Most people do not believe in freedom and capitalism.

Most people do not believe in freedom and capitalism.

Says who?

Freedom and capitalism is how more people from more walks of life became more prosperous and free than at any other time in the history of mankind.

Correction: It's how a very small percentage of the population acquired 99% of the wealth.

The reason people do not support freedom and capitalism is because it is easier to accept poverty, disease, early death, enslavement, the break up of families, the worship of a cult of personality, and to loose their wars both here and abroad.

What in God's name are you talking about? What does any of that have to do with anything? Just exactly what sort of "point" are you trying to make in this thread anyway?

People are too scared to do what is necessary to defend both The Constitution and freedom and capitalism because of the risks involved.

lol, what risks? What are you talking about?

We have a government who are and have passed laws that educated well informed people have no understanding nor knowledge of. That is NOT how are government is to be ran. It is criminal to run it as such.

The real question is...does it matter if no one is going to do anything about it?

Couldn't tell you. I have no idea what you're even talking about. I doubt you do either.
So, we're out of wealth?
Most people do not believe in freedom and capitalism. Freedom and capitalism is how more people from more walks of life became more prosperous and free than at any other time in the history of mankind.

The reason people do not support freedom and capitalism is because it is easier to accept poverty, disease, early death, enslavement, the break up of families, the worship of a cult of personality, and to loose their wars both here and abroad. People are too scared to do what is necessary to defend both The Constitution and freedom and capitalism because of the risks involved.

We have a government who are and have passed laws that educated well informed people have no understanding nor knowledge of. That is NOT how are government is to be ran. It is criminal to run it as such.

The real question is...does it matter if no one is going to do anything about it?

what are you going on about?

what do you think is "necessary"?

and what "educated" people are you talking about? actual education or breitbart/drudge type of education?
Most people do not believe in freedom and capitalism. Freedom and capitalism is how more people from more walks of life became more prosperous and free than at any other time in the history of mankind.

The reason people do not support freedom and capitalism is because it is easier to accept poverty, disease, early death, enslavement, the break up of families, the worship of a cult of personality, and to loose their wars both here and abroad. People are too scared to do what is necessary to defend both The Constitution and freedom and capitalism because of the risks involved.

We have a government who are and have passed laws that educated well informed people have no understanding nor knowledge of. That is NOT how are government is to be ran. It is criminal to run it as such.

The real question is...does it matter if no one is going to do anything about it?
Most people realize that there are few absolutes in life.

"Freedom" and "capitalism" exist on a continuum. Democratic societies decide on what points of the spectrum they want to exist.

Absolutists have to believe that 1% in taxes mean we're not "free"; that one law or regulation means we're not "capitalist".

Fortunately, absolutists exist and remain on the fringe only.
People like the OP are insane and don't believe in government or civilization. Probably everyone on this board believes in capitalism but we also understand that without some laws, regs and enforcement the system doesn't work very well for all of our nations people. If you think one person should be able to fucking burn down your house or beat his workers...Well, you're insane.
Most people do not believe in freedom and capitalism. Freedom and capitalism is how more people from more walks of life became more prosperous and free than at any other time in the history of mankind.

The reason people do not support freedom and capitalism is because it is easier to accept poverty, disease, early death, enslavement, the break up of families, the worship of a cult of personality, and to loose their wars both here and abroad. People are too scared to do what is necessary to defend both The Constitution and freedom and capitalism because of the risks involved.

We have a government who are and have passed laws that educated well informed people have no understanding nor knowledge of. That is NOT how are government is to be ran. It is criminal to run it as such.

The real question is...does it matter if no one is going to do anything about it?

what are you going on about?

what do you think is "necessary"?

and what "educated" people are you talking about? actual education or breitbart/drudge type of education?
You on line GED types....:lol:
We the people are willing to follow and not participate until we get feeling of being screwed over. For the most part we have it figured out which is why it is so rare in past century that the presidency remained in control of one party more than two consecutive terms.
What have you figured out? You all understand that I never said I was against a limited government, right? So making the assumption that I am or dictating something that isn't true does not work. If the public want peace and prosperity then they will do what is necessary in bringing it forth and defending it. Currently they have done neither here or abroad. They consistently and constantly surrender to an over reaching government that passes laws that no one knows about or understand. They have spent us to oblivion. Our government does not follow the laws that it passes. Most the the screwing over has been the endless laws against people who are successful. So you will not benefit from those who are successful. You will be left out. You will suffer the consequences. You will continue to stand there as if you know what's going on while you ramble in your madness about reasoning out freedom and capitalism is the problem.
Ooops! Someone is jealous! Guess what?! GREAT news!!! I learned from my Ethiopian friend that there is NO one starving in the U.S. of A.!!! Guess what?! There are poor people who are FAT!!! Guess what?! There is supposed to be motivation to get into the one percent! Guess what?! Unlike any other system of which this video commentary does not address is that this system allows for people from all walks of life to move in and out of those who are "well to do"! It has always been this way and it always will be! Have you figured out how? Have you figured out why?! SURELY you have with your informed insightful intelligence! It is called "freedom and capitalism"!

You see those who got in the one percent are what we call smart! SOME of those one percent stay there because they make good decisions with their lives and money! They usually are not people who have money sitting anywhere! That means that they are taking chances with investments that are RISKY! That means that they are investing in the well being of others so that those others can have jobs and a life that is far better than ANY OTHER TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY!!! However you are finding ways to discourage people and created not just divisiveness but hatred where there should not be any! You are not suffering because of the one percent! You are not pure because you are poor! You even have the ability to bitch and complain in a manner that no one thirty years ago would have imagined or dreamed!
If you were so concerned about the one percent you would stop sending most of our money to the Arabs in the Middle East (who, in case you don't know, aren't even American) over seas and let us start to drill more oil in our territories. You know they can do that safely concerning the environment now, right? But the environmental terrorists will not allow anything like that happen.

If you were so concerned about the 99 percent you would allow there to be more freedom and capitalism instead of having not only so many laws but so many that people not only don't understand but don't even know all of.

If you were so concerned about the 99 percent you would allow the U.S. to win their wars instead of loosing them on purpose for a false narrative that "no one knows why we are fighting" and "the U.S. makes mistakes with whom they are fighting where" and "it is more important to surrender to foreign laws and entities and seek and meet their approval".
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