Mother of 4 deported

I love America and I respect some laws and see room for reform with other laws. As you know our laws are in an evolving system that change with the will of our people. I've expressed my opinion on the matter and though I don't agree I respect yours as well.

I don't know where you get this preferential treatment statement from. You are distorting my statements again, so apparently you are the dishonest one. I've said create a pathway and make it a harder less incentivize pathway than the legal route. I don't think I can say it any plainer.
Unless you are stupid, there is no way you can't understand. You know exactly why you are advocating preferential treatment for people who would not be allowed to immigrate legally if they had committed the same crime in their home countries that they did here by entering illegally.

When you say you love America, it is clear what you mean is that you would love America if only it were completely different from the way it is. In every post you display contempt for America, its laws and its sovereignty.
Ok, can't say I didn't try, that's the last time I'm going repeat myself to hear you distort and falsely regurgitate one of my points. I thought I could have an honest discussion with you but it's apparent that you aren't capable.
lol Still more bullshit. Nothing you said was distorted by me. You simply are too stupid to understand what you are posting or you dishonestly ignoring the implications of it.
If you are too dense to understand there can be an alternative path to legalization that is not preferential and not more advantageous but institutes higher fees, more penalties and a longer more intensive process than the legal path then I can't help you.
The fact is you appear to be too dense to understand that there can be no such path to legalization without undermining our efforts to control illegal immigration. If you were honest, you would admit there is no conceivable penalty that would make waiting years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty.
I'm dense? Really original dude. Ready to be proven wrong, here I'll give you an extreme example that will easily prove my point. A more sever pathway for undocumented living in this country could entail military service or 10 years in a labor camp building infrastructure projects for the government, they could be charged an extra legalization tax limiting their earning potential, and only be able to obtain legal status not citizenship... im not proposing this as a solution but as you can see, not many would choose what I just laid out over the legal pathway which would lead to citizenship. Especially if we made the legal pathway quicker and better which we should do.
Unless you are stupid, there is no way you can't understand. You know exactly why you are advocating preferential treatment for people who would not be allowed to immigrate legally if they had committed the same crime in their home countries that they did here by entering illegally.

