Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.
You sum it up very well.....those who support trump are deplorable.
It wasn't just "anything". Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he perjured himself and for real obstruction of justice.

Not like this fake obstruction charge they're trying to put on Trump. In case you haven't noticed, the "obstruction" witch hunt has fizzled out.

he perjured himself in a deposition that should never have occurred. no other president was forced to participate in a civil action during his presidency. that was done because Scalia and the other hacks didn't do their job.

it has only "fizzled" to morons like you. your lies are boring... as are the orange sociopath's.

luckily no one cares what trump loons thing except other lying trump loons.

btw, just a comment on your ignorant nic... you know Ayn rand was an ok novelist and not a political philosopher. she died broke and alone and living on social security.

Why shouldn't his deposition have occurred? He was already being sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment and during that, Clinton denied under oath any involvement with Lewinsky. So he committed perjury and obstructed justice in the Jones trial. Starr also had proof of eleven impeachable offenses, but the House of Representatives only approved two articles of impeachment.

Bill Clinton was not the saint you lefties like to make him out to be. In addition to sexual harassment and assault, he committed more than one rapes. As a female, you should find this troubling.

We can than infer that Trump can be deposed if sued by every minority has has defamed in tweets and speeches and EO's. Cool, let's go in that direction, imagine Trump being deposed under oath and not lying!

you clearly have zero understanding of what "defamation" is...

try again, scum.

Okay, I will. Libel and Slander: Trump's words and EO's have had an impact on American citizens who were injured by his words - oral and written. The children of parents who entered the country illegally 20 years before, who are under the age of majority, are injured by the deportation of mom and dad and loss of financial support.

Please tell me how and why Trump cannot be named in such a civil action? Remember, Starr was able to subpoena Clinton's appearance and to testify under oath in the Paula Jones action.

File it twit.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Really you are using the , country being sold to Russia about Trump, did you have the same outrage with Hillery and the Uranium deal with Russia, you must have been steamed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

for the umpteenth time... that is another trump loon lie.

try a little factcheck, nutter butter.

Not only was she a big part of it she made a shitload of money from it. Twit.
It wasn't just "anything". Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he perjured himself and for real obstruction of justice.

Not like this fake obstruction charge they're trying to put on Trump. In case you haven't noticed, the "obstruction" witch hunt has fizzled out.

he perjured himself in a deposition that should never have occurred. no other president was forced to participate in a civil action during his presidency. that was done because Scalia and the other hacks didn't do their job.

it has only "fizzled" to morons like you. your lies are boring... as are the orange sociopath's.

luckily no one cares what trump loons thing except other lying trump loons.

btw, just a comment on your ignorant nic... you know Ayn rand was an ok novelist and not a political philosopher. she died broke and alone and living on social security.

Why shouldn't his deposition have occurred? He was already being sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment and during that, Clinton denied under oath any involvement with Lewinsky. So he committed perjury and obstructed justice in the Jones trial. Starr also had proof of eleven impeachable offenses, but the House of Representatives only approved two articles of impeachment.

Bill Clinton was not the saint you lefties like to make him out to be. In addition to sexual harassment and assault, he committed more than one rapes. As a female, you should find this troubling.

We can than infer that Trump can be deposed if sued by every minority has has defamed in tweets and speeches and EO's. Cool, let's go in that direction, imagine Trump being deposed under oath and not lying!

you clearly have zero understanding of what "defamation" is...

try again, scum.

Okay, I will. Libel and Slander: Trump's words and EO's have had an impact on American citizens who were injured by his words - oral and written. The children of parents who entered the country illegally 20 years before, who are under the age of majority, are injured by the deportation of mom and dad and loss of financial support.

Please tell me how and why Trump cannot be named in such a civil action? Remember, Starr was able to subpoena Clinton's appearance and to testify under oath in the Paula Jones action.

If Trump grabbed your pussy like Billy Boy grabbed Paula's, then go for it.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Really you are using the , country being sold to Russia about Trump, did you have the same outrage with Hillery and the Uranium deal with Russia, you must have been steamed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

for the umpteenth time... that is another trump loon lie.

try a little factcheck, nutter butter.

