Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them more effectively. I have a koran. I have no intention of making muslim friends.

Where the hell do idiots like you get your "facts"???

Another racist pig chimes in.........Stay fucking
The use of the Jefferson Koran as if it were some sort of friendship outreach to muslims is one of the greater perversions of history. Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them more effectively. I have a koran. I have no intention of making muslim friends.
I see that talking point coming out all over the RW social media. Where is your source for this belief that Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them?
Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them more effectively. I have a koran. I have no intention of making muslim friends.

Where the hell do idiots like you get your "facts"???

Another racist pig chimes in.........Stay fucking
I'm seeing that talking point pop up all over the Deplorable posts.....where is the evidence that this is true about Jefferson? I keep asking and get no reply.
A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.
And...again...that was 19 guys...mostly from Saudi Arabia, our so-called ally.
I'm always amazed that people like you can make it through life while being so clueless. Unless you're a carpet kisser. Is that it?
I accept your surrender on this topic. :itsok: (since you abandoned it to go to unrelated personal attacks)
You’re too stupid to reason with. Now go kiss your camel.
You only need to surrender to me once.....I've already accepted it. But if you want to grovel to me some more, that's your choice.
where is the evidence that this is true about Jefferson? I keep asking and get no reply.

Most of their "evidence"springs from their swirling toilets........Racist AND dumb......the requisite qualifications in joining Trump's CULT.......
TRUE TO FORM----muslims searched the list and found a few jews. ---I think, If I remember correctly---that out of more than 1000 four were jews. It turned out that they had overstayed their visas and so were deported.
You're soo full of crap that your eyes are brown. ... :cuckoo:

A neighbor woman saw 4 men on a roof top with a large video camera filming the smoking Twin Towers while dancing around and high-fiving each other. She call the police and the men, who turned out to be Israeli citizens, were arrested, and then quickly deported.

The story made the national network news, and then suddenly disappeared.

To many people this is evidence that Israel had prior knowledge of 9/11 and the "dancing Israeli's, as they were later called, were actually Mossad agents. .... :cool:

If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


The above MORON, gets his "facts" from his toilet bowl.....

Historians have attributed the third president’s ownership of the Muslim holy book to his curiosity about a variety of religious perspectives. It’s appropriate to view it that way. Jefferson bought this book while he was a young man studying law, and he may have read it in part to better understand Islam’s influence on some of the world’s legal systems.

But that obscures a crucial fact: To many living in Jefferson’s young nation, this book meant much more. Some scholars estimate 20 percent of the enslaved men and women brought to the Americas were Muslims.

Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur’an | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian
I'm sure Weatherman is just parroting some Goebbels wannabe propagandist. He doesn't ever have an original thought.
My favorite threads of his are when he starts one from a satire site like The Onion and he has no clue it's satire....he's done that at least three times here so far.
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


The above MORON, gets his "facts" from his toilet bowl.....

Historians have attributed the third president’s ownership of the Muslim holy book to his curiosity about a variety of religious perspectives. It’s appropriate to view it that way. Jefferson bought this book while he was a young man studying law, and he may have read it in part to better understand Islam’s influence on some of the world’s legal systems.

But that obscures a crucial fact: To many living in Jefferson’s young nation, this book meant much more. Some scholars estimate 20 percent of the enslaved men and women brought to the Americas were Muslims.

Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur’an | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian
I'm sure Weatherman is just parroting some Goebbels wannabe propagandist. He doesn't ever have an original thought.
My favorite threads of his are when he starts one from a satire site like The Onion and he has no clue it's satire....he's done that at least three times here so far.
My favorite threads of his are when he starts one from a satire site like The Onion and he has no clue it's satire....he's done that at least three times here so far.

And shitforbrains can’t figure out it’s posted in the political satire group.

