Move Left or fall to irrelevance...Is that what they fear? How long before we see more of it?

Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?

If they interrupt my dinner and try to force me to say someone's name and I blow their fucking brains out, then there is not much more that they can do. Right?
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years.
You're describing the West, not the world overall. Plenty of non-western nations are still quite conservative -- primarily in the Islamic world.

And frankly, it's starting to look like some of them have the right idea.

Even a lot of Western friendly nations like Japan are not nearly as socially liberal as the West, and for good reason. They understand the values of family and tradition.
Geez-Louise are you people just that thick?

"inevitability "

I means over time. The West:
500 years ago people were hanged, burned at the stake, and tortured for the "crime" of not being Christian.
300 years ago an unattended woman was available for sex. whether she wanted or not.
50 years ago people were being tortured and killed because of their race
20 years ago people were being tortured and killed for being gay.

That's your enlightened West.
In 2021, a Liberal can say anything negative about a non-Liberal and get away with it; in fact, get an award.
In 2021, a non-Liberal says anything negative about a Liberal and gets fired and spat at.
That is the imagined butt hurt of every tiny minded "conservative"

"Oh, they fired me! And all I did was call my manager a dumb fucking ****! Stupid liberals!"
"Oh they arrested me and all I did was threat a tiny little Japanese woman with murder and rape for being Japanese."

Oh pity the poor racist hate mongering tiny minded "conservative." Just too stupid to understand he's the problem.
Almost 24 hours later...What exactly is your point other than the fact that you don't understand how what happened 30 years ago resulted in what is happening today?

The first sexually related lawsuit brought against a financial firm was brought about in Garden City, NY, by an ugly female who was upset that her attractive female co-workers were hired and paid to attract male customers with assets.
Her argument was that the attractive female co-workers were being harassed; the attractive female co-workers testified they weren't being harassed.
Not one attractive female co-worker was upset about the situation.
So today we have to hire the ugliest "female" we can in order to make ugly women happy.
We have stewardesses that look like male truck drivers.

So you can take your babble and shove it up your ass.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
Define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years.
You're describing the West, not the world overall. Plenty of non-western nations are still quite conservative -- primarily in the Islamic world.

And frankly, it's starting to look like some of them have the right idea.

Even a lot of Western friendly nations like Japan are not nearly as socially liberal as the West, and for good reason. They understand the values of family and tradition.
Geez-Louise are you people just that thick?

"inevitability "

I means over time. The West:
500 years ago people were hanged, burned at the stake, and tortured for the "crime" of not being Christian.
300 years ago an unattended woman was available for sex. whether she wanted or not.
50 years ago people were being tortured and killed because of their race
20 years ago people were being tortured and killed for being gay.

That's your enlightened West.
And believing that things become more socially liberal "inevitably" over time is ignorant of human history overall. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks could be described as more liberal than Medieval Europe.

In our lifetimes, you might be able to say that Western nations will continue to shift leftward on social issues over time, but that's not necessarily going to happen a century or two from now.

When looking at a longer timeline, we can accurately suggest that societies go through phases in which the social paradigm can shift leftward, but revolutions can radically change that. Afghanistan was a lot more liberal under Soviet rule than it was under the Taliban. Iran was a lot more liberal under the Shah than they are under the Ayatollah.

In Western nations, you can even see it sometimes. Franco was a lot more conservative than his predecessors. In a lot of modern Europe, there has been a growing backlash against open immigration policies, as shown by the harsher policies that Macron has taken towards Muslims lately. Denmark has also grown a lot more conservative about certain societal policies that affect Muslims.

So, it's not as "inevitable" as you think. What is inevitable is that people will react accordingly if the repercussions of a policy become too detrimental to a society. Many progressive policies can create a conservative backlash even among moderate people.
When you claim that Iran was more "liberal" under the Shah you are showing a lack of understanding on the topic.

The Shah ranked right up there with Pol Pot for his cruelty to his people.
The fact that he was 'our" doesn't excuse that no matter how hard you try.