Not only was she a big part of it she made a shitload of money from it. Twit.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

insane delusional trump loon
No.....we are not socialist
We do not control the means of production or set prices

We do look out for the needs of our people.....that is why we don't elect libertarians or anarchists

Whether you don't elect them, disagree agree with them, or openly embrace them, the radical left has hijacked the DNC and the Democrat Party. Any rational political party would try to figure out why they lost the most important election of their time, but the DNC and Democrat party seems to be intent on doubling down on their incompetence and increasing their appeal to the fringe elements of society. Hillary's piss-poor performance while campaigning is a good example: She didn't campaign in middle America, most of her time was spent campaigning in East or West coast metropolitan areas. She completely ignored the largest sector of this country, the working-class, the providers, rural areas, and the land owners.
Nice diversion but unrelated to the role of Government in doing what is best for We the People

Donald Trump is doing what's best for You the People, trust him and his people. America is once again becoming the greatest country in the world, day by day.
Again has nothing to do with the role of government

Obviously you leftards know nothing about the role of government, otherwise you wouldn't have had your collective asses kicked to the curb last November.

The only role of government is to protect its citizens. It's not government's purpose to run a charity.
It is the Governments role to do what We the People elect them to do
Totally irrelevant and the grist which all conspiracy advocates feed on - lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations.

First of all most people with wealth have their investments done for them, and don't know where every nickle is invested, and as importantly, post 361 offers zero, nil and no evidence that the two whose characters he attacked are invested knowingly in Russia or in anything Russian.

For the record, this form of lying - lies of omission - are the favorite method used by Trumpsters in their on going effort to blame everyone but Trump, or the foolish vote they cast.

You don't even make sense. You make an awful propagandist. I posted some facts, which if a true investigation were going on, any reasonable prosecutor would look in to.
Any reasonable prosecutor would also look in to The Clinton Foundation receiving $145 Million from Vladimir Putin, The "Russian Reset" and The Uranium One Deal.

When in a hole stop digging, the more you lie, the deeper you go.

"In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.
Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

It is funny, in the gallow humor sort of way, that supporters of Trump are so naive and dishonest, and seem to believe a meme must be true, because they read it on the Internet, in a tweet or heard it on the AM Radio dial.

The very definition of Collusion is getting other people to work with you to make something otherwise illegal or unethical appear legal or ethical. So thanks for reaffirming that Clinton and Obama colluded with Russia and a few other conspirators to sell Russia our Uranium.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says

Here are questions and answers about legal issues raised by this disclosure amid the criminal investigation by a special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into the Trump-Russia affair.

What is collusion?
In general parlance, “collusion” means working together, usually in secret, to do something illicit. But the term has no defined legal meaning. Lawyers instead talk about the offense of “conspiracy.”

What is conspiracy?
In criminal law, the offense of conspiracy is generally an agreement by two or more people to commit a crime — whether or not they do. A powerful tool for prosecutors, conspiracy charges permit holding each conspirator responsible for illegal acts committed by others in the circle as part of the arrangement.

Is the meeting enough to prove conspiracy?
The events made public in the past few days are not enough to charge conspiracy, said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor. Still, he said, the revelations are important because if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

“What this email string establishes is that Don Jr. was aware that the Russian government wanted to help the Trump campaign and he welcomed support from the Russian government,” Mr. Mariotti said.

What else is needed?
Evidence of an agreement to violate a specific criminal statute — in other words, a conspiracy to commit a certain crime.

“Anytime you are talking about coordinating or collusion, you are talking about the possibility of conspiracy charges,” said Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University. “But conspiracy is not a crime that floats by itself in the air. There has to be an underlying federal offense that is being conspired to be committed.”

Was election law violated?
A federal law, Section 30121 of Title 52, makes it a crime for any foreigner to contribute or donate money or some “other thing of value” in connection with an American election, or for anyone to solicit a foreigner to do so. Legal experts struggled to identify any precedent for prosecutions under that statute, but that phrase is common in other federal criminal statutes covering such crimes as bribery and threats, said Richard L. Hasen, an election-law professor at the University of California, Irvine. Courts have held, in other contexts, that a “thing of value” can be something intangible, like information.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says
Only in the context of the statute that covers Conspiracy and dealing with Foreign Nationals and Political Campaigns, "Information" is not considered a thing of value. You even have The Russian Lawyer stating that she had no Real Information to give Trump Jr. even it if were. That's like striking out twice in the same at bat.

