Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.

The whole religion did not attack us, just a few individuals.
Yeah, that’s why the worldwide celebrations by Muslims on 9-11-01
Trump saw them dancing on rooftops
The world saw them dancing in the streets.

That's New Jersey?
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
shit. and i have a truck.

where or where will i go??? wonder if iceland will take me.
Yep he did say "A WHITE GUY" didn't he ???

These crazies and their hypocrisy when it comes to race. Why can't people just be people/human beings/Americans etc ??? Why the constant calling out of ones skin color with these people ??

Are the left truly the most racist people on Earth ??

You are funny man. It is cool to call for the deportation of an entire religion (US citizenship be damned) but bring up your skin color and it is the end of the fucking world!

what a joke
Only if it's THEIR skin color....if it's another skin color, they jump on board.
Only if it's THEIR religion...if it's another religion, they jump on board.
Only if it's THEIR gender...if it's another gender, they jump on board.
There are two issues with this nonsense. The first is that I wouldn’t want a Muslim congressperson swearing on the Bible since they don’t respect or follow it. That’s the reason we swear an oath on it because we believe in it.

The second issue is that there’s no use in a Muslim swearing in the Koran when the Koran tells them it’s ok to lie to infidels.

Muslims should be forbidden from positions of power in this country.

If only we did not have that darn Constitution your little anti-religious wet dream could come true.
It and our other secular laws are the only things protecting us from christian sharia.
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:

I think he's trolling, I'm not sure. Anyway as a conservative I disagree with that sentiment--we should not "deport all Muslims". However I am extremely unhappy with the Pakistani Muslim Congresswoman who called our sitting President a M***** F**** last night. Uncalled for, I don't care who the president is...and wholly unclassy.
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.
And...again...that was 19 guys...mostly from Saudi Arabia, our so-called ally.
I'm always amazed that people like you can make it through life while being so clueless. Unless you're a carpet kisser. Is that it?
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.

The whole religion did not attack us, just a few individuals.
Ask any US mooselimb if they’d prefer to live under sharia law then our constitution.

I have had this discussion with my good friend of 30 plus years who is a Muslim and a veteran. The answer is always our constitution, which is why he dedicated his life to defending it. I am friends with a fair number of Muslims from throughout the years and none of them want sharia law to replace our constitution any more than Christians want Mosaic law to do so.
"I have friends who are negroes"
A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.

The whole religion did not attack us, just a few individuals.
Ask any US mooselimb if they’d prefer to live under sharia law then our constitution.

I have had this discussion with my good friend of 30 plus years who is a Muslim and a veteran. The answer is always our constitution, which is why he dedicated his life to defending it. I am friends with a fair number of Muslims from throughout the years and none of them want sharia law to replace our constitution any more than Christians want Mosaic law to do so.
"I have friends who are negroes"

I am proud of you, that must have been a big step for you.
The use of the Jefferson Koran as if it were some sort of friendship outreach to muslims is one of the greater perversions of history. Jefferson used the koran to better understand muslims in order to kill them more effectively. I have a koran. I have no intention of making muslim friends.
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.
And...again...that was 19 guys...mostly from Saudi Arabia, our so-called ally.
I'm always amazed that people like you can make it through life while being so clueless. Unless you're a carpet kisser. Is that it?
I accept your surrender on this topic. :itsok: (since you abandoned it to go to unrelated personal attacks)
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.

Horseshit. Utter horseshit.

Unlike you tards who claim to know all about Islam, Jefferson actually read the Quran and understood that religion better than all you millions of idiots combined.

Even if your idiotic claim were true, which it isn't, it would make the use of Jefferson's Quran for the congresswoman all the more poetic.

But...the moron in this picture is you, dipshit.

Thomas Jefferson and the long history of defending Muslims’ rights

Amendment I (Religion): Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography

The bill for establishing religious freedom, the principles of which had, to a certain degree, been enacted before, I had drawn in all the latitude of reason and right. It still met with opposition; but, with some mutilations in the preamble, it was finally passed; and a singular proposition proved that its protection of opinion was meant to be universal. Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed, by inserting the word "Jesus Christ," so that it should read, "a departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;" the insertion was rejected by a great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan, the Hindoo, and Infidel of every denomination.

Our Founders were far better educated and rational than you, dumbass.
It's amazing just how ignorant of American history, and particularly of our Founders, these bigoted pseudocons are.
Your feigned outrage is kinda late in the game.

A muslim congressman was sworn in back in 2007 using Jefferson's Qur'an.

And here I thought ALL the Dims were sworn in with a Quran.
There are a lot of tards who drank the piss that Obama was sworn in on one.

And then there's the OP.

To hear a pseudocon whine about fake news is the epitome of hilarity.
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Trump saw them dancing on rooftops
Actually, that was some Israeli's who were arrested and deported. ... :cool:

hundreds of people were arrested in the days following the Islamic
attack on New York City--9-11-01. Just about all of them muslim---
but TRUE TO FORM----muslims searched the list and found a few
jews. ---I think, If I remember correctly---that out of more than 1000.
four were jews. It turned out that they had overstayed their visas and
so were deported. Muslims, to that day, CELEBRATE the mass
murder in mosques. At that time, there were mass celebrations which
I witnessed in various muslim enclaves in New York. Friends told me
about the muslim celebrations in Paterson New Jersey
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


The above MORON, gets his "facts" from his toilet bowl.....

Historians have attributed the third president’s ownership of the Muslim holy book to his curiosity about a variety of religious perspectives. It’s appropriate to view it that way. Jefferson bought this book while he was a young man studying law, and he may have read it in part to better understand Islam’s influence on some of the world’s legal systems.

But that obscures a crucial fact: To many living in Jefferson’s young nation, this book meant much more. Some scholars estimate 20 percent of the enslaved men and women brought to the Americas were Muslims.

Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur’an | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.


The above MORON, gets his "facts" from his toilet bowl.....

Historians have attributed the third president’s ownership of the Muslim holy book to his curiosity about a variety of religious perspectives. It’s appropriate to view it that way. Jefferson bought this book while he was a young man studying law, and he may have read it in part to better understand Islam’s influence on some of the world’s legal systems.

But that obscures a crucial fact: To many living in Jefferson’s young nation, this book meant much more. Some scholars estimate 20 percent of the enslaved men and women brought to the Americas were Muslims.

Why Thomas Jefferson Owned a Qur’an | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian
I'm sure Weatherman is just parroting some Goebbels wannabe propagandist. He doesn't ever have an original thought.
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.
And...again...that was 19 guys...mostly from Saudi Arabia, our so-called ally.
I'm always amazed that people like you can make it through life while being so clueless. Unless you're a carpet kisser. Is that it?
I accept your surrender on this topic. :itsok: (since you abandoned it to go to unrelated personal attacks)
You’re too stupid to reason with. Now go kiss your camel.

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