You're looking at blips in history and calling them trends. That's what Conservatives do to tell themselves their failing ideas are justified.

For example, you point out Medieval Europe as being "conservative" while ignoring the plague that created the Dark Ages and the Renaissance that followed. That period was a blip in the march of history whose long term mark is left only in museums and archeologists shelves.
You're suggesting the Shah and Pol Pot are on par with each other and then say I lack understanding. Pot, meet kettle.

Yeah, the Shah was oppressive in some respects, but he was less oppressive than the Ayatollahs have been. Women's rights were better under the Shah, for example.

It's not about "excusing" anything. I'm just pointing out that your theory isn't correct.

I'm not looking at blips, I'm looking at cycles that occur over millennia. It is not a simple shift from right to left in social politics with human history. The problem with a lot of the Western perspective is that it seems to think that the Enlightenment represents a permanent shift for human society. It doesn't. Like any other chapter of history, its legacy will likely end eventually. What replaces it is anyone's guess, but there's no guarantee that the current preferences for postmodern thinking survive for much longer than a century, possibly even less than that.

The Dark Ages are usually described as beginning after the fall of Rome. That was several centuries before the "Black Death." The plague certainly didn't help society in terms of development, but the Dark Ages were caused by the collapse of an empire. The plague had more significance in stagnating the progress that Europe had made over the previous few centuries of the Dark Ages. It essentially postponed the Renaissance. Europe might have advanced a little sooner, had it not been for the plague.

A millennium from now, humanity might view the Enlightenment as a "blip," but that's neither here nor there. The point remains that the direction of human history and society is not uniform or a simple matter of shifting to the left.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years.
You're describing the West, not the world overall. Plenty of non-western nations are still quite conservative -- primarily in the Islamic world.

And frankly, it's starting to look like some of them have the right idea.

Even a lot of Western friendly nations like Japan are not nearly as socially liberal as the West, and for good reason. They understand the values of family and tradition.
Geez-Louise are you people just that thick?

"inevitability "

I means over time. The West:
500 years ago people were hanged, burned at the stake, and tortured for the "crime" of not being Christian.
300 years ago an unattended woman was available for sex. whether she wanted or not.
50 years ago people were being tortured and killed because of their race
20 years ago people were being tortured and killed for being gay.

That's your enlightened West.
In 2021, a Liberal can say anything negative about a non-Liberal and get away with it; in fact, get an award.
In 2021, a non-Liberal says anything negative about a Liberal and gets fired and spat at.
That is the imagined butt hurt of every tiny minded "conservative"

"Oh, they fired me! And all I did was call my manager a dumb fucking ****! Stupid liberals!"
"Oh they arrested me and all I did was threat a tiny little Japanese woman with murder and rape for being Japanese."

Oh pity the poor racist hate mongering tiny minded "conservative." Just too stupid to understand he's the problem.
Almost 24 hours later...What exactly is your point other than the fact that you don't understand how what happened 30 years ago resulted in what is happening today?

The first sexually related lawsuit brought against a financial firm was brought about in Garden City, NY, by an ugly female who was upset that her attractive female co-workers were hired and paid to attract male customers with assets.
Her argument was that the attractive female co-workers were being harassed; the attractive female co-workers testified they weren't being harassed.
Not one attractive female co-worker was upset about the situation.
So today we have to hire the ugliest "female" we can in order to make ugly women happy.
We have stewardesses that look like male truck drivers.

So you can take your babble and shove it up your ass.
He still waits at his computer longing for my posts.
Is it love?
Is it sexual fascination? given his fixation for shoving things up an ass it's possible.

Please wallow in your sty. Enjoy sleeping in your own shit and eating your neighbor's crap.
The life you live.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
I use "conservatives" as opposed to Conservatives.
The former are morons who think sucking Trump's cheeto is "conservative"
The latter are people that I disagree with for the most part but they are honorable, honest, and, in their own way. righteous.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years.
You're describing the West, not the world overall. Plenty of non-western nations are still quite conservative -- primarily in the Islamic world.

