Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.
"If, if, if." Even if all your ifs are true, they have every choice in the world. Yeah, I'll bet Democrats would be sad as hell. When the cameras are off they will all be high-fiving each other and popping champaign corks.

Who do you think you're fooling? You douche nozzles have been salivating at that prospect ever since Herr Dirtbag Mewler was appointed.

The nightmare is only in the minds of delusional snowflakes. Or it's the nightmare of this bogus witch hunt.
Traveling to Moscow would leave a paper trail.

Traveling to Italy and thence to Prague would make it easier to cover one's tracks.

From the dossier:



again, no link
I already provided the link to the dossier. So when I say "From the dossier", the same link applies!

Oh, man.


And you wonder why I call you tards?

So when I say "From the dossier", the same link applies!

No, it doesn't.

you post a cut and paste, you need to provide a link.
I provided a link to the dossier already. So when I said "From the dossier" the same link applies.

You are just looking for an excuse, hack.
Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

then again, i guess you do it too.

i want it to be true, ergo, it is.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:

So wait, this image comes from a Russian Source? I always thought you were a Putin Puppet.

Oh, and you didn't properly credit where you got the source image from.[
If you tards had read the dossier, you would have recognized the source.

You really should read it. More and more of it is being vindicated every day. And with Trump's past sexual exploits coming to the fore, the pissing hookers allegation is becoming more and more likely to be true.

Realy? What has been vindicated other than Carter Page took a trip to Russia to give a speech?

Feel free to lay it out with evidence, not assumptions and speculation.

If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.

Correct, but don't forget about the Blue Tidal Wave coming in November. Pence will have to contend with both the Senate and House being held by a large majority of Democrats!

View attachment 188272
The Blue Tidal Wave is a Hope at this point, not a Reality, nor even a substantive Likelihood.

Democrats are all aflutter about their chances in 2018 but have yet to master the Lessons of 2016.
America, and millions of Trump Democrats, on the other hand, have not forgotten the Lessons they served-up.

You need to tell the Republican politicians that!

GOP increasingly fears loss of House, focuses on saving Senate majority

View attachment 188286 View attachment 188286

Washington Post?

If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.

pence may be heavily involved in all of this. as head of the transition team, he was warned by elijah cummings via written notice of michael flynn being a foreign agent of russia &/or turkey. and paul manafort was the individual who hand picked pence to be trump's VP.
From Manchurian Candidate A to Manchurian Candidate B?

Wheels within wheels... schemes within schemes?

Sounds rather unlikely... possible, of course, but rather unlikely.

there are so many layers to this freakshow... & no doubt he was chosen to get the fundies on board.

The layers are all in snowflake heads.
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From the Dossier:

"Uninformed sources told me that a guy named Michael Cohen was in Prague. Trump's lawyer has he same name, therefore, We Got him this time!! ®"
Lol @ this thread.

Jill Stein met with Russians during her campaign

So did The Clinton Campaign

Are Libtards so stupid to think that meeting a diplomat is a crime?

It’s a crime when the intention of the meetings is to assist the Russians in interfering in the election, or to offer the Russians relief from sanctions in return for their help.

Which hasn't happened.

It sure as hell has.

Flynn asked the Russian Ambassador not to retaliate against the US for the sanctions imposed by Obama over their meddling because Trump would be in a position to cancel them after the Inauguration and Putin complied.

After the Inauguration, Trump steadfastly refused to impose new sanctions on Russia, until the poisoning in the UK forced him to do something. Congress stripped him of the power to cancel sanctions. Trump initially refused to sign it, until they sent the Bill back to him with a veto-proof vote.

Putin is said to be furious that Trump hasn’t repealed the Magnitsky Act. I guess that was part of the quid pro quo for Rusdian assistance in the election campaign.

Trump still hasn’t imposed all the sanctions voted by the House and Senate last year even after the attack on US forces by Russian mercenaries, the poisoning in the UK, or the continuing gas attacks in Syria after Putin promised to take Assad’s chemical weapons away.
You have no evidence whatsoever that there was any quid pro quo, dingbat.
If we put aside everything wrong and inaccurate in the Dossier, what it boils down to is that Donald Trump is a real guy.

We got him this time! ®
Mueller has acquired some guilty pleas from Carter Page and Paul Manafort which bear out some of the allegations in the Trump dossier.

The dossier also claims Michael Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin representatives in August 2016.

Cohen posted a photo of the COVER of his passport to "prove" he has never gone to Prague.

If Trump has a lawyer that retarded, he should be panicked. Very panicked.

Cohen, in fact, did travel to the Eurozone in that timeframe, and the stamps INSIDE his passport verify this. Once you are in the Eurozone, you can move about the Eurozone (including to Prague) without getting a stamp on your passport.

Links to those guilty pleas please. I think you're full of it.


OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

Cohen tweeted a photo of the COVER of his passport. I guess he thought you tards are that stupid and credulous.

As for the hookers, they were a consolation prize for Trump's business failure:

So wait, this image comes from a Russian Source? I always thought you were a Putin Puppet.

Oh, and you didn't properly credit where you got the source image from.[
If you tards had read the dossier, you would have recognized the source.

