Mr. President, you sir, are a liar....and that is coming from me.

So your saying it's okay for obama to continually lie?

No, I didn't say that at all. Did you miss my post #37?

Also everyone doesn't lie, that's whats wrong with liberals, no morals.

Really? Are you saying you, or someone you know, has gone through life this far and never told a lie?
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

He is everything, and more, of what we said he was. We said he was inexperienced and he has shown it. We said that his economic policy would extend and weaken the recovery, we have been proven correct. But I am not sure he is lying. I think he just doesn't know how to run a country, he is proof positive of the Peter principle. Reagan did it working with Democrats, Obama lacks the know how or the brains to do so.

His "lying" is like most liberals on this board, they ain't lying they just either don't know, because they don't want to, or they have been told a lie and don't know the difference. So I don't normally throw around "lying" until the person has been shown the truth and continues.

Of course he lies! He's a politician and a human being, ain't he?

We all tell lies. All of us. Where do we get off demanding politician's quit doing what we do ourselves? Holding someone else to a standard we're not meeting ourselves is the height of hypocrisy, isn't it?

This is the kind of thing that makes me want to check myself into a freakin' mental ward.

We're so used to being lied to by our "leaders" that we brush it off without a second thought, especially when they're on "our side".

Is this okay with everyone?

And can someone tell me when we ARE supposed to believe these people? Is there some kind of hand signal or facial tick that I should be looking for?

And doesn't it seem kind of important that we could at least depend on intellectual honesty from the people who have so much effect on our lives and the overall direction of our country, regardless of whether they're on our "side" of the political spectrum?

Goddamn. It's gotta be just me.


That kind of thinking makes me sad, and beginning to doubt that America can and/or will survive. When lying by politicians and the people who elected them is accepted as normal, the slide to destruction and oblivion is double-greased.

Unless and until the lying stops not one single person should be elected to a second term, President, Senator, Representative or dog catcher.

Fine. In the interest of fairness, let's also require every voter to stop lying. After all, we can't have liars judging the non-liars, can we? For us to demand morally pure politician's, doesn't it stand to reason that we too must be morally pure?
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Perhaps you have forgotten the Republican mantra established by Mitch McConnell after Obama was elected? Oh, you did. Let me repeat it here: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Oh, and then a bunch of assholes decided to start bugging him for his birth certificate.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas. You're living in one and Obama has lived in the other all of his life. But he naively thought that once he was elected president the little white boys would act like grown men and work with him. They have not. And that is how we have arrived at this place where we are today.

I said this before, but it is worth repeating:

The overarching ambition of ALL parties to make the President of the opposing party a one term president. Always have been and always will be so.

But then a strange thing happened and HONESTY showed its ugly face: For the first time one politician - Senator Mitch McConnell - actually had the guts to say so.

In our age when lying and hypocrisy are the political driving force, Senator McConnell's HONESTY was rather refreshing.

That would have been the ambition of Republicans regardless of the skin color of President Obama, just as it would be the ambition of Democrats toward a Republican President.
Last edited:
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

No it actually isn't.

Republicans have a history of pulling this shit. They did it with Clinton almost from the get go. Republicans blocked or tried to block almost each and every one of his initatives. Most famously was HillaryCare. One of Clintons biggest hopes was to reform health care and put up a single payer system. Hillary Clinton, a highly competent lawyer in her own right, sat on a bi-partisan committee to craft policy. Republicans got together under Bob Dole and came out with an alternative. THAT alternative required each and every American to purchase Healthcare. Sound familiar? It should..because it was used by Mitt Romney in Massachusettes and Barack Obama for his health care initiative. They blocked HillaryCare and wound up putting NOTHING up. Then they wanted to dismantle Social Security and Medicare. They CLOSED down the government because Clinton wouldn't capitulate. THEN they impeached him.