Comey met with an Ex British Spy to get a Fake Russian Sourced Dossier created by Fusion GPS which is a Democrat Funded Operation.

Clinton met with Russian Businessmen and Ambassadors during her Campaign.

The DNC employed Foreign Nationals (Pakistanis) with Criminal Records who were HACKERS to work in their Information Technology Department, and gave them SUPER ACCESS rights to their entire system; Gave them Access to Classified Information; and they stole data from THE DNC, and even after getting busted for that, and Schultz was fired for Ethics Violations at THE DNC, she hired them to go with her to The Clinton Campaign. Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation

The DNC and Clinton Staffers met with Ukrainian Spies in a Ukranian Embassy and with Fusion GPS representatives to go over strategies to discredit President Trump.

Fusion GPS a Democrat Funded Operation employed Natalia V (Russian Lawyer) and directed her to contact Trump Jr. and try to arrange a meeting with him.

If you want to talk about Collusion and Conspiracy, there you go.

Why are people on THE LEFT so uneducated about The Law, and Foreign Policy and the rules governing political activities?


blah blah blah.... this isn't reagan & gorbachev, twiggy.
You don't even make sense. You make an awful propagandist. I posted some facts, which if a true investigation were going on, any reasonable prosecutor would look in to.
Any reasonable prosecutor would also look in to The Clinton Foundation receiving $145 Million from Vladimir Putin, The "Russian Reset" and The Uranium One Deal.

When in a hole stop digging, the more you lie, the deeper you go.

"In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.
Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

It is funny, in the gallow humor sort of way, that supporters of Trump are so naive and dishonest, and seem to believe a meme must be true, because they read it on the Internet, in a tweet or heard it on the AM Radio dial.

The very definition of Collusion is getting other people to work with you to make something otherwise illegal or unethical appear legal or ethical. So thanks for reaffirming that Clinton and Obama colluded with Russia and a few other conspirators to sell Russia our Uranium.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says

Here are questions and answers about legal issues raised by this disclosure amid the criminal investigation by a special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into the Trump-Russia affair.

What is collusion?
In general parlance, “collusion” means working together, usually in secret, to do something illicit. But the term has no defined legal meaning. Lawyers instead talk about the offense of “conspiracy.”

What is conspiracy?
In criminal law, the offense of conspiracy is generally an agreement by two or more people to commit a crime — whether or not they do. A powerful tool for prosecutors, conspiracy charges permit holding each conspirator responsible for illegal acts committed by others in the circle as part of the arrangement.

Is the meeting enough to prove conspiracy?
The events made public in the past few days are not enough to charge conspiracy, said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor. Still, he said, the revelations are important because if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

“What this email string establishes is that Don Jr. was aware that the Russian government wanted to help the Trump campaign and he welcomed support from the Russian government,” Mr. Mariotti said.

What else is needed?
Evidence of an agreement to violate a specific criminal statute — in other words, a conspiracy to commit a certain crime.

“Anytime you are talking about coordinating or collusion, you are talking about the possibility of conspiracy charges,” said Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University. “But conspiracy is not a crime that floats by itself in the air. There has to be an underlying federal offense that is being conspired to be committed.”

Was election law violated?
A federal law, Section 30121 of Title 52, makes it a crime for any foreigner to contribute or donate money or some “other thing of value” in connection with an American election, or for anyone to solicit a foreigner to do so. Legal experts struggled to identify any precedent for prosecutions under that statute, but that phrase is common in other federal criminal statutes covering such crimes as bribery and threats, said Richard L. Hasen, an election-law professor at the University of California, Irvine. Courts have held, in other contexts, that a “thing of value” can be something intangible, like information.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says
Only in the context of the statute that covers Conspiracy and dealing with Foreign Nationals and Political Campaigns, "Information" is not considered a thing of value. You even have The Russian Lawyer stating that she had no Real Information to give Trump Jr. even it if were. That's like striking out twice in the same at bat.

