Mr. Mueller psssst a deplorable here we are your worst enemy and your team is toast

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Jillian you are just one more lying bitch. Lawyer my ass, you aren't intelligent enough honey. What have you done for "social justice"?

Apparently not enough. And that's true of all of us who truly believe in equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens, and don't work everyday to put people like Doc1, callous, sociopathic bigots, racists, misogynists and all around assholes, back into the closet where they hid for decades after the civil rights movement.

It's time to take our Country Back - the only nation ever, "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal"

LOL, take your country back? All men are indeed equal, except you don't believe that. If the Left believed that there would be no affirmative action.

True. In their eyes, the leftists read "all men are created equal".

But in their hearts and minds, they interpret that as "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs.

The founding fathers didn't quite have Marxism in mind when they wrote that.
he can't directly. he has to go thru hoops to do it.

exactly how is that going to help him in any way shape or form.

the smell of nixon is already hanging heavy in the air.
you should know that he lied....and admitted he lied about hillary being fired.
I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Jillian you are just one more lying bitch. Lawyer my ass, you aren't intelligent enough honey. What have you done for "social justice"?

Apparently not enough. And that's true of all of us who truly believe in equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens, and don't work everyday to put people like Doc1, callous, sociopathic bigots, racists, misogynists and all around assholes, back into the closet where they hid for decades after the civil rights movement.

It's time to take our Country Back - the only nation ever, "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal"

LOL, take your country back? All men are indeed equal, except you don't believe that. If the Left believed that there would be no affirmative action.

True. In their eyes, the leftists read "all men are created equal".

But in their hearts and minds, they interpret that as "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs.

The founding fathers didn't quite have Marxism in mind when they wrote that.
And helping those who need help is not a Marxist philosophy
Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Jillian you are just one more lying bitch. Lawyer my ass, you aren't intelligent enough honey. What have you done for "social justice"?

Apparently not enough. And that's true of all of us who truly believe in equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens, and don't work everyday to put people like Doc1, callous, sociopathic bigots, racists, misogynists and all around assholes, back into the closet where they hid for decades after the civil rights movement.

It's time to take our Country Back - the only nation ever, "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal"

LOL, take your country back? All men are indeed equal, except you don't believe that. If the Left believed that there would be no affirmative action.

True. In their eyes, the leftists read "all men are created equal".

But in their hearts and minds, they interpret that as "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs.

The founding fathers didn't quite have Marxism in mind when they wrote that.
And helping those who need help is not a Marxist philosophy

No, charity is part of the Christian philosophy. Socialism is atheistic in nature and is in no way "charitable". The socialist and welfare state forces man to contribute to his fellow man, therefore alienating mankind from his charitable nature.

Why do you think conservatives are far more generous than liberals, when giving to charitable causes?
Jillian you are just one more lying bitch. Lawyer my ass, you aren't intelligent enough honey. What have you done for "social justice"?

Apparently not enough. And that's true of all of us who truly believe in equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens, and don't work everyday to put people like Doc1, callous, sociopathic bigots, racists, misogynists and all around assholes, back into the closet where they hid for decades after the civil rights movement.

It's time to take our Country Back - the only nation ever, "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal"

LOL, take your country back? All men are indeed equal, except you don't believe that. If the Left believed that there would be no affirmative action.

True. In their eyes, the leftists read "all men are created equal".

But in their hearts and minds, they interpret that as "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs.

The founding fathers didn't quite have Marxism in mind when they wrote that.
And helping those who need help is not a Marxist philosophy

No, charity is part of the Christian philosophy. Socialism is atheistic in nature and is in no way "charitable". The socialist and welfare state forces man to contribute to his fellow man, therefore alienating mankind from his charitable nature.

Why do you think conservatives are far more generous than liberals, when giving to charitable causes?
No, great societies look out for their less fortunate

Despite the rants of libertarians.....we are a great society
Apparently not enough. And that's true of all of us who truly believe in equal rights and equal opportunities for all of our citizens, and don't work everyday to put people like Doc1, callous, sociopathic bigots, racists, misogynists and all around assholes, back into the closet where they hid for decades after the civil rights movement.

