Most predict Hillary win in 2016

Stay with Hillary, dems and libs. She will take you to the promised land of starvation and joblessness. But fear not, she and Bubba will be just fine.

Don't you guys say the same thing evry time a Democrat is elected?

Yet the economy does better than under GOP leadership

Hmmmm. lets see now. since obama has been in office:

1. national debt has gone from 10T to 17T
2. there are more people in poverty than ever before
3. more on food stamps than ever before
4. longest high unemployment rate in history
5. companies leaving the country to escape high taxation
6. small business start ups down
7. number of bankrupcies up
8. housing starts down
9. trade deficit down
10. US reputation in the world down.

Yeah, obama has done a great job of "fundamentally changing" the USA. What's really amazing is that you on the left celebrate his failure.
By 2016, the number of blue states will increase significantly, primarily because the party of "NO!" is writing their own obituary by not acting on immigrations reform. Rather than face the issue and come up with a solution, they have buried their heads in the sand and have now proclaimed anyone in the GOP who even mentions immigration reform will be thrown from the party elites.

Their "Do Nothing" policy has finally come home to doom them.

I know that Obama has brought in hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens - but since most of them are children, do you think they will actually vote?

I know, you're democrats, they will vote one way or another.....

once the kids are here its only "fair" and "humane" that we bring the parents in and start giving them free stuff.------------watch.
Stay with Hillary, dems and libs. She will take you to the promised land of starvation and joblessness. But fear not, she and Bubba will be just fine.

Don't you guys say the same thing evry time a Democrat is elected?

Yet the economy does better than under GOP leadership

Hmmmm. lets see now. since obama has been in office:

1. national debt has gone from 10T to 17T
2. there are more people in poverty than ever before
3. more on food stamps than ever before
4. longest high unemployment rate in history
5. companies leaving the country to escape high taxation
6. small business start ups down
7. number of bankrupcies up
8. housing starts down
9. trade deficit down
10. US reputation in the world down.

Yeah, obama has done a great job of "fundamentally changing" the USA. What's really amazing is that you on the left celebrate his failure.

Stay with Hillary, dems and libs. She will take you to the promised land of starvation and joblessness. But fear not, she and Bubba will be just fine.

Don't you guys say the same thing evry time a Democrat is elected?

Yet the economy does better than under GOP leadership

Hmmmm. lets see now. since obama has been in office:

1. national debt has gone from 10T to 17T


2. there are more people in poverty than ever before
3. more on food stamps than ever before

Whenever someone claims Republicans hate poor people, I don't buy it. If they hate poor people, why did they make so many of them? Of course there were record people on food stamps. Bush handed off an economy going over the cliff!

If you are going to blame Obama for the current economy, you have to blame Bush for the one he left Obama.

Obama has been very slow to turn things around. However, the food stamp thing is old news. Your are parroting old shit that no longer applies. Things are improving.

SNAP spending as a share of GDP was stable in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 and is on track to fall substantially in 2014 and thereafter. Government data show that spending on SNAP (formerly food stamps) fell slightly as a share of GDP in 2012 and 2013 and is expected to fall by 9 percent in 2014.[1]

SNAP Costs Falling, Expected to Fall Further ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Here is some more material for you to consider:

The number of people receiving SNAP benefits increased
by almost 50 percent between fiscal years 2001 and 2005
and even more rapidly (by 70 percent) between fiscal
years 2007 and 2011.
During that latter period, spending
on SNAP benefits grew by about 135 percent. The
increase in the number of people eligible for and receiving
benefits between 2007 and 2011 has been driven
primarily by the weak economy. That increase was
responsible for about 65 percent of the growth in
spending on benefits between 2007 and 2011. About
20 percent of the growth in spending can be attributed
to temporarily higher benefit amounts enacted in the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(ARRA). The remainder stemmed from other factors,
such as higher food prices and lower income among beneficiaries,
both of which boost benefits.

So there was a 50 percent increase in Bush's first term. Followed by a 70 percent increase for the period including his second term and the first two years of Obama's first term.

Between 1990 and 2011, the number of SNAP participants
increased during periods of relatively high
unemployment (see Figure 1). Even as the unemployment
rate began to decline from its 1992, 2003, and
2010 peaks, decreases in participation typically lagged
improvement in the economy by several years
. For
example, the number of SNAP participants rose steadily
from about 20 million in the fall of 1989 to more than
27 million in April 1994—nearly two years after the
unemployment rate began to fall and a full three years
after the official end of the recession in March 1991
. The
number of people receiving SNAP benefits began to
climb again in 2001 and continued to grow until 2006,
more than two years after the unemployment rate began
to decline and well after that recession ended (in November
The number of participants temporarily
leveled off in 2006 and 2007 until the unemployment
rate began to rise sharply in 2008. Participation then
started to grow quickly and has continued to increase
since then.