And frankly, it's starting to look like some of them have the right idea.

Even a lot of Western friendly nations like Japan are not nearly as socially liberal as the West, and for good reason. They understand the values of family and tradition.
Geez-Louise are you people just that thick?

"inevitability "

I means over time. The West:
500 years ago people were hanged, burned at the stake, and tortured for the "crime" of not being Christian.
300 years ago an unattended woman was available for sex. whether she wanted or not.
50 years ago people were being tortured and killed because of their race
20 years ago people were being tortured and killed for being gay.

That's your enlightened West.
In 2021, a Liberal can say anything negative about a non-Liberal and get away with it; in fact, get an award.
In 2021, a non-Liberal says anything negative about a Liberal and gets fired and spat at.
That is the imagined butt hurt of every tiny minded "conservative"

"Oh, they fired me! And all I did was call my manager a dumb fucking ****! Stupid liberals!"
"Oh they arrested me and all I did was threat a tiny little Japanese woman with murder and rape for being Japanese."

Oh pity the poor racist hate mongering tiny minded "conservative." Just too stupid to understand he's the problem.
Almost 24 hours later...What exactly is your point other than the fact that you don't understand how what happened 30 years ago resulted in what is happening today?

The first sexually related lawsuit brought against a financial firm was brought about in Garden City, NY, by an ugly female who was upset that her attractive female co-workers were hired and paid to attract male customers with assets.
Her argument was that the attractive female co-workers were being harassed; the attractive female co-workers testified they weren't being harassed.
Not one attractive female co-worker was upset about the situation.
So today we have to hire the ugliest "female" we can in order to make ugly women happy.
We have stewardesses that look like male truck drivers.

So you can take your babble and shove it up your ass.
He still waits at his computer longing for my posts.
Is it love?
Is it sexual fascination? given his fixation for shoving things up an ass it's possible.

Please wallow in your sty. Enjoy sleeping in your own shit and eating your neighbor's crap.
The life you live.
Anyone who bothers to prove your stupidity is subject to more of your stupidity.
Have you ever considered posting facts?
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
I use "conservatives" as opposed to Conservatives.
The former are morons who think sucking Trump's cheeto is "conservative"
The latter are people that I disagree with for the most part but they are honorable, honest, and, in their own way. righteous.
What did Trump sign into law that made your life more difficult?
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
Define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
Why a video?
Why not just link back to any of your posts?
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years.
You're describing the West, not the world overall. Plenty of non-western nations are still quite conservative -- primarily in the Islamic world.

And frankly, it's starting to look like some of them have the right idea.

Even a lot of Western friendly nations like Japan are not nearly as socially liberal as the West, and for good reason. They understand the values of family and tradition.
Geez-Louise are you people just that thick?

"inevitability "

I means over time. The West:
500 years ago people were hanged, burned at the stake, and tortured for the "crime" of not being Christian.
300 years ago an unattended woman was available for sex. whether she wanted or not.
50 years ago people were being tortured and killed because of their race
20 years ago people were being tortured and killed for being gay.

That's your enlightened West.
And believing that things become more socially liberal "inevitably" over time is ignorant of human history overall. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks could be described as more liberal than Medieval Europe.

In our lifetimes, you might be able to say that Western nations will continue to shift leftward on social issues over time, but that's not necessarily going to happen a century or two from now.

When looking at a longer timeline, we can accurately suggest that societies go through phases in which the social paradigm can shift leftward, but revolutions can radically change that. Afghanistan was a lot more liberal under Soviet rule than it was under the Taliban. Iran was a lot more liberal under the Shah than they are under the Ayatollah.

In Western nations, you can even see it sometimes. Franco was a lot more conservative than his predecessors. In a lot of modern Europe, there has been a growing backlash against open immigration policies, as shown by the harsher policies that Macron has taken towards Muslims lately. Denmark has also grown a lot more conservative about certain societal policies that affect Muslims.

