MTG the gift that keeps giving

No. It's equivocation. A type of lying.
yep, comply with your thinking or else. gotcha. but db, I don't fking care what you think, just know that. Always stomping your feet is your way.
yep, comply with your thinking or else. gotcha. but db, I don't fking care what you think, just know that. Always stomping your feet is your way.
No. That's not what equivocation is. Maybe you should look it up in a dictionary so you don't sound so stupid?

“The idea that mom and dad together – not fake mom and fake dad – but the biological mom and biological dad, can raise their children together and do what’s right for their children, raising them to be confident in who they are, their identity, their identity is, you know, they’re a child made by God…” she said on her Facebook show MTG: Live.

How do you say "she is a fucking retard" in bumpkin?

That may be steroids talking.


“The idea that mom and dad together – not fake mom and fake dad – but the biological mom and biological dad, can raise their children together and do what’s right for their children, raising them to be confident in who they are, their identity, their identity is, you know, they’re a child made by God…” she said on her Facebook show MTG: Live.

How do you say "she is a fucking retard" in bumpkin?
MTG is as Christian as her false idol Trump.
MTG stands up for us again.
---Rep. Greene Blasts 'Turncoat' Republicans for Not Fighting 'Election Fraud'---

Pretty amazing to see yet another worthless asshole article treating the most bizarre, hyped, strangest, most unlikely election outcome ever in history with 150 unlikely, suspicious, and impossible aspects to it with confessions even that it was rigged as though they are credulous that anyone doubts it at all, despite the fact that there was never any serious investigation or answers to any of it, there was a riot over it, and it has all been swept quickly under the rug and people gagged not to discuss it after spending two years trying to prove that Russia stole 2016 with just a couple of Facebook ads and Trump as the collaborator by the idiot Harley who excoriates MTG for even keeping this vital issue on the burner instead of applauding her for her selfless hard work in doing her job tackling unpopular issues!
How do you say are you a fucking retard for quoting LGBTQ Magazine and expecting an honest and fair article about parenting from them when it starts out calling her a "creepy rightwinger."
IDC what the article says. I am going by HER words. Do you not get that? Why rush to demean the person that wrote the article, instead of the dumbass that said it?
IDC what the article says. I am going by HER words. Do you not get that? Why rush to demean the person that wrote the article, instead of the dumbass that said it?
IDK, because the person shared it?
Pretty amazing to see yet another worthless asshole article treating the most bizarre, hyped, strangest, most unlikely election outcome ever in history with 150 unlikely, suspicious, and impossible aspects to it with confessions even that it was rigged as though they are credulous that anyone doubts it at all, despite the fact that there was never any serious investigation or answers to any of it, there was a riot over it, and it has all been swept quickly under the rug and people gagged not to discuss it after spending two years trying to prove that Russia stole 2016 with just a couple of Facebook ads and Trump as the collaborator by the idiot Harley who excoriates MTG for even keeping this vital issue on the burner instead of applauding her for her selfless hard work in doing her job tackling unpopular issues!

My God, man ... MTG is a low class moron.
I know that one of the more influential people in my life who taught me many useful things, as well as proper respect for others wasn't my biological father (he left when I was 1 year old), but rather my Grandfather (yes, still related by blood, but not my actual father), and my foster father, who was a great man whose family was willing to take in kids who didn't have any real family. Bob (my foster father) was second only to my Grandfather when it came to learning how to be a productive, polite man.

MTG is wrong.
Of course she is. That’s a given for her

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