It's time to take our Country Back - the only nation ever, "conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal"

LOL, take your country back? All men are indeed equal, except you don't believe that. If the Left believed that there would be no affirmative action.

True. In their eyes, the leftists read "all men are created equal".

But in their hearts and minds, they interpret that as "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs.

The founding fathers didn't quite have Marxism in mind when they wrote that.
And helping those who need help is not a Marxist philosophy

No, charity is part of the Christian philosophy. Socialism is atheistic in nature and is in no way "charitable". The socialist and welfare state forces man to contribute to his fellow man, therefore alienating mankind from his charitable nature.

Why do you think conservatives are far more generous than liberals, when giving to charitable causes?
No, great societies look out for their less fortunate

Despite the rants of libertarians.....we are a great society

We are only a great society because socialism, communism, and Marxism not only failed in every other country in the world, it failed here under Obama. In other words, we are a great country in spite of assholes like Obama and the Democrat Party, who believes otherwise.
LOL, take your country back? All men are indeed equal, except you don't believe that. If the Left believed that there would be no affirmative action.

True. In their eyes, the leftists read "all men are created equal".

But in their hearts and minds, they interpret that as "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs.

The founding fathers didn't quite have Marxism in mind when they wrote that.
And helping those who need help is not a Marxist philosophy

No, charity is part of the Christian philosophy. Socialism is atheistic in nature and is in no way "charitable". The socialist and welfare state forces man to contribute to his fellow man, therefore alienating mankind from his charitable nature.

Why do you think conservatives are far more generous than liberals, when giving to charitable causes?
No, great societies look out for their less fortunate

Despite the rants of libertarians.....we are a great society

We are only a great society because socialism, communism, and Marxism not only failed in every other country in the world, it failed here under Obama. In other words, we are a great country in spite of assholes like Obama and the Democrat Party, who believes otherwise.
No.....we are not socialist
We do not control the means of production or set prices

We do look out for the needs of our people.....that is why we don't elect libertarians or anarchists
True. In their eyes, the leftists read "all men are created equal".

But in their hearts and minds, they interpret that as "From those according to their abilities, to those according to their needs.

The founding fathers didn't quite have Marxism in mind when they wrote that.
And helping those who need help is not a Marxist philosophy

No, charity is part of the Christian philosophy. Socialism is atheistic in nature and is in no way "charitable". The socialist and welfare state forces man to contribute to his fellow man, therefore alienating mankind from his charitable nature.

Why do you think conservatives are far more generous than liberals, when giving to charitable causes?
No, great societies look out for their less fortunate

Despite the rants of libertarians.....we are a great society

We are only a great society because socialism, communism, and Marxism not only failed in every other country in the world, it failed here under Obama. In other words, we are a great country in spite of assholes like Obama and the Democrat Party, who believes otherwise.
No.....we are not socialist
We do not control the means of production or set prices

We do look out for the needs of our people.....that is why we don't elect libertarians or anarchists

Whether you don't elect them, disagree agree with them, or openly embrace them, the radical left has hijacked the DNC and the Democrat Party. Any rational political party would try to figure out why they lost the most important election of their time, but the DNC and Democrat party seems to be intent on doubling down on their incompetence and increasing their appeal to the fringe elements of society. Hillary's piss-poor performance while campaigning is a good example: She didn't campaign in middle America, most of her time was spent campaigning in East or West coast metropolitan areas. She completely ignored the largest sector of this country, the working-class, the providers, rural areas, and the land owners.
And helping those who need help is not a Marxist philosophy

No, charity is part of the Christian philosophy. Socialism is atheistic in nature and is in no way "charitable". The socialist and welfare state forces man to contribute to his fellow man, therefore alienating mankind from his charitable nature.

