Most Important Take Away on Trump's Response to Bannon's Book


Fake News: ‘Who’s that?’ Trump had no idea who John Boehner was after winning the election

Anything this author claims is to be taken with a huge grain of salt.
Michael Wolff isn’t the author of that article so I’m missing your point.
So you’re saying that the Wolff is making up the quotes attributed to Bannon?
I will use small words. Just for you.

The guy who wrote the book is a proven liar. So you cannot trust anything he says. Wait for Bannon to confirm or deny the quotes the liar claims Bannon said.

All caught up now?
If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

See, there you go again. Why am I "regressive"? You have no idea. You just said it to soothe yourself. Look at you....a grown man fellating a joke of a president and soothing himself out loud on an anonymous message board. Now that is, indeed, pathetic.

Of course I know, you pukes want the US to become the moral equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. So take your little gay jokes and shove them.

You want the US to become an autocratic nation where the supreme leader rules with absolute authority.
You actually think a guy with zero experience for the job and has refused to learn a goddamn thing.... knows best.

No, I want the US to return to being a constitutional republic where the actual Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not nine unelected lawyers.

Also since I'm a results oriented guy, I appreciate what Trump has accomplished. He's actually doing a much better job than I expected.

That post makes zero sense. The Constitution specifically defines as constitutional that which the SCOTUS deems to be constitutional. How ironic that you shit on the Constitution in a post where you claim to be beholden to it.

Really, show me where the Constitution authorizes the court to turn a limited spending category into a general power or completely redefine the interstate commerce clause. That's just two examples of unconstitutional acts by the court, I could provide many more.

The talking point is that Bannon is getting back at Trump for firing him.

Except Trump never fired Bannon.

Trumps Chief of Staff fired Bannon, and according to the white house press release, the two mutually agreed to the separation, so Bannon actually resigned.
Speculation = Bull Shit
People who are there who can give first person accounts IS NOT speculation.
It’s called reality.
Makes me smile that the reality who DT really is makes you cringe.
I've already proven the author lied about Trump.

Therefore, you cannot accept anything he says as truthful.
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:



I hate to break this to you, but Trump doesn't write all his own tweets.
incorrect. It’s reported Trump doesn’t write particular tweets when said tweets get him in legal trouble. You can’t see that?
The talking point is that Bannon is getting back at Trump for firing him.

Except Trump never fired Bannon.

Trumps Chief of Staff fired Bannon, and according to the white house press release, the two mutually agreed to the separation, so Bannon actually resigned.
Bannon predicted months earlier the exact time he would resign.... and he did. That Trump lies that he was fired is par for the course.
Is Michael Wolff Making Things Up in His Trump Book?

Maggie is as far from a Trump partisan as it gets.

Now, Wolff doesn't claim to be quoting Barrack, but a friend of his, which is very convenient. And Fire and Fury heavily relies on these "anonymous friend" or "friend of a friend" accounts.

But Barrack pretty clearly denies it. And the more damning accusation is that Wolff never ran the quote by him. That would have been easy to do. And I think we're going to see a lot of those complaints about Fire and Fury. Failing to do that does look like bad faith. And it's much harder for Wolff to overcome than just Barrack's denial. It smacks of Rolling Stone UVA journalism in which you run third party quotes without checking them.
Speculation = Bull Shit
People who are there who can give first person accounts IS NOT speculation.
It’s called reality.
Makes me smile that the reality who DT really is makes you cringe.
I've already proven the author lied about Trump.

Therefore, you cannot accept anything he says as truthful.
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:



I hate to break this to you, but Trump doesn't write all his own tweets.
Um...dumbass? Look at that second tweet. It is a link to an interview of Trump about Boehner resigning.

Are you saying that wasn't Trump who was interviewed about Boehner's resignation?

Was it a Trump imposter?

How deep does your tard go?
Really, show me where the Constitution authorizes the court to turn a limited spending category into a general power or completely redefine the interstate commerce clause. That's just two examples of unconstitutional acts by the court, I could provide many more.


