MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS & NBC are all in decline for one reason

I still wish Fox would trade Alan Colmes for Contesssa, at least when Contessa tries to act intelligent, we all get a good laff,,,,whereas when Alan Colmes tries to make sense, we all say,,,What The FFFK is he talking about !!!!
I still wish Fox would trade Alan Colmes for Contesssa, at least when Contessa tries to act intelligent, we all get a good laff,,,,whereas when Alan Colmes tries to make sense, we all say,,,What The FFFK is he talking about !!!!

Is Alan colmes somehow related to Monica Crowley?
The msm is claiming the Oslo killer is a Christian. Guess what? NO ONE can find ANY affiliations with ANY RELIGIOUS GROUP OR CHURCH. NO PROOF OF ANY KIND. Yet he's a Christian fanatic.

Of course Fox is publicly calling it like it is....factually.

Of course he said that's what he was. But hey, don't let straight from the horse's mouth get in the way of your childish hackery.

Are you always such a whiney snaggle toothed bitch? You single handedly turned a 3 page post into 6 pages about nothing but your short sighted beliefs. Trying to argue with every post in here like its some kind of duty your obligated too. Your pathetic. A boyfriend or dildo might help you relieve all your hostilities is a more satisfying way. Christ....

Ps. Just because he said it doesn't make it true. Journalists have contacted every organized church he lived around. None of them ever heard of him. But since your so fucking stupid you believe everything your spoon fed come on over. My name is Santa Clause and you may sit on my lap.
I used to watch fox, but they are so slanted against working class people its unreal. They side with big business always at the expense of the workers. Definitely anti middle class and rooting for the rich. The overuse of the "patriotic" GARBAGE is over the top too.
Just a shot in the dark here, but I'm betting you don;t have any supporting evidence for that claim do ya???
The left has given them NOTHING to champion and all they have left is hate for the right. Their precious dems have given them diddly to talk about. No bills, no legislation, no proposals. Nothing but hate. Turn on any one of them and see for yourself. They are all mirror images of their democratic counterparts. They don't offer analysis of things the gop puts forward. Only the same vitryolic condemnation that you hear on the floor of either house.

Watch their nightly shows and compare how many viewpoints or lack there of are represented as compared to Fox and the amount of representation they offer from the left. It's astounding how unbalanced they all are when compared to Fox. The only time they even attempt to balance the viewpoints is on Sunday, when they know they will actually have viewers with a brain.

I've Actually noticed the host of meet the press tone down his rhetoric since he took over the show. Before he became an anchor he acted like a partisan hack like the rest of them. Now I can actually tolerate watching him.

Now I'm expecting the rhetoric to infest this thread about Fox news so let me just say this...

Hannity is clearly hard right BUT he has multiple democrats on his show every night to offer opposing views. All n all I think Fox does a good job finding a middle ground to present news with a right leaning angle. I believe their ratings will back up my thoughts too.

The media used to be our watchdogs. Now they are lap dogs. We need more real journalism in this country.

Ps. I intentionally left out PBS


Still no rebuttal of the point brought forth that the lamestream media has nothing positive to report about their Chosen One and can only point across the aisle and cry like bitches that they're not getting their way.

What's to rebut when people like you obviously have never ever watched CNN. There's PLENTY of criticism about Obama as well as about YOUR "chosen one(s)" -- the POTUS wannabes from the Clown Brigade.
What's to rebut when you make sweeping assumptions about someone you've never met.
Actually I watch CNN daily, and HLN, and even AlJazeer, beside Fox.
Then I browse Reuters, USA Today and Ass.Press on my laptop.

Then I come in here and laugh at the way some of the ass-clowns around here managed to filter the same information into the steaming pile of propaganda tripe that they do.
That's why, you may have noticed, that I don;t start many discussions unless I need an answer to a question or a different opinion on a particular matter.

I haven't made a final choice from the "wannabes from the Clown Brigade" yet.
So far probably Gary Johnson since he's the most likely one to choose Rubio as a running mate.
Sorry to disappoint ya, though
I still wish Fox would trade Alan Colmes for Contesssa, at least when Contessa tries to act intelligent, we all get a good laff,,,,whereas when Alan Colmes tries to make sense, we all say,,,What The FFFK is he talking about !!!!

Is Alan colmes somehow related to Monica Crowley?

