Most Important Take Away on Trump's Response to Bannon's Book

It’s coming. I guess you don’t know how federal investigations work. They go after underlings first before they get the big tuna.
They use their testimony to nail Charlie Tuna to the cross.

Get back to me when that happens.

When it does happen I’m sure you won’t be here but instead hiding under your bed in complete humiliation.
All you trump whores will have a day of reckoning. Your heads will be explode like it is the 4th of July x 10.

Wrong again, if you have been paying attention you'd know I've already gotten everything I hoped for from Trump. All the good things he's done since is just icing on the cake. Seems you don't have me pegged at all. LMAO

We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

Much better to be pissed off than pissed on like so many do to trump
Thanks. I looked him up. He is a sensationalist, that appears to be a lib, from what I can gather. And this was his intent to stir controversy. Trump and Bannon need to see what is going on here and quit falling into his trap.

Did you look up he was invited into the Trump campaign, transition and white house by Bannon, and with the approval of Trump himself.
It’s coming. I guess you don’t know how federal investigations work. They go after underlings first before they get the big tuna.
They use their testimony to nail Charlie Tuna to the cross.

Get back to me when that happens.

When it does happen I’m sure you won’t be here but instead hiding under your bed in complete humiliation.
All you trump whores will have a day of reckoning. Your heads will be explode like it is the 4th of July x 10.

Wrong again, if you have been paying attention you'd know I've already gotten everything I hoped for from Trump. All the good things he's done since is just icing on the cake. Seems you don't have me pegged at all. LMAO

We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

What you’re not honest enough to admit is Trump has also pissed off most independents, many conservatives and all sane people with ears and eyes..
Wrong again, if you have been paying attention you'd know I've already gotten everything I hoped for from Trump. All the good things he's done since is just icing on the cake. Seems you don't have me pegged at all. LMAO

We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

See, there you go again. Why am I "regressive"? You have no idea. You just said it to soothe yourself. Look at you....a grown man fellating a joke of a president and soothing himself out loud on an anonymous message board. Now that is, indeed, pathetic.

Of course I know, you pukes want the US to become the moral equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. So take your little gay jokes and shove them.

You want the US to become an autocratic nation where the supreme leader rules with absolute authority.
You actually think a guy with zero experience for the job and has refused to learn a goddamn thing.... knows best.

No, I want the US to return to being a constitutional republic where the actual Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not nine unelected lawyers.

Also since I'm a results oriented guy, I appreciate what Trump has accomplished. He's actually doing a much better job than I expected.

Wrong again, if you have been paying attention you'd know I've already gotten everything I hoped for from Trump. All the good things he's done since is just icing on the cake. Seems you don't have me pegged at all. LMAO

We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

See, there you go again. Why am I "regressive"? You have no idea. You just said it to soothe yourself. Look at you....a grown man fellating a joke of a president and soothing himself out loud on an anonymous message board. Now that is, indeed, pathetic.

Of course I know, you pukes want the US to become the moral equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. So take your little gay jokes and shove them.

. really are an amgry, stupid little long did it take to strip away the veneer? 3 posts by me? You sissy, loudmouthed bullies are all the degenerate into quivering, impotent little blobs of anger the moment anyone DARES treat you the way you treat everyone. You're like a plaything to me. I can literally put you into this state whenever I feel like it.

You funny.

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Katy Tur @KatyTurNBC
From Fire and Fury, here's Trump on his friends' wives -->
5:06 PM - Jan 3, 2018
You must think you live in the White House.
Bannon said the behavior was treasonous.
You disagree.
Too damn funny.

Bannon's opinion means about as much to me as yours, just like you, he wasn't there.

Trump aides WERE there and the picture they paint is not a pretty one.
Still laffen at you that you think you know more.

Another great quote: “They’re going to crack Don Jr. like an egg.”
I’m sure they already cracked Mike Flynn.

For you to continue to think this guy is innocent despite all the contrary evidence shows me you’re not wrapped very tight.

Evidence? Where? All I've seen is anonymous sources, many which have already been proven false, and a wide variety of supposition, speculation and innuendo. Hard evidence, not so much.

