Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

I haven't given an actual fuck enough to look into Cohen's travels until just now, "The dossier claims that Cohen was dispatched to Prague to "clean up the mess" left behind by two revelations: that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort had a financial relationship with a politically toxic Ukrainian president and that campaign adviser Carter Page visited top Russian officials. Cohen’s meeting with "Kremlin representatives" was alleged to have taken place in "August/September 2016" — not quite the same time frame as those passport stamps.

Many news organizations attempted to verify or debunk claims in the dossier, including that Cohen was in Prague around that time. A BuzzFeed News reporter spent three days visiting about 45 hotels in the city and found no evidence Cohen had stayed in any of them during that period.

Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."

This Is The Inside Of Trump’s Lawyer’s Passport


Great work!!

Here's Cohen in LA when Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller" claims to have proof that he was meeting Russian agents in Prague. Unless Cohen fucked someone named "Prague" there's no way Cohen was in Prague at the end of August as purported by the totally inaccurate dossier.

Comey bet his reputation on the dossier, Mueller based his investigation on it.
Cohen flew to Italy in July of 2016.

He was in LA in the last week of August.

If Cohen was trying to avoid leaving evidence he had visited Prague, he would not have rented a hotel room there. He could have stayed in Germany, or Liechtenstein, or Austria, or Italy. Hundreds of options.

You know that July, August and September are different months, right?
Yes. However, July is close enough to the allegation to make it plausible.

Again, if Mueller or the New York prosecutor have evidence Cohen traveled to Prague, it won't matter if it was July or August. It will matter that he went there, especially since he has gone to some trouble to deny it.

That would lend even more credence to the allegation of the purpose for his visit.

Let it go when you're way behind.

If they have evidence that he was in Prague how can they not narrow down to the nearest month?
Um. You are conflating Mueller with Steele. :lol:

From the "July is the same as September" crowd.

Yeah, I'm the one confused
We'll just have to wait and see. When Mueller makes his report, if it turns out Cohen did indeed travel to Prague, then the dossier has one more allegation substantiated.
Cohen flew to Italy in July of 2016.

He was in LA in the last week of August.

If Cohen was trying to avoid leaving evidence he had visited Prague, he would not have rented a hotel room there. He could have stayed in Germany, or Liechtenstein, or Austria, or Italy. Hundreds of options.

You know that July, August and September are different months, right?
Yes. However, July is close enough to the allegation to make it plausible.

Again, if Mueller or the New York prosecutor have evidence Cohen traveled to Prague, it won't matter if it was July or August. It will matter that he went there, especially since he has gone to some trouble to deny it.

That would lend even more credence to the allegation of the purpose for his visit.

Let it go when you're way behind.

If they have evidence that he was in Prague how can they not narrow down to the nearest month?
Um. You are conflating Mueller with Steele. :lol:

From the "July is the same as September" crowd.

Yeah, I'm the one confused
The dossier doesn't say Cohen was in Prague in September. So, yeah. You are confused. :lol:
"where is that from?"

Oh, man...


you just wrote in "From the dossier" right? The "salacious and unverified" Dossier that Hillary paid for and was then used to swear our an illegally obtained FISA warrant.

That Dossier, right?
Traveling to Moscow would leave a paper trail.

Traveling to Italy and thence to Prague would make it easier to cover one's tracks.

From the dossier:



The Dossier is "salacious and unverified"
Comey said PORTIONS of the dossier are "salacious and unverified".

You do know what "salacious" means, right?

Of course you don't, or you wouldn't have made that reference to the part I quoted.
I haven't given an actual fuck enough to look into Cohen's travels until just now, "The dossier claims that Cohen was dispatched to Prague to "clean up the mess" left behind by two revelations: that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort had a financial relationship with a politically toxic Ukrainian president and that campaign adviser Carter Page visited top Russian officials. Cohen’s meeting with "Kremlin representatives" was alleged to have taken place in "August/September 2016" — not quite the same time frame as those passport stamps.

