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MSM BIAS:50 Cain stories and only 3 Clinton rape stories

MRC seems to be deliberately biasing their sample for propaganda effect.
MRC is Brent Bozell's baby. He also runs CNS News. Right wing Propaganda on steroids. Anyone familiar with Bozell's history knows what a shill he is.

I've been following him for well over a decade. Skunk extraordinaire.

A little background:

"He and the organizations that he foundes reap millions in PR money annually by selling the political carcinogens of extremist Right billionaires wrapped in the flag, mom, and apple pie. It’s the political Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man trying to put one past the American people.

Bozell, a second generation Right-wing reactionary following in his father Jr.’s footsteps, is a nephew of the late William F. Buckley and the grandson of advertising/PR agency magnate Leo Bozell. He one of many of the Christian media Don Quixotes marching off to joust with their big windmill: Liberal America.

More: (Good article) :: Dissecting Right Wing Political Extremism «
Best moments in televison wingnut history is when he is on C-Span's Washington Journal and figgits in his chair like a 5 year old chocolate stained toddler when people call in with his lies and idiocy and he has no place to Foxrun. Hilarity! :lol:

yes we know his background, please present the search parameters for and the scanned results page of that lexus search please.........thx in advance....
Umm the net was young when the clinton accusations came forward, so not as much info will be there about that. Nor was the media in as much of a enquireristic mode.
Comparing how the media reacted then to now is not a fair comparison.

Ask Matt Drudge about that.

The OP said nothing about internet coverage.... the NEW MEDIA ignored it (television coverage)
Umm the net was young when the clinton accusations came forward, so not as much info will be there about that. Nor was the media in as much of a enquireristic mode.
Comparing how the media reacted then to now is not a fair comparison.

Ask Matt Drudge about that.

The OP said nothing about internet coverage.... the NEW MEDIA ignored it (television coverage)

Matt Drudge?

You have records of the TV coverage back then?

I recall lots of TV coverage about Clowntoons sins with women back then.
I recall the Starr chamber hearings going on and on and on on one topic after another.
Umm the net was young when the clinton accusations came forward, so not as much info will be there about that. Nor was the media in as much of a enquireristic mode.
Comparing how the media reacted then to now is not a fair comparison.

Ask Matt Drudge about that.

The OP said nothing about internet coverage.... the NEW MEDIA ignored it (television coverage)

Matt Drudge?

You have records of the TV coverage back then?

I recall lots of TV coverage about Clowntoons sins with women back then.
I recall the Starr chamber hearings going on and on and on on one topic after another.

records go back aways, Vanderbilt U has an archive that goes back decades.

and you may want to go back to the OP, click the link and read it. exactly who/what they are referencing and what the issue is.

the point being the media had to be dragged to the clinton stories. you might want to read the story on don hewitt and the infinite care he took in a personal manner to make sure clintion and hillary came off alright in their 60 minutes interview when they asked him about gennifer flowers, way back in early 92.

as a recent example even bill the ombudsman of the NY times had to admit they were 'slow' to the john edwards story, they sank a politically sensitive piece on obama an acorn etc etc ..ala reily and the 'love' child etc.....yet went ahead and ran the mccain and the sultry lobbyist which the ombudsman again had to follow up on and apologize for running...hello.

you know why cains numbers have not sank? because folks don't buy what they read and hear anymore ala allegations like this, the facts are few, most information unsubstantiated yet they have drenched the airwaves and papers with it.....why do you think that is?
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Cain's job is to make the rank & file GOP establishment candidates look good. Cain is the 'block' on the line of scrimmage. Cain blocks for the quarterback(GOP) by drawing attention away from the tight ends, which are Romney & Perry. Cain gets phuked to death but his phuking gives time for the GOP to throw the ball to one of the tight ends. If the tight ends are hounded, the fullback(newt Gingrich) runs up the middle with the ball & makes POTUS.
Since Newt, Rick & Mitt are more liberal than Obama the establishment wins again by drawing off attention onto Cain. Everyone wins but Cain & the American constituency which keeps getting phuked to death by the liberal taxation policies of the GOP/DNC.

Clinton Rape of Broaddrick ONLY 3 stories in 3 days...

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports. For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her, only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

50 Cain anonymous harassment stories in 3 days..


Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

NONE of you racist Cain haters will admit it but the white man Clinton while PRESIDENT had 3 stories! 3 stories of RAPE by a sitting President!