I think Alan Colmes is 1/2 Man 1/2 Gefelte Fish and 1/3rd Clingon


I think he is her brother-in-law
I have yet to see any of those networks use the quote "Obama's Poll Numbers Are Tanking", gee,., I wonder why. or something like, Obama's poll numbers are a mirror reflection of MC Hammers Career.
The left has given them NOTHING to champion and all they have left is hate for the right. Their precious dems have given them diddly to talk about. No bills, no legislation, no proposals. Nothing but hate. Turn on any one of them and see for yourself. They are all mirror images of their democratic counterparts. They don't offer analysis of things the gop puts forward. Only the same vitryolic condemnation that you hear on the floor of either house.

Watch their nightly shows and compare how many viewpoints or lack there of are represented as compared to Fox and the amount of representation they offer from the left. It's astounding how unbalanced they all are when compared to Fox. The only time they even attempt to balance the viewpoints is on Sunday, when they know they will actually have viewers with a brain.

I've Actually noticed the host of meet the press tone down his rhetoric since he took over the show. Before he became an anchor he acted like a partisan hack like the rest of them. Now I can actually tolerate watching him.

Now I'm expecting the rhetoric to infest this thread about Fox news so let me just say this...

Hannity is clearly hard right BUT he has multiple democrats on his show every night to offer opposing views. All n all I think Fox does a good job finding a middle ground to present news with a right leaning angle. I believe their ratings will back up my thoughts too.

The media used to be our watchdogs. Now they are lap dogs. We need more real journalism in this country.

Ps. I intentionally left out PBS

Actually Fox is the one that's in decline. So many of their viewers are old white people who are dying off. Of course, after what the Republicans want to do to Medicare, the next election will be interesting. Since the Republican leadership turned on their base.
The left has given them NOTHING to champion and all they have left is hate for the right. Their precious dems have given them diddly to talk about. No bills, no legislation, no proposals. Nothing but hate. Turn on any one of them and see for yourself. They are all mirror images of their democratic counterparts. They don't offer analysis of things the gop puts forward. Only the same vitryolic condemnation that you hear on the floor of either house.

Watch their nightly shows and compare how many viewpoints or lack there of are represented as compared to Fox and the amount of representation they offer from the left. It's astounding how unbalanced they all are when compared to Fox. The only time they even attempt to balance the viewpoints is on Sunday, when they know they will actually have viewers with a brain.

I've Actually noticed the host of meet the press tone down his rhetoric since he took over the show. Before he became an anchor he acted like a partisan hack like the rest of them. Now I can actually tolerate watching him.

Now I'm expecting the rhetoric to infest this thread about Fox news so let me just say this...

Hannity is clearly hard right BUT he has multiple democrats on his show every night to offer opposing views. All n all I think Fox does a good job finding a middle ground to present news with a right leaning angle. I believe their ratings will back up my thoughts too.

The media used to be our watchdogs. Now they are lap dogs. We need more real journalism in this country.

Ps. I intentionally left out PBS

Actually Fox is the one that's in decline. So many of their viewers are old white people who are dying off. Of course, after what the Republicans want to do to Medicare, the next election will be interesting. Since the Republican leadership turned on their base.

well for dying off they are still kicking the other stations butts.

Then given the fact that those networks are not reporting democrats being accessories to murder, their decline will continue.
All of them have viewership in decline (fact)

The reason MSNBC, CNN and some others viewership is significantly lower than Fox's is because Fox is the only 24 Hour news network on Basic Television. (FACT) So its kinda easy to have better viewership than CNN when they arent even being offered

Not a fact:


look at far right, which is basic.
does anyone remember way back in the 90's when Ashley Bansfield worked at MSNBC? her leaving the network was the start of a pattern. MSNBC has a history of losing its best people. And look at where they are now. REVEREND AL SHARPTON? is that the best they can do for 6:00? Although I do miss the good old 90's watching Chris Matthews trying to get answers from politiicians. But that was long before he got a 24/7 Weener Rise in 2008. I don't know how he sleeps with that "Woody".
The msm is claiming the Oslo killer is a Christian. Guess what? NO ONE can find ANY affiliations with ANY RELIGIOUS GROUP OR CHURCH. NO PROOF OF ANY KIND. Yet he's a Christian fanatic.

Of course Fox is publicly calling it like it is....factually.

Of course he said that's what he was. But hey, don't let straight from the horse's mouth get in the way of your childish hackery.

