Movies You Have Enjoyed

Did you ever check out John Travolta in Michael?

Just curious

I would warn you, it's mighty crude. He's not that kind of angel

I had completely forgotten about frequency - Highly underrated movie. Gonna have to dig that one out and watch it this week

I viewed "Michael" as a crude, clumsy, and ham-handed attack of Christianity. I lost interest after about 30 minutes and turned it off with the thought of "yeah, I get it, Hollywood hates Christians."
Did you ever check out John Travolta in Michael?

Just curious

I would warn you, it's mighty crude. He's not that kind of angel

I had completely forgotten about frequency - Highly underrated movie. Gonna have to dig that one out and watch it this week

I viewed "Michael" as a crude, clumsy, and ham-handed attack of Christianity. I lost interest after about 30 minutes and turned it off with the thought of "yeah, I get it, Hollywood hates Christians."

I've heard that critique before and understand it completely even though I would disagree.

Loved the comedy and as someone once said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
When Harry met Sally

[ame=]Katz's Delicatessen - in "When Harry Met Sally" - YouTube[/ame]

Great movie - Great scene

I'll have what she's having......
Monty Python & the Holy Grail - The Black Knight scene

[ame=]Monty Python-The Black Knight - YouTube[/ame]

The French Taunter

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I love movies.

Movies that I have loved and have impacted me oh my what a choice. OK let's start here.

The Big Country. Best soliloquy ever by a poor man raging against a rich man. Check this out and no shit you have to have to see this movie. I love it to death.


Major Henry Terrill: What do you want Hannassey?

Rufus Hannassey: Just payin' back the call that you and your men did to my boys this mornin'... sorry I wasn't there to give you the proper welcome.

got me something to say that's about thirty years overdue.

This is a mighty fine house, Major Terrill, a gentleman's house. Those are mighty fine clothes your wearin'. Well, maybe you got some of these folks fooled, but you ain't got me fooled, not by a damn sight!

The Hannassey's know and admire a real gentleman when they seen one, and they recgonize the smell of a high tone skunk when they smell one.

Now, I'm not here tonight complaining about twenty-three of your brave men, beating three of my boys until they couldn't stand. Maybe they had it coming anyway - they're full grown and can take their lickin's.

I'm also not here complaining that you're trying to buy the Big Muddy, to keep my cows from water. It's interesting to see the daughter of a genuine gentleman like Glenn Maragon under this roof!

I'll tell you why I'm here, Major Terrill. The next time you come a busting and blazing into my place scaring the kids and the women folks, when you invade my home, like you was the law or God Almighty...

then I say to you, I've seen every kind of critter God ever made, and I ain't never seen a more meaner, lower, pitiful, yellow, stinking hyprocrite than you!

Now you can swallow up a lot of folks and make them like it, but you ain't swallowing me, I'm stuck in your crawl, Major Terrill, and you can't spit me out! You hear me now!

You've rode into my place and beat my men for the last time and I give ya warning, you step foot in Blanco Canyon once more and this country goin' to run red with blood until there ain't one of us left!

Now I don't hold mine so precious, so if you want to start, here, start now!


What a kick ass movie it is. Can watch it a million quizzillion times.

The Big Country (1958) - Quotes - IMDb


And the showdown at the end is to die for. Well for girls like me, lol.
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Jaws - Is there a better scene in any movie than when Quint gives his recollection of the sinking of the Indianapolis?

1100 men went in the water 316 came out, the sharks took the rest. June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb

Jaws The Indianapolis Speech - YouTube

EDITED TO ADD: Who does not shiver when they hear those words?????

I love it because you sit there mesmerized when he tells the story that probably most have never heard and most won't. I knew the story before the movie. I sat straight up when Dreyfuss confronted him on it over the tattoo.

But for levity, when the Sheriff is doling out the chum and bitching away by himself and the shark comes up and does a "swim by" and he backs up and looks at Quint and goes "we're going to need a bigger boat" has to be a classic freaking funny moment.

That's what makes that movie so special. It embraces everything. I still scream and my feet still raise. What a great movie!
I think the movie, "Where the Red Fern Grows" is an excellent movie. We need more like it in this day and age.
Jaws - Is there a better scene in any movie than when Quint gives his recollection of the sinking of the Indianapolis?

1100 men went in the water 316 came out, the sharks took the rest. June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb

Jaws The Indianapolis Speech - YouTube

EDITED TO ADD: Who does not shiver when they hear those words?????

Exceptional scene, Pop! Absoulutely Spellbinding! Thanks for sharing. :) It really brings it home how much more is involvedi, than it just being a scary killer shark movie.
42 was a very good movie. I think it will replace Field of Dream as my pre baseball season movie.

