Movement to primary Speaker Paul Ryan picks up steam

"Movement to Primary Speaker Paul Ryan Out of Congress"

To what end – what is this supposed to 'accomplish' – who would be his replacement, republicans had to beg Ryan to be Speaker.
"Wisconsin Tea Party Declares War on Paul Ryan"

Oh, brother.

Members of the TPM are just too dense to get it: the vast majority of the American people reject the reckless, irresponsible, naïve, sophomoric, wrongheaded agenda of the TPM.
Is the Republican party afflicted with suicidal tendencies? Cannibalism as in eating their own? Or just plain stupidity?
Voting out a democrat posing as a republican is not suicide its keeping things right.
I suppose keeping things "right" means having a fascist pose as a Republican.
Please show us just ONE thing Trump has said that's fascist....WITHOUT looking up what Fascism is or means. Because you OBVIOUSLY have no clue. Oh and its better to have Trump with us than having a communist posing as a democrat.
Go Tea Baggers go!

Its like watching a dog that has had it with its own leg and has decided to chew it off.

The Tea Party might have a legitimate complaint if the first think Ryan does as Speaker is give the Dems a budget bill so much to the Dems liking that they hold a press conference to say how much more they got than they expected to get.

This is like watching our team spike the ball in our own end zone and the other team going on Sportscenter to gloat about it.
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The man showed his true colors and it is reason to send him packing back to his true friends in the Democratic party.
Please show us just ONE thing Trump has said that's fascist....WITHOUT looking up what Fascism is or means. Because you OBVIOUSLY have no clue. Oh and its better to have Trump with us than having a communist posing as a democrat.


Paul Ryan is one of the most brilliant minds in the Republican Party. It would be really stupid to do that.

Again the right wing of the party--stupid as they are--are continually throwing rocks in the wrong direction. This time over the FY federal budget. They whine & cry--Rush Limbaugh (Mr. Anti-Establishment himself) tells them which Republican to throw rocks at, but they NEVER have a solution to these problems.

The biggest problem is: There are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 12 to 13 years. So the anti-Establishment groupie can take a look at the below chart and see where they want to cut the budget. Obviously the only substantial cut we could make would be to DEFENSE, SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE. And if Paul Ryan suggested that they would be having a real shit fit over that.

So you Tea Party members look at this chart, make your cuts, and keep in mind that you're also working with DEMOCRATS that are not going to be soooo willing to make the cuts you want.


So the anti-establishment Tea Party--groupie wants you to replace the man in the 1st video below-- to the man similar in the 2nd video (which is a favorite candidate of the Tea Party movement)--LOL Wouldn't that be grannnnd--LOL

This is Ted Cruz's effort to do something about Obamacare--LOL

Paul Ryan is one of the most brilliant minds in the Republican Party. It would be really stupid to do that.

Again the right wing of the party--stupid as they are--are continually throwing rocks in the wrong direction. This time over the FY federal budget. They whine & cry--Rush Limbaugh (Mr. Anti-Establishment himself) tells them which Republican to throw rocks at, but they NEVER have a solution to these problems.

The biggest problem is: There are 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this rate will continue for the next 12 to 13 years. So the anti-Establishment groupie can take a look at the below chart and see where they want to cut the budget. Obviously the only substantial cut we could make would be to DEFENSE, SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE. And if Paul Ryan suggested that they would be having a real shit fit over that.

So you Tea Party members look at this chart, make your cuts, and keep in mind that you're also working with DEMOCRATS that are not going to be soooo willing to make the cuts you want.


So the anti-establishment groupie wants you to replace the man in the 1st video below to the man similar in the 2nd video (which is a favorite candidate of the Tea Party movement)--LOL

He's a traitor to the people that elected him to be a CONSERVATIVE.
Since the democrat party has become redundant the focus for the next half century will be the fight between the conservative and the liberal factions of the republican party
Obviously the only substantial cut we could make would be to DEFENSE, SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Bull Hockey. Take a look at items like Interest or GOVT pensions. They added more spending on health care thru ObammyCare rather than fix the other first. Cut/Eliminate/Reduce and cut more. Whey do we need CIA FBI DEFENSE HOMELAND CoastGuard Border patrol on an on and on. Too much. Education back to states. many others to eliminate, PP NPR Ethanol, GW to name a few.

To run up this much DEBT and to keep doing it? "it will be better next year"? huh? WTH? no mas.

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