Are you always such a whiney snaggle toothed bitch? You single handedly turned a 3 page post into 6 pages about nothing but your short sighted beliefs. Trying to argue with every post in here like its some kind of duty your obligated too. Your pathetic. A boyfriend or dildo might help you relieve all your hostilities is a more satisfying way. Christ....

Ps. Just because he said it doesn't make it true. Journalists have contacted every organized church he lived around. None of them ever heard of him. But since your so fucking stupid you believe everything your spoon fed come on over. My name is Santa Clause and you may sit on my lap.

Grampie had a meltdown.

Still no rebuttal of the point brought forth that the lamestream media has nothing positive to report about their Chosen One and can only point across the aisle and cry like bitches that they're not getting their way.

What's to rebut when people like you obviously have never ever watched CNN. There's PLENTY of criticism about Obama as well as about YOUR "chosen one(s)" -- the POTUS wannabes from the Clown Brigade.
What's to rebut when you make sweeping assumptions about someone you've never met.
Actually I watch CNN daily, and HLN, and even AlJazeer, beside Fox.
Then I browse Reuters, USA Today and Ass.Press on my laptop.

Then I come in here and laugh at the way some of the ass-clowns around here managed to filter the same information into the steaming pile of propaganda tripe that they do.
That's why, you may have noticed, that I don;t start many discussions unless I need an answer to a question or a different opinion on a particular matter.

I haven't made a final choice from the "wannabes from the Clown Brigade" yet.
So far probably Gary Johnson since he's the most likely one to choose Rubio as a running mate.
Sorry to disappoint ya, though

My "assumption" about you and others here is that you continue to refer to the media as "lamestream" and use the other appropriately enhanced insults. It's curious that you would even bother with all those other outlets which surely must fit the definition of lamestream.
I have yet to see any of those networks use the quote "Obama's Poll Numbers Are Tanking", gee,., I wonder why. or something like, Obama's poll numbers are a mirror reflection of MC Hammers Career.

Every news channel discusses the latest polling information, including Obama's. :confused: But of course they don't lie and say he's "tanking" because he isn't. There hasn't been a president in history who has maintained his original high polling numbers throughout his terms. It varies plus or minus depending on EVENTS, and of course dirty politics which has an even greater effect on the mood of the nation because we're all such gullible creatures to begin with.
The left has given them NOTHING to champion and all they have left is hate for the right. Their precious dems have given them diddly to talk about. No bills, no legislation, no proposals. Nothing but hate. Turn on any one of them and see for yourself. They are all mirror images of their democratic counterparts. They don't offer analysis of things the gop puts forward. Only the same vitryolic condemnation that you hear on the floor of either house.

Watch their nightly shows and compare how many viewpoints or lack there of are represented as compared to Fox and the amount of representation they offer from the left. It's astounding how unbalanced they all are when compared to Fox. The only time they even attempt to balance the viewpoints is on Sunday, when they know they will actually have viewers with a brain.

I've Actually noticed the host of meet the press tone down his rhetoric since he took over the show. Before he became an anchor he acted like a partisan hack like the rest of them. Now I can actually tolerate watching him.

Now I'm expecting the rhetoric to infest this thread about Fox news so let me just say this...

Hannity is clearly hard right BUT he has multiple democrats on his show every night to offer opposing views. All n all I think Fox does a good job finding a middle ground to present news with a right leaning angle. I believe their ratings will back up my thoughts too.

The media used to be our watchdogs. Now they are lap dogs. We need more real journalism in this country.

Ps. I intentionally left out PBS

Actually Fox is the one that's in decline. So many of their viewers are old white people who are dying off. Of course, after what the Republicans want to do to Medicare, the next election will be interesting. Since the Republican leadership turned on their base.

well for dying off they are still kicking the other stations butts.

Then given the fact that those networks are not reporting democrats being accessories to murder, their decline will continue.

What murders? (I'll use my Snopes app after the answer.)
Maybe you or I or both are confused with what to call it but if you unplug the cable from you cable box and plug it directly into your TV you will get PBS, local channels, some spanish channels and FOX NEWS.


Not even close to fact. In about 90% of cases, if you plug the cable directly in, you'll get nothing at all, because cable went digital a decade ago. For those few places that do have analog, it's entirely up to the cable operator what is scrambled and what is not. Back when Jones Cable was around in the Los Angles area, CNN was unscrambled, but Nickelodeon was. I can't say what other operators did - nor can you,

You are spewing shit - which you apparently do on a regular basis.

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