And you say there is no MSM bias???

At least you Cain haters could at least admit the obvious.. the MSM is racist and biased towards white democrat politician!
Clinton Rape of Broaddrick ONLY 3 stories in 3 days...

Following Kathleen Willey's July 1997 claims of being groped by the President, there were a mere three reports. For Juanita Broaddrick, who came forward in February 1999 to say Clinton raped her, only three stories followed charges appearing in the Wall Street Journal.

50 Cain anonymous harassment stories in 3 days..


Networks Hit Cain Story 50 Times in Less Than Four Days; Ignored Clinton Scandals

NONE of you racist Cain haters will admit it but the white man Clinton while PRESIDENT had 3 stories! 3 stories of RAPE by a sitting President!

And you say there is no MSM bias???

At least you Cain haters could at least admit the obvious.. the MSM is racist and biased towards white democrat politician!

So you're saying Cain is innocent? Or are you just bitching about the coverage?

We call that slander.

Christians call it bearing "false witness" and it's a mortal sin. People who commit a mortal sin and don't confess burn in hell for all eternity. That's just the way it is.
First, let me just say that the original post is factually inaccurate. Willey accused Clinton of kissing her, and Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her and propositioning her. Neither of these alleged incidents meet either the legal or the common definition of rape.

I'm skeptical of the "Media Research Center"'s methodology, and in particular I'm unsure why next-day network news stories are a good statistic for overall MSM coverage. It's also rather silly to include statistics on coverage of Clinton sexual allegations without including Monica Lewinsky (or for that matter Gennifer Flowers). MRC seems to be deliberately biasing their sample for propaganda effect.

Still, there does seem to be some disparity. However, I doubt much if any of it is due to racism or political bias:

-- Standards for how to cover alleged sexual misconduct have evolved

-- Cain is running for office. Jones story was public in 1994, well before Clinton's reelection campaign was heating up, and the other two stories were made public in Clinton's second term.

-- Clinton had a long history of accusations of sexual misconduct (some surely true, most certainly not), whereas Cain had never previously had any allegations made public.

And most importantly: The accusations against Cain were simply more credible than those against Clinton. Jones held a press conference in which she contradicted published information and accused Clinton of misconduct that she hadn't mentioned for years. Politico, a major news organization, announced in a story with multiple sources that multiple women had made contemporaneous complaints and successfully brought suit for Cain's alleged actions. Even if news organizations were inclined to believe Jones story, it would take them some time to check it out (thereby missing MRC's odd one-day deadline) whereas they could repeat Politico's well-sourced story on its own merits.

Indeed, all of the three women mentioned here had serious credibility issues (see, eg, Wikipedia):

- Jones civil case proved so weak that the judge threw it out in a summary judgment. While this was primarily because Jones failed to show damages, Jones had also damaged her credibility by, for example, being videotaped asking for factual prompts while telling her story.

- Willey repeatedly lied to the FBI

- Broaddrick filed a sworn affidavit saying that she had *not* been assaulted. Eventually, she made the claim that Clinton had assaulted her two decades earlier, but she had not made any contemporaneous complaint.

A little O/T but isn't it time for Paula Jones to appear on Dancing With the Stars?
She already spread her legs and showed her pussy for all the world to see. Then she got in the ring with Tonya Harding :lol: Isn't that enough.?

This is the woman who came forward because she wanted to "protect her honor."


Smearing the women is typical for people like you who are such Demophants you have NO brainpower to understand the FACTS..
MSM protects and hides stories about Democrats while exaggerating and blowing out of proportion stories about GOP!
The FACTS are MSM protects rapists slime buckets like Edwards.. yet none of you acknowledge that!
Cain's job is to make the rank & file GOP establishment candidates look good. Cain is the 'block' on the line of scrimmage. Cain blocks for the quarterback(GOP) by drawing attention away from the tight ends, which are Romney & Perry. Cain gets phuked to death but his phuking gives time for the GOP to throw the ball to one of the tight ends. If the tight ends are hounded, the fullback(newt Gingrich) runs up the middle with the ball & makes POTUS.
Since Newt, Rick & Mitt are more liberal than Obama the establishment wins again by drawing off attention onto Cain. Everyone wins but Cain & the American constituency which keeps getting phuked to death by the liberal taxation policies of the GOP/DNC.