When you say you love America, it is clear what you mean is that you would love America if only it were completely different from the way it is. In every post you display contempt for America, its laws and its sovereignty.
Ok, can't say I didn't try, that's the last time I'm going repeat myself to hear you distort and falsely regurgitate one of my points. I thought I could have an honest discussion with you but it's apparent that you aren't capable.
lol Still more bullshit. Nothing you said was distorted by me. You simply are too stupid to understand what you are posting or you dishonestly ignoring the implications of it.
If you are too dense to understand there can be an alternative path to legalization that is not preferential and not more advantageous but institutes higher fees, more penalties and a longer more intensive process than the legal path then I can't help you.
The fact is you appear to be too dense to understand that there can be no such path to legalization without undermining our efforts to control illegal immigration. If you were honest, you would admit there is no conceivable penalty that would make waiting years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty.
I'm dense? Really original dude. Ready to be proven wrong, here I'll give you an extreme example that will easily prove my point. A more sever pathway for undocumented living in this country could entail military service or 10 years in a labor camp building infrastructure projects for the government, they could be charged an extra legalization tax limiting their earning potential, and only be able to obtain legal status not citizenship... im not proposing this as a solution but as you can see, not many would choose what I just laid out over the legal pathway which would lead to citizenship. Especially if we made the legal pathway quicker and better which we should do.
Are you trying to prove you are too dense to understand the issue? By coming up with these bizarre suggestions you are making the point there are no conceivable penalties that will make waiting for years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty. You could also have suggested they would have to cut off a limb because that would have been just as stupid as the proposals you did make.
Ok, can't say I didn't try, that's the last time I'm going repeat myself to hear you distort and falsely regurgitate one of my points. I thought I could have an honest discussion with you but it's apparent that you aren't capable.
lol Still more bullshit. Nothing you said was distorted by me. You simply are too stupid to understand what you are posting or you dishonestly ignoring the implications of it.
If you are too dense to understand there can be an alternative path to legalization that is not preferential and not more advantageous but institutes higher fees, more penalties and a longer more intensive process than the legal path then I can't help you.
The fact is you appear to be too dense to understand that there can be no such path to legalization without undermining our efforts to control illegal immigration. If you were honest, you would admit there is no conceivable penalty that would make waiting years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty.
I'm dense? Really original dude. Ready to be proven wrong, here I'll give you an extreme example that will easily prove my point. A more sever pathway for undocumented living in this country could entail military service or 10 years in a labor camp building infrastructure projects for the government, they could be charged an extra legalization tax limiting their earning potential, and only be able to obtain legal status not citizenship... im not proposing this as a solution but as you can see, not many would choose what I just laid out over the legal pathway which would lead to citizenship. Especially if we made the legal pathway quicker and better which we should do.
Are you trying to prove you are too dense to understand the issue? By coming up with these bizarre suggestions you are making the point there are no conceivable penalties that will make waiting for years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty. You could also have suggested they would have to cut off a limb because that would have been just as stupid as the proposals you did make.
Keep using my dense phrase, I can tell you like it. No charge.
lol Still more bullshit. Nothing you said was distorted by me. You simply are too stupid to understand what you are posting or you dishonestly ignoring the implications of it.
If you are too dense to understand there can be an alternative path to legalization that is not preferential and not more advantageous but institutes higher fees, more penalties and a longer more intensive process than the legal path then I can't help you.
The fact is you appear to be too dense to understand that there can be no such path to legalization without undermining our efforts to control illegal immigration. If you were honest, you would admit there is no conceivable penalty that would make waiting years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty.
I'm dense? Really original dude. Ready to be proven wrong, here I'll give you an extreme example that will easily prove my point. A more sever pathway for undocumented living in this country could entail military service or 10 years in a labor camp building infrastructure projects for the government, they could be charged an extra legalization tax limiting their earning potential, and only be able to obtain legal status not citizenship... im not proposing this as a solution but as you can see, not many would choose what I just laid out over the legal pathway which would lead to citizenship. Especially if we made the legal pathway quicker and better which we should do.
Are you trying to prove you are too dense to understand the issue? By coming up with these bizarre suggestions you are making the point there are no conceivable penalties that will make waiting for years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty. You could also have suggested they would have to cut off a limb because that would have been just as stupid as the proposals you did make.
Keep using my dense phrase, I can tell you like it. No charge.
Well, you keep trying to convince me you are too stupid to understand the issue, but I'm convinced you are only stupid enough to have fooled yourself into believing you are intelligent.
If you are too dense to understand there can be an alternative path to legalization that is not preferential and not more advantageous but institutes higher fees, more penalties and a longer more intensive process than the legal path then I can't help you.
The fact is you appear to be too dense to understand that there can be no such path to legalization without undermining our efforts to control illegal immigration. If you were honest, you would admit there is no conceivable penalty that would make waiting years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty.
I'm dense? Really original dude. Ready to be proven wrong, here I'll give you an extreme example that will easily prove my point. A more sever pathway for undocumented living in this country could entail military service or 10 years in a labor camp building infrastructure projects for the government, they could be charged an extra legalization tax limiting their earning potential, and only be able to obtain legal status not citizenship... im not proposing this as a solution but as you can see, not many would choose what I just laid out over the legal pathway which would lead to citizenship. Especially if we made the legal pathway quicker and better which we should do.
Are you trying to prove you are too dense to understand the issue? By coming up with these bizarre suggestions you are making the point there are no conceivable penalties that will make waiting for years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty. You could also have suggested they would have to cut off a limb because that would have been just as stupid as the proposals you did make.
Keep using my dense phrase, I can tell you like it. No charge.
Well, you keep trying to convince me you are too stupid to understand the issue, but I'm convinced you are only stupid enough to have fooled yourself into believing you are intelligent.
Yeah because taxation and military/community service is just like cutting off a limb. Nice try dude. Time for you to go to sleep
The fact is you appear to be too dense to understand that there can be no such path to legalization without undermining our efforts to control illegal immigration. If you were honest, you would admit there is no conceivable penalty that would make waiting years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty.
I'm dense? Really original dude. Ready to be proven wrong, here I'll give you an extreme example that will easily prove my point. A more sever pathway for undocumented living in this country could entail military service or 10 years in a labor camp building infrastructure projects for the government, they could be charged an extra legalization tax limiting their earning potential, and only be able to obtain legal status not citizenship... im not proposing this as a solution but as you can see, not many would choose what I just laid out over the legal pathway which would lead to citizenship. Especially if we made the legal pathway quicker and better which we should do.
Are you trying to prove you are too dense to understand the issue? By coming up with these bizarre suggestions you are making the point there are no conceivable penalties that will make waiting for years for an immigrant visa more attractive than coming here illegally and paying the penalty. You could also have suggested they would have to cut off a limb because that would have been just as stupid as the proposals you did make.
Keep using my dense phrase, I can tell you like it. No charge.
Well, you keep trying to convince me you are too stupid to understand the issue, but I'm convinced you are only stupid enough to have fooled yourself into believing you are intelligent.
Yeah because taxation and military/community service is just like cutting off a limb. Nice try dude. Time for you to go to sleep
It is just as stupid and dishonest as the suggestions you made, which is why you added the caveat that you are not seriously suggesting the ridiculous things you proposed. Disabuse yourself of the illusion you are being clever.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


