Most predict Hillary win in 2016

Okay. I guess it will be the intellectual lightweight route again.

Oooooh, I gots a funny pitcher to shows ya!

Your RIGHT....first time this year!

A lot can happen between now and November 2016, and Hillary is known for flying into some dangerous areas where bullets are flying.

Ballad of Hillary in Bosnia - YouTube

That's good, but I think this one tells the story, a little better!

[ame=]CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip. - YouTube[/ame]

I love the line: "All this experience she's talking about is at least partly her imagination."

I am starting to think you tea partiers are a bunch of cavemen from 40,000 years ago.

You see no need for our public sector science institutions. Even through they have saved tens of thousands of lives???? You see no need in educating the poor...Do you know anything about the history and the gap during the 19th century. If you did you'd wake up.

You are odd by a few years. They only want to revert to the Jim Crow era. Then they would be happy.
But Jim Crow would be the side YOU happily support...odd, NO?
No sane candidate can survive the GOP Primary. Looks like smooth sailing for Hillary.

However, as a devout Atheist, I found the following a little disturbing:

Hillary Clinton Reveals How The Bible Made Her Who She Is Today

Yeah you know that Bible: just full of horrible life lessons like "Thou shalt not kill" and "Love thy neighbor."

Horrible book.

Killing the firstborn children of Egypt and that flood thing were pretty nasty

I'm not that crazy about all the murder and incest either.

But yeah, that infanticide and the old man throwing the tantrum, drowning all the humans and turning it over the that old drunk ...

Who can you trust?
Okay. I guess it will be the intellectual lightweight route again.

Oooooh, I gots a funny pitcher to shows ya!

Your RIGHT....first time this year!

Thanks to guys like Karl Rove, the New Right has been dumbed down to people who have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

That's why they prefer pictures. Anything beyond a few words slides right off those smooth-as-glass brains.

They can't lay a comprehensive plan for healthcare reform down, but they got a whole folder of funny pictures of Hillary they can show you. It's a winning strategy.

Oh, wait...

"We lost cuz (our opponent) promised gifts to the 47%!"

Yeah, right. Keep bleevin that, rubes.
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She will not get nomination. Dem's will nominate Warren the socialist. GOP will nominate Ryan or Jeb Bush with Rand Paul as VP running mate. Independents will have a look at Warren and vote GOP.


I love how Righties close their eyes, stick their fingers in their ears, scream na-na-na-na-na-na!! and then think that makes anything they don't like go away.

Wake up. Hillary is closing in on 70% of the DEM vote in primary polling among DEMS. She is making all the moves that a non-candidate who has not yet declared a candidacy does: speaking engagements, books, interviews, trips to Iowa, New Hampshire, etc... the last time we saw a burgeoning draft movement like this for a candidate was in 1951, for Dwight D. Eisenhower.


She IS running, and she WILL be nominated and I have already, even in 2014, predicted that she wins with 57% of the NPV. Bookmark this posting and remember that number: 57%. It doesn't matter if the GOP runs Christie of Cruz, the result is going to be the same.
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Okay. I guess it will be the intellectual lightweight route again.

Oooooh, I gots a funny pitcher to shows ya!

Your RIGHT....first time this year!

Thanks to guys like Karl Rove, the New Right has been dumbed down to people who have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

That's why they prefer pictures. Anything beyond a few words slides right off those smooth-as-glass brains.

They can't lay a comprehensive plan for healthcare reform down, but they got a whole folder of funny pictures of Hillary they can show you. It's a winning strategy.

Oh, wait...

"We lost cuz (our opponent) promised gifts to the 47%!"

Yeah, right. Keep bleevin that, rubes.

Funny pictures tell the tale and even the low info types can understand them.

Hillary or a canadian...America is screwed. I hope those aren't our only options.
You know, the scary part is that these worthless liberal Nazis couldn't care LESS about the country. They really don't give a hoot.

Anyone who would vote for that murdering Bitch "because she is a woman" or "Because she is married to Bill" or "She is a liberal" is asking that this country turn into Detroit.

