MSNBC DEAD, August ratings, Hating Americans no longer cool

Meanwhile, the free-market rewards real journalists, like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck

Aw, fuck. Now I have to spend the rest of the day away from this place. It's going to take 24 hours to recover from reading that astoundingly retarded post.

Why does Alex Jones have millions of subscribers, and over ten millions hits on his websites (infowars and prisonplanet combined) daily?

Any thing that points out how far there agenda has went from the "tingle up my leg" to "Gawd GWB was not so nbad after all" they do not like
August 2013 Ratings: MSNBC Down Double Digits - TVNewser
There hate they made up against good Americans Like GWB and others is gone
Because come to find out GWB was a pretty good president for one thing and for another reason BHO is a pretty bad president
You can only lie about someone for so long
Some people no matter how gullable they are cannot run from the truth for ever

In primetime, “The Rachel Maddow Show” posted all-time low ratings in total and demo viewers, down -43% and -47%, respectively. “The Last Word” posted a low in total viewers, losing -40% of its total viewer audience and -42% of its demo audience. at 8 PM, “All in” was down -48% and -42% in total and demo viewers, respectively, placing behind CNN for the hour.

Shoot, anyone who has ever made the mistake of watching that network could have told you this. It is hate-filled propaganda. Nothing more and nothing less.

There it is. That is the entire content of the network. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Gee, I can't imagine why America would turn the channel.

Democrats = bad
Republicans = good

Bush = Lord and Savior
Obama = Darth Vader

Yeah, makes no sense to me either! LMAO!:lol:

The funny thing is that you could reverse all those statements and that would be gospel to the dimwitcraps.
MSNBC vs. CNN...the gigantic battle of the midgets for worst of the worst audience ratings.

Or, a tiny snore-a-thon to many of us.
CNN 521k total viewers (up +47% from a year ago) / 183k A25-54 (up +68% from a year ago)

HLN 387k total viewers (up +57%) / 159k A25-54 (up +57%)

MSNBC 381k total viewers (down -12%) / 138k A25-54 (down -3%)

FXNC 1.063m total viewers (flat) / 216k A25-54 (down -14%)

M-F PRIMETIME (8-11p):

CNN 656k total viewers (up +26%) / 243k A25-54 (up +51%)

HLN 466k total viewers (up +55%) / 197k A25-54 (up +86%)

MSNBC 620k total viewers (down -28%) / 188k A25-54 (down -22%)

FXNC 1.857m total viewers (down -9%) / 327k A25-54 (down -19%)

M-Su PRIMETIME (8-11p):

CNN 675k total viewers (up +38%) / 255k A25-54 (up +71%)

HLN 491k total viewers (up +53%) / 196k A25-54 (up +68%)

MSNBC 589k total viewers (down -18%) / 206k A25-54 (down -7%)

FXNC 1.672m total viewers (down -3%) / 298k A25-54 (down -10%)

DAYTIME (9a-5p):

CNN 652k total viewers (up +49%) / 201k A25-54 (up + 72%)

HLN 480k total viewers (up +117%) / 170k A25-54 (up +98%)

MSNBC 338k total viewers (down -13%) / 96k A25-54 (up +2%)

FXNC 1.147m total viewers (down -6%) / 206k A25-54 (down -20%)

the truth will set you free
total flat @ over 1 million
MSNBC as shown
July 2013 Ratings: CNN #2, Topping MSNBC For Third Straight Month - TVNewser
prime time fox 1.6 million dowm 3% from last year
MSNBC 589k down 18%
1/3 of the viewers of Fox

oh yup,, fer sure, it looks like fox news is suffering terribly.. yepppers on the peppers.. :lol::lol::lol::eusa_eh:

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