Actually, the Steelers tried that game plan last night, and they lost. :eusa_whistle:
Smearing the women is typical for people like you who are such Demophants you have NO brainpower to understand the FACTS..
MSM protects and hides stories about Democrats while exaggerating and blowing out of proportion stories about GOP!
The FACTS are MSM protects rapists slime buckets like Edwards.. yet none of you acknowledge that!

No, the FACTS are that the media cover stories that will generate them money. They protect nobody other than their own pockets. They are a private business that are allowed to run their business however they want. If you don't like their coverage, don't watch. It's that simple.
MRC seems to be deliberately biasing their sample for propaganda effect.
MRC is Brent Bozell's baby. He also runs CNS News. Right wing Propaganda on steroids. Anyone familiar with Bozell's history knows what a shill he is.

I've been following him for well over a decade. Skunk extraordinaire.

A little background:

"He and the organizations that he foundes reap millions in PR money annually by selling the political carcinogens of extremist Right billionaires wrapped in the flag, mom, and apple pie. It’s the political Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man trying to put one past the American people.

Bozell, a second generation Right-wing reactionary following in his father Jr.’s footsteps, is a nephew of the late William F. Buckley and the grandson of advertising/PR agency magnate Leo Bozell. He one of many of the Christian media Don Quixotes marching off to joust with their big windmill: Liberal America.

More: (Good article) :: Dissecting Right Wing Political Extremism «
Best moments in televison wingnut history is when he is on C-Span's Washington Journal and figgits in his chair like a 5 year old chocolate stained toddler when people call in with his lies and idiocy and he has no place to Foxrun. Hilarity! :lol:

yes we know his background, please present the search parameters for and the scanned results page of that lexus search please.........thx in advance....

Please present your ass and go fuck yourself.
(The MSM bringing you all the news that is fit for you to read, or pimping for Obama by the numbers. They just don't want to give up the control of their "Socialist Wet Dream")

"Politico v. Herman Cain in numbers

Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, November 6, 2011 at 8:00pm

Just the stats:

Days as of 8 p.m. Eastern today since Politico broke the story - 7
Politico news stories about or mentioning “Herman Cain“: 138
Politico news stories about or mentioning “sexual harassment“: 91
Politico news stories about or mentioning “sexual harassment” not involving Herman Cain: 0
Politico news stories showing what Herman Cain actually did: 0
Politico news stories showing specifically what Herman Cain was accused of: 0
Percentage drop in Herman Cain favorability rating as reported by Politico: 9
Politico news stories about or mentioning “Solyndra“: 9
Politico news stories about or mentioning “Fast and Furious“: 3
Politico news stories about or mentioning “unemployment“: 17
Politico news stories about or mentioning “recession“: 14
Politico’s credibility self-destruction: Priceless"

» Politico v. Herman Cain in numbers - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
A phrase from the right fits nicely here.

Clinton is not president any more.
Cain is running for president.

End of story.

so I guess that will stop the points you make ala hypocrisy from your angle in other threads?

the point is the media has a double standard....

You mean this media...the mainstream media right?


I've noted that every. single. one. of you righties have ignored this thread.

Telling. :lol:
A phrase from the right fits nicely here.

Clinton is not president any more.
Cain is running for president.

End of story.

so I guess that will stop the points you make ala hypocrisy from your angle in other threads?

the point is the media has a double standard....

You mean this media...the mainstream media right?


I've noted that every. single. one. of you righties have ignored this thread.

Telling. :lol:

Whats to ignore? Your information isnt unique. The further left you go the bigger the need for tabloided material.
I posted this comment on mediaite.com the other day...

To compare anything to the time of Clinton is the height of ignorance. The media atmosphere was quite literally a fraction of what it was today. The Internet was in it's infancy, heck FOXNews didn't even start until near the end of Bill's 2nd term, ('96) There wasn't as much media coverage. Today we have literally 24/7 media coverage. A controversy can be played every hour on the hour, on just one network. And there's multiple networks to play it. You got Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TMZ, HuffingPost, Politico, Slate, et al. It just get's regurgitated ad infinitum (sp). It's a TOTALLY different ball game today. Bill, himself, even with the so-called love from the media, wouldn't have lasted 6 months in today's over saturated media atmosphere.

BTW, the mainstream media of the FOXNews can't seem to get enough of this story.

CLASSIC! :lol:
Brent Bozell's Media Research Claptrap vs. LexisNexis.

Who ya gonna believe? Surely the Scaife-funded MRC has more credibility. LexisNexis is a tool of leftwing media and academia.

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