Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:

So wait, this image comes from a Russian Source? I always thought you were a Putin Puppet.

Oh, and you didn't properly credit where you got the source image from.[
If you tards had read the dossier, you would have recognized the source.

You really should read it. More and more of it is being vindicated every day. And with Trump's past sexual exploits coming to the fore, the pissing hookers allegation is becoming more and more likely to be true.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:


I knew you tards had not read the dossier!

that's not a link
You won't read it. Because you never have.

Trump Intelligence Allegations
How is it possible that we are in a topic about the dossier's claim that Cohen traveled to Prague is looking like it is true, and some tards are posting in this topic who don't even recognize excerpts from that dossier?

Because they have never read it, and are just parroting what they are told to parrot. That's how.
Breaking: Sean Hannity exposed as Cohens 3rd mystery client at hearing going on right now! This is going to be fun!
Holy shit, Sean Hannity was a client of Michael Cohen....because of course he fucking is.
I wonder what sexual affair Hannity had Cohen hush up for him?

Well, we know where Hannity's tongue has been.
'' I am "shocked , shocked " LOL plus "who knew " ...its like a White Male Conspiracy of dunces...

erica orden @eorden

Michael Cohen's previously unnamed third client is SEAN HANNITY.

2:49 PM - Apr 16, 2018
So did Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders also meet with diplomats.

All the top candidates meet with the major diplomats.

All this tells you Is that there are no depths to which Leftist scum are willing sink to in order to carry out their COUP.

jill stein photo with putin - Google Search
What happens if Cohen can prove he was in LA With his son instead of Prague as alleged by Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller?
Mueller has acquired some guilty pleas from Carter Page and Paul Manafort which bear out some of the allegations in the Trump dossier.

The dossier also claims Michael Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin representatives in August 2016.

Cohen posted a photo of the COVER of his passport to "prove" he has never gone to Prague.

If Trump has a lawyer that retarded, he should be panicked. Very panicked.

Cohen, in fact, did travel to the Eurozone in that timeframe, and the stamps INSIDE his passport verify this. Once you are in the Eurozone, you can move about the Eurozone (including to Prague) without getting a stamp on your passport.
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:


I knew you tards had not read the dossier!

that's not a link
You won't read it. Because you never have.

Trump Intelligence Allegations

whether I read it or not is not the issue.

"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."
Lol @ this thread.

Jill Stein met with Russians during her campaign

So did The Clinton Campaign

Are Libtards so stupid to think that meeting a diplomat is a crime?

It’s a crime when the intention of the meetings is to assist the Russians in interfering in the election, or to offer the Russians relief from sanctions in return for their help.

Which hasn't happened.

It sure as hell has.

Flynn asked the Russian Ambassador not to retaliate against the US for the sanctions imposed by Obama over their meddling because Trump would be in a position to cancel them after the Inauguration and Putin complied.

After the Inauguration, Trump steadfastly refused to impose new sanctions on Russia, until the poisoning in the UK forced him to do something. Congress stripped him of the power to cancel sanctions. Trump initially refused to sign it, until they sent the Bill back to him with a veto-proof vote.

Putin is said to be furious that Trump hasn’t repealed the Magnitsky Act. I guess that was part of the quid pro quo for Rusdian assistance in the election campaign.

Trump still hasn’t imposed all the sanctions voted by the House and Senate last year even after the attack on US forces by Russian mercenaries, the poisoning in the UK, or the continuing gas attacks in Syria after Putin promised to take Assad’s chemical weapons away.
If Putin is so pissed off that Trump won't repeal the Magnitsky Act why hasn't Putin exposed all the
'dirt' he has on Trump?????????
You actually have to have 'something' on someone in order to blackmail them right?
Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:


I knew you tards had not read the dossier!

that's not a link
You won't read it. Because you never have.

Trump Intelligence Allegations

whether I read it or not is not the issue.

"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:

So wait, this image comes from a Russian Source? I always thought you were a Putin Puppet.

Oh, and you didn't properly credit where you got the source image from.[
If you tards had read the dossier, you would have recognized the source.

You really should read it. More and more of it is being vindicated every day. And with Trump's past sexual exploits coming to the fore, the pissing hookers allegation is becoming more and more likely to be true.
if you quit calling people TARDS all the time maybe they'd give a fuck about anything you'd say.

then again not likely.
I knew you tards had not read the dossier!

that's not a link
You won't read it. Because you never have.

Trump Intelligence Allegations

whether I read it or not is not the issue.

"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:

So wait, this image comes from a Russian Source? I always thought you were a Putin Puppet.

Oh, and you didn't properly credit where you got the source image from.[
If you tards had read the dossier, you would have recognized the source.

You really should read it. More and more of it is being vindicated every day. And with Trump's past sexual exploits coming to the fore, the pissing hookers allegation is becoming more and more likely to be true.
if you quit calling people TARDS all the time maybe they'd give a fuck about anything you'd say.

then again not likely.
Oh, let me see if Lying Ted and Crooked Hillary and Low Energy Jeb and Little Marco and Sloppy Steve and Pocahontas and Crying Chuck Schumer agree.
I haven't given an actual fuck enough to look into Cohen's travels until just now, "The dossier claims that Cohen was dispatched to Prague to "clean up the mess" left behind by two revelations: that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort had a financial relationship with a politically toxic Ukrainian president and that campaign adviser Carter Page visited top Russian officials. Cohen’s meeting with "Kremlin representatives" was alleged to have taken place in "August/September 2016" — not quite the same time frame as those passport stamps.

Many news organizations attempted to verify or debunk claims in the dossier, including that Cohen was in Prague around that time. A BuzzFeed News reporter spent three days visiting about 45 hotels in the city and found no evidence Cohen had stayed in any of them during that period.

Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."

This Is The Inside Of Trump’s Lawyer’s Passport


Great work!!

Here's Cohen in LA when Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller" claims to have proof that he was meeting Russian agents in Prague. Unless Cohen fucked someone named "Prague" there's no way Cohen was in Prague at the end of August as purported by the totally inaccurate dossier.

Comey bet his reputation on the dossier, Mueller based his investigation on it.

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