So, it's not as "inevitable" as you think. What is inevitable is that people will react accordingly if the repercussions of a policy become too detrimental to a society. Many progressive policies can create a conservative backlash even among moderate people.
When you claim that Iran was more "liberal" under the Shah you are showing a lack of understanding on the topic.

The Shah ranked right up there with Pol Pot for his cruelty to his people.
The fact that he was 'our" doesn't excuse that no matter how hard you try.

You're looking at blips in history and calling them trends. That's what Conservatives do to tell themselves their failing ideas are justified.

For example, you point out Medieval Europe as being "conservative" while ignoring the plague that created the Dark Ages and the Renaissance that followed. That period was a blip in the march of history whose long term mark is left only in museums and archeologists shelves.
You're suggesting the Shah and Pol Pot are on par with each other and then say I lack understanding. Pot, meet kettle.

Yeah, the Shah was oppressive in some respects, but he was less oppressive than the Ayatollahs have been. Women's rights were better under the Shah, for example.

It's not about "excusing" anything. I'm just pointing out that your theory isn't correct.

I'm not looking at blips, I'm looking at cycles that occur over millennia. It is not a simple shift from right to left in social politics with human history. The problem with a lot of the Western perspective is that it seems to think that the Enlightenment represents a permanent shift for human society. It doesn't. Like any other chapter of history, its legacy will likely end eventually. What replaces it is anyone's guess, but there's no guarantee that the current preferences for postmodern thinking survive for much longer than a century, possibly even less than that.

The Dark Ages are usually described as beginning after the fall of Rome. That was several centuries before the "Black Death." The plague certainly didn't help society in terms of development, but the Dark Ages were caused by the collapse of an empire. The plague had more significance in stagnating the progress that Europe had made over the previous few centuries of the Dark Ages. It essentially postponed the Renaissance. Europe might have advanced a little sooner, had it not been for the plague.

A millennium from now, humanity might view the Enlightenment as a "blip," but that's neither here nor there. The point remains that the direction of human history and society is not uniform or a simple matter of shifting to the left.
Those who fail to learn from history...
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
Define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
Why a video?
Why not just link back to any of your posts?
I noticed the in-context threw you off your mentally ill game.

It's your turn to define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years.
You're describing the West, not the world overall. Plenty of non-western nations are still quite conservative -- primarily in the Islamic world.

And frankly, it's starting to look like some of them have the right idea.

Even a lot of Western friendly nations like Japan are not nearly as socially liberal as the West, and for good reason. They understand the values of family and tradition.
Geez-Louise are you people just that thick?

"inevitability "

I means over time. The West:
500 years ago people were hanged, burned at the stake, and tortured for the "crime" of not being Christian.
300 years ago an unattended woman was available for sex. whether she wanted or not.
50 years ago people were being tortured and killed because of their race
20 years ago people were being tortured and killed for being gay.

That's your enlightened West.
And believing that things become more socially liberal "inevitably" over time is ignorant of human history overall. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks could be described as more liberal than Medieval Europe.

In our lifetimes, you might be able to say that Western nations will continue to shift leftward on social issues over time, but that's not necessarily going to happen a century or two from now.

When looking at a longer timeline, we can accurately suggest that societies go through phases in which the social paradigm can shift leftward, but revolutions can radically change that. Afghanistan was a lot more liberal under Soviet rule than it was under the Taliban. Iran was a lot more liberal under the Shah than they are under the Ayatollah.

In Western nations, you can even see it sometimes. Franco was a lot more conservative than his predecessors. In a lot of modern Europe, there has been a growing backlash against open immigration policies, as shown by the harsher policies that Macron has taken towards Muslims lately. Denmark has also grown a lot more conservative about certain societal policies that affect Muslims.

So, it's not as "inevitable" as you think. What is inevitable is that people will react accordingly if the repercussions of a policy become too detrimental to a society. Many progressive policies can create a conservative backlash even among moderate people.
When you claim that Iran was more "liberal" under the Shah you are showing a lack of understanding on the topic.

