Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

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Hillary met with the Russians. About 50,000 Americans met with Russians during Trump's campaign. What freaking left wing fantasy suggest that they can reverse the results of an election by "meeting with Russians"?

What part of that when Cohen meeting with the Russians for Trumps benefit would lead to his impeachment. do you not comprehend???

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

View attachment 187991
Name the crime
View attachment 187998
Permanent Ignore!
Nope, McClatchy is a reliable source. This is new. Unlike Trump's fake raid on Syria.
Jake Tapper confirmed it was a different Cohen.


That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.
Jake Tapper confirmed it was a different Cohen.


That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.

In 1993, I walked out of a motel in Gettysburg PA. Walking out of the room next door was a friend of mine. We were both traveling from Chicago to Philly. Neither knew the other was stopping in the town. The motel gave us rooms next door to each other and we both left the room at the same time. What are the odds of THAT happening?

Remember, if you are truly one in a million, there are nearly 7000 of you on earth!
Most of you may be too young to remember this but we have been here before. Back when Reagan and Bush were kicking Soviet/ Democrat ass all over the place the Demorats wanted a special prosecutor because they claimed G Bush snuck onto an SR71 spy plane (!!!) and secretly flew to a treasonous meeting with the Iranians to get Reagan elected.
The democrats investigated for TWELVE STRAIGHT YEARS in the house and Senate!. Frontline produced a documentary series. Newsweek and Time opened special bureaus to keep it alive. Liberals wrote dozens of books and the media duly praised them. Oliver Stone bought the rights. Every day the Democrat Senators told is they were THIS close.
In the end complete exoneration. BUT don’t consider this just a victory for the good guys. The point was never to actually impeach Reagan. The point was to hobble a president the people wanted but the pro-Soviet ruling elites despised. Tie him up, waste his time, weaken him when facing the Soviets...until they could get another Democrat in office.
Actually proving the charges was never considered as part of the plan because, as a falsehood, they knew that would never happen.

October Surprise conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
Most of you may be too young to remember this but we have been here before. Back when Reagan and Bush were kicking Soviet/ Democrat ass all over the place the Demorats wanted a special prosecutor because they claimed G Bush snuck onto an SR71 spy plane (!!!) and secretly flew to a treasonous meeting with the Iranians to get Reagan elected.
The democrats investigated for TWELVE STRAIGHT YEARS in the house and Senate!. Frontline produced a documentary series. Newsweek and Time opened special bureaus to keep it alive. Liberals wrote dozens of books and the media duly praised them. Oliver Stone bought the rights. Every day the Democrat Senators told is they were THIS close.
In the end complete exoneration. BUT don’t consider this just a victory for the good guys. The point was never to actually impeach Reagan. The point was to hobble a president the people wanted but the pro-Soviet ruling elites despised. Tie him up, waste his time, weaken him when facing the Soviets...until they could get another Democrat in office.
Actually proving the charges was never considered as part of the plan because, as a falsehood, they knew that would never happen.

October Surprise conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
I remember it well.
Jake Tapper confirmed it was a different Cohen.


That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.
How many Michael Cohen's are there in the world????????
How many of them travel to Prague??????
Trump's lawyer Cohen has produced his passport to Mueller PROVING he was never in Prague.
Oh that's right Cohen must have had a second passport right?
How long do you think it takes for DHS to find that a 'second' passport was used.....or not!
Like thirty seconds you MUTT!
Looks like Cohen just made himself a couple of million in 'settlements'. HAAAA HAAAAA!
Now list at least ONE credible if it even matters

Name one source that you consider to be credible! We all know you will not respond!

Fox is generally credible. The Wall Street Journal is marginally credible.

Damn even Fox news aired a graph on live television that they are one of the least trusted!

Fox News Host Responds to Controversy Over Graphic Claiming It's Least-Trusted Cable News Network

View attachment 188033

Sure, we believe the shit you post... :eusa_whistle:
Now list at least ONE credible if it even matters

Name one source that you consider to be credible! We all know you will not respond!

Fox is generally credible. The Wall Street Journal is marginally credible.

Damn even Fox news aired a graph on live television that they are one of the least trusted!

Fox News Host Responds to Controversy Over Graphic Claiming It's Least-Trusted Cable News Network

View attachment 188033

Sure, we believe the shit you post... :eusa_whistle:

I mean, just because Realist is a shameless fucking liar is no reason to doubt you...

Poll: Fox News most trusted network
How many Michael Cohen's are there in the world????????
How many of them travel to Prague??????
Trump's lawyer Cohen has produced his passport to Mueller PROVING he was never in Prague.
Oh that's right Cohen must have had a second passport right?
How long do you think it takes for DHS to find that a 'second' passport was used.....or not!
Like thirty seconds you MUTT!
Looks like Cohen just made himself a couple of million in 'settlements'. HAAAA HAAAAA!

The Communists don't care.

They over-played their hand in destroying our system of justice and are desperate to justify their thuggary to blunt the backlash.

If there is no law, as Mewler-Torquemada and his goons in the FSB contend, what is to restrain the people from rising up against these thugs?
It's the FBI's fault that Cohen may have broken financial laws. #WITCHHUNT

Is the Witch Hunt tasked with ferreting out financial impropriety?

Fact, the Inquisition has declared Donald Trump guilty. They will never stop looking until they find or fabricate what he is guilty of.

Now this punk, this kunt Mueller, he made a credible threat to financially destroy the son of Michael Flynn in order to coerce a "confession." Given that, do you think he might just have Cohen's wife dragged in and raped in front of Cohen until he "confesses?"

This is the brave new world you Stalinists have created. Mewler-Torquemada, picking up all of the tools of his mentor..

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