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'Mother of martyrs' dies

I said it before and I say it again: These people carry terrorism in their DNA.
Yes indeed. How does ANYONE or ANY NATION negotiate peace with a people who prefer death over life?

This woman "mother of martyrs" would be typical of Palestinian women who have been brainwashed to believe that the biggest glory in their lives is the sacrificing of their children as martyrs in the fight to destroy Israel...even using their children as ammunition !!!

This once again demonstrates the utter futility of hoping the Palestinians want a real peace with Israel, and it shows the true character of the Palestinians who despite all their propaganda, by their very nature are unable to live in peace with Israel as a normal friendly neighbour.
Very sad to see how deceived they are inside Islam. The bible says no murderer will enter the Kingdom of heaven. That is the Word of the Living God and It is the Truth.

This is the fate of the unrepentant murderer who plots on his bed at night as to how to kill another person - civilian - anyone.. HELL.

If any person has murdered another human being there is forgiveness at the cross of Jesus Christ. If you are truly sorry, want to be forgiven and give your life to Christ he will not turn anyone away. You can be forgiven of anything, there is nothing God will not forgive but there must be repentance.

The Muslims must face the fact they have been brainwashed into believing a lie. Islam is a lie. Their only hope of heaven is to turn from Islam to Jesus Christ and embrace their freedom in Christ - leaving the rest behind.

The question Muslims must ask themselves is who is willing to go to hell for them? Who? No one? Then why should they be willing to go to hell by continuing to follow a lie? Do you think anyone cares about the woman who just went to hell? By this time next week, she will be a faded memory and the world will have moved on to the next story.. meanwhile she is still in hell suffering horrific torments forevermore. It is too late for her. Too late..........

I urge Muslims to disobey their Imams orders not to read the bible and start reading it. The bible is not corrupted. It is the Way to Salvation. Do not let any man no matter who he is stand in your way of heaven. They are not worth it. Do not let any man tell you what you can and cannot think about, read about, learn about when it comes to getting to know God. These Muslim teachers who say the bible is corrupted are in fear of your finding out the truth!!!

That Jesus Christ is the only way for you to enter heaven! Why do you think Muslims who find Christ are willing to die for him rather than part ways with him? Doesn't that tell you something? It should! You need to follow their lead and become a christian. You need to examine their faces, see the joy, the liberty they are experiencing in Christ and realise that God wants that for you too! Come to Jesus Christ while you still can. Don't wait another day.

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqAWGHzzoQ0]Women of Hamas - Israel/Palestine - YouTube[/ame]
No comment on the Muslim woman who said it is the teaching of Islam to murder civilians, George? What kind of religion would tell people to do such a thing? A religion birthed out of hell. That's what kind. Wake up and call on Jesus Christ while you still can. Time is running out.

Meanwhile today Memeber Knesset Feiglin interviewed Adva Biton, whose daughter Adelle (3) was stones by Arabs, suffers head injury, fighting for her life-



Since the accident, Adva doesn't leave Adelle's bed, cries and prays for her quick recovery

"We came back from visiting my mother in Ariel, existing from Ariel we have been stoned, and Blessed be God, we are all here alive, it's a miracle; I ask you (Israelis) to pray strong for the recovery of Adelle, So she will leave this hospital with us, safe and sound. In any situation we will take and embrace her (with every injury and sickness), just let her live and stay with us. She has complicated injuries, head injuries, only God's mercy will help us, and your prayers, however small and simple"...

We are praying for Adelle, Lipush.. I am putting her on our Wednesday night prayer list so the church can pray for her, her mother, family. I believe the LORD will heal her and she will come home.

That's why I hate it when people defend Palestinians stone throwers ...saying the are innocent lil angels!

Stones and Molotov cocktail incendiary weapons hurt and, indeed kill too.
Mothers and Sons

Two Middle East mothers are sitting in a cafe chatting over a plate of tabouli and a pint of goat's milk. The older of the mothers pulls a bag out of her purse and starts flipping through photos. And they start reminiscing.

"This is my oldest son Mohammed. He would be 24 years old now." "Yes, I remember him as a baby" says the other mother cheerfully. "He's a martyr now though" mum confides. "Oh, so sad, dear" says the other.

And this is my second son Kalid. He would be 21." "Oh, I remember him," says the other happily, "he had such curly hair when he was born". "He's a martyr too" says mum quietly. "Oh, gracious me ..." says the other.