Why do you think conservatives are far more generous than liberals, when giving to charitable causes?
No, great societies look out for their less fortunate

Despite the rants of libertarians.....we are a great society

We are only a great society because socialism, communism, and Marxism not only failed in every other country in the world, it failed here under Obama. In other words, we are a great country in spite of assholes like Obama and the Democrat Party, who believes otherwise.
No.....we are not socialist
We do not control the means of production or set prices

We do look out for the needs of our people.....that is why we don't elect libertarians or anarchists

Whether you don't elect them, disagree agree with them, or openly embrace them, the radical left has hijacked the DNC and the Democrat Party. Any rational political party would try to figure out why they lost the most important election of their time, but the DNC and Democrat party seems to be intent on doubling down on their incompetence and increasing their appeal to the fringe elements of society. Hillary's piss-poor performance while campaigning is a good example: She didn't campaign in middle America, most of her time was spent campaigning in East or West coast metropolitan areas. She completely ignored the largest sector of this country, the working-class, the providers, rural areas, and the land owners.
Nice diversion but unrelated to the role of Government in doing what is best for We the People
No, charity is part of the Christian philosophy. Socialism is atheistic in nature and is in no way "charitable". The socialist and welfare state forces man to contribute to his fellow man, therefore alienating mankind from his charitable nature.

Why do you think conservatives are far more generous than liberals, when giving to charitable causes?
No, great societies look out for their less fortunate

Despite the rants of libertarians.....we are a great society

We are only a great society because socialism, communism, and Marxism not only failed in every other country in the world, it failed here under Obama. In other words, we are a great country in spite of assholes like Obama and the Democrat Party, who believes otherwise.
No.....we are not socialist
We do not control the means of production or set prices

We do look out for the needs of our people.....that is why we don't elect libertarians or anarchists

Whether you don't elect them, disagree agree with them, or openly embrace them, the radical left has hijacked the DNC and the Democrat Party. Any rational political party would try to figure out why they lost the most important election of their time, but the DNC and Democrat party seems to be intent on doubling down on their incompetence and increasing their appeal to the fringe elements of society. Hillary's piss-poor performance while campaigning is a good example: She didn't campaign in middle America, most of her time was spent campaigning in East or West coast metropolitan areas. She completely ignored the largest sector of this country, the working-class, the providers, rural areas, and the land owners.
Nice diversion but unrelated to the role of Government in doing what is best for We the People

Donald Trump is doing what's best for You the People, trust him and his people. America is once again becoming the greatest country in the world, day by day.
No, great societies look out for their less fortunate

Despite the rants of libertarians.....we are a great society

We are only a great society because socialism, communism, and Marxism not only failed in every other country in the world, it failed here under Obama. In other words, we are a great country in spite of assholes like Obama and the Democrat Party, who believes otherwise.
No.....we are not socialist
We do not control the means of production or set prices

We do look out for the needs of our people.....that is why we don't elect libertarians or anarchists

Whether you don't elect them, disagree agree with them, or openly embrace them, the radical left has hijacked the DNC and the Democrat Party. Any rational political party would try to figure out why they lost the most important election of their time, but the DNC and Democrat party seems to be intent on doubling down on their incompetence and increasing their appeal to the fringe elements of society. Hillary's piss-poor performance while campaigning is a good example: She didn't campaign in middle America, most of her time was spent campaigning in East or West coast metropolitan areas. She completely ignored the largest sector of this country, the working-class, the providers, rural areas, and the land owners.
Nice diversion but unrelated to the role of Government in doing what is best for We the People

Donald Trump is doing what's best for You the People, trust him and his people. America is once again becoming the greatest country in the world, day by day.
Again has nothing to do with the role of government
We are only a great society because socialism, communism, and Marxism not only failed in every other country in the world, it failed here under Obama. In other words, we are a great country in spite of assholes like Obama and the Democrat Party, who believes otherwise.
No.....we are not socialist
We do not control the means of production or set prices

We do look out for the needs of our people.....that is why we don't elect libertarians or anarchists

Whether you don't elect them, disagree agree with them, or openly embrace them, the radical left has hijacked the DNC and the Democrat Party. Any rational political party would try to figure out why they lost the most important election of their time, but the DNC and Democrat party seems to be intent on doubling down on their incompetence and increasing their appeal to the fringe elements of society. Hillary's piss-poor performance while campaigning is a good example: She didn't campaign in middle America, most of her time was spent campaigning in East or West coast metropolitan areas. She completely ignored the largest sector of this country, the working-class, the providers, rural areas, and the land owners.
Nice diversion but unrelated to the role of Government in doing what is best for We the People

Donald Trump is doing what's best for You the People, trust him and his people. America is once again becoming the greatest country in the world, day by day.
Again has nothing to do with the role of government

Obviously you leftards know nothing about the role of government, otherwise you wouldn't have had your collective asses kicked to the curb last November.

