Most predict Hillary win in 2016

She is either stupid or pondering to think it is deportations that separate families and amnesty is needed to keep families together but illegal immigration separate families when parents come here leaving their children behind which is why we are seeing a influx of children crossing illegally. The next step is chain migration of family members. Comprehensive Immigration Reform is not about curbing illegally immigration but amnesty or a path to citizenship and not border security or enforcement of our immigration laws which is now and forever useless laws. Obama is in his 7th year in office and we are no closer to securing the border than we were when he took office when 60,000 children are expected to cross illegally next year. We are losing the war against illegal immigration as we are losing the war against terrorism. Obama just another crooked Politician.
Clinton is rightly ridiculed for trying to downgrade herself to a commoner. However, if making fun of that, and making fun of her weight, and dragging her husband through the mud again, and satirizing her name is all you have for the next two years, she will win if she is selected as the Democratic candidate.

Those are the tactics of intellectual lightweights.

You would be far better served to go through her policy papers and statements from 2008. There's gold in them thar hills.

For instance, her designs on taking "excess profits" from oil companies to support a Strategic Energy Fund. THAT IS THE STUFF THAT MATTERS. And you damned well better have an argument to explain what is wrong with that plan, and have a superior idea.

If all you peanut gallery bumpkins can do is make fun of her fat ass, you are going to cost us the election. Again.
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No sane candidate can survive the GOP Primary. Looks like smooth sailing for Hillary.

However, as a devout Atheist, I found the following a little disturbing:

Hillary Clinton Reveals How The Bible Made Her Who She Is Today

Its very disturbing that almost all our elected politicians say they believe in invisible flying sky fairies.

Gives me the willies.



when you call a woman a "bitch" it mean she scares the hell out of you.:eusa_hand:
Are you really that dumb? Or do you just like trying to offend everyone?

Only the weak in spirit deny rationalism and spirituality.

Both have their place in the human character.

Get off your hobby horse, please.

One can be very spiritual but not believe in a god or a religion.

I ain't afraid of no ghost!

[ame=]Ghostbusters - Official® Trailer [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
Its very disturbing that almost all our elected politicians say they believe in invisible flying sky fairies.

Gives me the willies.



when you call a woman a "bitch" it mean she scares the hell out of you.:eusa_hand:

Hardly. It means that we have absolutely NO respect for this murdering whore. She can't manage a marriage, yet she can mysteriously "manage" the greatest country on earth?

Dream on foolish person.

Name 5 things this bitch has accomplished while "in office". Just 5. Here, I'll give you number one:

She served (there's a funny statement) as a US senator while she plotted to run for president.

4 more?

Oh, and don't forget this - what an "accomplishment"...........

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when you call a woman a "bitch" it mean she scares the hell out of you.:eusa_hand:

Zactly my thought.

The poster is an impotent little bully who uses abuse because he can't get it up.

You can't make me cry Libtard, I'm not Yurt, or dot Commie, that whimpers at the drop of a hat! Besides, you have no thoughts that some commie leftist bitch didn't send you to post! :badgrin::badgrin:
Watch how seamlessly the Progs drop Hillary and support whatever radical lunatic Soros wants

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Hillary is bullshitting on fox now...

"I'm not sure of the details...a lot was happening...I did not make those kinds of decisions...we need to learn from our mistakes...zzzzzzzzzzzzz"....we need to get the facts....need professional inquiries...zzzzzzzzzz
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If the republicans run a tea party anti-government fool...Well, hillary will be our next president.

People want a safety net and infrastructure. Most that are sane! Most want weather warnings and schools to teach their children.

The tea party is a loser. Believe me, I'll be holding my fucking nose as I don't want a man hater in the white house, either.
If the republicans run a tea party anti-government fool...Well, hillary will be our next president.

People want a safety net and infrastructure. Most that are sane! Most want weather warnings and schools to teach their children.

The tea party is a loser. Believe me, I'll be holding my fucking nose as I don't want a man hater in the white house, either.

I take it you hang out with pussies.

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