Every night the news reports the EVIDENCE on Trump’s guilt.
Watching Fox News and reading Breitbart will keep you dumb on what is really happening.
Seems you like it that way.

Quick. There were 9 members of Trump team that illegally met with Russians and then lied about it.
Why did they lie?

Really, I watch ABC nightly news most nights, I've seen a bunch of talk, no evidence.

When did they make it illegal to meet with Russians, I've met a couple in my life, should I worry about being prosecuted?

It’s not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians but it is illegal for members of a candidate to meet with Russians, not declare it AND lie about it..
Now stop being a pussy and answer my question why did ALL of Trump’s team that met with Russians LIE about it?
No, I want the US to return to being a constitutional republic where the actual Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not nine unelected lawyers.


Who would yo u have interpret the meaning of the words? Is someone born by cesarean not a "natural" born citizen. Somebody has to decide what the constitution means, and you're saying there shouldn't be anybody to do that.
Trump accused Bannon of being the White House leak! So Bannon accused Kushner and Ivanka of being the leaks from the White House, undermining the POTUS, and now Trump is accusing Bannon. The White House is now officially full of a bunch of pre-school children.

"“Steve pretends to be at war with the media, which he calls the opposition party, yet he spent his time at the White House leaking false information to the media to make himself seem far more important than he was,” the president continued. “It is the only thing he does well. Steve was rarely in a one-on-one meeting with me and only pretends to have had influence to fool a few people with no access and no clue, whom he helped write phony books.”"

Trump turns on Bannon: 'He lost his mind'

Hint to the weak minded, it's not Bannons book, he was supposedly quoted in someone elses book, the author has already been called out for fabricating quotes. So you might want to wait and see how much of this is real.

And that my going to be the spin...attack the author..he's a liar..thus everything in the book is a lie. Odd...that Trump's reaction is so extreme..for a man confronting lies.

Note the language.."supposedly quoted"---"fabricating quotes".

I will point out..that with Trump we have the tweet and his wiggling there.
You must think you live in the White House.
Bannon said the behavior was treasonous.
You disagree.
Too damn funny.

Bannon's opinion means about as much to me as yours, just like you, he wasn't there.

Trump aides WERE there and the picture they paint is not a pretty one.
Still laffen at you that you think you know more.

Another great quote: “They’re going to crack Don Jr. like an egg.”
I’m sure they already cracked Mike Flynn.

For you to continue to think this guy is innocent despite all the contrary evidence shows me you’re not wrapped very tight.

Evidence? Where? All I've seen is anonymous sources, many which have already been proven false, and a wide variety of supposition, speculation and innuendo. Hard evidence, not so much.

Every night the news reports the EVIDENCE on Trump’s guilt.
Watching Fox News and reading Breitbart will keep you dumb on what is really happening.
Seems you like it that way.

Quick. There were 9 members of Trump team that illegally met with Russians and then lied about it.
Why did they lie?

Really, I watch ABC nightly news most nights, I've seen a bunch of talk, no evidence.

When did they make it illegal to meet with Russians, I've met a couple in my life, should I worry about being prosecuted?

A bunch of talk?
When you heard the Liar in Chief state Papadopoulos was nothing but a “ coffee boy” but saw him at a National security meeting with Trump and other higher up’s did you post how suspicious that was?
Of course not. You were scared of being thrown out of the deplorables R Us club.
Get back to me when that happens.

When it does happen I’m sure you won’t be here but instead hiding under your bed in complete humiliation.
All you trump whores will have a day of reckoning. Your heads will be explode like it is the 4th of July x 10.

Wrong again, if you have been paying attention you'd know I've already gotten everything I hoped for from Trump. All the good things he's done since is just icing on the cake. Seems you don't have me pegged at all. LMAO

We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

What you’re not honest enough to admit is Trump has also pissed off most independents, many conservatives and all sane people with ears and eyes..

I just sit back and enjoy all the butt hurt, all the crying and no one seems to be noticing what Trump is quietly doing. He's slowly but surely dismantling the sacred regressive regulatory state. I just love it. LMAO

g5000 did you forget to change your login to your sock account before making your last few posts? You've made a 180 degree turn on your posts.
No, I haven't.