The only role of government is to protect its citizens. It's not government's purpose to run a charity.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

If Mueller goes after Trump's personal finances, and exceeds the scope of his investigation of the Russian influence on the election, he should be fired.

You do know that the Clinton investigation wasn't about a blow job, right?

Yeah it wad. Because Kenny Starr was told to find something anything to impeach bill Clinton. So they went from a failed land deal all the way through to a blue dress

It wasn't just "anything". Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he perjured himself and for real obstruction of justice.

Not like this fake obstruction charge they're trying to put on Trump. In case you haven't noticed, the "obstruction" witch hunt has fizzled out.

he perjured himself in a deposition that should never have occurred. no other president was forced to participate in a civil action during his presidency. that was done because Scalia and the other hacks didn't do their job.

it has only "fizzled" to morons like you. your lies are boring... as are the orange sociopath's.

luckily no one cares what trump loons thing except other lying trump loons.

btw, just a comment on your ignorant nic... you know Ayn rand was an ok novelist and not a political philosopher. she died broke and alone and living on social security.

I'm betting your future will be the same.
Mueller you think you can take out a President that the people of America gave with their votes.

Sir. Get ready. You and all your team are going to get so rocked you are going to wish you died as a child (mods from Good Morning Vietnam)

I've been having fun. Let's get them.

If one just one person on the team bought a tooth brush off a Russian lets smote them.

well, you're right about being deplorable.

you're truly insane if you think the orange sociopath is going to intimidate Mueller.

more than that.... you're mentally disabled if you think that the country being sold to Russia is ok.

now go crawl back into your bottle.

Really you are using the , country being sold to Russia about Trump, did you have the same outrage with Hillery and the Uranium deal with Russia, you must have been steamed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

for the umpteenth time... that is another trump loon lie.

try a little factcheck, nutter butter.
You do know that the Clinton investigation wasn't about a blow job, right?

Yeah it wad. Because Kenny Starr was told to find something anything to impeach bill Clinton. So they went from a failed land deal all the way through to a blue dress

It wasn't just "anything". Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he perjured himself and for real obstruction of justice.

Not like this fake obstruction charge they're trying to put on Trump. In case you haven't noticed, the "obstruction" witch hunt has fizzled out.

he perjured himself in a deposition that should never have occurred. no other president was forced to participate in a civil action during his presidency. that was done because Scalia and the other hacks didn't do their job.

it has only "fizzled" to morons like you. your lies are boring... as are the orange sociopath's.

luckily no one cares what trump loons thing except other lying trump loons.

btw, just a comment on your ignorant nic... you know Ayn rand was an ok novelist and not a political philosopher. she died broke and alone and living on social security.

Why shouldn't his deposition have occurred? He was already being sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment and during that, Clinton denied under oath any involvement with Lewinsky. So he committed perjury and obstructed justice in the Jones trial. Starr also had proof of eleven impeachable offenses, but the House of Representatives only approved two articles of impeachment.

Bill Clinton was not the saint you lefties like to make him out to be. In addition to sexual harassment and assault, he committed more than one rapes. As a female, you should find this troubling.

We can than infer that Trump can be deposed if sued by every minority has has defamed in tweets and speeches and EO's. Cool, let's go in that direction, imagine Trump being deposed under oath and not lying!

you clearly have zero understanding of what "defamation" is...

try again, scum.
Yeah it wad. Because Kenny Starr was told to find something anything to impeach bill Clinton. So they went from a failed land deal all the way through to a blue dress

It wasn't just "anything". Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he perjured himself and for real obstruction of justice.

Not like this fake obstruction charge they're trying to put on Trump. In case you haven't noticed, the "obstruction" witch hunt has fizzled out.

he perjured himself in a deposition that should never have occurred. no other president was forced to participate in a civil action during his presidency. that was done because Scalia and the other hacks didn't do their job.

it has only "fizzled" to morons like you. your lies are boring... as are the orange sociopath's.

luckily no one cares what trump loons thing except other lying trump loons.

btw, just a comment on your ignorant nic... you know Ayn rand was an ok novelist and not a political philosopher. she died broke and alone and living on social security.