The Shah ranked right up there with Pol Pot for his cruelty to his people.
The fact that he was 'our" doesn't excuse that no matter how hard you try.

You're looking at blips in history and calling them trends. That's what Conservatives do to tell themselves their failing ideas are justified.

For example, you point out Medieval Europe as being "conservative" while ignoring the plague that created the Dark Ages and the Renaissance that followed. That period was a blip in the march of history whose long term mark is left only in museums and archeologists shelves.
You're suggesting the Shah and Pol Pot are on par with each other and then say I lack understanding. Pot, meet kettle.

Yeah, the Shah was oppressive in some respects, but he was less oppressive than the Ayatollahs have been. Women's rights were better under the Shah, for example.

It's not about "excusing" anything. I'm just pointing out that your theory isn't correct.

I'm not looking at blips, I'm looking at cycles that occur over millennia. It is not a simple shift from right to left in social politics with human history. The problem with a lot of the Western perspective is that it seems to think that the Enlightenment represents a permanent shift for human society. It doesn't. Like any other chapter of history, its legacy will likely end eventually. What replaces it is anyone's guess, but there's no guarantee that the current preferences for postmodern thinking survive for much longer than a century, possibly even less than that.

The Dark Ages are usually described as beginning after the fall of Rome. That was several centuries before the "Black Death." The plague certainly didn't help society in terms of development, but the Dark Ages were caused by the collapse of an empire. The plague had more significance in stagnating the progress that Europe had made over the previous few centuries of the Dark Ages. It essentially postponed the Renaissance. Europe might have advanced a little sooner, had it not been for the plague.

A millennium from now, humanity might view the Enlightenment as a "blip," but that's neither here nor there. The point remains that the direction of human history and society is not uniform or a simple matter of shifting to the left.
Those who fail to learn from history...
You have a strange way of conceding.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
Define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
Why a video?
Why not just link back to any of your posts?
I noticed the in-context threw you off your mentally ill game.

It's your turn to define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
My billing rate is $450 per hour. No discounts.

If you want my services, sonny, you got to pay just like you do with your girlfriends.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years.
You're describing the West, not the world overall. Plenty of non-western nations are still quite conservative -- primarily in the Islamic world.

And frankly, it's starting to look like some of them have the right idea.

Even a lot of Western friendly nations like Japan are not nearly as socially liberal as the West, and for good reason. They understand the values of family and tradition.
Geez-Louise are you people just that thick?

"inevitability "

I means over time. The West:
500 years ago people were hanged, burned at the stake, and tortured for the "crime" of not being Christian.
300 years ago an unattended woman was available for sex. whether she wanted or not.
50 years ago people were being tortured and killed because of their race
20 years ago people were being tortured and killed for being gay.

That's your enlightened West.
And believing that things become more socially liberal "inevitably" over time is ignorant of human history overall. The Ancient Romans and Ancient Greeks could be described as more liberal than Medieval Europe.

In our lifetimes, you might be able to say that Western nations will continue to shift leftward on social issues over time, but that's not necessarily going to happen a century or two from now.

When looking at a longer timeline, we can accurately suggest that societies go through phases in which the social paradigm can shift leftward, but revolutions can radically change that. Afghanistan was a lot more liberal under Soviet rule than it was under the Taliban. Iran was a lot more liberal under the Shah than they are under the Ayatollah.

In Western nations, you can even see it sometimes. Franco was a lot more conservative than his predecessors. In a lot of modern Europe, there has been a growing backlash against open immigration policies, as shown by the harsher policies that Macron has taken towards Muslims lately. Denmark has also grown a lot more conservative about certain societal policies that affect Muslims.

So, it's not as "inevitable" as you think. What is inevitable is that people will react accordingly if the repercussions of a policy become too detrimental to a society. Many progressive policies can create a conservative backlash even among moderate people.
When you claim that Iran was more "liberal" under the Shah you are showing a lack of understanding on the topic.

The Shah ranked right up there with Pol Pot for his cruelty to his people.
The fact that he was 'our" doesn't excuse that no matter how hard you try.

