Moscow pop-stars suggested to publicly burn terrorists alive on Red Square. how many of you support Moscow on this ?

how many of you support Moscow on this ?

  • yes, its a good idea

    Votes: 7 77.8%
  • no , Muscovites are such backward barbarians

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters


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Public execution. I say let the victims and victim's families stone them first.

I hear you…but whatever their laws are is fine with me.

Those guys were going to die one way or another.

Once they got back to Ukraine, Zelensky would have had them killed.
Ukrainian's of the Azov battalion, kicked all of this off back in 2013/14 by burning ethnic Russians alive in the Donbas, did you even know that??? I'd wager a boatload of cash you did not know that! :spank:
Bit unfair to ask questions of this poor old man, Troll Titty Winkle , a true Nazi himself .You can see from his posts that his mental faculties have near disappeared .

In hindsight, Moscow kept too quiet about what went on all through the eight year period before Kyiv assembled its huge army to fully invade Donbass, two years ao .
Shelling was daily and village raiding was regular , with arson and torture being the constant diet for the Azov thugs and beasts .
I can see you right this minute, here you are, typing away furiously as you wage war with a hot pocket and mommy.
I SEE you right this minute ivan 🇷🇺 here you are, typing away furiously as you wage war with a hot pocket and mommy. Brighton Beach 11:30 :

I hear you…but whatever their laws are is fine with me.

Those guys were going to die one way or another.

Once they got back to Ukraine, Zelensky would have had them killed.



Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."​

The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.

First, it uses unruly violence as a regular means of resolving international disputes. While violence is common and sometimes necessary in political or social governance, rules have been set for its use under a modern lawful democratic system. Unlike in ancient times, the use of violence now comes under heavy restrictions and is “predictable”. Such an evolution also applies to international relations.

You put this. . "ulus" in all yoar posts.
I ran it though a translator. . to find out what the hell it is . in German, Ukrainian, Russian . . . nothing.
So? wtf. Gibberish?
We have a lot of foreign posters on this forum.
Their posts are translated, but sometimes the translator can't decipher idiom or misspelled words correctly.

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