MTG - "Yes, They Can Control the Weather"

Free speech which does include the written word

Why was it a fixture in the US landscape because how else are we to know the difference between the bandwagon and those with new ideas or different ways of thinking. It is a way for everyone to be heard.

whether they are understood is a different matter.
And the hurricane was purposely pushed into western North Carolina so that Blackrock can get their lithium

The fact that her statement is 100% correct, as usual.

She is obviously a hell of a lot smarter that the idiots who think she is wrong. She is playing 3D chess while her moronic critics are playing with their own feces.
If "they" could control the weather then "they" could control Trump's & her brain if they have one, so they wouldn't be two of the biggest piles of shit to ever hit D.C.

It's a tossup which one is more craven.
And she’s running unopposed basically.

She’s the reason the South will always be the south.
Kamala is a cokehead, pothead and drunk. And only this great lead this nation has had over others does not show us what we have become as others have found out.
Not true.
It sure is. Try to stay on topic.

A halfwit MAGAt is talking about the government controlling weather because of the current weather and the conspiracy theories around it.

So she can get attention.

And a bunch of other half wit maggots are now engaging in these conspiracy theories.

That's not coincidence. Neither is your hilariously bad effort to defend what she said.
The topic is the current weather and some halfwit freak from Georgia implying that the government controls it.
Tipping on any projects our government and others try to do or experiment with needs and open mind. From your way of thinking, then all ways of the taxpayer for paying for anything sexual in anyway is on the same level. And we pay a lot for that.

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