Barack Obama came into office in a MESS with a chorus of Republicans hoping for his failure. This isn't hyperbole, mind you, this was really what they were saying. Darrell Issa actually called him the most corrupt President in American history and promised investigation after investigation. He's lived up to that. You had members of the Republican side of Congress questioning the validity of his birthright. That's still happening today. Mitch McConnell said the number one priority of Republicans was to make sure that President Barack Obama was a one term President. This isn't hyperbole either..he actually said that. And Republicans got together before the President assumed office to cook up a strategy to make sure that was a case. On Powerpoint no less. Then the fostered the Tea Party movement. They made everything a tough slog till they got control of the house. Then they made everything impossible. Republicans hold the record now for filibusters. They put up 2 looney tune budgets last congress that, guess what, dismantled Social Securtiy and Medicare - AND as an added bonus..INCREASED military spending. No big wars (Afghanistan is winding down) justification for it..just..hey..what the heck..increase it.

So when the President says that Republicans are responsible for this..they are..and completely responsible. We've NEVER seen anything close to this sort of behavior from Democrats. Never.

Long rant but forgetting that Ronald Reagan inherited a far worse situation, but never once did he ever blamed Jimmy Carter.

Obama spent his first four years and a few occasions of his second to blame Bush.

That's what happens when you send a boy to do a man's job.
Damn straight!
We got a helluva tax increase in January - and when it is their turn to take a cut - this is what we get.

You have to remember, the Dems insist on conservatives being balanced, but never hold the left to the same standard.

Sadly, it's true... both sides are a bunch of self serving, corrupt, jackasses - what is particularly sad is that people - both left and right - defend any of them. We are in a mess because of these people... both the politicians and the fucking morons who vote for them.
YOU are still here? :eek:

well she has never been permabanned.....unlike some here.....:eusa_whistle:
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Perhaps you have forgotten the Republican mantra established by Mitch McConnell after Obama was elected? Oh, you did. Let me repeat it here: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Oh, and then a bunch of assholes decided to start bugging him for his birth certificate.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas. You're living in one and Obama has lived in the other all of his life. But he naively thought that once he was elected president the little white boys would act like grown men and work with him. They have not. And that is how we have arrived at this place where we are today.

I said this before, but it is worth repeating:

The overarching ambition of ALL parties to make the President of the opposing party a one term president. Always have been and always will be so.

But then a strange thing happened and HONESTY showed its ugly face: For the first time one politician - Senator Mitch McConnell - actually had the guts to say so.

In our age when lying and hypocrisy are the political driving force, Senator McConnell's HONESTY was rather refreshing.

That would have been the ambition of Republicans regardless of the skin color of President Obama, just as it would be the ambition of Democrats toward a Republican President.

This has been historic obstruction. And I really can say that based on the evidence.

Republicans have really engaged in unprecedented and very radical behavior.

Historic number of times of filibusters.
Historic low number of bills passed.
Historic filibuster of a cabinet member.
Interrupting a Presidential speech in the halls of congress by calling the President a "liar".
The Senate Republican Leader publicly proclaiming that the number one of agenda of his party was to make the President a one term President.
And I am not sure about all the investigations..but that's probably record breaking too.

And their agenda is very radical. They want to destroy the social safety net.
Most of them didn't run on that.
In public..they say they are trying to "save it".

It's quite extraordinary really.

This is a very radical and dangerous bunch of folks. They are following a man who says he wants to shrink the government to a very small he can drown it.

That's amazing. They signed a pledge of fealty to that guy..circumventing the United States Constitution.
Perhaps you have forgotten the Republican mantra established by Mitch McConnell after Obama was elected? Oh, you did. Let me repeat it here: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Oh, and then a bunch of assholes decided to start bugging him for his birth certificate.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas. You're living in one and Obama has lived in the other all of his life. But he naively thought that once he was elected president the little white boys would act like grown men and work with him. They have not. And that is how we have arrived at this place where we are today.

I said this before, but it is worth repeating:

The overarching ambition of ALL parties to make the President of the opposing party a one term president. Always have been and always will be so.

