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Mother kills full term baby and won't be charged.

The woman in question, is one demented person, in my opinion.

"A loophole in state law is preventing Campbell County investigators from charging a woman they say killed her newborn baby.

Deputies were called to a home in the 1200 block of Lone Jack Road in Rustburg around 11:00a.m. Friday. The caller said a woman in her early 20s was in labor. When deputies arrived, they discovered the baby had actually been born around 1:00a.m., about ten hours earlier. Investigators say the baby was already dead when deputies got there.

Investigators tell WSLS the baby’s airway was still blocked. They say the baby was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother. Investigators say because the mother and baby were still connected by the umbilical cord and placenta, state law does not consider the baby to be a separate life. Therefore, the mother cannot be charged.

“In the state of Virginia as long as the umbilical cord is attached and the placenta is still in the mother, if the baby comes out alive the mother can do whatever she wants to with that baby to kill it.“, says Investigator Tracy Emerson. “She could shoot the baby, stab the baby. As long as it’s still attached to her in some form by umbilical cord or something it’s no crime in the state of Virginia.“

Mother won't be charged with baby's death because of law loophole | WSLS 10

I don't know why the outrage and even from the liberal left on this board. Abortions kill babies, that's a known fact. What's the difference, because this one was born??-- and the others didn't have an opportunity to be born?????

You know Maple, stupid, idiot comments like that is what makes everyone realize what a stupid partisan crank you are.

HOW DARE YOU use this woman murdering her baby to promote your nutter agenda.

You should be ashamed of yourself, again.

I am outraged by this but at the same time isn't it a little hypocritical of you libs to be so outraged by this murder when you are in full support of murdering by abortion techniques. Answer that will ya???? How do you not equate the two?????
Maple, I'll make you a bet. I bet that if one searches the boards, there have been threads abut abortion and how people justify or fail o justify it at different points of development.

Loser has to pleasure me with both hands
☭proletarian☭;1824513 said:
Maple, I'll make you a bet. I bet that if one searches the boards, there have been threads abut abortion and how people justify or fail o justify it at different points of development.

Loser has to pleasure me with both hands

Abortion kills life, no matter how anyone wants to paint it, justify it, deny it, in reality it kills the life of an unborn human baby. That's a fact and a human undeniable truth. So the outrage by the left on this thread surprises me and I find it hypocritical with the knowledge of their total support of abortion issues and pro-choice stance.
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their total support of abortion issues

I get the impression you know only what Glenn Beck tells you about the opposition
I don't know why the outrage and even from the liberal left on this board. Abortions kill babies, that's a known fact. What's the difference, because this one was born??-- and the others didn't have an opportunity to be born?????

You know Maple, stupid, idiot comments like that is what makes everyone realize what a stupid partisan crank you are.

HOW DARE YOU use this woman murdering her baby to promote your nutter agenda.

You should be ashamed of yourself, again.

I am outraged by this but at the same time isn't it a little hypocritical of you libs to be so outraged by this murder when you are in full support of murdering by abortion techniques. Answer that will ya????

Listen you crazy freak, find ONE POST of mine that says I'm in support of abortion.
partial birth abortion: i have never seen a valid reason for them....medical or ethical

maple, 8 years of a conservative christian president and abortion is still a big business..drop the partisan crap...cause that is all it is....

this is a society that does not value children....simple as that..we allow the abuse and sexualization of children at very early ages....get over your moral outrage...hell we allow people to roast their kids in cars in the summer and call it a fucking accident... 4 yr olds can wander down the street with beer in hand and be returned by social services to the mother...i could just go on and on...we do not protect our children ...anyone remember the two guys in vegas...one rapes and kills a child ..the other knew it was happening and just left....yet he could not be held responsible....

dont react in shocked outrage when we continue to allow the abuse of children.
“In the state of Virginia as long as the umbilical cord is attached and the placenta is still in the mother, if the baby comes out alive the mother can do whatever she wants to with that baby to kill it.“, says Investigator Tracy Emerson. “She could shoot the baby, stab the baby. As long as it’s still attached to her in some form by umbilical cord or something it’s no crime in the state of Virginia.“

WTF? Seriously?