You're looking at blips in history and calling them trends. That's what Conservatives do to tell themselves their failing ideas are justified.

For example, you point out Medieval Europe as being "conservative" while ignoring the plague that created the Dark Ages and the Renaissance that followed. That period was a blip in the march of history whose long term mark is left only in museums and archeologists shelves.
You're suggesting the Shah and Pol Pot are on par with each other and then say I lack understanding. Pot, meet kettle.

Yeah, the Shah was oppressive in some respects, but he was less oppressive than the Ayatollahs have been. Women's rights were better under the Shah, for example.

It's not about "excusing" anything. I'm just pointing out that your theory isn't correct.

I'm not looking at blips, I'm looking at cycles that occur over millennia. It is not a simple shift from right to left in social politics with human history. The problem with a lot of the Western perspective is that it seems to think that the Enlightenment represents a permanent shift for human society. It doesn't. Like any other chapter of history, its legacy will likely end eventually. What replaces it is anyone's guess, but there's no guarantee that the current preferences for postmodern thinking survive for much longer than a century, possibly even less than that.

The Dark Ages are usually described as beginning after the fall of Rome. That was several centuries before the "Black Death." The plague certainly didn't help society in terms of development, but the Dark Ages were caused by the collapse of an empire. The plague had more significance in stagnating the progress that Europe had made over the previous few centuries of the Dark Ages. It essentially postponed the Renaissance. Europe might have advanced a little sooner, had it not been for the plague.

A millennium from now, humanity might view the Enlightenment as a "blip," but that's neither here nor there. The point remains that the direction of human history and society is not uniform or a simple matter of shifting to the left.
Those who fail to learn from history...
You have a strange way of conceding.
Whatever. I've learned not to argue facts with the ignorant.
You buy them their books, send them to school and they spend the day sucking the erasers off the pencils.
Fox must move further Left...right?
Country Music had to move Left...right?
NASCAR had to move Left...right?

Is it inevitable, are we all headed Left?
At some point I'll make a thread on this. Should be fun.

It is the inevitability of social change.
Over time human society tends to move in a direction we would call "left."
Conservatives are people who oppose, in general, this changing social model but
along with being wrong on every issue they do serve a role in slowing social change
promoting social evolution over social revolution.
This distinguishes Conservative from "conservative" these self IDd "conservatives"
are not Conservative and ill die out in a few short years. crazy, twisted LefTards honestly believe that crazy bullshit don’t you?
This nation was built on the back of conservatism. In just 150 short years the greatest nation the world has ever known was yielded by conservatism.
Listen Tard...none of your LefTarded Twilight Zone shit has happened organically as your foolish dumbass pretends it has...No Wetbacks, no Google faggots, no Zuckerberg, no Jack Dorsey = No LefTardism...your ignorant wetbacks, faggots, chicks with dicks, Ni@@ers are awesome bullshit has been propped up by globalist puppetmasters steering American societal workings....FUCK LEFTARDISM!

Conservatives opposed the Revolution; and
Conservatives opposed the Civil War and
Conservatives opposed women and Black people voting and
Conservatives ...

That's right oh ye of exceptionally tiny mind.
"conservatives," morons just like you opposed each and every move in our history designed to bring more freedom to more people.

You are welcome for the history lesson and remember
Those that fail to learn from history
Call themselves "conservatives."
These aren't conservatives, they're Trumpsters.

This is its own animal. That's what makes it so fascinating.
Define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
Why a video?
Why not just link back to any of your posts?
I noticed the in-context threw you off your mentally ill game.

It's your turn to define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
My billing rate is $450 per hour. No discounts.

If you want my services, sonny, you got to pay just like you do with your girlfriends.
I have unlimited Internet.
You and MAC have rather limited intelligence.
It's your turn to define a Trumpster by Linking to an in-context video...I'll wait.
liberals reward someone who eloquently articulates a high moral purpose, instead of rewarding folks who get stuff done!

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