Had 20 years to become a citizen, chose not to do so..

Do people who commit crimes worry about their families when they commit those crimes?

Silly far left drone!
That's just irresponsible bullshit. Of course most of them come here because they want a better life for themselves and their families, but if they had committed similar offenses in their home countries and had police records for these crimes, they wouldn't have been allowed to come here legally, so what you are proposing is giving preferential treatment to them because they broke the law and got away with it for a while. Apparently, what motivates you to post such nonsense is not just your claim to have feelings of compassion for these people, but also a deep feeling of contempt for America and its laws.
I love America and I respect some laws and see room for reform with other laws. As you know our laws are in an evolving system that change with the will of our people. I've expressed my opinion on the matter and though I don't agree I respect yours as well.

I don't know where you get this preferential treatment statement from. You are distorting my statements again, so apparently you are the dishonest one. I've said create a pathway and make it a harder less incentivize pathway than the legal route. I don't think I can say it any plainer.
Unless you are stupid, there is no way you can't understand. You know exactly why you are advocating preferential treatment for people who would not be allowed to immigrate legally if they had committed the same crime in their home countries that they did here by entering illegally.

When you say you love America, it is clear what you mean is that you would love America if only it were completely different from the way it is. In every post you display contempt for America, its laws and its sovereignty.
Ok, can't say I didn't try, that's the last time I'm going repeat myself to hear you distort and falsely regurgitate one of my points. I thought I could have an honest discussion with you but it's apparent that you aren't capable.
lol Still more bullshit. Nothing you said was distorted by me. You simply are too stupid to understand what you are posting or you dishonestly ignoring the implications of it.
If you are too dense to understand there can be an alternative path to legalization that is not preferential and not more advantageous but institutes higher fees, more penalties and a longer more intensive process than the legal path then I can't help you.
How can it not be preferential when illegals have already avoided all the hurdles that legal immigrants have to jump?
Not the point.

Is your head as soft as your heart?

She broke the law.

Despite attempts, she is finally being held responsible for breaking the law.

You're crying because it is breaking up the family.

When a rapist, murderer, drug dealer, etc goes to prison, they are separated from their families.