This comment was in the article in the OP:

"She should hve been charged under 18.2-71.1 - Most all these posts on here are arguing that the law should be changed, No it doesn’t! Just the proper code section needs to be inforced. Just use the code section that fits the crime. That Cambpell County Investigator should be fired. Read your code book mister investigator!"
The woman in question, is one demented person, in my opinion.

"A loophole in state law is preventing Campbell County investigators from charging a woman they say killed her newborn baby.

Deputies were called to a home in the 1200 block of Lone Jack Road in Rustburg around 11:00a.m. Friday. The caller said a woman in her early 20s was in labor. When deputies arrived, they discovered the baby had actually been born around 1:00a.m., about ten hours earlier. Investigators say the baby was already dead when deputies got there.

Investigators tell WSLS the baby’s airway was still blocked. They say the baby was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother. Investigators say because the mother and baby were still connected by the umbilical cord and placenta, state law does not consider the baby to be a separate life. Therefore, the mother cannot be charged.

“In the state of Virginia as long as the umbilical cord is attached and the placenta is still in the mother, if the baby comes out alive the mother can do whatever she wants to with that baby to kill it.“, says Investigator Tracy Emerson. “She could shoot the baby, stab the baby. As long as it’s still attached to her in some form by umbilical cord or something it’s no crime in the state of Virginia.“

Mother won&#39t be charged with baby&#39s death because of law loophole | WSLS 10

The law is as disgusting and demented as this woman
The woman in question, is one demented person, in my opinion.

"A loophole in state law is preventing Campbell County investigators from charging a woman they say killed her newborn baby.

Deputies were called to a home in the 1200 block of Lone Jack Road in Rustburg around 11:00a.m. Friday. The caller said a woman in her early 20s was in labor. When deputies arrived, they discovered the baby had actually been born around 1:00a.m., about ten hours earlier. Investigators say the baby was already dead when deputies got there.

Investigators tell WSLS the baby’s airway was still blocked. They say the baby was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother. Investigators say because the mother and baby were still connected by the umbilical cord and placenta, state law does not consider the baby to be a separate life. Therefore, the mother cannot be charged.

“In the state of Virginia as long as the umbilical cord is attached and the placenta is still in the mother, if the baby comes out alive the mother can do whatever she wants to with that baby to kill it.“, says Investigator Tracy Emerson. “She could shoot the baby, stab the baby. As long as it’s still attached to her in some form by umbilical cord or something it’s no crime in the state of Virginia.“

Mother won't be charged with baby's death because of law loophole | WSLS 10

Does anyone else think a bill to change this is going to turn up in the next session of the Virginia legislature?
Didn't say they already tried to change it and Virginians love killing babies and kept the law as is?
I hope she gets 40 years.

Unfortunately, the phrase "of another" in that law means "belonging to someone else", as in a fetus someone else is pregnant with. She killed her own, so she's in the clear.

On the other hand, I don't imagine the publicity is going to make her a very popular person.
I will never understand this sort of thing.

I have had some great days in life, but the greatest, bar none, by far, far and away, was when I first held my newborn son. I wanted to do the Kunta Kinte thing and hold him up to the stars and say "Behold on only thing greater than you." But it was daybreak and I had never known anything greater than him. So I just stared at him in wonder.

I do not get how any woman could do this.

But then my son's ten pound body did not come out of my urethra so maybe I had it a bit easy?

Still, I do not get how any woman could do this?

My ten-and-a-half pound baby came out of my body, and I thought the sun rose and set in his belly button. Ditto for his sister and brother, so I'd say your reaction is, thank God, more normal than hers. What a sick, disgusting excuse for a human being she is.

Honestly, it's a shame they can't commit her for mental treatment, because she doesn't seem all there to me.
Disgusting. And what's more disgusting is the paper could not use her name. At a minimum, she should be shamed and shunned by her community.

I expect it'll get around the community, anyway. I mean, there are what? Cops, EMTs, medical personnel involved here? Reporters writing about it? Too many people for this to remain a secret.
Investigators tell WSLS the baby’s airway was still blocked. They say the baby was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother. Investigators say because the mother and baby were still connected by the umbilical cord and placenta, state law does not consider the baby to be a separate life. Therefore, the mother cannot be charged.

