Mr. President, you sir, are a liar....and that is coming from me.

For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Don't call that piece of dog shit sir. He deserves no respect.
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Question. Did you say the same thing to Bush? One post? Something even close to this? You know if you did, you would be considered un American somehow right. You know, WMD's and thousand of us military personnel dying for nothing.

But NOW its acceptable to you? Mkay.

Hypocrite much?
I'm outgaged by the whole lot of em.

Starting with Barry and the whole pack of Clowns in Congress they are all self servinig assholes.

Damn straight!
We got a helluva tax increase in January - and when it is their turn to take a cut - this is what we get.

You have to remember, the Dems insist on conservatives being balanced, but never hold the left to the same standard.

Sadly, it's true... both sides are a bunch of self serving, corrupt, jackasses - what is particularly sad is that people - both left and right - defend any of them. We are in a mess because of these people... both the politicians and the fucking morons who vote for them.
YOU are still here? :eek:
Are you equally outraged about what emptystep reports in this thread?

Or, is it only lying Democrats who bother you?

I love it when people call out others for picking a side as if it's a bad thing then they do the same thing themselves, over and over and over.

Republicans suck, Democrats suck, Bush sucked and Obama fucking sucks. If you had a blink of honesty in you, you would hold Obama accountable because he is President, just like you hated Bush for the same policies you defend Obama for doing.
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Question. Did you say the same thing to Bush? One post? Something even close to this? You know if you did, you would be considered un American somehow right. You know, WMD's and thousand of us military personnel dying for nothing.

But NOW its acceptable to you? Mkay.

Hypocrite much?

Only the least informed lefties would say that Bush actually lied about WMD. Now Obama ---- there is a LIAR. The prick lies nearly every time he opens his mouth...
It is apparent with all these threads no one here even understands what the sequestration is. And all Obama did was position himself to look good. By saying anything you see in the future could have been better he sets himself up to take credit either way.
It is apparent with all these threads no one here even understands what the sequestration is. And all Obama did was position himself to look good. By saying anything you see in the future could have been better he sets himself up to take credit either way.

If being a failure as a leader is a good thing, then yes...

he has positioned himself to look FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!
Are you equally outraged about what emptystep reports in this thread?

Or, is it only lying Democrats who bother you?

What part of "there are two parties to blame" do you not understand?
And by saying "lying Democrats" - does this mean you also agree that the President is lying?

Of course he lies! He's a politician and a human being, ain't he?

We all tell lies. All of us. Where do we get off demanding politician's quit doing what we do ourselves? Holding someone else to a standard we're not meeting ourselves is the height of hypocrisy, isn't it?

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to check myself into a freakin' mental ward.

We're so used to being lied to by our "leaders" that we brush it off without a second thought, especially when they're on "our side".

Is this okay with everyone?

And can someone tell me when we ARE supposed to believe these people? Is there some kind of hand signal or facial tick that I should be looking for?

And doesn't it seem kind of important that we could at least depend on intellectual honesty from the people who have so much effect on our lives and the overall direction of our country, regardless of whether they're on our "side" of the political spectrum?

Goddamn. It's gotta be just me.

No sir, you make a VERY GOOD point!!!

Leadership in the greastest country in the world should be held to the highest standards. red/blue, left/right... and they should be held accountable!
No sir, you make a VERY GOOD point!!!

Leadership in the greastest country in the world should be held to the highest standards. red/blue, left/right... and they should be held accountable!

I salute your service, you selfless patriot!

It is apparent with all these threads no one here even understands what the sequestration is. And all Obama did was position himself to look good. By saying anything you see in the future could have been better he sets himself up to take credit either way.

No what is apparent the left is trying too sale dog shit as porterhouse steak and those with common sense ain't buying.
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

From your LOOOOOONG list of lies, I can see why you are outraged.

or not
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What part of "there are two parties to blame" do you not understand?
And by saying "lying Democrats" - does this mean you also agree that the President is lying?

Of course he lies! He's a politician and a human being, ain't he?

We all tell lies. All of us. Where do we get off demanding politician's quit doing what we do ourselves? Holding someone else to a standard we're not meeting ourselves is the height of hypocrisy, isn't it?