I see no reason she can't be separated from hers.
The fact that you are equating her to a rapist, murderer, drug dealer just highlights the problem. It's where the word deplorable came from. I'm sure that makes you proud
There is truth to your words. BUT where do we draw the line?
We draw the line through intelligent debate and an honest analysis about the situation to decide what is best for our country as a whole. Unfortunately with the partisan boneheads we have running this country and the even bigger partisan boneheads that support them the odds of achieving productive policy get further from reachable. I do agree with you that there needs to be a line
Would you consider Trump partisan?
Not really, he plays both sides and doesn't fully subscribe to either ideology. It's his way or the highway. He is definitely divisive as shit
Yeah, because not being "divisive" means caving in to every snowflake demand.
Unable to change our immigration laws for their illegal pals, asshole liberals decided to just ignore our immigration laws. Don't like a law just ignore it? Does the left really want to go down that road?
I love America and I respect some laws and see room for reform with other laws. As you know our laws are in an evolving system that change with the will of our people. I've expressed my opinion on the matter and though I don't agree I respect yours as well.

I don't know where you get this preferential treatment statement from. You are distorting my statements again, so apparently you are the dishonest one. I've said create a pathway and make it a harder less incentivize pathway than the legal route. I don't think I can say it any plainer.
Unless you are stupid, there is no way you can't understand. You know exactly why you are advocating preferential treatment for people who would not be allowed to immigrate legally if they had committed the same crime in their home countries that they did here by entering illegally.

When you say you love America, it is clear what you mean is that you would love America if only it were completely different from the way it is. In every post you display contempt for America, its laws and its sovereignty.
Ok, can't say I didn't try, that's the last time I'm going repeat myself to hear you distort and falsely regurgitate one of my points. I thought I could have an honest discussion with you but it's apparent that you aren't capable.
lol Still more bullshit. Nothing you said was distorted by me. You simply are too stupid to understand what you are posting or you dishonestly ignoring the implications of it.
If you are too dense to understand there can be an alternative path to legalization that is not preferential and not more advantageous but institutes higher fees, more penalties and a longer more intensive process than the legal path then I can't help you.
How can it not be preferential when illegals have already avoided all the hurdles that legal immigrants have to jump?
Because the whole concept is about providing a pathway to legal staus for the undocumented that currently live in this country with more hurdles than the legal path. Getting them out of the shadows and on the books. Try and keep up
Does this really sound just to you?

Are you suggesting that having children makes one exempt from law? Interesting concept.

If only Thelma and Louise had had children.
No i'm talking in context to the entire situation as played out over 20 years. She did what she was told for 18 years and checked in with ICE. What law was she breaking?

She was breaking federal immigration law. Too bad it took this long to enforce.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


She is a criminal. She crossed over an international border without authorization and used forged documents. We're supposed to be soft on her because she is a woman and has kids? What happened to gender equality?
Heart of stone with no regard for a family in trouble?

Do you have a problem with rapists, drunk drivers, murderers, etc getting their just desserts as well?
The man in question nor any of his American children are any of those bad hombres you wrote about.

Not the point.

Is your head as soft as your heart?

She broke the law.

Despite attempts, she is finally being held responsible for breaking the law.

You're crying because it is breaking up the family.

When a rapist, murderer, drug dealer, etc goes to prison, they are separated from their families.

I see no reason she can't be separated from hers.
The fact that you are equating her to a rapist, murderer, drug dealer just highlights the problem. It's where the word deplorable came from. I'm sure that makes you proud
There is truth to your words. BUT where do we draw the line?
We draw the line through intelligent debate and an honest analysis about the situation to decide what is best for our country as a whole. Unfortunately with the partisan boneheads we have running this country and the even bigger partisan boneheads that support them the odds of achieving productive policy get further from reachable. I do agree with you that there needs to be a line

We don't need a new policy. We already have one in place, and until people like this came along, it was working just fine. Actually, it still works fine, but some Americans think that foreigners should make the decision if our policies are good enough for them.

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