Movies You Have Enjoyed

Conan the barbarian, and Conan the destroyer.
Hellboy and Hellboy 2
Men in black 1&2
Night of the Hunter.

Love and hate on his knuckles. Mitchum was so good. He makes my heart spin, He is really that good.

Check out the "love"

Films by Stanley Kubrick have had a big effect on me during my lifetime.

The first one I saw was "paths of glory", shown in a local school hall one rainy night when I was a boy.

There were no seats in the hall so I sat on the stage next to the screen and before long I was glad I was soaked with rain because it concealed my tears. That was the first anti war film I had seen. I later saw "the victors" not by Kubrick.

The next big impact Kubrick had on me was when I went to London on the train to see the opening of
2001 a space oddessy. I sat in the front row of a huge widescreen in the cinerama cinema. I had to look sideways to see the whole screen. It blew my mind, and I came out of the cinema and crawled down the pavement feeling like an ant. Then the whole thing got reinforced as a trauma because I had missed the last train, so I wandered the city streets all night. I was propositioned by prostitutes, and foolishly I turned them down. Then I was hassled by alchoholics while trying to rest on a park bench.

The next Kubrick film that had a big impact on me was "Clockwork Orange" I was just settling down to watch disney time on TV and a homosexual friend of mine came to the door and asked me out to see the film. On the way we hung out on hampsted heath where he pointed out to me some homosexual hangouts where men were having sex in the bushes.( I am not a homosexual and found it taxing) Then he took me to a park with a ferris wheel, and convinced me to go on it. I was promply sick. We finished up in the cinema where "Clockwork Orange" almost made me sick too.

And did I mention "Barry Lyndon" well that had an impact on me too.
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The movie race to nowhere is really good. It gives a good insight into the testing that is going on in schools
If you've never seen it, check out reign over me. Adam Sandler in a dramatic role.

Highly underrated movie

I think it's instant streaming on Crackle
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I enjoyed "the blob" and waited years for the return of the blob. When it came it was sickening.
Some movies that I have enjoyed:

All of the Star Wars movies so far,

Raiders of the Lost Arc and the other Indiana Jones movies,


The Matrix trilogy,

The Avengers,


Alien series

Very popular movies, Wildcard. I have seen all of them except for 300. Wil have to check it out. If it's anything like The Gladiator, I'll like it. Thanks for your list. :)
A movie I don't think anyone has mentioned is "What About Bob? Bill Murray plays Bob, a man with many mental issues, and his Psychiatrist is played by Richard Dreyfuss. Bob has had many psychiatrists, and they either quit being psychiatrists because of Bob, or push him off on another unsuspecting psychiatrist.

The unlucky Psychiatrist is Richard Dreyfuss, who is going on vacation, and Bob doesn't feel he can live without the psychiatrist, so he tries to find out where the Dr and his family are going. He finally went to the physicians service office, and said he was a Dr, and got the location of the vacation home, so he takes his little goldfish in a jar with him, hanging from his neck. He loved his goldfish. :)

The rest of the show, is all the things he does to be a part of their family, and is driving the psychiatrist nutty, and all the things the Dr does to try and get rid of him. Bill Murray really took his part well. He was Hilarious! lol Has anyone seen it...and if so did you like it?

Yea I saw it, it was funny. So was another Bill Murray film, Caddyshack.

On a different track. One film I could watch several times is, "Van Helsing".

Have never seen Van Helsing, Dajjal, and have never been too interested in Frankenstein movies, but I do like Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale. One Frankenstein movie I did like was.... "Young Frankenstein" which was absolutely ridiculous. and I loved it! lol Thanks for sharing :)
Some movies that I have enjoyed:

All of the Star Wars movies so far,

Raiders of the Lost Arc and the other Indiana Jones movies,


The Matrix trilogy,

The Avengers,


Alien series

Very popular movies, Wildcard. I have seen all of them except for 300. Wil have to check it out. If it's anything like The Gladiator, I'll like it. Thanks for your list. :)

Loved em all but 300

Simply silly IMHO

Oh, and Kate Beckinsale, if I could, I would have her baby.....

Just sayin.
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I found the violent scenes in 300 a bit strong. That is until I watched the spartacus TV series.
I cannot even see how they can make such films without killing people. I assume it is largely computer animation laid over actual scenes. Otherwise there would be a lot of dead actors.
Watched a great movie the other night for the first time by Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu (1903-1963) - called Early Summer. Liked it so much, went out and rented another of his which is part of the Criterion Collection, Late Fall. Terrific movies and cinematography, camera angles - all B&W of course.

Thank God that some channels actually televise foreign filmmakers, or I'd cancel cable altogether for the drivel that's shown hour in and hour out.
I enjoyed Jack Reacher w/Tom Cruise. Some goofy moments, but entertaining.
And no, I haven't read any of the books.

I enjoyed Jack Reacher with Tom Cruise too, Mr. H. He took his part really well, even though my daughter didn't want to see it, because she reads the books, and she said Tom Cruise was too short to play the part. :) She had to agree, he had the same arrogance etc as in the books, and she liked the movie too.
Don't watch Lincoln, unless your other hobby is reading a dictionary.:puke:

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