Mueller can't win...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.
He was exposed as a disgraced partisan hack who was working solely for the Dems in trying to smear President Trump.

“Uh-uh, can you repeat the question?”

“I’m not going to get into that”.

What a joke.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.

We all owe Mueller a debt of gratitude for getting Trump’s felons off the government payroll in some cases.

Not sure why you think the left is upset with him.

We really need more like Mueller in Congress, the Executive etc….

As for “getting Trump”….the argument from the right that it was a “witch hunt” falls pretty flat when the lead “witch hunter” didn’t overtly recommend indictments even when there was overwhelming evidence of obstruction of justice on 10 different occasions.

I am disappointed in one thing about the investigation….why the OIC’s office didn’t simply insist on investigating Trump in person. The written questions were likely never seen by the blob and the answers were layered in lawyer-speak. Clinton sat with the OIC during his term so there is obvious precedent for this to happen.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.

We all owe Mueller a debt of gratitude for getting Trump’s felons off the government payroll in some cases.

Not sure why you think the left is upset with him.

We really need more like Mueller in Congress, the Executive etc….

As for “getting Trump”….the argument from the right that it was a “witch hunt” falls pretty flat when the lead “witch hunter” didn’t overtly recommend indictments even when there was overwhelming evidence of obstruction of justice on 10 different occasions.

I am disappointed in one thing about the investigation….why the OIC’s office didn’t simply insist on investigating Trump in person. The written questions were likely never seen by the blob and the answers were layered in lawyer-speak. Clinton sat with the OIC during his term so there is obvious precedent for this to happen.
We do have others like Mueller. Remember the Democrat who was worried about Guam tipping over into the ocean? He's still there.
He's toast.
This was a Sisyphean task from the get go. The Democratic Party wanted Mueller to expand on his report while the GOP was going to vilify him for doing so. Talk about getting hit from both sides...
Mueller's bogus investigation was all about deflecting attention away from himself and his treasonous friends. He was fully backed by all the Democrats in congress because they figured it was easier to scream about impeachment than it was to actually do their job. And now that the Wednesday fiasco is over and was a total bust for Meuler and all the Dems, what will they do now? Will they go to work on behalf of the American people? Hell no. They have no ideas. Now, they'll move on to more unnecessary investigations and screaming about how Whitey is destroying their country. Them Dems are sick people. Viva Trump
I wish Mueller would have been more forthcoming in his testimony, but I don't blame him for answering the questions as he did. The report does list his findings. It's just sad that so many choose to not care.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.

It's pretty clear Muller did nothing other then go on TV. If Muller suffers from this at all it's his fault for letting his emotions get the best of him. If he was smart he would never have gotten involved in a political fight. He is lucky most people work during the day because yesterday he completely shattered the image the media attached to him. Instead of coming off as a steely eyed federal prosecutor, he came off as a butterscotch sucking old fart who was pissed that he didn't get his senior breakfast at McDonalds.
Pfft, you think they're going to go back and do their jobs now after failing with Mueller for 2+years? I predict they quadruple down on stupid just like the MSM did.
It appears now more than ever, that Mueller was nothing more than just the face of the investigation, and other people, many partisan, were the ones actually running the investigation.
Pfft, you think they're going to go back and do their jobs now after failing with Mueller for 2+years? I predict they quadruple down on stupid just like the MSM did.

It reminds me of this,

And you are probably right. We humans tend to do just that. We screw up, due to wrong thinking on whatever issue we are working on and instead of stopping and saying " well this just ain't working " we are so committed to our way we lock our selves in a fucked up way of being and double and triple down on our mistake. They will do the same.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.

It's pretty clear Muller did nothing other then go on TV. If Muller suffers from this at all it's his fault for letting his emotions get the best of him. If he was smart he would never have gotten involved in a political fight. He is lucky most people work during the day because yesterday he completely shattered the image the media attached to him. Instead of coming off as a steely eyed federal prosecutor, he came off as a butterscotch sucking old fart who was pissed that he didn't get his senior breakfast at McDonalds.

It wasn't only the media that thought him a savior; it was also Lefties in general. How about "It's MUELLER time" for two years and "Mueller Claus" when he was going to deliver them a fat impeachment.

Ridiculous. He might not have personally deserved the embarrassment yesterday but the Dems most certainly did, for Kavanaugh alone.

Karma--you know what they say Dems. Suck that.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.

It's pretty clear Muller did nothing other then go on TV. If Muller suffers from this at all it's his fault for letting his emotions get the best of him. If he was smart he would never have gotten involved in a political fight. He is lucky most people work during the day because yesterday he completely shattered the image the media attached to him. Instead of coming off as a steely eyed federal prosecutor, he came off as a butterscotch sucking old fart who was pissed that he didn't get his senior breakfast at McDonalds.

It wasn't only the media that thought him a savior; it was also Lefties in general. How about "It's MUELLER time" for two years and "Mueller Claus" when he was going to deliver them a fat impeachment.

Ridiculous. He might not have personally deserved the embarrassment yesterday but the Dems most certainly did, for Kavanaugh alone.

Karma--you know what they say Dems. Suck that.

They are scum for sure.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.
i don't blame him at all for doing his job. but if he's not in the position to say guilty or innocent, don't. his after the report release comments of "well we didn't find anything but keep looking" was bullshit.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.
On one hand, I agree, I feel bad for the guy.

On the other hand, this is what you get for taking a job that puts you anywhere near professional politicians.

Sorry, Bill, you stuck around the monkey cage for too long, and now you'll spend the rest of your life wiping off the poo. Bummer.
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Mueller did exactly what I thought he would do. He used the report he wrote. Period.

Just another waste of tax dollars and time.

Hope the Dem House keeps on with their endless investigations and hearings into something that's already been resolved.

Go Dems.
Mueller's bogus investigation was all about deflecting attention away from himself and his treasonous friends. He was fully backed by all the Democrats in congress because they figured it was easier to scream about impeachment than it was to actually do their job. And now that the Wednesday fiasco is over and was a total bust for Meuler and all the Dems, what will they do now? Will they go to work on behalf of the American people? Hell no. They have no ideas. Now, they'll move on to more unnecessary investigations and screaming about how Whitey is destroying their country. Them Dems are sick people. Viva Trump
Mueller’s bogus investigation? You blind?
ALL of Trump’s intel agencies concluded that Putin’s Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Were any treasonous greedy Americans involved? Damn right!!

Mueller, a REPUBLICAN patriot who is well regarded by both major parties (bitching Trump & his patsies are an exception), was asked to come out of retirement & investigate.
He did, and MANY of Trump’s associates have been legally prosecuted for lying and/or working with Russians against US’s interests.

Mueller did his patriotic job AGAIN!
Not bogus, unless you are blind or stupid.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.
It's beyond obvious is that his only job was to be a figurehead tote, trying to give this massive misdirection an air of legitimacy....He knew less than someone who only reads newspapers would know about key details of the whole scam.

Safe to say that his reputation as a sort of above-it-all titan of law enforcement is dead.

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