But then a strange thing happened and HONESTY showed its ugly face: For the first time one politician - Senator Mitch McConnell - actually had the guts to say so.

In our age when lying and hypocrisy are the political driving force, Senator McConnell's HONESTY was rather refreshing.

That would have been the ambition of Republicans regardless of the skin color of President Obama, just as it would be the ambition of Democrats toward a Republican President.

This has been historic obstruction. And I really can say that based on the evidence.

Republicans have really engaged in unprecedented and very radical behavior.

Historic number of times of filibusters.
Historic low number of bills passed.
Historic filibuster of a cabinet member.
Interrupting a Presidential speech in the halls of congress by calling the President a "liar".
The Senate Republican Leader publicly proclaiming that the number one of agenda of his party was to make the President a one term President.
And I am not sure about all the investigations..but that's probably record breaking too.

And their agenda is very radical. They want to destroy the social safety net.
Most of them didn't run on that.
In public..they say they are trying to "save it".

It's quite extraordinary really.

This is a very radical and dangerous bunch of folks. They are following a man who says he wants to shrink the government to a very small he can drown it.

That's amazing. They signed a pledge of fealty to that guy..circumventing the United States Constitution.

The obstruction of George W. Bush started long before the election on 2000. Remember the the opinion of Canadian and gratefully departed jerk on ABC denigrating George W. Bush even AFTER the 911- 2001 attacks?

Remember the CBS icon Dan Rather desperately "producing" a document that would put GWB on the same level as Dan Rather's idol the recipient of the Purple Heart for self inflicted wounds, the gigolo, John Kerry?

Remember the disdain on ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN on 9-12-2000?
This is the kind of thing that makes me want to check myself into a freakin' mental ward.

We're so used to being lied to by our "leaders" that we brush it off without a second thought, especially when they're on "our side".

Is this okay with everyone?

And can someone tell me when we ARE supposed to believe these people? Is there some kind of hand signal or facial tick that I should be looking for?

And doesn't it seem kind of important that we could at least depend on intellectual honesty from the people who have so much effect on our lives and the overall direction of our country, regardless of whether they're on our "side" of the political spectrum?

Goddamn. It's gotta be just me.


That kind of thinking makes me sad, and beginning to doubt that America can and/or will survive. When lying by politicians and the people who elected them is accepted as normal, the slide to destruction and oblivion is double-greased.

Unless and until the lying stops not one single person should be elected to a second term, President, Senator, Representative or dog catcher.

Fine. In the interest of fairness, let's also require every voter to stop lying. After all, we can't have liars judging the non-liars, can we? For us to demand morally pure politician's, doesn't it stand to reason that we too must be morally pure?

Since we no longer care if our "leaders" are lying to us, I assume no one should call any politician out on their lies. Yet I see people calling people out on the other "side" for lying all the time. This notion that "I won't call someone out on their lies if I agree with them politically" is pretty much as disturbing to me as the rampant lies that have so polluted our political system.

Intellectual honesty optional. That scares the shit out of me, and I don't understand why we put up with it.

For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.

iamwhatiseem: Damn straight!
We got a helluva tax increase in January - and when it is their turn to take a cut - this is what we get.

We got a helluva tax increase in January ...

that was the tax reduction the Administration required the Republicans to accept when extending the Bush tax cuts in 2010 - the Republicans insisted that tax reduction not be included in the 2012 negotiations that delayed the sequester ... funny you did not mention that.

You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute ...

The truth is Republicans raised the taxes on working people, withholdings and were unwilling to negotiate for the country even at the last hour when given a chance.
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Perhaps you have forgotten the Republican mantra established by Mitch McConnell after Obama was elected? Oh, you did. Let me repeat it here: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Oh, and then a bunch of assholes decided to start bugging him for his birth certificate.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas. You're living in one and Obama has lived in the other all of his life. But he naively thought that once he was elected president the little white boys would act like grown men and work with him. They have not. And that is how we have arrived at this place where we are today.

