Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


Jefferson handled the Muzzie Beasts by ordering that all Barbary Pirates captured be hung from the yard arm. No trial, no tribunal, just hung on the spot.

It calmed the Muslims down and they stopped raiding America. We are too dumb to do the same.
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


The above MORON, gets his "facts" from his toilet bowl.....

Historians have attributed the third president’s ownership of the Muslim holy book to his curiosity about a variety of religious perspectives. It’s appropriate to view it that way. Jefferson bought this book while he was a young man studying law, and he may have read it in part to better understand Islam’s influence on some of the world’s legal systems.

But that obscures a crucial fact: To many living in Jefferson’s young nation, this book meant much more. Some scholars estimate 20 percent of the enslaved men and women brought to the Americas were Muslims.

Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur’an | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian
I'm sure Weatherman is just parroting some Goebbels wannabe propagandist. He doesn't ever have an original thought.
My favorite threads of his are when he starts one from a satire site like The Onion and he has no clue it's satire....he's done that at least three times here so far.
My favorite threads of his are when he starts one from a satire site like The Onion and he has no clue it's satire....he's done that at least three times here so far.

And shitforbrains can’t figure out it’s posted in the political satire group.

Nope...they were not....we had to point out to you that they were satire....all...three...times. :71:
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


Jefferson handled the Muzzie Beasts by ordering that all Barbary Pirates captured be hung from the yard arm. No trial, no tribunal, just hung on the spot.

It calmed the Muslims down and they stopped raiding America. We are too dumb to do the same.
And where do you get this history from, Comrade?
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.
ANY politician being sworn in with ANY allegiance to ANY religious book should be ridiculed for monkey-see monkey-do UNEDUCATED conformance.
My fav was the bi-sexual Congresswoman who had Pence hold up a copy of the Constitution for her to swear on....
Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
See post 73, retard. Study more history.

Unlike you, Jefferson understood the difference between extremists of ALL religions and the majority of the other followers of those religions.
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.
ANY politician being sworn in with ANY allegiance to ANY religious book should be ridiculed for monkey-see monkey-do UNEDUCATED conformance.
My fav was the bi-sexual Congresswoman who had Pence hold up a copy of the Constitution for her to swear on....
What no Kama Sutra!
Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
See post 73, retard. Study more history.

Unlike you, Jefferson understood the difference between extremists of ALL religions and the majority of the other followers of those religions.

Jefferson killed muslims. He was not their friend. He was no protector of muslims.
Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
See post 73, retard. Study more history.

Unlike you, Jefferson understood the difference between extremists of ALL religions and the majority of the other followers of those religions.

Jefferson killed muslims. He was not their friend. He was no protector of muslims.
He was a protector of Muslims right here in the US.

Obama killed Muslims, too. More than any other President.

Trump cuts and runs from ISIS.

So there you go.

You said you have a Quran. I am positive you have never read it. I am also quite sure you have never read the bible, either.
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
shit. and i have a truck.

where or where will i go??? wonder if iceland will take me.
Yep he did say "A WHITE GUY" didn't he ???

These crazies and their hypocrisy when it comes to race. Why can't people just be people/human beings/Americans etc ??? Why the constant calling out of ones skin color with these people ??

Are the left truly the most racist people on Earth ??

You are funny man. It is cool to call for the deportation of an entire religion (US citizenship be damned) but bring up your skin color and it is the end of the fucking world!

what a joke
Only if it's THEIR skin color....if it's another skin color, they jump on board.
Only if it's THEIR religion...if it's another religion, they jump on board.
Only if it's THEIR gender...if it's another gender, they jump on board.
You got something of value to add to the discussion or are you just trolling now ??
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


The hate just oozes from every part of your being. It allows you to post such ridiculous statements as the one above. Without any sort of proof. Islam wasn't hated in those times nor was any American paranoid of the religion. You just make up ridiculous lies and expect people to be stupid enough to believe it.

He bought the book years before he became president. When he was studying law. Which as the Smithsonian states, is appropriate since islam bases most of their laws on the koran.

You people will use any lie no matter how ridiculous they are and easy they are to refute. The woman used Jefferson's koran. Jefferson, the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence that started our war for freedom from England, one of our founding fathers and one of our presidents had a koran. She was the second House of Reps in our lifetime to use it to be sworn into office. Get over it. Stop lying.

Here's the real truth:

Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur’an | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian

Two hundred and three years ago this month, President James Madison approved the act of Congress purchasing Thomas Jefferson’s private library. Intended to restock the Library of Congress after its previous holdings were destroyed by British arson during the War of 1812, the transfer of books from Monticello to Washington also highlights a forgotten aspect of religious diversity in early America.