"And this is my third son. My baby. My beautiful Ahmed. He would be 18", she whispers. "Yes" says the friend enthusiastically, "I remember when he first started school". He's a martyr also," says mum, with tears in her eyes.

After a pause and a deep sigh, the second Muslim mother looks wistfully at the photographs and says ......

They blow up so fast, don't they?"
Tinmore, when a Palestinian mother wishes to send "100 sons to die for Allah's sake" you are surprised there are so many casualties on their side?

When an Israeli mother covers her child's body with her own, forsaking herself so her child could live, you are surprised there are so LITTLE casualties on OUR side?
Tinmore, when a Palestinian mother wishes to send "100 sons to die for Allah's sake" you are surprised there are so many casualties on their side?

When an Israeli mother covers her child's body with her own, forsaking herself so her child could live, you are surprised there are so LITTLE casualties on OUR side?

6 March 2012

Hamza Muhammad Zayed Jaradat, 12, of Sair, near Hebron, killed, with his cousin, by an unexploded IDF mortar shell.

Zayed Juma Zayed Jaradat, 12, of Sair, near Hebron, killed, with his cousin, by an unexploded IDF mortar shell.

8 March 2012

Zakaria Jamal Muhammad Musa Abu Arram, 16, of Yatta, near Hebron, killed by IDF gunfire to his head during an incursion.

11 March 2012

Ayoub Amer Muhammad Asaliya, 12, of Jabalya, Gaza, killed by an IDF missile strike while chasing a puppy in the street before school.

3 April 2012

Hashem Misbah Salem Saad, 17, of Shujaiya, east of Gaza City, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire near the Gaza perimeter fence.

19 June 2012

Muhammad Bassam Shukri Abu Mu'eiliq, 16, of al-Musadar, in Gaza’s Deir al-Balah district, killed while trying to enter Israel together with two other young men, one of whom was also killed.

20 June 2012

Maamun Muhammad Zuhdi a-Dam, 12, of Gaza City, killed by an IDF missile as he played near his parents on their farmland east of a-Zeitun in Gaza City.

8 November 2012

Ahmed Younis Khader Abu Daqqa, 13, of ‘Abassan village, east of Khan Younis, Gaza, killed by IDF gunfire to his abdomen while playing football in front of his home during an Israeli incursion.

10 November 2012

Mohammed Ussama Hassan Harara, 16, killed by an IDF shell fired at children playing football in a playground in al-Shoja’iya, east of Gaza City.

Ahmed Mustafa Khaled Harara, 17, killed by an IDF shell fired at children playing football in a playground in al-Shoja’iya, east of Gaza City.

14 November 2012

Omar Misharawi, 11 months, of Gaza City, son of a BBC video and photo editor, killed in an IDF air strike on his family home.

Ranan Arafat, 7, of Gaza City, killed during Israel’s assassination of Hamas military chief Ahmed al-Jabri.

15 November 2012

Mohamed Sa’ed Allah, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike targeting his family home.

Mohamed Al Abadlah, 2, of Khan Younis, died of wounds suffered in an IDF air strike the previous day.

Hanin Tafesh, 10 months, killed when the IDF bombarded her family home.

Fares Al-Basyouni, 9, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Odai Jamal Nasser, 16, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

Tareq Jamal Nasser, 14, of Beit Hanoun, killed when the IDF bombarded his family home.

16 November 2012

Mahmoud Raed Sadallah, 4, of Jabalya, Gaza Strip, killed following an explosion.

18 November 2012

Tamer Abu Asaifan, 3, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on his family home.

Jumana Abu Asaifan, 1, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on her family home.

Muamin Hammad, 15, of Jabalya refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF air strike on a water tanker truck as he and his father were delivering water.

Tasneem Nahal, 9, of Al-Shatie refugee camp in western Gaza City, killed in an IDF air strike.

Eyad Abu Khousa, 18 months, of al-Bureij refugee camp, Gaza, killed in an IDF missile strike, in which his brother was injured.

Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1, of Gaza City, one of four siblings killed in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Hussein Jalal Nasser, 6, of northern Gaza, killed in an Israeli air strike on his family home.

Najeeb Ahmed Najeeb, 1, of the Qalandiya refugee camp, died of serious burns he suffered when Israeli troops fired a gas grenade into his family home.

