Most predict Hillary win in 2016

Yeah, Hillarie Antoinette Clinton did so well in 2008, Comrade.... :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

She won the popular vote in the primary....

Primaries don't elect presidents. They elect nominees.

DURR! His comment was "Clinton did so well in 2008" obviously the only thing she ran in was the it's a fair guess that's what he was referring to. Hillary Clinton actually did very well in the primary, it was one of the most competitive presidential primaries in recent history, even more competitive then the GOP's 2012 blowout.

And yes Clinton did win the popular vote.
The far right can't: Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

They have none.

Pretty hard getting past Reid's shelving of Bills and "My way or the highway" Obama stating that if it gets to his desk he'll veto it.
We have never had a president who in my lifetime can't negotiate or compromise as this one, Jake. So your post is just empty drivel, jake.

Yup, you got drivel, Meister, because I am talking about THE FAR RIGHT. And a minority party has to be willing to compromise if it wants to help govern. The American people as a majority will not support our GOP obstructionism in the Senate. Tis what tis.
Pretty hard getting past Reid's shelving of Bills and "My way or the highway" Obama stating that if it gets to his desk he'll veto it.
We have never had a president who in my lifetime can't negotiate or compromise as this one, Jake.

So your post is just empty drivel, jake.

If Republican bills do not have 60 votes in the Senate, why should they go any further than Democratic bills?

Shouldn't the President show Republicans the same respect they have shown him?
Many Bills are shelved even where they could get the 60 votes....bipartisan votes.
Funny how Bill Clinton could do it and got a lot done in his second term. :eusa_whistle: one

Bill Clinton did not have the worst Do Nothing Congress in history
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If Republican bills do not have 60 votes in the Senate, why should they go any further than Democratic bills?

Shouldn't the President show Republicans the same respect they have shown him?
Many Bills are shelved even where they could get the 60 votes....bipartisan votes.
Funny how Bill Clinton could do it and got a lot done in his second term. :eusa_whistle: one

Bill Clinton did not have the worst Do Nothing Congress in history

HR. 674 passed the House 405-16 it would have passed the Senate.
Bill Clinton worked with congress and it's why the congress wasn't a do nothing congress.
It's the difference between a good politician and a community organizer
Many Bills are shelved even where they could get the 60 votes....bipartisan votes.
Funny how Bill Clinton could do it and got a lot done in his second term. :eusa_whistle: one

Bill Clinton did not have the worst Do Nothing Congress in history

HR. 674 passed the House 405-16 it would have passed the Senate.
Bill Clinton worked with congress and it's why the congress wasn't a do nothing congress.
It's the difference between a good politician and a community organizer

HR 674 did pass the senate....

And yeah, Clinton worked so well with the Congress that we had two of the worst government shutdowns ever....
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Bill Clinton did not have the worst Do Nothing Congress in history

HR. 674 passed the House 405-16 it would have passed the Senate.
Bill Clinton worked with congress and it's why the congress wasn't a do nothing congress.
It's the difference between a good politician and a community organizer

HR 674 did pass the senate....

Reid didn't bring it to a vote. It finally did...I must be looking at an older source.
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Bill Clinton did not have the worst Do Nothing Congress in history

HR. 674 passed the House 405-16 it would have passed the Senate.
Bill Clinton worked with congress and it's why the congress wasn't a do nothing congress.
It's the difference between a good politician and a community organizer

HR 674 did pass the senate....

And yeah, Clinton worked so well with the Congress that we had two of the worst government shutdowns ever....

I'll have to fall back on HR 2433, passed the house 418-6.
Like I said compromise, left with a surplus and not a deficit.
I really don't get it. Even the most ardent liberal has to know, even if they won't admit it, that Hillary is a pathological liar. And she doesn't tell small or minor lies--she makes up whopping lies and then, over and over again, falls back on the excuse of "I misremembered" and "it was an honest mistake" when she's caught. Why would you want that kind of person in the White House? Why?
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Here's an idea. Let's change tactics and do something crazy like...ohhhh...address real issues that actually matter.

Even crazier, put some comprehensive plans on the table for education reform, health care reform, economic reform, regulatory reform.

Or you can go with the same old shit of pouring piss for retards to chug. Dumb down your base even more. HILAREEZ A FAT SLUT BABY KILLER!

You mean like pointing out that Hillarie Antoinette is a lying sack of shit that is so fucking out of touch that she thinks getting down to only $12 million is "dead broke?"

Wow. You really don't get it.

Smear tactics are for dumb, lazy people who have no answers.

Voters see right through that shit.

do you really believe that after the mccain/bush south carolina primary?
Lakhota, atheists really do not have much to offer spiritually, either, so get off your high horse. I mean, really, atheism is a faith belief, nothing more.
Whoever the Democrats pick as their candidate for 2016, they are going to win if the GOP tries the same stupid tactics of the past decade.

That is the problem. republicans have a strategy that will help them win Red States. Red states will not win an election

By 2016, the number of blue states will increase significantly, primarily because the party of "NO!" is writing their own obituary by not acting on immigrations reform. Rather than face the issue and come up with a solution, they have buried their heads in the sand and have now proclaimed anyone in the GOP who even mentions immigration reform will be thrown from the party elites.

Their "Do Nothing" policy has finally come home to doom them.

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