Comey met with an Ex British Spy to get a Fake Russian Sourced Dossier created by Fusion GPS which is a Democrat Funded Operation.

Clinton met with Russian Businessmen and Ambassadors during her Campaign.

The DNC employed Foreign Nationals (Pakistanis) with Criminal Records who were HACKERS to work in their Information Technology Department, and gave them SUPER ACCESS rights to their entire system; Gave them Access to Classified Information; and they stole data from THE DNC, and even after getting busted for that, and Schultz was fired for Ethics Violations at THE DNC, she hired them to go with her to The Clinton Campaign. Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation

The DNC and Clinton Staffers met with Ukrainian Spies in a Ukranian Embassy and with Fusion GPS representatives to go over strategies to discredit President Trump.

Fusion GPS a Democrat Funded Operation employed Natalia V (Russian Lawyer) and directed her to contact Trump Jr. and try to arrange a meeting with him.

If you want to talk about Collusion and Conspiracy, there you go.

Why are people on THE LEFT so uneducated about The Law, and Foreign Policy and the rules governing political activities?


blah blah blah.... this isn't reagan & gorbachev, twiggy.

lay off the meth.,
When in a hole stop digging, the more you lie, the deeper you go.

"In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.
Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

It is funny, in the gallow humor sort of way, that supporters of Trump are so naive and dishonest, and seem to believe a meme must be true, because they read it on the Internet, in a tweet or heard it on the AM Radio dial.

The very definition of Collusion is getting other people to work with you to make something otherwise illegal or unethical appear legal or ethical. So thanks for reaffirming that Clinton and Obama colluded with Russia and a few other conspirators to sell Russia our Uranium.

WRONG: Is this a lie, or an example of partisan ignorance?

Collusion defined is: "an agreement between two or more persons to defraud another of his rights by the forms of law or to secure an object forbidden by law"
Ballentine's Law Dictionary, pg. 218

It is a prima facia example of a Criminal Conspiracy, a felony.
Exactly what I said. Clinton and Obama Defrauded The American People. Their Entire Political Careers in fact can be described as one huge fraud.

Russia was such a big threat, that Hillary Clinton took $145 Million from them, and Obama took a $64 Million dollar book advance from a Publisher with Russian ties.....and then they sold our Uranium to them, and Obama INTENTIONALLY allowed Putin to take Crimea.



Now you've proved to be a damn liar.

Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

You arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance, and both by your mendacity.

"Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal"

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make
four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

You're not just a liar, you're a fucking liar. (shrugs)

you've got to be the 4th or 5th trumpanzon this thread that is ee peddling the orange traitor's completely debunked FAKE NEWS & ALTERNATIVE FACTS THAT HAVE ZERO BACK UP & HAVE BEEN DEBUNKED. is that all you animals do? eat the shit flung at the wall by your dear leader?
When in a hole stop digging, the more you lie, the deeper you go.

"In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states. It was part of a regular process for approving international deals involving strategic assets, such as uranium, that could have implications for national security. Uranium One’s U.S. mines produced about 11 percent of the country’s total uranium production in 2014, according to

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.
Fact-checking Trump’s tweets about Clinton and Russia

It is funny, in the gallow humor sort of way, that supporters of Trump are so naive and dishonest, and seem to believe a meme must be true, because they read it on the Internet, in a tweet or heard it on the AM Radio dial.

The very definition of Collusion is getting other people to work with you to make something otherwise illegal or unethical appear legal or ethical. So thanks for reaffirming that Clinton and Obama colluded with Russia and a few other conspirators to sell Russia our Uranium.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says

Here are questions and answers about legal issues raised by this disclosure amid the criminal investigation by a special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into the Trump-Russia affair.

What is collusion?
In general parlance, “collusion” means working together, usually in secret, to do something illicit. But the term has no defined legal meaning. Lawyers instead talk about the offense of “conspiracy.”

What is conspiracy?
In criminal law, the offense of conspiracy is generally an agreement by two or more people to commit a crime — whether or not they do. A powerful tool for prosecutors, conspiracy charges permit holding each conspirator responsible for illegal acts committed by others in the circle as part of the arrangement.