Among the 6,487 books that soon traveled north, Jefferson’s 1734 edition of the Qur’an is perhaps the most surprising.

Historians have attributed the third president’s ownership of the Muslim holy book to his curiosity about a variety of religious perspectives. It’s appropriate to view it that way. Jefferson bought this book while he was a young man studying law, and he may have read it in part to better understand Islam’s influence on some of the world’s legal systems.

But that obscures a crucial fact: To many living in Jefferson’s young nation, this book meant much more. Some scholars estimate 20 percent of the enslaved men and women brought to the Americas were Muslims. While today these American followers of the Prophet Muhammad have been largely forgotten, the presence of Islam in the United States was not unknown among the nation’s citizens in the 18th and 19th centuries. Often practiced in secret, reluctantly abandoned, or blended with other traditions, these first attempts ultimately did not survive slavery. But the mere existence of Islam in the early republic is evidence that religious diversity in this country has a deeper and more complex history than many now know.

Read more: Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur’an | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian
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Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:

I think he's trolling, I'm not sure. Anyway as a conservative I disagree with that sentiment--we should not "deport all Muslims". However I am extremely unhappy with the Pakistani Muslim Congresswoman who called our sitting President a M***** F**** last night. Uncalled for, I don't care who the president is...and wholly unclassy.
Not only that, but she had just spoke of children when she used that type of deplorable speak in the same context being spoken by her.
Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
See post 73, retard. Study more history.

Unlike you, Jefferson understood the difference between extremists of ALL religions and the majority of the other followers of those religions.

Jefferson killed muslims. He was not their friend. He was no protector of muslims.
He was a protector of Muslims right here in the US.

Obama killed Muslims, too. More than any other President.

Trump cuts and runs from ISIS.

So there you go.

You said you have a Quran. I am positive you have never read it. I am also quite sure you have never read the bible, either.

I read the Koran and the bible-----feel free to ask questions. I also read
your citations-----Your statement "JEFFERSON WAS A PROTECTOR
OF MUSLIMS" is way OVERBLOWN. It is clear that he advocated
separation of "church" and state but there is nothing to suggest that he was
a specific "protector of muslims" He was no apologist for islam either.
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:

I think he's trolling, I'm not sure. Anyway as a conservative I disagree with that sentiment--we should not "deport all Muslims". However I am extremely unhappy with the Pakistani Muslim Congresswoman who called our sitting President a M***** F**** last night. Uncalled for, I don't care who the president is...and wholly unclassy.
Not only that, but she had just spoke of children when she used that type of deplorable speak in the same context being spoken by her.

Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
See post 73, retard. Study more history.

Unlike you, Jefferson understood the difference between extremists of ALL religions and the majority of the other followers of those religions.

Jefferson killed muslims. He was not their friend. He was no protector of muslims.
He was a protector of Muslims right here in the US.

Obama killed Muslims, too. More than any other President.

Trump cuts and runs from ISIS.

So there you go.

You said you have a Quran. I am positive you have never read it. I am also quite sure you have never read the bible, either.
I actually have read both cover to cover. That's why I could never trust a muslim. I have had many muslim friends and associates. I once dated a muslim man and took instruction from the imam at the mosque he went to. Muslims will always be duplicitous. They are the nicest, kindest people, until they aren't anymore.
Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
See post 73, retard. Study more history.

Unlike you, Jefferson understood the difference between extremists of ALL religions and the majority of the other followers of those religions.

Jefferson killed muslims. He was not their friend. He was no protector of muslims.
He was a protector of Muslims right here in the US.

Obama killed Muslims, too. More than any other President.

Trump cuts and runs from ISIS.

So there you go.

You said you have a Quran. I am positive you have never read it. I am also quite sure you have never read the bible, either.
I actually have read both cover to cover. That's why I could never trust a muslim. I have had many muslim friends and associates. I once dated a muslim man and took instruction from the imam at the mosque he went to. Muslims will always be duplicitous. They are the nicest, kindest people, until they aren't anymore.
No you haven't read the Quran. That's a giant load of bullshit.

But at least we know now why you hate Muslims. What, did he leave you at the altar?
Thomas Jefferson during the First Barbary War. The Pasha of the Ottoman empire said that all non Islamic nations must pay tribute. The pirates were seizing ships and murdering infidels. Jefferson was told that the right to tribute was from the Koran. Jefferson got a Koran translation to better understand the muslim belief in the right to tribute and the obligation to kill infidels.

Then he sent the marines to Tripoli.

Thomas Jefferson quote about Muslim Extremists

Study a little history. Jefferson was no friend to muslims. He killed them.
Off a social media message board post....:777: :777: :777:

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