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to check myself into a freakin' mental ward.

We're so used to being lied to by our "leaders" that we brush it off without a second thought, especially when they're on "our side".

Is this okay with everyone?

And can someone tell me when we ARE supposed to believe these people? Is there some kind of hand signal or facial tick that I should be looking for?

And doesn't it seem kind of important that we could at least depend on intellectual honesty from the people who have so much effect on our lives and the overall direction of our country, regardless of whether they're on our "side" of the political spectrum?

Goddamn. It's gotta be just me.


I'm not suggesting we ought to just accept being lied to. We shouldn't, no matter who does it and we have the opportunity every 2 years to make that point clear to politicians.

But, being rational intelligent people, we ought to know enough about human nature to EXPECT to be lied to and have enough sense to find out the truth ourselves, rather than throw a hissy fit and feign shock when it happens.

"Wow! A politician is lying to us! I'm outraged..OUTRAGED, I tell ya!" he says while making up an excuse not to go to work today. Lies are lies and liars are liars. To pretend there is a difference between your lies and someone else's lies is dishonest, hypocritical and self-serving.

Go ahead. Don't support Obama if you don't want to and hold his feet to the fire about honesty. That's your right as a voter. But, don't start threads accusing him, and only him, of doing things we all do and pretend that somehow makes the rest of us better than him or him worse than us. When you single out one liar in one party, and fail to mention other liars in other parties, your moral outrage comes across as blatant partisanship. Don't we have enough of that already?

Perhaps my point is that you might be well off to re-examine that Biblical passage about motes and beams in our eyes. Perhaps we all should.
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

I simply disagree with you.

President Obama was ready to sign off on a $4 trillion/10-yr deal 19 months ago. In private, Speaker Boehner said it looked good for passage especially since spending cuts outweighed revenue increases.

But then Boehner realized that his caucus would have nothing to do with revenue increases and only to do with the cuts, and so the administration and the congress passed a puny deal in the summer of '11 that was about a third of the package Obama had been offering.

Fast-forward to two months ago and a resounding second-term victory for the President. Speaker Boehner went running to him and implored him to go back and offer the same deal as 17 months prior, to which the President said yes to most of it, but wanted a little more parity between the spending cuts and the revenue increases.

And on that, Boehner and the Republicans simply will not budge.

The cuts in the sequestration matter, and the reason why it was set up was so that both sides would be forced to legislate away the things they didn't like, and there are things in there both sides don't like, but still the Republicans will not put anything on the table other than the usual cuts to Planned Parenthood and PBS, which account for about a tenth of one penny of our yearly deficits.

President Obama is legitimate. He backed a legitimate plan. He won a huge second-term victory because the majority of the public agrees with him on mostly all of the big ticket items of the day.

The public wants revenue increases to come from cutting tax loopholes that go to those of us who don't need them. So does Obama. But the Republicans won't have anything to do with it.

The public wants targeted spending cuts that help reduce the deficit without placing a burden on seniors, the working poor, and the middle class. Obama is with them on that. The Republicans won't have anything to do with it. All of the plans they have passed since Speaker Boehner has been leading in the House gives huge breaks to the well-connected and the wealthy while saddling all the sacrifice onto the middle class and working poor.

Ironically and inexplicably, Republicans are calling for the same measures that caused the European Union to go into a prolonged double-dip recession, with a couple countries going into depression.

Republicans are supposed to hate everything Europe stands for, but not this time as they mirror the austerity-only philosophy of the dumb Europeans.

President Obama is for a more balanced approach, like that of the Canadians, who look to the U.S. and then who look to Europe, and enact a plan that takes the best things from both and makes things work.

Barack Obama is a fair man and one of the only adults in a room full of fucking children in Washington today.
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For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Hear hear, but it won't matter to the Obama cult members...Obama is tearing this country and us apart and they cheer
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Hear hear, but it won't matter to the Obama cult members...Obama is tearing this country and us apart and they cheer

You have one party that is 90% white and the other party that's a coalition. But it's Obama, the man the Republican leadership has sworn to "bring down" is the problem.

That's like saying:

Teabags + hot water + honey = cotton

In other words, coming up with a conclusion that is completely unrelated to all the facts.

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