The constitution doesn't give the president power over the air force. That was an interpreted power, or as you would say, a non-constitutional one.
See, there you go again. Why am I "regressive"? You have no idea. You just said it to soothe yourself. Look at you....a grown man fellating a joke of a president and soothing himself out loud on an anonymous message board. Now that is, indeed, pathetic.

Of course I know, you pukes want the US to become the moral equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah, you can't get more regressive than that. So take your little gay jokes and shove them.

You want the US to become an autocratic nation where the supreme leader rules with absolute authority.
You actually think a guy with zero experience for the job and has refused to learn a goddamn thing.... knows best.

No, I want the US to return to being a constitutional republic where the actual Constitution is the supreme law of the land, not nine unelected lawyers.

Also since I'm a results oriented guy, I appreciate what Trump has accomplished. He's actually doing a much better job than I expected.

That post makes zero sense. The Constitution specifically defines as constitutional that which the SCOTUS deems to be constitutional. How ironic that you shit on the Constitution in a post where you claim to be beholden to it.

Really, show me where the Constitution authorizes the court to turn a limited spending category into a general power or completely redefine the interstate commerce clause. That's just two examples of unconstitutional acts by the court, I could provide many more.

But still won’t address Trump’s violating the Constitution.
Wonder why.
Trump Is Violating the Constitution
Did Author Michael Wolff Fabricate Quote of Billionaire Confidant Bashing Trump For His New Book?

According to Wolff, billionaire and Trump confidant Thomas Barrack Jr., has harsh words for the President.

Trump is not spared. Wolff writes that Thomas Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the president’s oldest associates, allegedly told a friend: “He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.”

Yet, according to the New York Times‘ Maggie Haberman, Barrack told her the quote is “totally false.”

“Barrack said he spoke to Wolffe once, says he never said the quote attributed to him to Wolffe or anyone. “Totally false,” Barrack said by phone just now. Tom Barrack adds, “It’s clear to anyone who knows me that those aren’t my words and inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said.” He says Wolffe never ran that quote by him to ask if it was accurate,” tweeted Haberman.
You actually used the Gateway Pundit as a source?
I thought you were better than that.
I guess not.
How much of a dumb fuck do you have to be to think Trump had no idea who John Boehner was?

Strategic Air Command - Wikipedia

Strategic Air Command (SAC) was both a Department of DefenseSpecified Command and a United States Air Force (USAF) Major Command (MAJCOM), responsible for Cold War command and control of two of the three components of the U.S. military's strategic nuclear strike forces, the so-called "nuclear triad," with SAC having control of land-based strategic bomber aircraft and intercontinental ballistic missilesor ICBMs

The constitution only gives the president control over the Army and Navy.

It was never amended to include any other armed forces.

O.K. Texas, is this a non-constitutional power?
People who are there who can give first person accounts IS NOT speculation.
It’s called reality.
Makes me smile that the reality who DT really is makes you cringe.
I've already proven the author lied about Trump.

Therefore, you cannot accept anything he says as truthful.
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:



I hate to break this to you, but Trump doesn't write all his own tweets.
Um...dumbass? Look at that second tweet. It is a link to an interview of Trump about Boehner resigning.

Are you saying that wasn't Trump who was interviewed about Boehner's resignation?

Was it a Trump imposter?

How deep does your tard go?

You are going full Steve_McGarett now. The only thing missing is the "Think!"

We know for sure of at least one time someone else tweeted for Trump (allegedly)... so it's only fair game to now question who has done Trump's tweets... Have you realized that his tweets are contradictory? Or has that alluded you?
Did Author Michael Wolff Fabricate Quote of Billionaire Confidant Bashing Trump For His New Book?

According to Wolff, billionaire and Trump confidant Thomas Barrack Jr., has harsh words for the President.

Trump is not spared. Wolff writes that Thomas Barrack Jr, a billionaire who is one of the president’s oldest associates, allegedly told a friend: “He’s not only crazy, he’s stupid.”

Yet, according to the New York Times‘ Maggie Haberman, Barrack told her the quote is “totally false.”

