Mosts Americans are Moderates Study Says.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Interesting story. Here is the full text. A link is at the bottom.

You wouldn't know it from listening to Congress or watching cable news, but most Americans are not as ideologically divided as some might suggest.

According to a survey commissioned by NBC News and Esquire magazine released Tuesday, a majority of American voters (51 percent) fall into what the study — conducted by lead pollsters for President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney's campaigns — identified as the ideological center: minivan moderates, pickup populists, the MBA-earning middle and the hashtag-using #whatever man.

Roughly 6 in 10 (58 percent) of those respondents say they are pessimistic about American politics, and more than 44 percent feel their ideas are not represented by Republicans or Democrats.

And just what are those ideas?

A majority (57 percent) of centrists support ending affirmative action in hiring decisions and college admissions, are in favor (52 percent) of legalizing marijuana and mostly (59 percent) think feel religion should have no role in politics. A larger percentage (64 percent), meanwhile, support gay marriage and the right to an abortion for any reason within the first trimester (63 percent). And a vast majority (76 percent) of centrists "believe that the U.S. should no longer be the world’s policeman."

The study found 45 percent of this group support background checks for gun purchases (34 percent own a gun or have a gun in their household) and 54 percent "feel the Constitution cannot provide guidance to modern problems facing us now."

And while a strong majority (66 percent) of centrists say that America is still the greatest country in the world, none of the 2,410 respondents (0 percent) was willing to label the state of the American economy “excellent."

“People feel eroded,” Democratic pollster Daniel Franklin, who helped conduct the study, said. “They’ve seen the strength of the middle class wane, and correspondingly, the country as a whole begin to falter.”

Most Americans are centrists, study finds
Yes, and according to tea partiers...letting the republican party become MORE conservative will win MORE elections!!

Flawless logic huh?
Your average "moderate" is a person too ignorant to even label themselves anything. Most Americans are pathetic, apathetic morons.

Sure. The narcissistic, closed-minded, intellectually dishonest, self centered hardcore partisan ideologues represent maybe 20% of the population, maximum. They're just louder and more likely to push/threaten the politicians from their party. That's why we get the hardcore partisan politicians in so many cases.

Most of us are willing to compromise, most of us are willing to give in now and then. Most of us don't have the ego of the hardcore partisan ideologues. A little humility in political discourse and dealings sure would be nice now and then. But not with the partisan ideologues.

Unfortunately, while they're the minority, we have to deal with their effects.

the "study" is useless- if one takes time to get to the actual survey ( which is the weakest possible design for a study), one can easily find the sample bias and a lot of confounding biases involved.

In lay words - you can program the answers by wording the questiona and the answers depend on the sampling of respondents. And if you tell me that NBC by itself is not a biased sampling, you are dreaming.

so no, this survey is not proving that most Americans are moderates.
the "study" is useless- if one takes time to get to the actual survey ( which is the weakest possible design for a study), one can easily find the sample bias and a lot of confounding biases involved.

In lay words - you can program the answers by wording the questiona and the answers depend on the sampling of respondents. And if you tell me that NBC by itself is not a biased sampling, you are dreaming.

so no, this survey is not proving that most Americans are moderates.

if you unskew it, it actually shows that most americans are loud mouth right wing nutcases just like you, eh?
the "study" is useless- if one takes time to get to the actual survey ( which is the weakest possible design for a study), one can easily find the sample bias and a lot of confounding biases involved.

In lay words - you can program the answers by wording the questiona and the answers depend on the sampling of respondents. And if you tell me that NBC by itself is not a biased sampling, you are dreaming.

so no, this survey is not proving that most Americans are moderates.

if you unskew it, it actually shows that most americans are loud mouth right wing nutcases just like you, eh?


piss off and learn how to evaluate the studies.

oh, wait, you are a brainless leftard, so the ability of learning is beyond you :lol:
the "study" is useless- if one takes time to get to the actual survey ( which is the weakest possible design for a study), one can easily find the sample bias and a lot of confounding biases involved.

