MTG the gift that keeps giving

Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters is the gift that keeps giving (to liberals). Y'all have a freaking idiot leading the Country and Soros tells you to worry about Rep. Greene. No surprise here.
If I can't trust the actual author of the article to present an issue in a fairly level, balanced way, how can I trust anything IN the article either?
The issue is what the dumb bitch said. Not the person that wrote the article.
Good grief :rolleyes:
you clowns that think you are better off with globalists running the country....
Soros tells you to worry about Rep. Greene.
Funny that both poster Rambunctious and poster whitehall mention either 'globalist' or 'Soros'.
I say that because.....well, because on this very message board I have read that poster's who use either term...'globalist' or 'Soros'....are likely dog-whistling to Anti-Semite homeys!

My avatar honestly does not know if that is true ....that they are all anti-Semitic, but.......but he and I can see how some would be persuaded that that is what they are.

"We are proud of MTG, she's one of us."
So, good poster Lenny.....don't just sit there futilely poundin' on a keyboard.
You should lock'n'load your Jewish Space Lasers and go hunt down some Lizard People.
Take Marjorie with you. Maybe she can handle a gun?
Maybe she can spot a pedophile Lizard Person before you can?
Bring back some Lizard scalps and post a pic. Thanx, amigo.

I love this bar. It's like the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Funny that both poster Rambunctious and poster whitehall mention either 'globalist' or 'Soros'.
I say that because.....well, because on this very message board I have read that poster's who use either term...'globalist' or 'Soros'....are likely dog-whistling to Anti-Semite homeys!

My avatar honestly does not know if that is true ....that they are all anti-Semitic, but.......but he and I can see how some would be persuaded that that is what they are.

So, good poster Lenny.....don't just sit there futilely poundin' on a keyboard.
You should lock'n'load your Jewish Space Lasers and go hunt down some Lizard People.
Take Marjorie with you. Maybe she can handle a gun?
Maybe she can spot a pedophile Lizard Person before you can?
Bring back some Lizard scalps and post a pic. Thanx, amigo.

I love this bar. It's like the Mos Eisley Cantina.
You are one crazy person... anyone reading your post would agree...
you are like a walking bumper sticker brain locked by leftist propaganda.... its a good thing your side is losing...
You are one crazy person
Crazy is an understatement.

Ah, goshdarn!
Guys I am always uncomfortable in directly addressing another's avatar-persona, but...........but I wanna assure you both it was never my avatar's intention to hurt your feelings, or make you feel diminished or not-as-good-as.

If that has occurred to each of you, well, that is regrettable.
Ah, goshdarn!
Guys I am always uncomfortable in directly addressing another's avatar-persona, but...........but I wanna assure you both it was never my avatar's intention to hurt your feelings, or make you feel diminished or not-as-good-as.

If that has occurred to each of you, well, that is regrettable.
My feelings are not hurt. In fact I'm amused by the crazy people on this site, and there are plenty of them.

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