Why shouldn't his deposition have occurred? He was already being sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment and during that, Clinton denied under oath any involvement with Lewinsky. So he committed perjury and obstructed justice in the Jones trial. Starr also had proof of eleven impeachable offenses, but the House of Representatives only approved two articles of impeachment.

Bill Clinton was not the saint you lefties like to make him out to be. In addition to sexual harassment and assault, he committed more than one rapes. As a female, you should find this troubling.

We can than infer that Trump can be deposed if sued by every minority has has defamed in tweets and speeches and EO's. Cool, let's go in that direction, imagine Trump being deposed under oath and not lying!

you clearly have zero understanding of what "defamation" is...

try again, scum.

Okay, I will. Libel and Slander: Trump's words and EO's have had an impact on American citizens who were injured by his words - oral and written. The children of parents who entered the country illegally 20 years before, who are under the age of majority, are injured by the deportation of mom and dad and loss of financial support.

Please tell me how and why Trump cannot be named in such a civil action? Remember, Starr was able to subpoena Clinton's appearance and to testify under oath in the Paula Jones action.
Lol love me some snowflake smack!
Nice spin, first of all it begins with non sequitur, leading into a statement which begins, "Nobody really cares who had a meeting with a Russian Ambassador" which is untrue. I care, and I want to know what was discussed (it seems AG Sessions may have spoken out of school and said Russian Ambassador snitched him off).

Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number", and in my post I listed who lied on the one issue you and other apologists for all things Trump ignored.

So are you an "unbiased reader"? I would guess that the only reason you're fooled by the lying media's "Russian collusion" hype, is that you supported Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Amirite? I won't even try to list the lies that were told by Obama and Hillary, because most everyone is aware of them by now.

Whether Trump had a meeting with some Russian diplomat, is of no consequence to me. Because what I do know, is that he made more than several promises while campaigning for President. And true to his promises, he is fulfilling them one at a time when not being thwarted by obstructionists on both the left and the right.

I did not write that I am an "unbiased reader", maybe you ought to consider a reading comprehension course. For the record I wrote:

"Next, making this claim, "Considering the sheer number of lies Obama and Hillary told you for 8 years, Trump and his people are angels" provides no evidence to convince an unbiased reader that President Obama and Secretary Clinton lied even once, let alone some "sheer number."

Of course I have a bias, as most who post on this message board, and most human beings have. That does not mean I don't read and consider alternative views, it is the alternate facts, sans evidence, posted by people like you I dismiss out of hand.

Look bitch, your bitch lied every day of her life. You're an idiot.

Response of a punk ^^^. Anyone who has ever worked with delinquents and/or adults who are chronic petty criminals have been attacked with similar rhetoric. It's the defense of a coward, who, when castigated by authority lashes out; sometimes it is even whined out with tears. In short, a punk.

Oh you poor little boy, did I hurt your feelers? Act like a punk and I'll treat you like one, every time. Yes Bitchlery lied every day of her life.
Go back to being Stalin's Butt Plug, because you suck as a Troll and your agenda is too transparent.

I as a taxpayer am injured every time I have to pay taxes to support you lazy mother fuckers.

47% of Americans do not pay taxes. 50% of births in this country are paid for by the taxpayer through Medicaid.

Most of the 47% and 50% are all Democrats. NEARLY ALL OF THEM, creating a permanent entitlement class that The Democrat Party treats like sharecroppers in their strategy of Benevolent Paternalism.

Minorities are not Your Slaves, not your Children and you have no right to
Keep them pacified, docile, dependent and impoverished just so you can make empty promises You never keep so that you can harvest their votes in perpetuity!

Illegal Aliens are a massive drain on our resources While LEGAL Immigrants pay taxes and are generally Conservatine. You hate taxpayers but love tax recipients.

Time to put Lenin's gag ball back in your mout so you can just STFU!

It wasn't just "anything". Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he perjured himself and for real obstruction of justice.