In lay words - you can program the answers by wording the questiona and the answers depend on the sampling of respondents. And if you tell me that NBC by itself is not a biased sampling, you are dreaming.

so no, this survey is not proving that most Americans are moderates.

I'm guessing that you would trust a Fox News exit poll from 2012. According to their exit poll, 25% fo the voters were liberals, 35% conservatives and 41% moderates. Washington Post had the exact same numbers.
2012 Fox News Exit Poll | Politics | Fox News
Exit polls 2012: How the vote has shifted - The Washington Post
Do you trust those numbers?
Mosts Americans are Moderates Study Says.

Well, it appears that the government schools are doing their job

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)
Looking at all the polls that have measure the voting public's happiness with the GOP, Tea Party and the Dems, I think they have shown they have grown tired of the extremes and their complete inability to get anything done.
So a person would have to be a moron to be happy with any of them, that's of course if they love America more than any of those three examples of a very sad joke.
America declines while the three parties fuck around doing nothing but drawing lines in the sand and refusing to compromise on vital, vital issues. What a bunch of stubborn childish losers.
Mosts Americans are Moderates Study Says.

Well, it appears that the government schools are doing their job

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

the "study" is useless- if one takes time to get to the actual survey ( which is the weakest possible design for a study), one can easily find the sample bias and a lot of confounding biases involved.

In lay words - you can program the answers by wording the questiona and the answers depend on the sampling of respondents. And if you tell me that NBC by itself is not a biased sampling, you are dreaming.

so no, this survey is not proving that most Americans are moderates.

if you unskew it, it actually shows that most americans are loud mouth right wing nutcases just like you, eh?


piss off and learn how to evaluate the studies.

oh, wait, you are a brainless leftard, so the ability of learning is beyond you :lol:

Yeah! [MENTION=19535]L.K.Eder[/MENTION] What does the "L" stand for? "Libtard?"

You know how right conservatives were in 2012 questioning all the LSM polls! President Romney kicks ass!

Let's turn that "L" from "Libtard" to "Learning!"
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The only indication you need that a majority of Americans are moderates is to look at voter turnout. Every election cycle you hear about how low voter turnout in America is, but nobody ever seems to address the issue of why that is. Moderates have been told for years that if they don't choose the "lesser of two evils" they are unpatriotic. A majority of Americans aren't stupid. Some may hold their noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. Some may vote third party. But many will just sit at home on election day.
The only indication you need that a majority of Americans are moderates is to look at voter turnout. Every election cycle you hear about how low voter turnout in America is, but nobody ever seems to address the issue of why that is. Moderates have been told for years that if they don't choose the "lesser of two evils" they are unpatriotic. A majority of Americans aren't stupid. Some may hold their noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. Some may vote third party. But many will just sit at home on election day.

As a moderate voter, I vote fopr moderate candidates, if there are none, I write someone in.
In 2012 I wrote in Jon Huntsman for president, voted for a Democrat (who also did well with conservatives) for Senate, a moderate Republican for the US House and the rest were moderates or write-ins. I never miss an election.
My brothers, sisters and I as a group used to send contributions to the GOP but we changed that about a decade ago, now we make contributions to candidates who are moderates and ones we know are willing to work with the other side of the aisle. The party doesn't matter any more. Considering we are all spread out throughout the US, even the location of the race doesn't matter, just the quality of the candidates.:eusa_angel:
The only indication you need that a majority of Americans are moderates is to look at voter turnout. Every election cycle you hear about how low voter turnout in America is, but nobody ever seems to address the issue of why that is. Moderates have been told for years that if they don't choose the "lesser of two evils" they are unpatriotic. A majority of Americans aren't stupid. Some may hold their noses and vote for the lesser of two evils. Some may vote third party. But many will just sit at home on election day.

Moderate voters made up 45% of the electorate in the 2012 election. Conservatives were 35% and liberals were 20%. So moderates had no problem voting in the last election.

FTR, Obama won moderates 56-41, or 8 million more votes than Romney. Romney lost by 3+ million. Romney wasn't even competitive amongst moderates. Had he been, he might have won.

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