Most predict Hillary win in 2016

Whoever the Democrats pick as their candidate for 2016, they are going to win if the GOP tries the same stupid tactics of the past decade.
Hillary will make a campaign mistake like accidentally sitting on the whole front row at a political rally and crushing them to death.

Got it

Your candidate is a fat woman. Will go great with female voters
Whoever the Democrats pick as their candidate for 2016, they are going to win if the GOP tries the same stupid tactics of the past decade.

That is the problem. republicans have a strategy that will help them win Red States. Red states will not win an election
Reagan won 49 states. And that was in the days when there were only three major networks, all liberal. Dan Rather hated Reagan and showed it. He started as the CBS News anchor two months after Reagan took office. The only person who showed their distaste for Reagan more was Sam Donaldson.

It would behoove the GOP to examine how Reagan pulled it off.
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we haven't had a Democrat President since Clinton. this one is an irrelevant fool who finds out about critical things by watching TV; probably Fox News; and refuses to be held responsible for anything happening on his watch
we haven't had a Democrat President since Clinton. this one is an irrelevant fool who finds out about critical things by watching TV; probably Fox News; and refuses to be held responsible for anything happening on his watch


Seen that one before..........and Republicans treated Clinton worse than Obama

Impeaching over a blow job. Cant wait to see how you treat Hillary
Just can't wait to see the libs implode and have a melt down after the mid-term elections.
we haven't had a Democrat President since Clinton. this one is an irrelevant fool who finds out about critical things by watching TV; probably Fox News; and refuses to be held responsible for anything happening on his watch


Seen that one before..........and Republicans treated Clinton worse than Obama

Impeaching over a blow job. Cant wait to see how you treat Hillary

We'll throw her a quarter as we walk by, seeing how "dead broke" the poor thing is...

Poor Hillarie Antoinette had only $12 million to get by on, no one in America could survive such dire poverty... She had no idea where her next meal would come from - only that it would be 5 star and served by a full staff - just like the homeless face each day..
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The far right can't: Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

They have none.
we haven't had a Democrat President since Clinton. this one is an irrelevant fool who finds out about critical things by watching TV; probably Fox News; and refuses to be held responsible for anything happening on his watch


Seen that one before..........and Republicans treated Clinton worse than Obama

Impeaching over a blow job. Cant wait to see how you treat Hillary

Impeaching over perjury. Get your facts straight or is that even possible for a liberal to do?
Here's an idea. Let's change tactics and do something crazy like...ohhhh...address real issues that actually matter.

Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

Or you can go with the same old shit of pouring piss for retards to chug. Dumb down your base even more. HILAREEZ A FAT SLUT BABY KILLER!

hummhumm, that isn't going to happen with Democrat voting base
all they care is who wins, as we see with the three threads on Shrillary already
pushing Lizzy Warren another junior nobody and the dumbo beat goes on

The Democrats won in 2008 for two reasons. First, because they were Not Republicans. And Obama was Not Bush.

Second, because they promised health care reform. They had a plan, and they carried it out.

McCain was the "me, too" guy. He even began patterning his campaign slogans after Obama.

Obama won in 2012 because the GOP cut its own throat during the Republican primaries. It was a circus. Christ, Gingrich sounded just like a Marxist and handed lots of fodder to Obama to use against Romney, while at the same time getting a lot of anti-Romney momentum up and running for Obama to coast on. It is easier to keep momentum going than it is to overcome the inertia to get it started. Thanks a lot, Newt!

Add in the GOP's infestation of bigots, liars, and piss drinking retards and you have a winning combination for the Democratic Party.

It is way, way, way past time to clean out the bigots, liars, and piss drinking retards and start thinking originally and brilliantly and start actually presenting solutions to our many problems.

In the end, no one gives a flying fuck if Clinton is rich or poor. "What difference does it make?" None.

