Mueller can't win...

ALL of Trump’s intel agencies concluded that Putin’s Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Were any treasonous greedy Americans involved? Damn right!!

Wow you told some whopper lies, are you a liberal Trump hater? The Russian meddling in the 2016 election was 100% on Obama's watch you hack. And since we have hot mic evidence of Obama conspiring with Russia if anyone needed to be investigated it was Obama and his corrupt administration.
Are you a Russian troll?
ALL the major US intel/security agency leaders under TRUMP (as well as Obama) concluded that RUSSIA (IRA, etc) MEDDLED in the 2016 election.
Keep going...on Obama's watch. :itsok:
Under Trump’s watch ...

17 intel agencies on Russia hacks:

Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

"I am confident that the Russians meddled in this election, as is the entire intelligence community," CIA Director Mike Pompeo said.

Thomas Bossert, Trump’s counterterrorism and cyber adviser: "There is a pretty clear and easy answer to that and that is yes.”

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, also at the Aspen gathering, said Wednesday that he, too, saw it that way.

Intelligence director says agencies agree on Russian meddling
Pfft, you think they're going to go back and do their jobs now after failing with Mueller for 2+years? I predict they quadruple down on stupid just like the MSM did.

The Democrats are way in too deep into the insane shit now to ever stop and admit defeat. They will get Trump or go down fighting to the end.

Dem's are just trying to smear Trump publicly. To paint him as having committed a crime in spite of the fact there is no evidence. Insinuate that Trump will be indicted after he leaves office in spite of the fact the investigation found nothing. All the Dem's questions are driving towards these goals, being able to claim a sitting president is a criminal so don't vote for Trump in 2020. That's all this is.

I get that. The whole point was to put out there the new meme by the Dems: NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Now every Leftard will be out somewhere with a sign saying that in the streets. No matter what they asked Mueller and no matter his answer, their answer was all the same: NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Barack Obama.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Hillary Clinton.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Josef Mifsud.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Peter Strzok.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Lisa Page.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Huma Abedin.

Sadly for them, now that they've made the point, they will now find it increasingly harder to defend democrats like Hillary, et al., as the Barr investigations dig deeper.
The right hates him for accepting a job, and performing it. The left hates him for not coming to the conclusion they wanted him to come to. Now the right will continue to badger him over why he investigated Trump in the first place, and the left will badger him over why they didn't get their way in the end. The only way he wins is to stay home, and never enter the public eye again. Enjoy his retirement, and never speak to the press again.
he accepted a job that he was just BINO, Boss in Name Only. he didn't hire anyone, nor did he fire anyone, he didn't investigate a thing and did not write the report. so tell us what he actually did? Weismann was the true guy and he hated trump, hated him would bury him after shooting him.
Mueller is now being thrown under the proverbial bus by Dems who desperately hoped he would 'throw gas' on the emotional 'fire' within Dems, inciting them to Impeach the President. Instead, Mueller peed on any embers still burning.

I almost feel sorry for him.....almost.
ALL of Trump’s intel agencies concluded that Putin’s Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Were any treasonous greedy Americans involved? Damn right!!

Wow you told some whopper lies, are you a liberal Trump hater? The Russian meddling in the 2016 election was 100% on Obama's watch you hack. And since we have hot mic evidence of Obama conspiring with Russia if anyone needed to be investigated it was Obama and his corrupt administration.
Are you a Russian troll?
ALL the major US intel/security agency leaders under TRUMP (as well as Obama) concluded that RUSSIA (IRA, etc) MEDDLED in the 2016 election.
can you tell me again exactly how they did it again?
Have you not heard of Russia’s troll factory called “Internet research agency” (IRA)?
Have you not read the IT security hacking report by Crowdstrike?
Have you not read the Jan 2017 US intelligence report by Homeland Security & other Intel agencies?
Mueller’s bogus investigation? You blind?
ALL of Trump’s intel agencies concluded that Putin’s Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Were any treasonous greedy Americans involved? Damn right!!

Mueller, a REPUBLICAN patriot who is well regarded by both major parties (bitching Trump & his patsies are an exception), was asked to come out of retirement & investigate.
He did, and MANY of Trump’s associates have been legally prosecuted for lying and/or working with Russians against US’s interests.

Mueller did his patriotic job AGAIN!
Not bogus, unless you are blind or stupid.
ROFLMFAO!!....As though being "well regarded by both parties" is any kind of high recommendation.

ALL of Trump’s intel agencies concluded that Putin’s Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Were any treasonous greedy Americans involved? Damn right!!

Wow you told some whopper lies, are you a liberal Trump hater? The Russian meddling in the 2016 election was 100% on Obama's watch you hack. And since we have hot mic evidence of Obama conspiring with Russia if anyone needed to be investigated it was Obama and his corrupt administration.
Are you a Russian troll?
ALL the major US intel/security agency leaders under TRUMP (as well as Obama) concluded that RUSSIA (IRA, etc) MEDDLED in the 2016 election.
can you tell me again exactly how they did it again?
Have you not heard of Russia’s troll factory called “Internet research agency” (IRA)?
Have you not read the IT security hacking report by Crowdstrike?
Have you not read the Jan 2017 US intelligence report by Homeland Security & other Intel agencies?
View attachment 270960
Pictures are your child-like forte? :)

If you quack like a Putin supporter, walk like a Putin supporter, you must be a Putin ass kisser!
Wow you told some whopper lies, are you a liberal Trump hater? The Russian meddling in the 2016 election was 100% on Obama's watch you hack. And since we have hot mic evidence of Obama conspiring with Russia if anyone needed to be investigated it was Obama and his corrupt administration.
Are you a Russian troll?
ALL the major US intel/security agency leaders under TRUMP (as well as Obama) concluded that RUSSIA (IRA, etc) MEDDLED in the 2016 election.
can you tell me again exactly how they did it again?
Have you not heard of Russia’s troll factory called “Internet research agency” (IRA)?
Have you not read the IT security hacking report by Crowdstrike?
Have you not read the Jan 2017 US intelligence report by Homeland Security & other Intel agencies?
View attachment 270960
Pictures are your child-like forte? :)

If you quack like a Putin supporter, walk like a Putin supporter, you must be a Putin ass kisser!
I'll give you moonbats one thing; you're totally committed to your talking points....Even though you totally embarrass yourselves over and over again.