I have always been about defending the truth, and this confuses the shit out of partisan hacks.
this confuses the shit out of partisan hacks.

What doesn't "confuse the sh*t out of partisan hacks?" It's not as though partisan hacks are given to introspection, circumspection, inspection, or any measure of sound and rigorous "spection." Those f*ckers are simply "on autopilot" with regard to whatever their party's leaders say and they're good for little but "spinning" yarns.
I just sit back and enjoy all the butt hurt, all the crying and no one seems to be noticing what Trump is quietly doing. He's slowly but surely dismantling the sacred regressive regulatory state. I just love it. LMAO


Bannon V Trump
This is better than Ali v Frazier
We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

See, there you go again. Why am I "regressive"? You have no idea. You just said it to soothe yourself. Look at you....a grown man fellating a joke of a president and soothing himself out loud on an anonymous message board. Now that is, indeed, pathetic.

Of course I know, you pukes want the US to become the moral equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. So take your little gay jokes and shove them.

You want the US to become an autocratic nation where the supreme leader rules with absolute authority.
You actually think a guy with zero experience for the job and has refused to learn a goddamn thing.... knows best.

No, I want the US to return to being a constitutional republic where the actual Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not nine unelected lawyers.

Also since I'm a results oriented guy, I appreciate what Trump has accomplished. He's actually doing a much better job than I expected.

That post makes zero sense. The Constitution specifically defines as constitutional that which the SCOTUS deems to be constitutional. How ironic that you shit on the Constitution in a post where you claim to be beholden to it.
When it does happen I’m sure you won’t be here but instead hiding under your bed in complete humiliation.
All you trump whores will have a day of reckoning. Your heads will be explode like it is the 4th of July x 10.

Wrong again, if you have been paying attention you'd know I've already gotten everything I hoped for from Trump. All the good things he's done since is just icing on the cake. Seems you don't have me pegged at all. LMAO

We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

What you’re not honest enough to admit is Trump has also pissed off most independents, many conservatives and all sane people with ears and eyes..

I just sit back and enjoy all the butt hurt, all the crying and no one seems to be noticing what Trump is quietly doing. He's slowly but surely dismantling the sacred regressive regulatory state. I just love it. LMAO

Still running from my question I see. Says SO MUCH about you.

Yes Trump is cutting regulations. A synonym for regulations is protections..
He’s cut protections on Wall St that would prevent another 2008 type financial recession.
He’s cut protections that prevent polluters from fouling our waterways and air.
And you say you “ love it.”
The more you speak the deeper you dig your own grave.
He's slowly but surely dismantling the sacred regressive regulatory state.
As if you could describe a single regulation, or its costs and benefits, or the likely effects of keeping it or getting rid of it. You're like a one year old who says he prefers multiverse theory to the standard model.
Bannon's opinion means about as much to me as yours, just like you, he wasn't there.

Trump aides WERE there and the picture they paint is not a pretty one.
Still laffen at you that you think you know more.

Another great quote: “They’re going to crack Don Jr. like an egg.”
I’m sure they already cracked Mike Flynn.

For you to continue to think this guy is innocent despite all the contrary evidence shows me you’re not wrapped very tight.

Evidence? Where? All I've seen is anonymous sources, many which have already been proven false, and a wide variety of supposition, speculation and innuendo. Hard evidence, not so much.

Every night the news reports the EVIDENCE on Trump’s guilt.
Watching Fox News and reading Breitbart will keep you dumb on what is really happening.
Seems you like it that way.

Quick. There were 9 members of Trump team that illegally met with Russians and then lied about it.
Why did they lie?

Really, I watch ABC nightly news most nights, I've seen a bunch of talk, no evidence.

When did they make it illegal to meet with Russians, I've met a couple in my life, should I worry about being prosecuted?

It’s not illegal for private citizens to meet with Russians but it is illegal for members of a candidate to meet with Russians, not declare it AND lie about it..
Now stop being a pussy and answer my question why did ALL of Trump’s team that met with Russians LIE about it?

They didn't ALL lie about it, next?


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