Most Important Take Away on Trump's Response to Bannon's Book

I find it hilarious in a topic about an author who made up fake quotes, you decided to post a fake quote from Clinton. :lol:

Monkey see, monkey do.
I guess you can't read, the Constitution was written so the simplest farmer could understand it. Are you not better educated than the average 1780's farmer? The Constitution has the same public meaning it did the day it was written. The only legal changes occur through the Article 5 process.

Trump Is Violating the Constitution

Where’s your outrage?

The farmboy should read where the president isn't allowed to accept foreign emoluments.

That's simple language.
Not OK Texas ran away to Fox News which he knows is like a warm blanket for him.
They fellate Trump as much as he does.
Here are the top 20 revelations from the 'Fire and Fury' book on Trump family drama

1. Steve Bannon, Trump’s former chief strategist, described a meeting set up by Donald Trump Jr. with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign as “treasonous” and “unpatriotic.” “They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV,” Bannon is quoted as saying.

2. Bannon reportedly said the president likely met with the meeting’s participants afterward, speculating that Trump’s son brought them up to his father’s office. “The chance that Don Jr. did not walk these jumos up to his father’s office on the twenty-sixth floor is zero,” Bannon said.

The top two.

You folks seem to have fallen in love with the word "speculating", that all you seem to do now days, and you think it's some how significant when someone else does it. LMAO

Speculation = Bull Shit
People who are there who can give first person accounts IS NOT speculation.
It’s called reality.
Makes me smile that the reality who DT really is makes you cringe.
I've already proven the author lied about Trump.

Therefore, you cannot accept anything he says as truthful.
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:


Bannon's opinion means about as much to me as yours, just like you, he wasn't there.

Trump aides WERE there and the picture they paint is not a pretty one.
Still laffen at you that you think you know more.

Another great quote: “They’re going to crack Don Jr. like an egg.”
I’m sure they already cracked Mike Flynn.

For you to continue to think this guy is innocent despite all the contrary evidence shows me you’re not wrapped very tight.

Evidence? Where? All I've seen is anonymous sources, many which have already been proven false, and a wide variety of supposition, speculation and innuendo. Hard evidence, not so much.

Every night the news reports the EVIDENCE on Trump’s guilt.
Watching Fox News and reading Breitbart will keep you dumb on what is really happening.
Seems you like it that way.

Quick. There were 9 members of Trump team that illegally met with Russians and then lied about it.
Why did they lie?

Really, I watch ABC nightly news most nights, I've seen a bunch of talk, no evidence.

When did they make it illegal to meet with Russians, I've met a couple in my life, should I worry about being prosecuted?

A bunch of talk?
When you heard the Liar in Chief state Papadopoulos was nothing but a “ coffee boy” but saw him at a National security meeting with Trump and other higher up’s did you post how suspicious that was?
Of course not. You were scared of being thrown out of the deplorables R Us club.

Actually I didn't find it any more significant than anyone else sitting at that table. The greek was supposed to be an energy advisor, he got out of his lane, got caught lying about it. At this point it's meaningless. He and Flynn lied, got caught, but if you notice there was no underlying criminal charge.

Oh fuck you.
Mud,,that's so unlike you
I've reached my bullshit tolerance for today.
I've been reading up on trump for many years and if EVER there was a guy FOS it's him
I guess you haven't been reading the same books I have.

Now if you want to talk about someone who's full of shit......I can show you plenty of facts from Hillary or Obama that proves it.


Trumpkins and "Whataboutism" are best friends.
Wow.....that was.......dumb.
I guess you can't read, the Constitution was written so the simplest farmer could understand it. Are you not better educated than the average 1780's farmer? The Constitution has the same public meaning it did the day it was written. The only legal changes occur through the Article 5 process.

Trump Is Violating the Constitution

Where’s your outrage?

The farmboy should read where the president isn't allowed to accept foreign emoluments.

That's simple language.
People like him will never speak the truth about all the dishonest and illegal things Trump is doing.
They’re called Deplorables for a reason.
You folks seem to have fallen in love with the word "speculating", that all you seem to do now days, and you think it's some how significant when someone else does it. LMAO

Speculation = Bull Shit
People who are there who can give first person accounts IS NOT speculation.
It’s called reality.
Makes me smile that the reality who DT really is makes you cringe.
I've already proven the author lied about Trump.

Therefore, you cannot accept anything he says as truthful.
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:



I hate to break this to you, but Trump doesn't write all his own tweets.
I keep wondering why all of these people Trump fires matter so much to you fuckers.

Trump didn't fire him, John Kelly fired him.
Facts matter
Obviously not to you.
John Kelly works for Trump, you asshole.

About 3 million people work for Trump.
Kelly fired Bannon. Kelly was chief of staff, Bannon was staff. Trump gave him the O.K.
And so you show you have no point.

Thank You.
Speculation = Bull Shit
People who are there who can give first person accounts IS NOT speculation.
It’s called reality.
Makes me smile that the reality who DT really is makes you cringe.
I've already proven the author lied about Trump.

Therefore, you cannot accept anything he says as truthful.
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:



I hate to break this to you, but Trump doesn't write all his own tweets.
I know that's the case with Hillary....but I seriously doubt that's the case with Trump.
He has a very specific writing style.
Actually I didn't find it any more significant than anyone else sitting at that table. The greek was supposed to be an energy advisor, he got out of his lane, got caught lying about it. At this point it's meaningless. He and Flynn lied, got caught, but if you notice there was no underlying criminal charge.


Trump put him onto his national security team. Then let everybody know how serious he was about national security by of the caliber of people he had as his advisers.
Mud,,that's so unlike you
I've reached my bullshit tolerance for today.
I've been reading up on trump for many years and if EVER there was a guy FOS it's him
I guess you haven't been reading the same books I have.

Now if you want to talk about someone who's full of shit......I can show you plenty of facts from Hillary or Obama that proves it.


Trumpkins and "Whataboutism" are best friends.
Wow.....that was.......dumb.
Mudwhistle. Another appendage of the Trump cult that looks away at all the despicable things this prez is doing.
Did Author Michael Wolff Fabricate Quote of Billionaire Confidant Bashing Trump For His New Book?

According to Wolff, billionaire and Trump confidant Thomas Barrack Jr., has harsh words for the President.

Trump is not spared. Wolff writes that Thomas Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the president’s oldest associates, allegedly told a friend: “He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.”

Yet, according to the New York Times‘ Maggie Haberman, Barrack told her the quote is “totally false.”

“Barrack said he spoke to Wolffe once, says he never said the quote attributed to him to Wolffe or anyone. “Totally false,” Barrack said by phone just now. Tom Barrack adds, “It’s clear to anyone who knows me that those aren’t my words and inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said.” He says Wolffe never ran that quote by him to ask if it was accurate,” tweeted Haberman.

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