Maybe I'm missing something here but this doesn't say the mother deliberately killed the baby. The facts presented above suggest she did nothing after the baby was born. Normal procedure is to clear the baby's airway and wait for the placenta to be expelled. Apparently she didn't have help and may not have known what to do. That may be some kind of manslaughter but it doesn't look like murder to me. Let's not condemn her until we're sure.

You miss the "was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother" part? Who shoots a baby out of her body and then immediately sticks the kid under a pile of blankets while the umbilical cord is still sticking out of her vagina? That doesn't happen by accident.
☭proletarian☭;1823593 said:
Yes, the article did say suffocated but that can happen accidentally. Although, I don't know if suffocation is possible where an airway already is blocked.

Secondly, we've learned, or should have, never to trust the media, especially early reports.
It didn't say the child's airway was blocked and the child suffocated. It clearly says it was suffocated by the mother,

Now I'm sure you don't read well.

From the article:

Investigators tell WSLS the baby’s airway was still blocked. They say the baby was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother.

There's nothing about the cause of the suffocation. They don't say how the mother could have suffocated a baby whose airways already were blocked and the don't say the suffocation was deliberate or if they even had any evidence to indicate it was deliberate. A baby under the bed linen could have been suffocated accidentally by an inexperienced, confused or frightened woman who didn't know how to care for a newborn.

The cause of the suffocation would be the lack of clearing of the airway, coupled with the bed linens the baby was under. And again I say, who shoots a baby out and immediately throws a pile of blankets on him with the umbilical cord still sticking out of her vagina?
☭proletarian☭;1825207 said:
Didn't say they already tried to change it and Virginians love killing babies and kept the law as is?

I don't believe I saw anything about that. Even if that's true, it's a whole 'nother thing when people have their panties in a fresh ruffle about it after something like this brings it home and nails it to the wall for them. It's a sad fact that a lot of the electorate needs a picture drawn for them in big, bold red crayon.
☭proletarian☭;1824513 said:
Maple, I'll make you a bet. I bet that if one searches the boards, there have been threads abut abortion and how people justify or fail o justify it at different points of development.

Loser has to pleasure me with both hands

Abortion kills life, no matter how anyone wants to paint it, justify it, deny it, in reality it kills the life of an unborn human baby. That's a fact and a human undeniable truth. So the outrage by the left on this thread surprises me and I find it hypocritical with the knowledge of their total support of abortion issues and pro-choice stance.

Some of us on the left do NOT support abortion, wnich you might get if you weren't so busy PRONOUNCING your absolutes. So your "TOTAL SUPPORT" statement is a big fat fucking LIE and you are the liar.

I also think there is a whole lot more to this story than what is in the tiny little news blurb.

What I find much more telling is how many there are that are up in arms over a baby's death, but would volunteer to kill the baby's mother, given a chance. A little bi-polar to say the least!
Maybe I'm missing something here but this doesn't say the mother deliberately killed the baby. The facts presented above suggest she did nothing after the baby was born. Normal procedure is to clear the baby's airway and wait for the placenta to be expelled. Apparently she didn't have help and may not have known what to do. That may be some kind of manslaughter but it doesn't look like murder to me. Let's not condemn her until we're sure.

You miss the "was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother" part? Who shoots a baby out of her body and then immediately sticks the kid under a pile of blankets while the umbilical cord is still sticking out of her vagina? That doesn't happen by accident.

It could happen to a confused, frightened or inexperienced woman. You don't know her circumstances so you can't judge here state of mind.
From the article:

Investigators tell WSLS the baby’s airway was still blocked. They say the baby was under bedding and had been suffocated by her mother.

There's nothing about the cause of the suffocation. They don't say how the mother could have suffocated a baby whose airways already were blocked and the don't say the suffocation was deliberate or if they even had any evidence to indicate it was deliberate. A baby under the bed linen could have been suffocated accidentally by an inexperienced, confused or frightened woman who didn't know how to care for a newborn.

The cause of the suffocation would be the lack of clearing of the airway, coupled with the bed linens the baby was under. And again I say, who shoots a baby out and immediately throws a pile of blankets on him with the umbilical cord still sticking out of her vagina?

I didn't see a comprehensive description of the scene so I don't know it was "pile of blankets." The baby may have been covered by nothing more than sheet which the woman may have used to cover the baby after death.

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