I said this before, but it is worth repeating:

The overarching ambition of ALL parties to make the President of the opposing party a one term president. Always have been and always will be so.

But then a strange thing happened and HONESTY showed its ugly face: For the first time one politician - Senator Mitch McConnell - actually had the guts to say so.

In our age when lying and hypocrisy are the political driving force, Senator McConnell's HONESTY was rather refreshing.

That would have been the ambition of Republicans regardless of the skin color of President Obama, just as it would be the ambition of Democrats toward a Republican President.

This has been historic obstruction. And I really can say that based on the evidence.

Republicans have really engaged in unprecedented and very radical behavior.

Historic number of times of filibusters.
Historic low number of bills passed.
Historic filibuster of a cabinet member.
Interrupting a Presidential speech in the halls of congress by calling the President a "liar".
The Senate Republican Leader publicly proclaiming that the number one of agenda of his party was to make the President a one term President.
And I am not sure about all the investigations..but that's probably record breaking too.

And their agenda is very radical. They want to destroy the social safety net.
Most of them didn't run on that.
In public..they say they are trying to "save it".

It's quite extraordinary really.

This is a very radical and dangerous bunch of folks. They are following a man who says he wants to shrink the government to a very small he can drown it.

That's amazing. They signed a pledge of fealty to that guy..circumventing the United States Constitution.

OMG SALLOW, you are FULL OF SHIT...there has been nothing HISTORIC about any of this except Obama being elected...and that racist pos Spike Lee can go to hell and so can the person who quoted him
You have one party that is 90% white and the other party that's a coalition. But it's Obama, the man the Republican leadership has sworn to "bring down" is the problem.

That's like saying:

Teabags + hot water + honey = cotton

In other words, coming up with a conclusion that is completely unrelated to all the facts.
And you have a party that is 90% black controlled by rich whites.

87% of Registered Republican's are white.

21% of registered Democrats are black.

Republicans Dream of a Not-So-White Party - Businessweek

Polls vary. some have the Republican Party at close to 92% white or more.

In modern GOP, the old South returns - Washington Post

No other party in U.S. history has done such a 180. Founded as the party of the anti-slavery North and committed to deep governmental involvement in spurring the economy (land-grant colleges, the Homestead Act, the transcontinental railway), today’s GOP is the negation of Abraham Lincoln’s Republicans. It is almost entirely white — 92 percent, compared with just 58 percent of Democrats. It is disproportionately Southern — 49 percent of Republicans live in the South vs. 39 percent of Democrats.

As Republican convention emphasizes diversity, racial incidents intrude - Washington Post

Exit polls from 2008 showed that 90 percent of GOP voters were white, a homogeneity that has been consistent for more than 30 years, even as the percentage of the electorate that is white has fallen.
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And you have a party that is 90% black controlled by rich whites.

87% of Registered Republican's are white.

21% of registered Democrats are black.

Republicans Dream of a Not-So-White Party - Businessweek

I know, but you don't call rdean on his shit, why not?
What ever the percentage of blacks being democrats doesn't change the fact the democratic party is controlled by rich whites.

No, it's not. The percentages are too small and the people in the party don't follow their leaders blindly based on race.

Think about it. Ask the Republican base if disaster victims should pay to be rescued. Or school lunches should be cut to give billionaires a penny more. Or billionaires should pay 13 or 14% when everyone else pays 20 or 30.

And yet, they vote for leaders who believe in those things. They will even applaud when Rick Santorum says Republicans have no smart people. What could make them follow such swill? Racism pure and simple. They hate having a black president that much.
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I said this before, but it is worth repeating:

The overarching ambition of ALL parties to make the President of the opposing party a one term president. Always have been and always will be so.

But then a strange thing happened and HONESTY showed its ugly face: For the first time one politician - Senator Mitch McConnell - actually had the guts to say so.

In our age when lying and hypocrisy are the political driving force, Senator McConnell's HONESTY was rather refreshing.