You really should read it. More and more of it is being vindicated every day. And with Trump's past sexual exploits coming to the fore, the pissing hookers allegation is becoming more and more likely to be true.
You're a special kind of delusional idiot. None of that is even close to being true. Herr Mewler is looking more and more desperate every day.
Mueller has acquired some guilty pleas from Carter Page and Paul Manafort which bear out some of the allegations in the Trump dossier.


The dossier also claims Michael Cohen traveled to Prague to meet with Kremlin representatives in August 2016.

Cohen posted a photo of the COVER of his passport to "prove" he has never gone to Prague.

If Trump has a lawyer that retarded, he should be panicked. Very panicked.

Cohen, in fact, did travel to the Eurozone in that timeframe, and the stamps INSIDE his passport verify this. Once you are in the Eurozone, you can move about the Eurozone (including to Prague) without getting a stamp on your passport.


He see's himself as the great and powerful G, able to leap Mods and rules in a single bound. Mueller has nothing, he's just trying to make it look good.
I haven't given an actual fuck enough to look into Cohen's travels until just now, "The dossier claims that Cohen was dispatched to Prague to "clean up the mess" left behind by two revelations: that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort had a financial relationship with a politically toxic Ukrainian president and that campaign adviser Carter Page visited top Russian officials. Cohen’s meeting with "Kremlin representatives" was alleged to have taken place in "August/September 2016" — not quite the same time frame as those passport stamps.

Many news organizations attempted to verify or debunk claims in the dossier, including that Cohen was in Prague around that time. A BuzzFeed News reporter spent three days visiting about 45 hotels in the city and found no evidence Cohen had stayed in any of them during that period.

Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."

This Is The Inside Of Trump’s Lawyer’s Passport


Great work!!

Here's Cohen in LA when Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller" claims to have proof that he was meeting Russian agents in Prague. Unless Cohen fucked someone named "Prague" there's no way Cohen was in Prague at the end of August as purported by the totally inaccurate dossier.

Comey bet his reputation on the dossier, Mueller based his investigation on it.
Cohen was in Italy in July of 2016.

He was in LA in the last week of August.

If Cohen was trying to avoid leaving evidence he had visited Prague, he would not have rented a hotel room there.


leaving no proof he was there,

is proof he was there....

Great logic
I did not say that.

Try again.

I merely presented the fact it is possible he was there. It has not been proven it was impossible for him to have been there.

And the fact that much of the allegations in the dossier are turning out to be true, it is not very smart to rule out the Cohen allegation.
Nothing in the dossier is turning out to be true. To support that claim, you're accepting Herr Mewler's claim that Cohen was in Prague as true. So what you're doing to prove Mewler's claim is true is accepting Mewler's claim as true. Circular snowflake logic.
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I haven't given an actual fuck enough to look into Cohen's travels until just now, "The dossier claims that Cohen was dispatched to Prague to "clean up the mess" left behind by two revelations: that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort had a financial relationship with a politically toxic Ukrainian president and that campaign adviser Carter Page visited top Russian officials. Cohen’s meeting with "Kremlin representatives" was alleged to have taken place in "August/September 2016" — not quite the same time frame as those passport stamps.

Many news organizations attempted to verify or debunk claims in the dossier, including that Cohen was in Prague around that time. A BuzzFeed News reporter spent three days visiting about 45 hotels in the city and found no evidence Cohen had stayed in any of them during that period.

Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."

This Is The Inside Of Trump’s Lawyer’s Passport


Great work!!

Here's Cohen in LA when Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller" claims to have proof that he was meeting Russian agents in Prague. Unless Cohen fucked someone named "Prague" there's no way Cohen was in Prague at the end of August as purported by the totally inaccurate dossier.

Comey bet his reputation on the dossier, Mueller based his investigation on it.
Cohen flew to Italy in July of 2016.

He was in LA in the last week of August.

If Cohen was trying to avoid leaving evidence he had visited Prague, he would not have rented a hotel room there. He could have stayed in Germany, or Liechtenstein, or Austria, or Italy. Hundreds of options.

Excuse me, the time frame in the dossier was late Aug to early Sep, not Jul.

6) Michael Cohen played a key role in the conspiracy.

The dossier says that after Paul Manafort was fired, Cohen traveled to a European Union country (later reports claim it was the Czech Republic) in late August or early September to meet with Russian officials, and that the meeting took place under the cover of a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo.

The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained
Mueller may have evidence Cohen did visit Prague.

If it is proven Cohen did visit Prague, that would be very interesting, especially considering he has gone to a lot of trouble to deny it.
So the fact that Mewler is denying it is proof that it is true? That's like the test for being a witch is to see if they float. If they sink, they are innocent, but if they float, they are guilty. Either way, they die. That's the kind of Medieval snowflake mentality we're dealing with.
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DJT expresses concern for his lawyers

"I have many (too many!) lawyers," lamented Mr Trump, "and they are probably wondering when their offices, and even homes, are going to be raided with everything, including their phones and computers, taken. All lawyers are deflated and concerned!"

Trump says his lawyers 'probably wondering whether their offices will be raided' after criminal investigation into Michael Cohen

Are all of Trump’s lawyers committing criminal acts? Only those who are committing criminal acts have to worry about having their homes and offices searched.

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