“Barrack said he spoke to Wolffe once, says he never said the quote attributed to him to Wolffe or anyone. “Totally false,” Barrack said by phone just now. Tom Barrack adds, “It’s clear to anyone who knows me that those aren’t my words and inconsistent with anything I’ve ever said.” He says Wolffe never ran that quote by him to ask if it was accurate,” tweeted Haberman.
You actually used the Gateway Pundit as a source?
I thought you were better than that.
I guess not.
It contains the links to the tweets denying the fake quotes in the book, retard.

Stop being a hack.
Wrong again, if you have been paying attention you'd know I've already gotten everything I hoped for from Trump. All the good things he's done since is just icing on the cake. Seems you don't have me pegged at all. LMAO

We , of course, all have you pegged, as you are both very simple and a dime a dozen. Trump shits the bed, and you eat it and smile and tell everyone else how great it tastes. Just like 30 million other surrogate Trump mommies. Not sure where you get this idea that your M.O. is some mystery or is complicated...

If you go back in my posting history, you'll find one of the first positive thing I said about Trump was to note his ability to piss off you regressives. That is still one of his most endearing qualities. You folks are pathetic losers.

What you’re not honest enough to admit is Trump has also pissed off most independents, many conservatives and all sane people with ears and eyes..

I just sit back and enjoy all the butt hurt, all the crying and no one seems to be noticing what Trump is quietly doing. He's slowly but surely dismantling the sacred regressive regulatory state. I just love it. LMAO

Still running from my question I see. Says SO MUCH about you.

Yes Trump is cutting regulations. A synonym for regulations is protections..
He’s cut protections on Wall St that would prevent another 2008 type financial recession.
He’s cut protections that prevent polluters from fouling our waterways and air.
And you say you “ love it.”
The more you speak the deeper you dig your own grave.

Yep, I love it. I don't think the country needs a nanny.

I've already proven the author lied about Trump.

Therefore, you cannot accept anything he says as truthful.
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:



I hate to break this to you, but Trump doesn't write all his own tweets.
Um...dumbass? Look at that second tweet. It is a link to an interview of Trump about Boehner resigning.

Are you saying that wasn't Trump who was interviewed about Boehner's resignation?

Was it a Trump imposter?

How deep does your tard go?

You are going full Steve_McGarett now. The only thing missing is the "Think!"

We know for sure of at least one time someone else tweeted for Trump (allegedly)... so it's only fair game to now question who has done Trump's tweets... Have you realized that his tweets are contradictory? Or has that alluded you?

Read that several times until if fucking sinks in.
How much of a dumb fuck do you have to be to think Trump had no idea who John Boehner was?


Probably because the person talking to Trump called him John Bay-ner, not John Boner, like Trump thinks it should be pronounced.

Mud,,that's so unlike you
I've reached my bullshit tolerance for today.
I've been reading up on trump for many years and if EVER there was a guy FOS it's him
I guess you haven't been reading the same books I have.

Now if you want to talk about someone who's full of shit......I can show you plenty of facts from Hillary or Obama that proves it.


Trumpkins and "Whataboutism" are best friends.
Wow.....that was.......dumb.
Your name is mud Hillary .obama.... are not presidents Trump is Are you going to hide behind that AH while bashing hill and obama??,,,,,,,
What’s the source of your “ proof?”
So did you look at post 36?

Need more proof the author is a liar when he said the day after Election Day that Trump didn't know who Boehner was?

Here you go:



I hate to break this to you, but Trump doesn't write all his own tweets.
Um...dumbass? Look at that second tweet. It is a link to an interview of Trump about Boehner resigning.

Are you saying that wasn't Trump who was interviewed about Boehner's resignation?

Was it a Trump imposter?

How deep does your tard go?

You are going full Steve_McGarett now. The only thing missing is the "Think!"

We know for sure of at least one time someone else tweeted for Trump (allegedly)... so it's only fair game to now question who has done Trump's tweets... Have you realized that his tweets are contradictory? Or has that alluded you?

Read that several times until if fucking sinks in.

You're just mad you get revealed tonight because you were too dumb to change your login to your sock account before changing positions.

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