MSNBC has kept the Australia Gun Laws story Front and Center since Sunday...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

I have a Question...

1 in 5 guns came out of Circulation because of the Law...

Gun Sales didn't stop...

But they are Attributing the end of Mass Shootings there to a decrease in Guns from 3,000,000 to 2,400,000?...


Does anyone REALLY Believe that a 20% Decrease in Guns in America would end Mass Shootings?...

Or that it is the reason one hasn't happened in Australia since 1996?

^That study was simply Dismissed in the Slate article but the Data in it is not Refuted.

The "Source" that Slate uses is the Liberal Washtington Post from it's "Wonk Blog"...

Did gun control work in Australia?


It Cites a decline in Suicide by Firearm... That's all well and fine, but did Suicides in Australia drop?...

What is the Economic situation in Australia across these same years?

Also Australia is less than 1/10th our Size as a Nation... It is not Bordered by a Third World Nation that is leaving Headless Bodies on it's Border and an Endless Supply of Guns and Weapons.

Texas an California are both more Populated than Australia.

This "Evidence" by Link in the Slate Story is Crap:

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^Does someone have access to that Data?

What is the per 100,000 rate of Australia over the last 5 years?...

Texas Firearms Death Rate

Also if you look at that chart, CT, a very Progressive State when it comes to Gun Laws, has a 4.2 per 100,000 rate... It's 48 out of 51 in the Nation...

It also has a SMALL Population and is lacking in Inner Cities like Texas and California by comparison.

I would bet CT is better than Australia... By far... Yet produced the Newtown Killer whose Mother Apparently followed the Law.

The List: The deadliest mass shootings in Texas history | Texas on the Potomac | a blog

^According to the AP Texas hasn't had a Mass Shooting since 1999 and is a lot like Australia in Population and it Borders a Third World Country KNOWN for Illegal Guns of all types. There is literally a War going on across the Texas Border yet it Enjoys the same Claim to Fame that Australia does regarding mass Shootings and what do you Think Texas Gun Laws are like?...

For those of you Insisting we do something... ANYTHING... The only thing we can do is to go door-to-door in every Home in every Hood and take EVERY Gun...

Short of that, people are Reacting Emotionally to an Unfortunate Event where the Guilty Party(s) are Dead.

This same thing happend after Columbine because those Shits Fragged themsleves also.

You know where the bulk of the Gun Violence is in this Country... In the same Cities where the Liberals who are going after more guns are from... Where they have "Gun Free Zones'... Where the have the Strictest of Laws regarding Guns...

Chicago Shootings: At Least 5 Killed, 24 Wounded In Gun Violence Over Weekend

What is Chicago's Policy on Guns again?... DC's?... Detroit's?... Gary Indiana's?...

That's where the Majority of the Gun Violence in this Nation is... In places where the Obamas and Emanuels are... Where they "Lead"... Where their Mindset "Leads"... Where their Policies "Lead"...

Those Douchebags use Tragedies like this to try to get the rest of the Country to Follow their Obviously Failing "Lead".

I'm not for it...

And I want the President to State CLEARLY what he means by America must "change" regarding what happened on Friday.

What happened on Friday isn't "America" Mr. President.

It was one Sick 20 year old who shouldn't have had Access to Guns.

If it Illustrates anything it Illustrates a need to look at Guns in Homes where people who have Mental Issues Reside...

The Dirty little Secret we've been Ignoring since the Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963...

The number of institutionalized mentally ill patients fell from its peak of 560,000 in the 1950s to 130,000 by 1980.(9) By 2000, the number of state psychiatric hospital beds per 100,000 people was 22, down from 339 in 1955.(10) In place of institutionalized care, community-based mental health care was developed to include a range of treatment facilities, from community mental health centers and smaller supervised residential homes to community-based psychiatric teams.(11)

A Brief History of Mental Illness and the U.S. Mental Health Care System - Unite For Sight

This is where the real Problem is... Sick people who need help and need to be in a place where they can't Harm themseleves or others.

Not in Prison after the Fact to be made Worse when they Leave than when they Entered... or Dead in a pool of Blood from 26 other people after the Fact...

There is a reason that only 1 in 4 of the Mother's Friends who have come forward ever met her Son before Friday's Massacre...

Her Dirty little Secret is now that Community's Lifelong Burden.

It could have been Prevented...

Laws need to be Changed and People need to start being Honest about their Kids...

Stop giving them Drugs that are Arguably doing more Harm than good and get them Help...

If that means Institutionalizing them, then so be it.

If Public Funding was EVER Justified for the Country's Good it is this.

One Newtown Shooter in a Hospital away from Society is WAY better than 20 Dead Children and 6 Adults and WAY better than ALL American's Sacrificing their Rights because of the Actions of a Ridiculously TINY Percentage of the Population.

Just my Opinion and Observations...

I'd enjoy Reading yours.


And yes... I Deliberately left Ft. Hood out of my Rant... It was an Act of Terror on a Miltary Base by a Jihadist and not Analagous to the "Mass Shootings" that the Left is Attempting to Target with Gun Restrictions...

Ft. Hood would have happened REGARDLESS of New Gun Laws. :thup:


This is where the real Problem is... Sick people who need help and need to be in a place where they can't Harm themseleves or others.

Not in Prison after the Fact to be made Worse when they Leave than when they Entered... or Dead in a pool of Blood from 26 other people after the Fact...

There is a reason that only 1 in 4 of the Mother's Friends who have come forward ever met her Son before Friday's Massacre...

Her Dirty little Secret is now that Community's Lifelong Burden.

It could have been Prevented...

Laws need to be Changed and People need to start being Honest about their Kids...

Stop giving them Drugs that are Arguably doing more Harm than good and get them Help...

If that means Institutionalizing them, then so be it.

If Public Funding was EVER Justified for the Country's Good it is this.

One Newtown Shooter in a Hospital away from Society is WAY better than 20 Dead Children and 6 Adults and WAY better than ALL American's Sacrificing their Rights because of the Actions of a Ridiculously TINY Percentage of the Population.

Just my Opinion and Observations...

Maybe if enough people, particularly those with expertise in these complex issues, continue to discuss problems/solutions some better ideas will be forthcoming.

Did this individual/shooter fall into some gray area? I suspect some do.

At this point there are few facts. He had problems throughout his life, what steps were taken to address the problems, I don't believe we know.

I don't know what might be possible now as far as institutionalizing/confining severely disturbed individuals.

At times I almost think the nation has become too obsessed with 'mental illness'. There are so many discussions online about the many diagnoses and treatments offered. People certainly seem to be trying to find ways to cope. I hope more can be done.
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