Most Americans feel Comrade is Unstable Bully- Fox News

Trump...the Great Unifier.....
Obama....The Infamous Divider

Speaking of lying
A man died and went to Heaven.
As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.
He asked, "What are all those clocks for?"
St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone who has ever been on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock move."
"Oh", said the man. "Whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's", replied St. Peter. "The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."
"Incredible", said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life."
"Where's Donald Trump's clock?" asked the man.
St. Peter replied, "We're using it as a ceiling fan."

This joke was ORIGINALLY about OBAMA.....nice job of copy and paste Bozo
That fucker above was as phoney as a 3 dollar bill and everyone knows it

I heard he took a week off to recuperate from nausea after that ONE photo op.

Obama was fucking KING OF CROCODILE TEARS. Watch this PURE BS PHOTO OP....


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Trump...the Great Unifier.....
Obama....The Infamous Divider

Still laughing at you calling our dementia patient a unifier when he has done nothing but divide this country with everything he says and does.
" There were good people on both sides."
Nazis and the KKK: Thank you Mr. President.
That fucker above was as phoney as a 3 dollar bill and everyone know it

I heard he took a week of to recuperate at that ONE photo op
Liar. Only to scum like yourself. Obama would have trounced your Russian whore if he could have run.
Obama proved he was a genuine, thoughtful human being. Something NO ONE will ever accuse Putin's Puppet of being.
Here one more time for you Leftist Lying Lemming Lunatic imbeciles......

The photo of courage, compassion and REAL concern for ALL Americans of ALL colors
Look up what your fake Messiah OBAMA did after natural disasters. He PLAYED GOLF exactly opposite to Trump and Pence who are already visiting Texas. Pence helped clear debris from yards......Biden had Caviar and $100 a bottle champagne and went on a world tour.
Here one more time for you Leftist Lying Lemming Lunatic imbeciles......

The photo of courage, compassion and REAL concern for ALL Americans of ALL colors
Moron ignores the past 50 years of Trump's life and was duped again like he was inNovember. lmao
PT Barnum was right.
Moron ignores the past 50 years of Trump's life and was duped again like he was inNovember. lmao
PT Barnum was right.

All you know about Trump is what the lying fucked up media shoves up your rectum and you enjoy it.

My WIFE is from New York and has MET HIM OVER THE YEARS while living in New York. I have FIRST HAND knowledge of him and she says he was always a gentleman, ALWAYS polite and personable.

ALWAYS....... in spite of your fucking LYING MEDIA.

That said, if you dig deep enough into ANYONE's past, you can probably find a moment at some point in their lives when they may have said something they didn't really mean.
Difference is, OBAMA MEANT what he said when he talked down towards a particular race.

You are an if OBAMA didn't do MORE racist shit than a whole stadium FULL of KKK members.

You ignore the last 200 years of DEMOCRAT racism.
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Was Trump respecting everyone when he refused to rent to black People?
Was trump respecting Latinos when he said Judge Curial isn't qualified to serve merely because he's Mexican?
Trump started his political career with his racist birther lie.
So get this bullshit meme you have of the racist inchief and stick it up your ass.
Was Trump respecting everyone when he refused to rent to black People?
Was trump respecting Latinos when he said Judge Curial isn't qualified to serve merely because he's Mexican?
Trump started his political career with his racist birther lie.
So get this bullshit meme you have of the racist inchief and stick it up your ass.
He rented to black people. Did not birther. mexicans cannot serve as judges here.
Basic Human Idiot continues to ignore all the incompetence, bizarre behavior and conduct unbecoming a president because of an obligatory trip to Houston.
It takes a special type of dope to still be a trump supporter after everything we've seen the past 7 months.
Was Trump respecting everyone when he refused to rent to black People?
Was trump respecting Latinos when he said Judge Curial isn't qualified to serve merely because he's Mexican?
Trump started his political career with his racist birther lie.
So get this bullshit meme you have of the racist inchief and stick it up your ass.
He rented to black people. Did not birther. mexicans cannot serve as judges here.
3 lies in one post. About your average.
The federal government sued him for not renting to blacks. .
Idiot forgets Trump ran with his birther lie for 5 full years.
And Mexican Americans can't serve as judges here?
Ha ha h aha
Basic Human Idiot continues to ignore all the incompetence, bizarre behavior and conduct unbecoming a president because of an obligatory trip to Houston.
It takes a special type of dope to still be a trump supporter after everything we've seen the past 7 months.
We have seen nothing but media falsehoods and speculation.

nancy drew1.jpg
Was Trump respecting everyone when he refused to rent to black People?
Was trump respecting Latinos when he said Judge Curial isn't qualified to serve merely because he's Mexican?
Trump started his political career with his racist birther lie.
So get this bullshit meme you have of the racist inchief and stick it up your ass.
He rented to black people. Did not birther. mexicans cannot serve as judges here.
3 lies in one post. About your average.
The federal government sued him for not renting to blacks. .
Idiot forgets Trump ran with his birther lie for 5 full years.
And Mexican Americans can't serve as judges here?
Ha ha h aha
You didn't say Mexican Americans, now did you? And please stop flaming me each time I call out one of your misrepresentations.
Basic Human Idiot continues to ignore all the incompetence, bizarre behavior and conduct unbecoming a president because of an obligatory trip to Houston.
It takes a special type of dope to still be a trump supporter after everything we've seen the past 7 months.
We have seen nothing but media falsehoods and speculation.

View attachment 147247
Yeah blame the media for everything trump has said and done that's on videotape. Lol
You're a special type of stupid.

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