Most predict Hillary win in 2016

I don't see anyone in the Republican clown car capable of beating her. Any Republican capable of beating Hillary will be beaten back by the Republican right

47 to 50% of voters are members of the Parasitic Faction. So whomever promises more welfare type benefits will win.


Now its 50% on welfare, that explains why Ryan was a weight on Romney. A few retired people I know did not agree their Medicare was "welfare".
I don't see anyone in the Republican clown car capable of beating her. Any Republican capable of beating Hillary will be beaten back by the Republican right

I agree, there is no one right now from the GOP or the Teabagger Unit of the GOP who could beat her.

That said, I won't vote for her. Enough with the Clintons and their relentless cashing in on their legacy.

She's stumbled on her interviews with NPR and CBS about stuff that even Sarah Palin could have navigated better. What gives with that?

Maybe she really does have some brain damage after all. God knows if it's even true that she fell in her own house after being weak from having the flu? Oh, come on. That sounds like bullshit, too.

Time for Ralph Nader to start ratcheting his campaign up again.
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Lakhota, atheists really do not have much to offer spiritually, either, so get off your high horse. I mean, really, atheism is a faith belief, nothing more.

Atheism means literally absence of theism. As an atheist I ought to know, I have been one for longer than I can remember.

disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.

But you are right, atheists do not offer anything in the way of traditional, Christian-based spirituality. But Zen Buddhism is another story, which is closer to atheism than any other form of theology.
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Every time I see a picture of Hillary Clinton's pursed-lipped smile I always think of:

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The fact that most predict Hillary will win in 2016 can only be due to the fact that they are sick and tired of the Republican establishment filled with obstructionists at the White House and in Congress coupled by the fact that they are the party of Big Cuts to what people have worked hard for all of their life and have, in effect, rightfully EARNED. They also don't want to go back to the failed policies of the past under Republicans to include their being severely devoid of feelings for all minorities including Blacks, Hispanics and Latinos, Women, Gays, etc. as well as the Middle Class and Poor. They have learned their good lessons with past elections and are now wanting to have someone with good experience who can move the country forward and not backward as Republicans would do. And unless one is wealthy in this country the Republicans aren't going to lift one finger to help you in any way, shape, or form and you can hang your hat on that! So, why should the struggling Middle Class and the poor vote Republican? If they did they would be cutting their own throat in the long run and they now know that. We need to fully Support Hillary should she decide to run in 2016!! She would make the first woman president in this country and would be fabulous in her new role and the people also know and understand that.

But I am a fair and empathetic guy. Here is a web site that will help you GOP types after reading this.

I am wondering if they have all heard a vintage Hillary Clinton tape defending a child rapist?

Describing the events almost a decade after they had occurred, Clinton’s struck a casual and complacent attitude toward her client and the trial for rape of a minor. “I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” she added with a laugh. Clinton can also be heard laughing at several points when discussing the crime lab’s accidental destruction of DNA evidence that tied Taylor to the crime.

Unearthed Audio: Hillary Discusses Defending Child Rapist - Guy Benson

[ame=]The Hillary Clinton Tapes - YouTube[/ame]

^The Graphic seems a good fit to the video.
Stay with Hillary, dems and libs. She will take you to the promised land of starvation and joblessness. But fear not, she and Bubba will be just fine.
Stay with Hillary, dems and libs. She will take you to the promised land of starvation and joblessness. But fear not, she and Bubba will be just fine.

Don't you guys say the same thing evry time a Democrat is elected?

Yet the economy does better than under GOP leadership
HR 674 did pass the senate....

And yeah, Clinton worked so well with the Congress that we had two of the worst government shutdowns ever....

I thought the recent Obama shutdown was the 'worst" in history - I mean that's what the party press kept reporting?

After all, it was so bad that Obama had to approve triple time to block access to veterans not only to VA hospitals, but also to memorials that competent administrations had built in their honor.
By 2016, the number of blue states will increase significantly, primarily because the party of "NO!" is writing their own obituary by not acting on immigrations reform. Rather than face the issue and come up with a solution, they have buried their heads in the sand and have now proclaimed anyone in the GOP who even mentions immigration reform will be thrown from the party elites.

Their "Do Nothing" policy has finally come home to doom them.

I know that Obama has brought in hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens - but since most of them are children, do you think they will actually vote?

I know, you're democrats, they will vote one way or another.....

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