Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

Holy shit, Sean Hannity was a client of Michael Cohen....because of course he fucking is.
I wonder what sexual affair Hannity had Cohen hush up for him?

He was probably sticking a cigar in his 19 year old assistants twat...

Or wait, that was your hero Bill Clinton.

It's not sexual harassment if a party member does it. One law for the proles, no law for the party elite.

Da Comrade?

You can't even get the basic facts right.
Did I slander Hannity? No. Great, fuck off.

Really Herr Goebbels? Then what was your point?

You attempted to smear Hannity through association with someone who is a hate target of the Inquisition.

Ohhh, Hannity knows the witch, he must be a witch too...

Your filth is ages old, nothing new about you.

How embarrassing, your tampon popped out again.

And you're also an idiot hyperventilating and using words like 'slander' that you clearly have no understanding for what they mean.
I haven't given an actual fuck enough to look into Cohen's travels until just now, "The dossier claims that Cohen was dispatched to Prague to "clean up the mess" left behind by two revelations: that Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort had a financial relationship with a politically toxic Ukrainian president and that campaign adviser Carter Page visited top Russian officials. Cohen’s meeting with "Kremlin representatives" was alleged to have taken place in "August/September 2016" — not quite the same time frame as those passport stamps.

Many news organizations attempted to verify or debunk claims in the dossier, including that Cohen was in Prague around that time. A BuzzFeed News reporter spent three days visiting about 45 hotels in the city and found no evidence Cohen had stayed in any of them during that period.

Cohen has said that he couldn’t have been in Prague because he was visiting the University of Southern California with his son on a college baseball recruiting trip. He posted a photograph from his daughter’s social media account showing the two of them together in Los Angeles on the final week of August."

This Is The Inside Of Trump’s Lawyer’s Passport


Great work!!

Here's Cohen in LA when Bobby "Anthrax" Mueller" claims to have proof that he was meeting Russian agents in Prague. Unless Cohen fucked someone named "Prague" there's no way Cohen was in Prague at the end of August as purported by the totally inaccurate dossier.

Comey bet his reputation on the dossier, Mueller based his investigation on it.
Cohen flew to Italy in July of 2016.

He was in LA in the last week of August.

If Cohen was trying to avoid leaving evidence he had visited Prague, he would not have rented a hotel room there. He could have stayed in Germany, or Liechtenstein, or Austria, or Italy. Hundreds of options.

Excuse me, the time frame in the dossier was late Aug to early Sep, not Jul.

6) Michael Cohen played a key role in the conspiracy.

The dossier says that after Paul Manafort was fired, Cohen traveled to a European Union country (later reports claim it was the Czech Republic) in late August or early September to meet with Russian officials, and that the meeting took place under the cover of a Russian NGO, Rossotrudnichestvo.

The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained
we only got to see the one passport Cohen has showed us.... it's his second passport that is common for businessmen who travel to Israel or the middle east on occasion, to have, that Cohen never showed us, which Mueller likely has access to that one... which confirmed he was in Prague....?

two passports information

Yes, You Can (and Should) Have Two U.S. Passports

More assumptions and speculation, Cohen supposedly traveled after Manafort left the campaign in late Aug, the 20th to be exact. Cohen was in CA the last week of Aug.

and what about the first week in September?

the dossier says it was the last week in august


the first week in September

time period, or there was not precise or a precise date.....

What about it, do you have any evidence he wasn't in NY? The primary reason I showed the dates I did was to shoot down Gs stupid July assertion. It didn't fit the narrative in any way.

McClatchy stands by its story that Cohen went to Prague. Peter Stone confirmed this on Rachel Maddow.

Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

Really?? unnamed sources and unanswered questions and now it's fact? Nope...

But investigators have traced evidence that Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany, apparently during August or early September of 2016 as the ex-spy reported, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is confidential. He wouldn’t have needed a passport for such a trip, because both countries are in the so-called Schengen Area in which 26 nations operate with open borders. The disclosure still left a puzzle: The sources did not say whether Cohen took a commercial flight or private jet to Europe, and gave no explanation as to why no record of such a trip has surfaced.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, declined comment.

The last time "dossier verification" stories ran -- we later found out that C. Steele HIMSELF was planting the fucking stories. Sounds a LOT like those phony circular reporting propaganda tactics..
It's hilarious that Cohen offered his passport as proof he was never in Prague. European countries no longer stamp passports when crossing borders.
...If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016... And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election... And if Trump knew about it... Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate... Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters... Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.
And if Unicorns really can fly, and dwarves are wearing fairy boots, then your coup d'etat will be glorious as you revel in your treason..
Calm yourself, my little TrumpBot... I know the noose is drawing tighter and making ya'll nervous, but it is no Treason to seek Truth and apply The Law.

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

January 11, 2017 " data-e2e-name="embed-container" data-media-container="embed" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; color: rgb(17, 21, 22); font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 19px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">—Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) January 11, 2017

Explosive memos claim Trump's lawyer met with Kremlin officials — but he may have been mistaken for a person with the same name


He didn't need a passport to go from Germany to Czechoslovakia. This story has not been debunked.
These threads have been cluttering up USMB for a year now. All of them breathlessly predicting the end for Trump. One solid year.
This one will fade away...and then, after a short embarrassed interval, another Marxist will excitedly proclaim “Mueller has Trump now!”....and the psychotic cycle will repeat.
It was funny for a while...then sad...and now just boring.

This one isn't going to fade away because it is proof of collusion.
Hillary met with the Russians. About 50,000 Americans met with Russians during Trump's campaign. What freaking left wing fantasy suggest that they can reverse the results of an election by "meeting with Russians"?

What part of that when Cohen meeting with the Russians for Trumps benefit would lead to his impeachment. do you not comprehend???

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

View attachment 187991
Name the crime
View attachment 187998
Again, what’s the crime?

How about treason?
This one isn't going to fade away because it is proof of collusion.

"This one"? LOL

"Oh we got him now (number 3477)"

Why dont you get a life and let Americans carry on with their business? Making you cry is not a high crime.
Last edited:
Hillary met with the Russians. About 50,000 Americans met with Russians during Trump's campaign. What freaking left wing fantasy suggest that they can reverse the results of an election by "meeting with Russians"?

What part of that when Cohen meeting with the Russians for Trumps benefit would lead to his impeachment. do you not comprehend???

Why the question of whether Michael Cohen visited Prague is massively important for Donald Trump

View attachment 187991
Name the crime
View attachment 187998
Again, what’s the crime?

How about treason?
Explain? You’re saying that our government shouldn’t talk to other governments? Huh?

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

January 11, 2017 " data-e2e-name="embed-container" data-media-container="embed" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; color: rgb(17, 21, 22); font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 19px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">—Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) January 11, 2017

Explosive memos claim Trump's lawyer met with Kremlin officials — but he may have been mistaken for a person with the same name


He didn't need a passport to go from Germany to Czechoslovakia. This story has not been debunked.

The dossier is wrong no matter how many time you use it. Cohen was in Los Angeles, not Prague

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

January 11, 2017 " data-e2e-name="embed-container" data-media-container="embed" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; color: rgb(17, 21, 22); font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 19px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">—Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) January 11, 2017

Explosive memos claim Trump's lawyer met with Kremlin officials — but he may have been mistaken for a person with the same name


He didn't need a passport to go from Germany to Czechoslovakia. This story has not been debunked.

The dossier is wrong no matter how many time you use it. Cohen was in Los Angeles, not Prague

Nope. He was in Prague for part of that time. Mueller's got evidence, baby.

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