Is the meeting enough to prove conspiracy?
The events made public in the past few days are not enough to charge conspiracy, said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor. Still, he said, the revelations are important because if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

“What this email string establishes is that Don Jr. was aware that the Russian government wanted to help the Trump campaign and he welcomed support from the Russian government,” Mr. Mariotti said.

What else is needed?
Evidence of an agreement to violate a specific criminal statute — in other words, a conspiracy to commit a certain crime.

“Anytime you are talking about coordinating or collusion, you are talking about the possibility of conspiracy charges,” said Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University. “But conspiracy is not a crime that floats by itself in the air. There has to be an underlying federal offense that is being conspired to be committed.”

Was election law violated?
A federal law, Section 30121 of Title 52, makes it a crime for any foreigner to contribute or donate money or some “other thing of value” in connection with an American election, or for anyone to solicit a foreigner to do so. Legal experts struggled to identify any precedent for prosecutions under that statute, but that phrase is common in other federal criminal statutes covering such crimes as bribery and threats, said Richard L. Hasen, an election-law professor at the University of California, Irvine. Courts have held, in other contexts, that a “thing of value” can be something intangible, like information.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says
Only in the context of the statute that covers Conspiracy and dealing with Foreign Nationals and Political Campaigns, "Information" is not considered a thing of value. You even have The Russian Lawyer stating that she had no Real Information to give Trump Jr. even it if were. That's like striking out twice in the same at bat.

Comey met with an Ex British Spy to get a Fake Russian Sourced Dossier created by Fusion GPS which is a Democrat Funded Operation.

Clinton met with Russian Businessmen and Ambassadors during her Campaign.

The DNC employed Foreign Nationals (Pakistanis) with Criminal Records who were HACKERS to work in their Information Technology Department, and gave them SUPER ACCESS rights to their entire system; Gave them Access to Classified Information; and they stole data from THE DNC, and even after getting busted for that, and Schultz was fired for Ethics Violations at THE DNC, she hired them to go with her to The Clinton Campaign. Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation

The DNC and Clinton Staffers met with Ukrainian Spies in a Ukranian Embassy and with Fusion GPS representatives to go over strategies to discredit President Trump.

Fusion GPS a Democrat Funded Operation employed Natalia V (Russian Lawyer) and directed her to contact Trump Jr. and try to arrange a meeting with him.

If you want to talk about Collusion and Conspiracy, there you go.

Why are people on THE LEFT so uneducated about The Law, and Foreign Policy and the rules governing political activities?


blah blah blah.... this isn't reagan & gorbachev, twiggy.

lay off the meth.,

lol... i know you didn't mean moi...
The very definition of Collusion is getting other people to work with you to make something otherwise illegal or unethical appear legal or ethical. So thanks for reaffirming that Clinton and Obama colluded with Russia and a few other conspirators to sell Russia our Uranium.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says

Here are questions and answers about legal issues raised by this disclosure amid the criminal investigation by a special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into the Trump-Russia affair.

What is collusion?
In general parlance, “collusion” means working together, usually in secret, to do something illicit. But the term has no defined legal meaning. Lawyers instead talk about the offense of “conspiracy.”

What is conspiracy?
In criminal law, the offense of conspiracy is generally an agreement by two or more people to commit a crime — whether or not they do. A powerful tool for prosecutors, conspiracy charges permit holding each conspirator responsible for illegal acts committed by others in the circle as part of the arrangement.

Is the meeting enough to prove conspiracy?
The events made public in the past few days are not enough to charge conspiracy, said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor. Still, he said, the revelations are important because if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

“What this email string establishes is that Don Jr. was aware that the Russian government wanted to help the Trump campaign and he welcomed support from the Russian government,” Mr. Mariotti said.

What else is needed?
Evidence of an agreement to violate a specific criminal statute — in other words, a conspiracy to commit a certain crime.

“Anytime you are talking about coordinating or collusion, you are talking about the possibility of conspiracy charges,” said Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University. “But conspiracy is not a crime that floats by itself in the air. There has to be an underlying federal offense that is being conspired to be committed.”

