Mother has kids kidnapped from her,she in return kills CPS agent.

Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

Yes, I'm sure you believe the FBI has unlimited resources, just acres of cubicles with agents looking over the every post, 20 million per day because they want to find out who thinks somebody deserves to have been killed (probably in the tens of thousands) and peg them as a potential terrorists. They probably have a file on you too for something you said while you were drunk or stoned. And any day now, they're going to kick in your door, throw some flash bangs through the window, and send you off to a distant facility that nobody knows about.

Gotta turn off the voices in your head, dude. They're lying to you.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

Yes, I'm sure you believe the FBI has unlimited resources, just acres of cubicles with agents looking over the every post, 20 million per day because they want to find out who thinks somebody deserves to have been killed (probably in the tens of thousands) and peg them as a potential terrorists. They probably have a file on you too for something you said while you were drunk or stoned. And any day now, they're going to kick in your door, throw some flash bangs through the window, and send you off to a distant facility that nobody knows about.

Gotta turn off the voices in your head, dude. They're lying to you.


Another nutter for you.
Killing an animal out of revenge is pretty disturbing. I think you have some emotional issues.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

No wonder America is fucked up when there are loonies who cheer on a murderer.

No wonder America is fucked up when there are loonies who cheer on state sanctioned kidnapping.

I am sure there was good reason to remove her kids.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.

No wonder America is fucked up when there are loonies who cheer on a murderer.

No wonder America is fucked up when there are loonies who cheer on state sanctioned kidnapping.

I am sure there was good reason to remove her kids.

That's the problem. Everyone assumes that she must be some horrible mother, but the truth is, CPS removes children from their homes for reasons that are shockingly unreasonable...often as a cautionary move when an accusation has been made, though unproven. Eventually somebody was going to fight back. This was inevitable.

Body on right. Odium cheers. Double good if she was a ****** eh Od?

Makes sense though, you being afraid of CPS.
She shouldn't kidnap kids. :) A parent had enough and fought back. Tough shit.
I'm not a huge fan of state interference in child rearing and have seen a surfeit of stupid workers with power issues...but you sound like a lunatic.
I think CPS has a bit too much power, or at least they are caving to certain "specifications" of what qualifies as neglect, but killing someone in revenge is fucking nuts, period, no excuses. That kind of person should /not/ have children, there's something broken in their heads.

I've had CPS called on me, not even sure why, but frankly it wasn't a big deal. They knocked on the door, I invited them in and we chatted about the boys, they checked out our "food closet" (we had converted what used to be a laundry closet into a huge pantry cause we tend to shop in bulk heh,) the two boy's rooms, and that was about it - said they were closing the case cause it was "clearly unwarranted." (My best guess is that they'd seen my kido walking to school, he was going through a phase of "I can do this myself" and the school was like a block from the house, so starting in like 3rd grade or maybe 4th he'd walk or ride his bike to school and I'd follow behind, cause I'm a bit over protective, then Id' pick him up after school - it was our "compromise" - though I'm not sure that's what it was) Either way, never heard another word about it and frankly I was glad that our neighbors were actively looking out for kidos in the neighborhood. It was a retirement community when we lived there, place went to hell quick though, like 10 years or less and they've got shootings at the school now >.<
It would seem obvious that this mother had mental issues.

They probably had a hand in her losing her kids.

What's worse is that several of you on this board have the same thing.


It's funny that people are always screaming "don't judge!". Every time someone says anything about a left-winger, they start foaming at the mouth "don't judge!".

Could this mother have had mental issues? Yeah, it's possible. We don't know that. You don't know that. Could it be true? Sure. But you don't know...... which didn't stop you from assuming you did know.

That's the exact kind of judging you are not supposed to be doing.

And then, you double down on your judging by assuming everyone on this board with a different view than you, is the same.

lol..... oh man. Speaking of bad parenting, yours seem to have failed you. Maybe DCF should have removed you from your parents....

Is the irony of this post apparent to anyone else ?

You lecture me on judging.....

Then pull my parents into the conversation and judge them ?

My taught me to avoid such insults.

Post 135 reported.
Killing an animal out of revenge is pretty disturbing. I think you have some emotional issues.
Being judgmental is also an emotional issue. If you have never been made afraid you would lose your children, which you haven't, then STFU.

We had a woman call in an anonymous tip about us many years ago. CPS came in investigated and left. We cooperated with them fully, they interviewed us, and the children It was bogus, we knew immediately who did it, we left her and her cat alone. No big deal.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.
And now she will never see her children again, eh moron?

And in THAT, rests the entire problem. And THE PROBLEM is that too many people have set responsibility for their children UPON THE STATE..., which has empowered them.

This Mother did what needed to be done. Her family was attacked and she killed the perpetrator of that attack. The State's fundamental claim is that THEY OWN YOUR CHILDREN. That THEY KNOW BEST what is right for YOUR CHILDREN.

Appeasing that false premise is how we came to the point where some bureaucrat is empowered to take your children and YOU are deemed powerless to stop them.

In Reality, thus in truth, you are NOT Powerless. And when enough CPS Bureaucrats are shut down in this manner, there will be fewer Bureaucrats and the premise will be altered to better suit reality; wherein YOU are responsible for your children.

Anyone who has had much contact with CPS knows that these people are barely functional semi-literate cretins.

We live in amongst the most prosperous areas of the world... thus it follows that those who live here are among the most capable people. However, some years ago, we adopted a teen from Foster Care... . This tool us down a path which produced one mind-numbing regret after another; subjecting us to the whim of one idiot after another. What I learned is that CPS represents the geometric center of the asshole of the PC universe. It exists to promote degeneracy, to excuse it, to rationalize its need for existence and to justify it as something worthy of consideration.

The people who are employed there are sexually confused IMBECILES... who should NEVER be allowed anywhere near a voting booth, let alone near the power intrinsic in government.

What's more, the turn-over rate is NOT to be BELIEVED.

The assumption is that these people are highly educated, well trained public servants... the reality is that they're hired from the pool of lowest common denominators, given minimal training, steeped in political correctness and set upon the public with few discernible skills and precious little means to gain any.

That experience was among the most painful in our lives... and we barely escaped with those lives.


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