What people want to know is what the fuck are you going to do from here?

really, after Obama I don't care what happens with this base of voting citizens today we are screwed no matter
so stop spewing your piss at us
we haven't had a Democrat President since Clinton. this one is an irrelevant fool who finds out about critical things by watching TV; probably Fox News; and refuses to be held responsible for anything happening on his watch


Seen that one before..........and Republicans treated Clinton worse than Obama

Impeaching over a blow job. Cant wait to see how you treat Hillary

Impeaching over perjury. Get your facts straight or is that even possible for a liberal to do?

Keep telling yourself that

I didn't cheat on my wife, honest

High crimes and misdemeanors. Cost Republicans dearly for petty politics

Care to try again assholes?
The far right can't: Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

They have none.

Pretty hard getting past Reid's shelving of Bills and "My way or the highway" Obama stating that if it gets to his desk he'll veto it.
We have never had a president who in my lifetime can't negotiate or compromise as this one, Jake.

So your post is just empty drivel, jake.
The far right can't: Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

They have none.

Pretty hard getting past Reid's shelving of Bills and "My way or the highway" Obama stating that if it gets to his desk he'll veto it.
We have never had a president who in my lifetime can't negotiate or compromise as this one, Jake.

So your post is just empty drivel, jake.

Pretty much all of Jake's posts are.

If I want to know what Jake thinks, I'll log on to DailyKOS.
The far right can't: Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

They have none.

Pretty hard getting past Reid's shelving of Bills and "My way or the highway" Obama stating that if it gets to his desk he'll veto it.
We have never had a president who in my lifetime can't negotiate or compromise as this one, Jake.

So your post is just empty drivel, jake.

If Republican bills do not have 60 votes in the Senate, why should they go any further than Democratic bills?

Shouldn't the President show Republicans the same respect they have shown him?
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The far right can't: Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

They have none.

Pretty hard getting past Reid's shelving of Bills and "My way or the highway" Obama stating that if it gets to his desk he'll veto it.
We have never had a president who in my lifetime can't negotiate or compromise as this one, Jake.

So your post is just empty drivel, jake.

If Republican bills do not have 60 votes in the Senate, why should they go any further than Democratic bills?

Shouldn't the President show Republicans the same respect they have shown him?
Many Bills are shelved even where they could get the 60 votes....bipartisan votes.
Funny how Bill Clinton could do it and got a lot done in his second term. :eusa_whistle:
Here's an idea. Let's change tactics and do something crazy like...ohhhh...address real issues that actually matter.

Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

Or you can go with the same old shit of pouring piss for retards to chug. Dumb down your base even more. HILAREEZ A FAT SLUT BABY KILLER!

hummhumm, that isn't going to happen with Democrat voting base
all they care is who wins, as we see with the three threads on Shrillary already
pushing Lizzy Warren another junior nobody and the dumbo beat goes on

The Democrats won in 2008 for two reasons. First, because they were Not Republicans. And Obama was Not Bush.

Second, because they promised health care reform. They had a plan, and they carried it out.

McCain was the "me, too" guy. He even began patterning his campaign slogans after Obama.

Obama won in 2012 because the GOP cut its own throat during the Republican primaries. It was a circus. Christ, Gingrich sounded just like a Marxist and handed lots of fodder to Obama to use against Romney, while at the same time getting a lot of anti-Romney momentum up and running for Obama to coast on. It is easier to keep momentum going than it is to overcome the inertia to get it started. Thanks a lot, Newt!

Add in the GOP's infestation of bigots, liars, and piss drinking retards and you have a winning combination for the Democratic Party.

It is way, way, way past time to clean out the bigots, liars, and piss drinking retards and start thinking originally and brilliantly and start actually presenting solutions to our many problems.

In the end, no one gives a flying fuck if Clinton is rich or poor. "What difference does it make?" None.

What people want to know is what the fuck are you going to do from here?

The main reason the dems won in 2008 was the timing of the housing bubble burst putting if under 43's watch. This is not to say that BHO would not have won anyway, but McCain/Palin were at least competive in the polls right before the economic crash.

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