TRUE TO FORM----muslims searched the list and found a few jews. ---I think, If I remember correctly---that out of more than 1000 four were jews. It turned out that they had overstayed their visas and so were deported.
You're soo full of crap that your eyes are brown. ... :cuckoo:

A neighbor woman saw 4 men on a roof top with a large video camera filming the smoking Twin Towers while dancing around and high-fiving each other. She call the police and the men, who turned out to be Israeli citizens, were arrested, and then quickly deported.

The story made the national network news, and then suddenly disappeared.

To many people this is evidence that Israel had prior knowledge of 9/11 and the "dancing Israeli's, as they were later called, were actually Mossad agents. .... :cool:

the "story" was a non event. It never "disappeared" muslims are still promoting it in order to cover their own stinking asses. A "LARGE
VIDEO CAMERA"? was it an atomic bomb?------the place where the
non-event took place is home to lots of Israeli expats. The boys involved
were tourists and took pictures----THOUSANDS of people took pictures of
the Islamic atrocity of 9-11-01 If I had a camera, I would have taken pictures too------of the burning building and the filthy sluts dancing on
Atlantic Avenue. -- ULULATING in the vulgar Islamic style as people fell
from the burning buildings. It was such a busy day that Damascus
Bakery ran out of Mamoul-----the traditional Islamic celebration cookie
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.
And...again...that was 19 guys...mostly from Saudi Arabia, our so-called ally.
I'm always amazed that people like you can make it through life while being so clueless. Unless you're a carpet kisser. Is that it?
I accept your surrender on this topic. :itsok: (since you abandoned it to go to unrelated personal attacks)
You’re too stupid to reason with. Now go kiss your camel.
You only need to surrender to me once.....I've already accepted it. But if you want to grovel to me some more, that's your choice.
Your concession is duly noted. Thanks for playing.
The use of the Jefferson Koran as if it were some sort of friendship outreach to muslims is one of the greater perversions of history. Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them more effectively. I have a koran. I have no intention of making muslim friends.
Yep, just shows how ignorant the Left and Muslims are.
Horseshit. Utter horseshit. Unlike you tards who claim to know all about Islam, Jefferson actually read the Quran and understood that religion better than all you millions of idiots combined.
Even if your idiotic claim were true, which it isn't, it would make the use of Jefferson's Quran for the congresswoman all the more poetic.

Well perhaps it is the history of Islam’s intolerance for “infidels” and the taking over nations, forced conversions and violent ways that began in the 7th century and never really subsided that fooled many of us into thinking it is what is in the Koran that caused this? I could not care less what Muslims swear upon to take an oath of office, but I am greatly concerned how a great many of those of that faith act and plot against those who do not share their views. Especially here in these modern and more civil times.
Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them more effectively. I have a koran. I have no intention of making muslim friends.

Where the hell do idiots like you get your "facts"???

Another racist pig chimes in.........Stay fucking

I have lots of copies of the Koran-----easy----Saudi Arabia gives them out to anyone who wants one-----there are so many around that people leave
them in book dumps ( free ---"take") Of course I read one thru and glanced at others. I also read the Ramayana, Bhagavad Gita and----even BEOWULF------I could not get thru Canterbury tales. Jefferson was a
lot more scholarly than am I-----he had lots of books too. He was faced
with Islamic aggression FROM THE HALLS OF TRIPOLI (fact---that's
Libya-------home of the pirates that were attacking USA ships at that time---
they pillage the ships and kidnapped people for sale as slaves).

ps-----I have had lots of muslim friends--
The use of the Jefferson Koran as if it were some sort of friendship outreach to muslims is one of the greater perversions of history. Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them more effectively. I have a koran. I have no intention of making muslim friends.
I see that talking point coming out all over the RW social media. Where is your source for this belief that Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them?

it is a stretch to say "in order to kill them"------but utterly IDIOTIC to say
because "he liked islam" He was very scholarly------read lots of stuff.
He even played the violin and tried to grow olives
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.
ANY politician being sworn in with ANY allegiance to ANY religious book should be ridiculed for monkey-see monkey-do UNEDUCATED conformance.

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