MSNBC: Ed Schultz / Mr Ed being replaced


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

"I know nothing"

Chris Hayes MSNBC's New 8 PM Host

The Huffington Post
By Jack Mirkinson

MSNBC's Chris Hayes is taking over the network's 8 PM weekday slot, the New York Times reported Thursday.

Hayes is replacing Ed Schultz, who will be moving to weekends starting in April. Hayes' first evening show will be April 1st.

Hayes, who was also a longtime writer for The Nation before joining MSNBC, has hosted "Up," his two-hour weekend show, since September 2011. He now ascends to one of the biggest time slots in all of cable news, opposite Fox News titan Bill O'Reilly and CNN's Anderson Cooper.


Chris Hayes MSNBC's New 8 PM Host


Hayes is married to Kate A. Shaw, visiting assistant professor of law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.[24] Hayes and Shaw resided in Washington, D.C., until they moved to New York City, where Up with Chris Hayes is produced.[25] Their daughter, Ryan Elizabeth Shaw-Hayes, was born in November 2011.[26] Hayes's brother, Luke, works on the Obama For America campaign.[27]

Kate Shaw
The President has named Kate Shaw to be Associate Counsel to the President. Ms. Shaw most recently served as an Associate Counsel in the office of the General Counsel to the Transition. Prior to this, Ms. Shaw served as a Law Clerk to Justice John Paul Stevens of the Supreme Court of the United States and to Judge Richard A. Posner of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Ms. Shaw received her bachelor’s degree from Brown University and her J.D. from Northwestern University School of Law, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the Northwestern University Law Review.
Obama Announces Key Additions to the Office of the White House Counsel | The White House


MSNBC Dumps Ed Schultz for Younger Man

March 14, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


If you’ve been watching MSNBC’s second-dumbest slowest man (after Al Sharpton and ahead of Chris Matthews) then you noticed that he’s been getting redder and angrier lately even though there hasn’t been much for him to be angry about. MSNBC viewers have tried to adjust their color only to realize that Ed Schultz’s face really is that red.

And now we know why. MSNBC is sending off Ed Schultz to farm country on Sunday nights. There he’ll be able to run and play for a little bit before sending his resume to Al Gore, in case the Great Ecohoaxer decides to start another environmental liberal news network to sell to a backward oil dictatorship.


Between all the Current TV refugees, like Jennifer Granholm and the MSNBC refugees, like Keith Olbermann, they could form yet another liberal network. And then they could broadcast daily shows from Keith Olbermann’s basement while getting him coffee and donuts.

MSNBC Dumps Ed Schultz for Younger Man
Both k00ks.......

What do we give Hayes?

18 months tops?:eusa_dance:

Bye Ed......wont be missed because nobody watched him!!:2up:
PMSnbc doing what it does best, replacing one jerk with another

anyone ever wonder who pays for that station? their ratings are always in the toilet
Well good riddance to Eddie. What an embarrassment to decent Democrats and liberals.

Meanwhile, many in these parts will continue to start thread after thread about Fox's audience plummeting, Rush is going out of business because no one advertises with him any more, and on and on with their wishful thinking.

Oh, and carve another notch into the handle of O'Reilly's six-shooter as he's bagged yet another MSNBC competitor in the time slot.

Enjoy the weekend graveyard shift, Ed. But the good news is it's only for as long as your contract term, and hopefully it's got a clause to reduce your pay commensurate with your even smaller Sunday audience.
PMSnbc doing what it does best, replacing one jerk with another

anyone ever wonder who pays for that station? their ratings are always in the toilet

Doesn't this make about 20 mouthpieces for the Left, that have come and gone, as networks try to compete with the masterful Bill O'Reilly's The Factor?
PMSnbc doing what it does best, replacing one jerk with another

anyone ever wonder who pays for that station? their ratings are always in the toilet

Doesn't this make about 20 mouthpieces for the Left, that have come and gone, as networks try to compete with the masterful Bill O'Reilly's The Factor?


" I should arrest him for disturbing liberal peace, picking on msdnc and me."
So the windbag is leaving?? At least he didn't have a coronary on national TV. Yet.

None of the other networks can compete with O'Reilly's The Factor for long.

Wonder who the next poor slob will be??
You gotta know Rachel Maddow was behind this.
She is their Queen bee since she's the one pulling in whatever ratings they get over there.

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