Mr Biden ridiculed by foreign media.

Ridicule this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.

It's VERY telling that the left can't discuss Joe Biden without mentioning Donald Trump...
Sky News Australia telling it like it is.
No cover ups. No shilling. No censorship.
Turn off CNN.

The next couple of years are going to really illustrate just how corrupt and in the bag (for the DNC) our mainstream media has become.

The next couple of years?? How much more obvious could they make it, after 4 straight years of Russia-Russia-Russia, orange man bad, fake polls, burying every single negative story about Biden and other Dems, claiming no evidence of election irregularities, and of course, the "Trump incited insurrection" narrative. They'd be hard pressed to make it any more obvious.
These people always twist things.
Moonglow thought he could just say, "The Epoch Times is run by the Chinese" and think everyone is like his Low I.Q peers, and not notice.


The Epoch Times is run AGAINST the CCP. It is associated with Falun Gong, which is outlawed by the allies of the democrats.

They are hated by the democrats and their CCP masters.
Aren't you ever embarrassed by the stupid fucking things you post?

The Epoch Times is outlawed by Quid Pro's masters, the Communist Chinese and supports free elections in China and equal rights for Muslims.

The Beijing Times (The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos) supports death camps in China for Muslims - as does Disney.
Epoch News is run by Falun Gong and is anti-China Govt.
It's bunch of crazy Conspiracists who Strongly Support TRUMP.

"...Since 2016, according to NBC News, The Epoch Times has promoted favorable coverage of Trump's campaign and presidency, and emphasized issues such as Islamic terrorism and illegal immigration to the United States. It has also emphasized "what the publication claims is a labyrinthian, global conspiracy led by [Hillary] Clinton and former President Barack Obama to tear down Trump."[18]

A former Epoch Times reporter who covered the 2016 campaign, Steve Klett, said his editors had encouraged favorable coverage of Trump after he won the Republican nomination, and that "they seemed to have this almost messianic way of viewing Trump as the anti-Communist leader who would bring about the end of the Chinese Communist Party."[21]
After Trump was elected, The Epoch Times hired Brendan Steinhauser, a Tea Party strategist, to reach out to more conservatives and encourage the Trump administration to oppose the persecution of Falun Gong.[21]"""


So, are you directly an agent of the CCP?

Opposing Communist China and Xi is "crazy" according to democrats.
There have been a lot of cognitively impaired world leaders. George III was quite nuts at the end of his reign, ditto with Aerys II, Nebuchadrezzar and even the tremendous emperor Caligula.

Other nations have dealt with this, my suggestion is for Congress to ask Bite Me's Beloved Son to exercise as "power of attorney- similar to the situation that the UK did after the turn of the 19th Century with George III.
Did Caligula really do the things attributed to him as crazy or did he have Pelosis great ancestor's create a demonized image through fake news?
Now that we see how the sausage is made in politics and how far they go with power struggles, we have to rethink what we were taught in history and take into acct who is creating the accts and why they might be spreading propaganda to keep the working class from uprising and or rallying around someone to popular for the Elites comfort zone. villainization by the elites of that era which used fake news, became your historical teaching, so you would never guess that someone like Caligula might not have been as bad or crazy as history taught you. Caligula: Tyrant or hero – or both? | Christie's
The Elites and the Elites in the Roman Senate despised Caligula and assasinated him (Coup), because he was too popular with the working class and was a threat to their system of enslaving and benefitting from them being kept down.
They called Caligula crazy and helped demonize that image through a fake dossier about sleeping with his horse. They blamed the deaths of many elites on Caligula portraying him as paranoid.
It's quite clear the academics, media, politicians of today plagiarized their techniques like they plagiarize their speeches and political plans.
That's why we should learn from the past to recognize emulations in the future, but if you are lied to regarding history, you will be continually bamboozled by the controlling factions who will use the same routine over and over until you call them out over it and remove the curtain from the little pencil necks who act like they are the wizard of oz, creating the illusions through false narratives
and propaganda.
you are trying to deny that Epoch Times is ran by Chinese? I never said they were communist Chinese people, do try to keep up.


It's run by a man born in New York with a Masters in communication from Georgia State, John Tang who is FAR more American than you are.

Yeah. I've read about him. One smart man.

It's hilarious watching the CCP democrats start spewing their religious bigotry. "But he's a Buddhist who opposes putting Uyghur Muslims in death camps." democrat Nazis can't abide anyone who defies the CCP.
Sky News Australia telling it like it is.
No cover ups. No shilling. No censorship.
Turn off CNN.

The next couple of years are going to really illustrate just how corrupt and in the bag (for the DNC) our mainstream media has become.

More than the last 5 have?

How? The Reich media is just that, propaganda for the Reich. This includes entertainment as well as the Baghdad Bobs of MSNBCCPNN and the Beijing Times.
Ridicule this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.


Fallacy is as close to logic as you Nazis ever get.
Well I have to say, who gives a fuck what a Network from Down Under says? They have their own bloody problems. The nitwork probably supported the guy who lost by an astronomical 7 or 8 million votes.
Ridicule this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
Ridicule this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
No doubt our "leader" for 4 years.
Well I have to say, who gives a fuck what a Network from Down Under says? They have their own bloody problems. The nitwork probably supported the guy who lost by an astronomical 7 or 8 million votes.

Truth hurts. You "elected" a man on his last legs, mentally, physically, and emotionally. The world is noticing...

The world is noticing and for the most part they are happy that Don "Corleone" Trump is no longer President. With exceptions like Faux News from Down Under of course.

But your continual whining is amusing. Keep up the good work.

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