So we find that is entirely normal for SNAP participation to increase for many years beyond the last recession.

The primary reason
for the increase in the number of participants was the
deep recession from December 2007 to June 2009 and
the subsequent slow recovery; there were no significant
legislative expansions of eligibility for the program during
that time.

Considering the Bush Recession was the greatest crash since the Great Depression, none of these figures being cited for the years following that crash should be the least bit surprising now that we have much more context in which to consider them.

Moving along...

4. longest high unemployment rate in history

Big Lie.

Look at the unemployment rates for the period 1975 - 1987: US Unemployment Rate by Year

5. companies leaving the country to escape high taxation

They've been doing that since before Obama.

6. small business start ups down


Startup Rates Surge in the U.S. and Abroad - Businessweek

The crash of 2008 impacted small business quite hard. However, since 2012:

Rates of early-stage entrepreneurial activity surged around the world in 2011, jumping nearly 60 percent in the U.S., according to a survey released this week by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. More than 12 percent of U.S. adults reported starting a business or running new businesses last year, up from just below 8 percent in 2010.

The GEM report reverses a trend toward declining startup activity that started in the U.S. in 2005 and persisted throughout the recent recession, says Donna Kelley, an associate professor of entrepreneurship at Babson College and a co-author of the report.

Startups were falling under Bush! Now that trend has been reversed. So you lied again.

7. number of bankrupcies up


Bankruptcy filings have continued to decline in the first part of 2014. This decline is part of a longer-term trend as the graph shows.

Credit Slips: Bankruptcy Data

8. housing starts down

Bullshit. Housing starts have been climbing since 2009. They rose 28 percent in 2012 and another 18 percent in 2013.

9. trade deficit down

That is a good thing.

10. US reputation in the world down.

Another lie.

Opinion of the United States

During Bush's War on Terra™, you can see world opinion of America plummet. The numbers are higher during Obama's regime.

Pay particular attention to the differences in the numbers between 2008's poll and 2009's poll. The world was HUGELY relieved to see Bush go.

The opinions of our closest allies are higher today than at any time during Bush after 9/11. Britain, France, Japan, Germany, Israel. All higher opinions of America under Obama than under Bush post-9/11.

So you have scored very badly for truthfulness.
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Lakhota, atheists really do not have much to offer spiritually, either, so get off your high horse. I mean, really, atheism is a faith belief, nothing more.

Are you really that dumb? Or do you just like trying to offend everyone?

Only the weak in spirit deny rationalism and spirituality.

Both have their place in the human character.

Get off your hobby horse, please.
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The voting public doesn't give a shit about the economy, or anything else for that matter as their attention span is less than 2 weeks.... we see it every couple of days with the NEXT Obomanation scandal! In 2 weeks from the VA death panels. to the IRS e-mails conspiracy, to the 5 top terrorists for a defector, now they SUPPOSEDLY caught the guy responsible for Benghazi (anyone want to bet that piece of shit sings like a canary that they attacked Benghazi over a FUCKING VIDEO?) .... All that needs to be done to drive the LIV'S to vote correctly is a blitz of stuff like this, continually place more ads followed by other scandals involving the Clintons, inundate the public with the SLEEZY SHIT.... that's all the fucking public will remember!

A lot can happen between now and November 2016, and Hillary is known for flying into some dangerous areas where bullets are flying.

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Lakhota, atheists really do not have much to offer spiritually, either, so get off your high horse. I mean, really, atheism is a faith belief, nothing more.

Are you really that dumb? Or do you just like trying to offend everyone?

Only the weak in spirit deny rationalism and spirituality.

Both have their place in the human character.

Get off your hobby horse, please.

One can be very spiritual but not believe in a god or a religion.
A lot can happen between now and November 2016, and Hillary is known for flying into some dangerous areas where bullets are flying.

Ballad of Hillary in Bosnia - YouTube

That's good, but I think this one tells the story, a little better!

[ame=""]CBS Exposes Hillary Clinton Bosnia Trip. - YouTube[/ame]

If this isn't as big as a Dan Quayle "potatoe" moment, I don't know what is.

The "I WAS DIRT PAW, WHEN I'S LEFT DA WHITE HOUSE" really tops this, but for pure enjoyment, and laughs, Her getting her twat caught in the propeller is better!


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