Was election law violated?
A federal law, Section 30121 of Title 52, makes it a crime for any foreigner to contribute or donate money or some “other thing of value” in connection with an American election, or for anyone to solicit a foreigner to do so. Legal experts struggled to identify any precedent for prosecutions under that statute, but that phrase is common in other federal criminal statutes covering such crimes as bribery and threats, said Richard L. Hasen, an election-law professor at the University of California, Irvine. Courts have held, in other contexts, that a “thing of value” can be something intangible, like information.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says
Only in the context of the statute that covers Conspiracy and dealing with Foreign Nationals and Political Campaigns, "Information" is not considered a thing of value. You even have The Russian Lawyer stating that she had no Real Information to give Trump Jr. even it if were. That's like striking out twice in the same at bat.

Comey met with an Ex British Spy to get a Fake Russian Sourced Dossier created by Fusion GPS which is a Democrat Funded Operation.

Clinton met with Russian Businessmen and Ambassadors during her Campaign.

The DNC employed Foreign Nationals (Pakistanis) with Criminal Records who were HACKERS to work in their Information Technology Department, and gave them SUPER ACCESS rights to their entire system; Gave them Access to Classified Information; and they stole data from THE DNC, and even after getting busted for that, and Schultz was fired for Ethics Violations at THE DNC, she hired them to go with her to The Clinton Campaign. Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation

The DNC and Clinton Staffers met with Ukrainian Spies in a Ukranian Embassy and with Fusion GPS representatives to go over strategies to discredit President Trump.

Fusion GPS a Democrat Funded Operation employed Natalia V (Russian Lawyer) and directed her to contact Trump Jr. and try to arrange a meeting with him.

If you want to talk about Collusion and Conspiracy, there you go.

Why are people on THE LEFT so uneducated about The Law, and Foreign Policy and the rules governing political activities?


blah blah blah.... this isn't reagan & gorbachev, twiggy.

lay off the meth.,

lol... i know you didn't mean moi...

no... the drug addled imbecile. lol.. second time today I did that;.
Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says

Here are questions and answers about legal issues raised by this disclosure amid the criminal investigation by a special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, into the Trump-Russia affair.

What is collusion?
In general parlance, “collusion” means working together, usually in secret, to do something illicit. But the term has no defined legal meaning. Lawyers instead talk about the offense of “conspiracy.”

What is conspiracy?
In criminal law, the offense of conspiracy is generally an agreement by two or more people to commit a crime — whether or not they do. A powerful tool for prosecutors, conspiracy charges permit holding each conspirator responsible for illegal acts committed by others in the circle as part of the arrangement.

Is the meeting enough to prove conspiracy?
The events made public in the past few days are not enough to charge conspiracy, said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor. Still, he said, the revelations are important because if further evidence of coordination emerges, the contents of the emails and the fact of the meeting would help establish an intent to work with Russia on influencing the election.

“What this email string establishes is that Don Jr. was aware that the Russian government wanted to help the Trump campaign and he welcomed support from the Russian government,” Mr. Mariotti said.

What else is needed?
Evidence of an agreement to violate a specific criminal statute — in other words, a conspiracy to commit a certain crime.

“Anytime you are talking about coordinating or collusion, you are talking about the possibility of conspiracy charges,” said Samuel W. Buell, a former federal prosecutor who teaches criminal law at Duke University. “But conspiracy is not a crime that floats by itself in the air. There has to be an underlying federal offense that is being conspired to be committed.”

Was election law violated?
A federal law, Section 30121 of Title 52, makes it a crime for any foreigner to contribute or donate money or some “other thing of value” in connection with an American election, or for anyone to solicit a foreigner to do so. Legal experts struggled to identify any precedent for prosecutions under that statute, but that phrase is common in other federal criminal statutes covering such crimes as bribery and threats, said Richard L. Hasen, an election-law professor at the University of California, Irvine. Courts have held, in other contexts, that a “thing of value” can be something intangible, like information.

Donald Trump Jr. and Russia: What the Law Says
Only in the context of the statute that covers Conspiracy and dealing with Foreign Nationals and Political Campaigns, "Information" is not considered a thing of value. You even have The Russian Lawyer stating that she had no Real Information to give Trump Jr. even it if were. That's like striking out twice in the same at bat.