Are you a Russian troll?
ALL the major US intel/security agency leaders under TRUMP (as well as Obama) concluded that RUSSIA (IRA, etc) MEDDLED in the 2016 election.
can you tell me again exactly how they did it again?
Have you not heard of Russia’s troll factory called “Internet research agency” (IRA)?
Have you not read the IT security hacking report by Crowdstrike?
Have you not read the Jan 2017 US intelligence report by Homeland Security & other Intel agencies?
View attachment 270960
Pictures are your child-like forte? :)

If you quack like a Putin supporter, walk like a Putin supporter, you must be a Putin ass kisser!
I'll give you moonbats one thing; you're totally committed to your talking points....Even though you totally embarrass yourselves over and over again.


View attachment 270976
All you got are pictures?
No intelligent talking points? Ha ha.

Go ahead and put up more pictures, but I will not see them. Going elsewhere where it’s more fun to actually debate specific claims ...
Under Trump’s watch ...17 intel agencies on Russia hacks:

Oh good grief, this '17 intel agency' nonsense was debunked long ago. You need to arrive to the discussion better informed. Stop parroting the fake news, get informed then return to the discussion.
Pfft, you think they're going to go back and do their jobs now after failing with Mueller for 2+years? I predict they quadruple down on stupid just like the MSM did.

The Democrats are way in too deep into the insane shit now to ever stop and admit defeat. They will get Trump or go down fighting to the end.

Dem's are just trying to smear Trump publicly. To paint him as having committed a crime in spite of the fact there is no evidence. Insinuate that Trump will be indicted after he leaves office in spite of the fact the investigation found nothing. All the Dem's questions are driving towards these goals, being able to claim a sitting president is a criminal so don't vote for Trump in 2020. That's all this is.

I get that. The whole point was to put out there the new meme by the Dems: NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Now every Leftard will be out somewhere with a sign saying that in the streets. No matter what they asked Mueller and no matter his answer, their answer was all the same: NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Barack Obama.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Hillary Clinton.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Josef Mifsud.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Peter Strzok.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Lisa Page.

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. Except Huma Abedin.

Sadly for them, now that they've made the point, they will now find it increasingly harder to defend democrats like Hillary, et al., as the Barr investigations dig deeper.

No matter the report or testimony to the contrary, Dem's and the fake news will continue their smear campaign. After Mueller finished yesterday MSNBC was right back to claiming Trump colluded and conspired with Russia, Trump committed crimes, Trump will be indicted after he leaves office, Trump wasn't exonerated, all the same talking points they were spewing before the report was released and after.
Are you a Russian troll?
ALL the major US intel/security agency leaders under TRUMP (as well as Obama) concluded that RUSSIA (IRA, etc) MEDDLED in the 2016 election.
can you tell me again exactly how they did it again?
Have you not heard of Russia’s troll factory called “Internet research agency” (IRA)?
Have you not read the IT security hacking report by Crowdstrike?
Have you not read the Jan 2017 US intelligence report by Homeland Security & other Intel agencies?
View attachment 270960
Pictures are your child-like forte? :)

If you quack like a Putin supporter, walk like a Putin supporter, you must be a Putin ass kisser!
I'll give you moonbats one thing; you're totally committed to your talking points....Even though you totally embarrass yourselves over and over again.


View attachment 270976

Somehow Russia fooled Democrats in three blue states into voting for Trump? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
can you tell me again exactly how they did it again?
Have you not heard of Russia’s troll factory called “Internet research agency” (IRA)?
Have you not read the IT security hacking report by Crowdstrike?
Have you not read the Jan 2017 US intelligence report by Homeland Security & other Intel agencies?
View attachment 270960
Pictures are your child-like forte? :)

If you quack like a Putin supporter, walk like a Putin supporter, you must be a Putin ass kisser!
I'll give you moonbats one thing; you're totally committed to your talking points....Even though you totally embarrass yourselves over and over again.


View attachment 270976
All you got are pictures?
No intelligent talking points? Ha ha.

Go ahead and put up more pictures, but I will not see them. Going elsewhere where it’s more fun to actually debate specific claims ...
How many Liberals do you know who voted for Trump?
ALL of Trump’s intel agencies concluded that Putin’s Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Were any treasonous greedy Americans involved? Damn right!!

Wow you told some whopper lies, are you a liberal Trump hater? The Russian meddling in the 2016 election was 100% on Obama's watch you hack. And since we have hot mic evidence of Obama conspiring with Russia if anyone needed to be investigated it was Obama and his corrupt administration.
Are you a Russian troll?
ALL the major US intel/security agency leaders under TRUMP (as well as Obama) concluded that RUSSIA (IRA, etc) MEDDLED in the 2016 election.
Under Obama's watch....did you miss that?

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