opposing Democrats at all levels of government have clearly been a refutation of policies and practices that have put us into the mess we are in. The people aren't voting for Republicans. They are voting for the values and principles that Republicans use to get elected whether or not they follow through.

Democrats represent all the values and principles that ultimately hurt more than they help while they pretend to be the party that take the high road and is made up of kinder, nicer, better people who are superior to the 'basket of deplorables' as they see the Republicans.

President Trump was not elected because he was a Republican. He was elected because he recognizes the mess that we are in and he convinced enough people that he intended to start fixing it instead of maintaining the status quo. And he has been following through on that as much as the permanent political class in Washington will allow.

Trump was elected because he ran to the left of HRC on trade deals.

Trump was elected because he ran to the left of HRC on trade deals.


Hillary Lost Because...

- She is THE poster child for everything Americans hated about politicians and Washington

- She is a career, corrupt, self/party-serving, Influence-Peddling, Russian/Ukraine-collaborating loser who had already been REJECTED by this nation one time before

- She was a FAILED Secretary of State, had possibly the worst Foreign Policy Record in US history, failed to protect US Ambassadors and State Department personnel by allowing a US Ambassador and 3 other Americans to NEEDLESSLY be murdered by terrorists - she could not even run an Agency let alone a country

- She was a career-long sexually deviant sexual harasser, sexual assaulter, adulterer, rapist and pedophile enabler who intimidated and silenced her sexual deviant husband's victims to protect her own political future

- She endangered National Security, broke numerous laws, should have been indicted / charged / imprisoned and at the very least forced from the race for being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for crimes she DID commit - what would have happened to a GOP candidate under the same circumstances

- She ran the worst campaign in US history, did not even visit Wisconsin, her team funded orgs that provided thugs who physically attacked Trump supporters

- She and Democrats rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, and cheated in debates because Hillary could not even beat Bernie to win her Party's nomination


Embrace REALITY, snowflake...come out of the dark....

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