Not like this fake obstruction charge they're trying to put on Trump. In case you haven't noticed, the "obstruction" witch hunt has fizzled out.

he perjured himself in a deposition that should never have occurred. no other president was forced to participate in a civil action during his presidency. that was done because Scalia and the other hacks didn't do their job.

it has only "fizzled" to morons like you. your lies are boring... as are the orange sociopath's.

luckily no one cares what trump loons thing except other lying trump loons.

btw, just a comment on your ignorant nic... you know Ayn rand was an ok novelist and not a political philosopher. she died broke and alone and living on social security.

Why shouldn't his deposition have occurred? He was already being sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment and during that, Clinton denied under oath any involvement with Lewinsky. So he committed perjury and obstructed justice in the Jones trial. Starr also had proof of eleven impeachable offenses, but the House of Representatives only approved two articles of impeachment.

Bill Clinton was not the saint you lefties like to make him out to be. In addition to sexual harassment and assault, he committed more than one rapes. As a female, you should find this troubling.

We can than infer that Trump can be deposed if sued by every minority has has defamed in tweets and speeches and EO's. Cool, let's go in that direction, imagine Trump being deposed under oath and not lying!

you clearly have zero understanding of what "defamation" is...

try again, scum.

Okay, I will. Libel and Slander: Trump's words and EO's have had an impact on American citizens who were injured by his words - oral and written. The children of parents who entered the country illegally 20 years before, who are under the age of majority, are injured by the deportation of mom and dad and loss of financial support.

Please tell me how and why Trump cannot be named in such a civil action? Remember, Starr was able to subpoena Clinton's appearance and to testify under oath in the Paula Jones action.
Last edited:
It wasn't just "anything". Bill Clinton was impeached by the House because he perjured himself and for real obstruction of justice.

Not like this fake obstruction charge they're trying to put on Trump. In case you haven't noticed, the "obstruction" witch hunt has fizzled out.

he perjured himself in a deposition that should never have occurred. no other president was forced to participate in a civil action during his presidency. that was done because Scalia and the other hacks didn't do their job.

it has only "fizzled" to morons like you. your lies are boring... as are the orange sociopath's.

luckily no one cares what trump loons thing except other lying trump loons.

btw, just a comment on your ignorant nic... you know Ayn rand was an ok novelist and not a political philosopher. she died broke and alone and living on social security.

Why shouldn't his deposition have occurred? He was already being sued by Paula Jones for sexual harassment and during that, Clinton denied under oath any involvement with Lewinsky. So he committed perjury and obstructed justice in the Jones trial. Starr also had proof of eleven impeachable offenses, but the House of Representatives only approved two articles of impeachment.

Bill Clinton was not the saint you lefties like to make him out to be. In addition to sexual harassment and assault, he committed more than one rapes. As a female, you should find this troubling.

We can than infer that Trump can be deposed if sued by every minority has has defamed in tweets and speeches and EO's. Cool, let's go in that direction, imagine Trump being deposed under oath and not lying!

you clearly have zero understanding of what "defamation" is...

try again, scum.

Okay, I will. Libel and Slander: Trump's words and EO's have had an impact on American citizens who were injured by his words - oral and written. The children of parents who entered the country illegally 20 years before, who are under the age of majority, are injured by the deportation of mom and dad and loss of financial support.

Please tell me how and why Trump cannot be named in such a civil action? Remember, Starr was able to subpoena Clinton's appearance and to testify under oath in the Paula Jones action.

FIrst please accept my apology. That insult was never intended for you. It was intended for the randian idiot. I'd never have insulted you that way.

As to the question of a liable suit it is unlikely that the general public would have standing to being such a suit as they may be injured but are not the recipient of the defamatory statements.

General opinion about news being "fake" would probably be opinion so not actionable. As to statements made about individual reporters it may well be that an action would lie if a lie were stated as fact and. It opinion since it would defame someone in their job and career. However it might also be that the reporter could be a limited public figure and that might entail proof of actual malice. Trump is such a malignant aociopath that he might not even know he's lying.

I will however point out that the same things that protect his idiocy also allow me to post the above opinion of the orange one

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