Look around you. We are well on our way now.

I disagree. Someone like JimH has a life-long dream of establishing a central authoritarian system similar to the old Soviet Union. They do everything they can to damage the country so that a collapse will open the door to the dictatorship they dream of.
You know, the scary part is that these worthless liberal Nazis couldn't care LESS about the country. They really don't give a hoot.

Anyone who would vote for that murdering Bitch "because she is a woman" or "Because she is married to Bill" or "She is a liberal" is asking that this country turn into Detroit.

Look around you. We are well on our way now.

I disagree. Someone like JimH has a life-long dream of establishing a central authoritarian system similar to the old Soviet Union. They do everything they can to damage the country so that a collapse will open the door to the dictatorship they dream of.

100 Years of progressives...Starting with Wilson onward masking themselves.
The voting public doesn't give a shit about the economy, or anything else for that matter as their attention span is less than 2 weeks.... we see it every couple of days with the NEXT Obomanation scandal! In 2 weeks from the VA death panels. to the IRS e-mails conspiracy, to the 5 top terrorists for a defector, now they SUPPOSEDLY caught the guy responsible for Benghazi (anyone want to bet that piece of shit sings like a canary that they attacked Benghazi over a FUCKING VIDEO?) .... All that needs to be done to drive the LIV'S to vote correctly is a blitz of stuff like this, continually place more ads followed by other scandals involving the Clintons, inundate the public with the SLEEZY SHIT.... that's all the fucking public will remember!


Yep. Goddamned stupid women. This whore mongering Son-Of-A-Bitch is as worthless as the day is long and yet these clown women would fall on all fours before his worthless ass.

Stupid. women. Fuck this so-called "war on women" bullshit. should be a "war on stupid"

A war on stupid is a war on all democrats, regardless of gender..
Oh, I dunno.

Even Ann Coulter was endorsing Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Bet Righties have forgotten that moment, what??


Just how much was that endorsement worth? It was more in context with just how much disdain she had for McCain.

Oh, ok, I get it.

Are you saying that Ann Coulter didn't mean it?

What's interesting, imo, is that Hillary lost to Obama. Obama's been at best a mediocre potus, and he's leaving office with anemic economic performance and most likely rising rates and at least hints of inflation. Other than BushI, generally the parties switch the WH every 4-8 years. Yet, Hill's the odds on fav.

If anyone had any doubt the gop has a message problem, it should be dispelled.
The voting public doesn't give a shit about the economy, or anything else for that matter as their attention span is less than 2 weeks.... we see it every couple of days with the NEXT Obomanation scandal! In 2 weeks from the VA death panels. to the IRS e-mails conspiracy, to the 5 top terrorists for a defector, now they SUPPOSEDLY caught the guy responsible for Benghazi (anyone want to bet that piece of shit sings like a canary that they attacked Benghazi over a FUCKING VIDEO?) .... All that needs to be done to drive the LIV'S to vote correctly is a blitz of stuff like this, continually place more ads followed by other scandals involving the Clintons, inundate the public with the SLEEZY SHIT.... that's all the fucking public will remember!


Yep. Goddamned stupid women. This whore mongering Son-Of-A-Bitch is as worthless as the day is long and yet these clown women would fall on all fours before his worthless ass.

Stupid. women. Fuck this so-called "war on women" bullshit. should be a "war on stupid"

I do hope the GOP makes you it's PR man for the 2016 campaign. Tell me, RandallFlagg, would you be willilng to get on TV and say that as well?

Oh, ok, I get it.

Are you saying that Ann Coulter didn't mean it?


Well, what did Coulter say, Statist?

{In case you missed it, on Hannity & Colmes last night, controversial pundit Ann Coulter — who supports Mitt Romney for president — said she would back Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, over Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

"She’s more conservative that he is," she said. "She will be stronger on the war on terrorism…I will campaign for her if it’s McCain."}

Coulter: I Will Vote for Hillary Over McCain - ABC News

See, the problem with you Statist, is that like most Communists, you're patently dishonest.

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