Many news organizations attempted to verify or debunk claims in the dossier, including that Cohen was in Prague around that time. A BuzzFeed News reporter spent three days visiting about 45 hotels in the city and found no evidence Cohen had stayed in any of them during that period.

Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."

This Is The Inside Of Trump’s Lawyer’s Passport


Great work!!

Here's Cohen in LA when Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller" claims to have proof that he was meeting Russian agents in Prague. Unless Cohen fucked someone named "Prague" there's no way Cohen was in Prague at the end of August as purported by the totally inaccurate dossier.

Comey bet his reputation on the dossier, Mueller based his investigation on it.
Cohen was in Italy in July of 2016.

He was in LA in the last week of August.

If Cohen was trying to avoid leaving evidence he had visited Prague, he would not have rented a hotel room there.


leaving no proof he was there,

is proof he was there....

Great logic
I did not say that.

Try again.

I merely presented the fact it is possible he was there. It has not been proven it was impossible for him to have been there.

And the fact that much of the allegations in the dossier are turning out to be true, it is not very smart to rule out the Cohen allegation.

You are a stooge, parroting what you are told to parrot, and bleeving what you are told to bleev. And ignoring anything which may contradict your delusions.


I'm no more a 'stooge' than you are. likely less.

(and you have just shown why I pay little to NO attention to your posts, except in my role as moderator)
I wonder what instructions the parroting rubes will be given if and when it is revealed Cohen did indeed visit Prague.

Stay tuned!
Traveling to Moscow would leave a paper trail.

Traveling to Italy and thence to Prague would make it easier to cover one's tracks.

From the dossier:



again, no link
I already provided the link to the dossier. So when I say "From the dossier", the same link applies!

Oh, man.


And you wonder why I call you tards?

So when I say "From the dossier", the same link applies!

No, it doesn't.

you post a cut and paste, you need to provide a link.
Traveling to Moscow would leave a paper trail.

Traveling to Italy and thence to Prague would make it easier to cover one's tracks.

From the dossier:



The Dossier is "salacious and unverified"
Comey said PORTIONS of the dossier are "salacious and unverified".

You do know what "salacious" means, right?

Of course you don't, or you wouldn't have made that reference to the part I quoted.

Here's what Comey actually said, "The IC leadership thought it important, for a variety of reasons, to alert the incoming President to the existence of this material, even though it was salacious and unverified."

Comey: ‘Even Though It Was Salacious and Unverified…We Knew Media Was About to Publicly Report’

leaving no proof he was there,

is proof he was there....

Great logic
I did not say that.

Try again.

I merely presented the fact it is possible he was there. It has not been proven it was impossible for him to have been there.

And the fact that much of the allegations in the dossier are turning out to be true, it is not very smart to rule out the Cohen allegation.

You are a stooge, parroting what you are told to parrot, and bleeving what you are told to bleev. And ignoring anything which may contradict your delusions.


I'm no more a 'stooge' than you are. likely less.

(and you have just shown why I pay little to NO attention to your posts, except in my role as moderator)
And yet here you are, paying attention to my posts. Some of you hacks seem to be obsessed with my posts.

(G) The legend in his own mind taking on a Mod, this should be interesting. You Progs will get Rump ANY day now.
Traveling to Moscow would leave a paper trail.

Traveling to Italy and thence to Prague would make it easier to cover one's tracks.

From the dossier:



again, no link
I already provided the link to the dossier. So when I say "From the dossier", the same link applies!

Oh, man.


And you wonder why I call you tards?

So when I say "From the dossier", the same link applies!

No, it doesn't.

you post a cut and paste, you need to provide a link.
I provided a link to the dossier already. So when I said "From the dossier" the same link applies.

You are just looking for an excuse, hack.


"Copyright. Link Each "Copy & Paste" to It's Source. Only paste a small to medium section of the material."

No proof you're referring to the same dossier.

Provide a link

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