That would have been the ambition of Republicans regardless of the skin color of President Obama, just as it would be the ambition of Democrats toward a Republican President.

This has been historic obstruction. And I really can say that based on the evidence.

Republicans have really engaged in unprecedented and very radical behavior.

Historic number of times of filibusters.
Historic low number of bills passed.
Historic filibuster of a cabinet member.
Interrupting a Presidential speech in the halls of congress by calling the President a "liar".
The Senate Republican Leader publicly proclaiming that the number one of agenda of his party was to make the President a one term President.
And I am not sure about all the investigations..but that's probably record breaking too.

And their agenda is very radical. They want to destroy the social safety net.
Most of them didn't run on that.
In public..they say they are trying to "save it".

It's quite extraordinary really.

This is a very radical and dangerous bunch of folks. They are following a man who says he wants to shrink the government to a very small he can drown it.

That's amazing. They signed a pledge of fealty to that guy..circumventing the United States Constitution.

The obstruction of George W. Bush started long before the election on 2000. Remember the the opinion of Canadian and gratefully departed jerk on ABC denigrating George W. Bush even AFTER the 911- 2001 attacks?

Remember the CBS icon Dan Rather desperately "producing" a document that would put GWB on the same level as Dan Rather's idol the recipient of the Purple Heart for self inflicted wounds, the gigolo, John Kerry?

Remember the disdain on ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN on 9-12-2000?

George W. terms of policy..was one of the most successful Presidents in the history of the United States.

His list of accomplishments include:

-Invading Afghanistan.
-Nation Building in Afghanistan.
-Invading Iraq.
-Nation Building in Iraq.
-Started the Department of Homeland Security.
-Started the Medicare Drug Benefit.
-Several huge stimulus packages in the form of Tax Cuts.
-Appointed Justice Roberts and made him head of the court.
-Appointed Justice Alito.
-Passed the Patriot Act.
-Crafted a whole new class of human being "enemy combatant".
-Survived challenges to the torture policy.
-Implemented Black Sites for torture.
-Opened a prison at Guantanomo Bay.
-Changed Bankruptcy Laws.
-Changed Overtime Laws.
-Appointed every judge he wanted to the lower courts.
-Started an undersea national park near Hawaii.
-Initiated "Faith Based" initiatives.
-Instituted a policy of helping African Countries deal with the AIDS epidemic.
-Brought charges against ENRON/Arthur Anderson.
-Implemented TARP.
-Implemented No Child Left Behind.

And that's just the short list.

He couldn't do all that if the Democrats were anywhere near as obstructionist as Republicans are today.
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

He is everything, and more, of what we said he was. We said he was inexperienced and he has shown it. We said that his economic policy would extend and weaken the recovery, we have been proven correct. But I am not sure he is lying. I think he just doesn't know how to run a country, he is proof positive of the Peter principle. Reagan did it working with Democrats, Obama lacks the know how or the brains to do so.

His "lying" is like most liberals on this board, they ain't lying they just either don't know, because they don't want to, or they have been told a lie and don't know the difference. So I don't normally throw around "lying" until the person has been shown the truth and continues.

Reagan increased the National Debt 189%. And he raised taxes about 7 or 8 times. Do I really have to provide links to facts that have been linked to again and again?
I know, but you don't call rdean on his shit, why not?
What ever the percentage of blacks being democrats doesn't change the fact the democratic party is controlled by rich whites.

What's to call him on? He was just about right when he said 90%, wasn't he? In any case, he was a WHOLE lot closer than you were.

87% is not 90% plus only 21% of blacks are democrats? what about the other 70% or so?

Like I linked to in previous posts, some polls put it higher than 90%. Look at the Republican Convention, you know, where they had those peanut throwing racial incidents. What did it look like to you? I love the guy who wore "Put white back in the White House" shirts. He represented.
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Perhaps you have forgotten the Republican mantra established by Mitch McConnell after Obama was elected? Oh, you did. Let me repeat it here: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Oh, and then a bunch of assholes decided to start bugging him for his birth certificate.