I enjoyed it more than Field Of Dreams too, Pop. It's was #1 for quite awhile. The other day in our newspaper, there was a local article about the movie, and the daughter of the pitcher who hit Jackie in the head with the baseball, said that never happened, that it hit his hand when he was trying to keep from getting hit with the ball. Some difference. :) She said her dad was a good man, and that the movie wasn't all true about her dad.

Might not have been true, but you have to admit, it REALLY added to the movie.

I saw this quote today, Pop, and it looks like the pitcher did try to hit him in the head, but Jackie raised his arm to protect his head, and the ball hit him in the arm instead.

"From Sports Illustrated, May 5, 1997:

On May 17, when Pittsburgh pitcher Fritz Ostermueller nearly beaned him with a rising fastball—it struck Robinson's arm as he jerked it up to shield his head—the Dodgers in the dugout rose to their feet, gathered on the steps and peppered Ostermueller with threats and profanity. In the May 24 Pittsburgh Courier, Robinson's closest friend among the writers, Wendell Smith, wrote, "It was then that they displayed, probably for the first time, that they regard him as one of them."
I enjoyed it more than Field Of Dreams too, Pop. It's was #1 for quite awhile. The other day in our newspaper, there was a local article about the movie, and the daughter of the pitcher who hit Jackie in the head with the baseball, said that never happened, that it hit his hand when he was trying to keep from getting hit with the ball. Some difference. :) She said her dad was a good man, and that the movie wasn't all true about her dad.

Might not have been true, but you have to admit, it REALLY added to the movie.

I saw this quote today, Pop, and it looks like the pitcher did try to hit him in the head, but Jackie raised his arm to protect his head, and the ball hit him in the arm instead.

"From Sports Illustrated, May 5, 1997:

On May 17, when Pittsburgh pitcher Fritz Ostermueller nearly beaned him with a rising fastball—it struck Robinson's arm as he jerked it up to shield his head—the Dodgers in the dugout rose to their feet, gathered on the steps and peppered Ostermueller with threats and profanity. In the May 24 Pittsburgh Courier, Robinson's closest friend among the writers, Wendell Smith, wrote, "It was then that they displayed, probably for the first time, that they regard him as one of them."

I played baseball (high school). I don't know how many times I was beaned. Never fun, but we wore helmets. I can't imagine getting hit with just a cap on.

I don't go to movies much anymore for some reason the older I got the more I noticed a lot of them sucked the two most recent I saw were Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty enjoyed both of them I might see Ironman 3 and the new Star Trek.
Out of Africa.

This movie is a perfect blend of cast, scenery, story, and a captivating musical score (by the late John Barry).

I've watched it many times and will watch it again and again. It takes me away every time.
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Little Big Man.

Snake eyes, lol

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There are many movies i enjoy and watch again but my #1 favorite is CASABLANCA
Seven Days in Utopia was one I saw recently that was pretty good, although be warned it does have a Christian theme to it.


I saw that movie, Immanuel and liked it....good movie. :) Isn't that weird that we have to warn about a movie having a Christian the world has changed....It's a wonder they don't have a warning in the trailer...Oh Oh Warning....Christian Theme. Enter at your own risk! :)
Last really good movie I saw was Silver Linings Playbook. Reminded me of the old madcap comedies with Gable, Cary Crant, Irene Dunn, Katherine Hepburn.

I Loved the Silver Linings Playbook movie, Crackerjaxon! It just came out on video last tuesday. We saw it at the theater, and watched it again on dvd. When I first watched it, before Bradley Cooper went on his medication, I wondered what we came to see :)....but after that and when Jennifer Lawrence came on the screen....I really liked it. I can see how she got the Oscar for best actress. I think she and Bradley Cooper are making their third or fourth movie together. Together they make a great team! :)

The old movies like you mentioned were classics that will always entertain.
Robert Mitchum. Where do I start?

Night of the Hunter. Oh sweet lord bury me after this one. Oh my I can barely breathe when I watch it.

Thanks for the preview video's, drifter. :) I've seen all three of those movies. The last one was a true story. I think Ryan Gosling is a good actor and he won a critcs award for best actor in the Drive movie. My favorite movie of his is " Fracture" with Anthony Hopkins and Ryan.

I loved the car Anthony Hopkins drove in the "Fracture" movie..Wow! I think it was based on a true story too. Ryan played an attorney, and Anthony Hopkins was trying to beat a charge of shooting his wife. There were alot of twists and turns in it.
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