Comey met with an Ex British Spy to get a Fake Russian Sourced Dossier created by Fusion GPS which is a Democrat Funded Operation.

Clinton met with Russian Businessmen and Ambassadors during her Campaign.

The DNC employed Foreign Nationals (Pakistanis) with Criminal Records who were HACKERS to work in their Information Technology Department, and gave them SUPER ACCESS rights to their entire system; Gave them Access to Classified Information; and they stole data from THE DNC, and even after getting busted for that, and Schultz was fired for Ethics Violations at THE DNC, she hired them to go with her to The Clinton Campaign. Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation

The DNC and Clinton Staffers met with Ukrainian Spies in a Ukranian Embassy and with Fusion GPS representatives to go over strategies to discredit President Trump.

Fusion GPS a Democrat Funded Operation employed Natalia V (Russian Lawyer) and directed her to contact Trump Jr. and try to arrange a meeting with him.

If you want to talk about Collusion and Conspiracy, there you go.

Why are people on THE LEFT so uneducated about The Law, and Foreign Policy and the rules governing political activities?


blah blah blah.... this isn't reagan & gorbachev, twiggy.

lay off the meth.,

lol... i know you didn't mean moi...

no... the drug addled imbecile. lol.. second time today I did that;.

no big deal- i've done that myself.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Why would he "intimidate" Robert Mueller when all he has to do is fire him?

I'm just sayin'

he can't fire him, moron. he has to have someone ELSE fire him.

and like nixon, he'll have to find a loser like bork.

you should probably look at the mandate... and learn the rules surrounding the appointment.

not that you're smart enough to understand
Just like he couldn't fire Comey. LOL


Trump can order the special counsel regulations repealed and fire Mueller. Or could fire the DAG. So yeah, Trump could
The orange cheeto can repeal stuff? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child.

woop looks like team trump is SO scared cuz team America is onto their con, BIGLY. :laugh:
Did ya count the anti Trump threads too? I doubt it

<<pffft>> those have been topical since the day he announced his candidacy. so not much has changed there. all this russian shit has been ramping up bigley the last few weeks & the more mueller expands his team... the more whiney little bitches you become.

It's a nothing burger, I find it amusing.

Everyday a new revelation...but alas no proof.

Get it?
If it was a nothing burger, you wouldn't be shitting your pants.

The only nothing burger are Trump's promises.

Dude I just told you I think it's hilarious. Besides I'm a uuuuge Pence fan

Get it?
Pence is a fake Christian who willingly hitched his wagon to a hellbound horse. Trump is one of the most sinful Presidents we have ever had, and Pence sold his soul to the devil to be Trump's bitch.

Get it?
It's what those christers do best....sell their souls.
...and is there something to learn from that? Don't stump the Trump. :biggrin:

Or....dump the Trump :D

Not gonna be as easy as you think.

Unless an actual crime is committed (like Nixon) it would be hard. I'm not actually looking for that. Pence would be worse because unlike Trump, Pence is sane, mature, and competent.

Well all I can say is "Be careful what you wish for."

Trump is a funny guy. I like his rough NYC sense of humor. BUt that Pence guy, I don't trust him. He has the eyes of a natural-born killer.

I've met Pence, heard him speak and like the guy.
...explains a lot......
lol.... trump supporters sure are little snowflakes that sound way too buttercuppy lately.

i love irony.
You progs sound especially stupid when you try and use OUR term describing YOU people. You lack even an ounce of imagination to think up your own words, you have to COPY conservatives. You're as pathetic as they come, and you ARE a snowflake, because you ARE a whiny little liberal ass clown.
To b fair, we stole their term "fake news"

But even on this, we did a better job with it...
No we didn't. President Trump coined the term fake news.
And you trumpanzees lap it up.

Donald Trump doesn't need to be "investigated". He needs to be judged. And based on his performance so far and the record stock market, I would judge his performance as being "top notch".

Of course he needs to be investigated. The guy is a scummy low life piece of shit who only cares for himself and his family. He cares about as much for American people as Eric Clapton cared about not doing, not much....

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