Spike Lee is right, there are two Americas. You're living in one and Obama has lived in the other all of his life. But he naively thought that once he was elected president the little white boys would act like grown men and work with him. They have not. And that is how we have arrived at this place where we are today.

Perfectly phrased. You would think that after 8 years of Bush and what they did to the economy, they would have apologized to America and not to BP.

After BP, Republicans deny Obama subpoena power to investigate BP, but subpoena him. Does that make any sense???? Thank God he got the 20 billion. That's what they apologized to BP for.

Senate Republicans block BP investigation

House subpoenas Obama administration on Gulf oil drilling - Washington Times
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Question. Did you say the same thing to Bush? One post? Something even close to this? You know if you did, you would be considered un American somehow right. You know, WMD's and thousand of us military personnel dying for nothing.

But NOW its acceptable to you? Mkay.

Hypocrite much?

When President Bush "lied" about weapons of mass destruction, all of Europe, Great Britain, the United Nations, Republicans and Democrats in both houses of Congress "lied" along with him, based on all data available at the time.

Hypocrite much?

Bush said he had "proof". You can't fault them for believing him. I believed him. Now we know better, but who thought the president would lie the country into an unnecessary war? I never imagined it.
Hear hear, but it won't matter to the Obama cult members...Obama is tearing this country and us apart and they cheer

You have one party that is 90% white and the other party that's a coalition. But it's Obama, the man the Republican leadership has sworn to "bring down" is the problem.

That's like saying:

Teabags + hot water + honey = cotton

In other words, coming up with a conclusion that is completely unrelated to all the facts.
And you have a party that is 90% black controlled by rich whites.

Sounds like a plantation to me, just sayin...
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

No it actually isn't.

Republicans have a history of pulling this shit. They did it with Clinton almost from the get go. Republicans blocked or tried to block almost each and every one of his initatives. Most famously was HillaryCare. One of Clintons biggest hopes was to reform health care and put up a single payer system. Hillary Clinton, a highly competent lawyer in her own right, sat on a bi-partisan committee to craft policy. Republicans got together under Bob Dole and came out with an alternative. THAT alternative required each and every American to purchase Healthcare. Sound familiar? It should..because it was used by Mitt Romney in Massachusettes and Barack Obama for his health care initiative. They blocked HillaryCare and wound up putting NOTHING up. Then they wanted to dismantle Social Security and Medicare. They CLOSED down the government because Clinton wouldn't capitulate. THEN they impeached him.

Barack Obama came into office in a MESS with a chorus of Republicans hoping for his failure. This isn't hyperbole, mind you, this was really what they were saying. Darrell Issa actually called him the most corrupt President in American history and promised investigation after investigation. He's lived up to that. You had members of the Republican side of Congress questioning the validity of his birthright. That's still happening today. Mitch McConnell said the number one priority of Republicans was to make sure that President Barack Obama was a one term President. This isn't hyperbole either..he actually said that. And Republicans got together before the President assumed office to cook up a strategy to make sure that was a case. On Powerpoint no less. Then the fostered the Tea Party movement. They made everything a tough slog till they got control of the house. Then they made everything impossible. Republicans hold the record now for filibusters. They put up 2 looney tune budgets last congress that, guess what, dismantled Social Securtiy and Medicare - AND as an added bonus..INCREASED military spending. No big wars (Afghanistan is winding down) justification for it..just..hey..what the heck..increase it.

So when the President says that Republicans are responsible for this..they are..and completely responsible. We've NEVER seen anything close to this sort of behavior from Democrats. Never.

Long rant but forgetting that Ronald Reagan inherited a far worse situation, but never once did he ever blamed Jimmy Carter.

Obama spent his first four years and a few occasions of his second to blame Bush.

That's what happens when you send a boy to do a man's job.

Reagan inherited a worse situation? Huh? Worst than two unpaid for wars and 10 trillion in debt and tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life?

Please explain and post links: :popcorn:

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