19 November 2012

Mohammed Iyad Abu Zour, 5, of Gaza City, killed by IDF shelling of his family home in the Az-Zeitoun neighborhood.

Rana Al-Shandi, 1, of Gaza City, killed in an Israeli airstrike on the former Al-Sarava security compound.

Omar Mahmoud Mohammed al-Astal, 14, of Al-Qarara, in southern Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on his family farm.

Suhaib Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad Hijazi, 4, of Beit Lahiya, killed along with his twin brother and their parents in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Ahmad Tawfiq al-Nasasra, 17, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

Muhammad al-Nasasra, 15, of Rafah, killed along with his brother in an Israeli airstrike on their family home.

20 November 2012

Yahya Mohammed Awad, 15, of Beit-Lahiya, Gaza, killed by an Israeli missile while hunting birds.

21 November 2012

Mahmoud Abu Khusa, 13, of Gaza City, killed by an Israeli airstrike on Al-Nafaq street.

Ayman Talal Al-Assaly, 17, of Gaza City, killed along with his father and sister in an Israeli missile strike on their family home.

Abderrahman Na’eem, 6, of Gaza City, killed by an Israeli airstrike on the Ne’ma building in which three other children were injured.

Riham Al-Nabaheen, 4, of Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, killed in an Israeli attack on her home.

Nader Yousef Abu Mghaseeb, 14, of Deir al-Balah, Gaza, killed by an Israeli drone strike.

12 December 2012

Muhammad Ziad Awad Salaymah, 17, of Hebron, West Bank, shot and killed by an Israeli policewoman after he allegedly pulled a fake pistol near a border patrol post in Hebron’s Old City.

Remember These Children 2012 Memorial

And Israel calls the Palestinians terrorists.

Nice propaganda campaign.
maybe someone should check out baruch goldstein's mother. i heard she was quite proud of her son. maybe she wasn't an israeli, but she was an AMERICAN JEW.

i guess, following the logic of these posts, it is not unfair to portray jewish mothers of america as lovers of cold blooded killers.

go to fookin' hell, lipush. reap what you sow.
Pud Fucker Tin-ear. The fucking Palistains hide behind women and children and then act all victimized when some of the very women and children get hit as collateral damage.

If they gave a rat's ass about the lives of the children, they could stop waging war over a clump of sod and especially stop trying to use their own children as shields. But they don't care about their own children. So, no pity.
Tinmore, when a Palestinian mother wishes to send "100 sons to die for Allah's sake" you are surprised there are so many casualties on their side?

When an Israeli mother covers her child's body with her own, forsaking herself so her child could live, you are surprised there are so LITTLE casualties on OUR side?

fine. post a list of corresponding israeli mothers to match tinmore's list, bitch.
Pud Fucker Tin-ear. The fucking Palistains hide behind women and children and then act all victimized when some of the very women and children get hit as collateral damage.

If they gave a rat's ass about the lives of the children, they could stop waging war over a clump of sod and especially stop trying to use their own children as shields. But they don't care about their own children. So, no pity.

Palistains hide behind women and children

Like at home with the wife and kids.:cuckoo:

More Israeli propaganda.
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Tinmore, when a Palestinian mother wishes to send "100 sons to die for Allah's sake" you are surprised there are so many casualties on their side?

When an Israeli mother covers her child's body with her own, forsaking herself so her child could live, you are surprised there are so LITTLE casualties on OUR side?

fine. post a list of corresponding israeli mothers to match tinmore's list, bitch.

No need to attack her because she put blew your debate out of the water with her first reply. She is right. The Palestinians can't kill their own children fast enough strapping suicide bomb vests on them, etc. You read their testimonies on this very thread - they are happy to murder civilians as Islam requires it they say. They are happy when their sons die murdering civilians so this is a great joy to them!

Israeli mothers cover their children with their own bodies as Lipush points out and would die to protect their children. Bottom line is that thousand something number of the dead Palestinian children is blood on their own parents hands. Don't blame Israel for killing your children when you are doing it yourselves. Furthermore, that number ( palestinian dead children ) should prove that those who live by violence will die by it. You need Jesus Christ and an exit from Islam to get this problem fixed. Otherwise there is no hope for these people. They will keep murdering their own children, BBC reporters children and everyone elses children. Because they do not value life. - Jeremiah

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