Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

Lol @ this thread.

Jill Stein met with Russians during her campaign

So did The Clinton Campaign

Are Libtards so stupid to think that meeting a diplomat is a crime?
Lol @ this thread.

Jill Stein met with Russians during her campaign

So did The Clinton Campaign

Are Libtards so stupid to think that meeting a diplomat is a crime?

It’s a crime when the intention of the meetings is to assist the Russians in interfering in the election, or to offer the Russians relief from sanctions in return for their help.
So did Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders also meet with diplomats.

All the top candidates meet with the major diplomats.

All this tells you Is that there are no depths to which Leftist scum are willing sink to in order to carry out their COUP.

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Lol @ this thread.

Jill Stein met with Russians during her campaign

So did The Clinton Campaign

Are Libtards so stupid to think that meeting a diplomat is a crime?

It’s a crime when the intention of the meetings is to assist the Russians in interfering in the election, or to offer the Russians relief from sanctions in return for their help.

Which hasn't happened.
Lol @ this thread.

Jill Stein met with Russians during her campaign

So did The Clinton Campaign

Are Libtards so stupid to think that meeting a diplomat is a crime?

It’s a crime when the intention of the meetings is to assist the Russians in interfering in the election, or to offer the Russians relief from sanctions in return for their help.

Again...the opposite has happened.
Will you admit to that?
Here's how it works in the news Biz: McClatchy comes out with a blockbuster story. All the other news sources investigate, and they DON'T PUBLISH unless they can corroborate the story. No one else has reported this. Not NBC,not ABC,...not even CNN.

On the other hand, we have "fake news" outlets that take such a story and run with it based on unknown and un-named "sources." Truly, it is sort of a litmus test of news outlets. If they run with this based on unnamed sources, they are a. bullshit outlet.

The non-reporting by reputable news outlets tells you all you need to know about this "scoop." It is bullshit, plain and simple.
You mean there are no "reputable sources?"
If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.
If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.

Correct, but don't forget about the Blue Tidal Wave coming in November. Pence will have to contend with both the Senate and House being held by a large majority of Democrats!

How many Accounts does The above Troll have? Are you even able to keep track of how many posters have you on IGNORE?

Add one more.
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If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.

Correct, but don't forget about the Blue Tidal Wave coming in November. Pence will have to contend with both the Senate and House being held by a large majority of Democrats!

View attachment 188272
The Blue Tidal Wave is a Hope at this point, not a Reality, nor even a substantive Likelihood.

Democrats are all aflutter about their chances in 2018 but have yet to master the Lessons of 2016.

America, and millions of Trump Democrats, on the other hand, have not forgotten the Lessons they served-up.
False. Wrong Cohen. It's already been debunked. Trumps Cohen never has been to Prague. This is a recycled old story.

Nope, McClatchy is a reliable source. This is new. Unlike Trump's fake raid on Syria.
Jake Tapper confirmed it was a different Cohen.


That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
False. Wrong Cohen. It's already been debunked. Trumps Cohen never has been to Prague. This is a recycled old story.

Nope, McClatchy is a reliable source. This is new. Unlike Trump's fake raid on Syria.
Jake Tapper confirmed it was a different Cohen.


That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.
If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.

Correct, but don't forget about the Blue Tidal Wave coming in November. Pence will have to contend with both the Senate and House being held by a large majority of Democrats!

View attachment 188272
The Blue Tidal Wave is a Hope at this point, not a Reality, nor even a substantive Likelihood.

Democrats are all aflutter about their chances in 2018 but have yet to master the Lessons of 2016.
America, and millions of Trump Democrats, on the other hand, have not forgotten the Lessons they served-up.

You need to tell the Republican politicians that!

GOP increasingly fears loss of House, focuses on saving Senate majority


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?

Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

ya gonna shoot me with your gun?

I guess that would depend on how far you stalinist want to take matters.
But if you hit me with your purse?
I'd just butt stroke you,and dont get excited,it doesn't mean what you hope it means.


About your sig, if you traitors take to the streets, it's turkey shoot time.

You want a civil war? Yes, of course you do, we normals have the same promise.

If your coup d'etat somehow succeeds, this becomes a shooting war.

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?

Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

ya gonna shoot me with your gun?

Isn't that your threat in your sig? You Stalinists will take to the street and burn cities yet again?

guess you can't read home schooler.
If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.

pence may be heavily involved in all of this. as head of the transition team, he was warned by elijah cummings via written notice of michael flynn being a foreign agent of russia &/or turkey. and paul manafort was the individual who hand picked pence to be trump's VP.

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