Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

January 11, 2017 " data-e2e-name="embed-container" data-media-container="embed" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; color: rgb(17, 21, 22); font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 19px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">—Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) January 11, 2017

Explosive memos claim Trump's lawyer met with Kremlin officials — but he may have been mistaken for a person with the same name


He didn't need a passport to go from Germany to Czechoslovakia. This story has not been debunked.



OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump was trying to negotiate a building there, it didn't work out. LMAO

Trump signed "Letter of Intent" to build Trump Towers "Moscow".

OH and it was the wrong Cohen.

"I have never been to Prague in my life. #fakenews," Cohen tweeted. He included a photo of his passport.

January 11, 2017 " data-e2e-name="embed-container" data-media-container="embed" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; color: rgb(17, 21, 22); font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 19px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">—Michael Cohen (@MichaelCohen212) January 11, 2017

Explosive memos claim Trump's lawyer met with Kremlin officials — but he may have been mistaken for a person with the same name


He didn't need a passport to go from Germany to Czechoslovakia. This story has not been debunked.

The dossier is wrong no matter how many time you use it. Cohen was in Los Angeles, not Prague

Nope. He was in Prague for part of that time. Mueller's got evidence, baby.
Got to give a date! This will be fun, this one piece could blow the mueller witch hunt. I can’t wait
These threads have been cluttering up USMB for a year now. All of them breathlessly predicting the end for Trump. One solid year.
This one will fade away...and then, after a short embarrassed interval, another Marxist will excitedly proclaim “Mueller has Trump now!”....and the psychotic cycle will repeat.
It was funny for a while...then sad...and now just boring.

This one isn't going to fade away because it is proof of collusion.

Going to Prague is proof Trump was in cahoots with the Russian government?


The fact is Mueller put out a statement yesterday, that the media is getting a lot of crap WRONG. Of course they weren't specific, but do you think it was a coincidence it came on the heels of this particular story?

uh-huh. we will be peaceful. but we will exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT.

now who's the fucking stalinist, little mutt?

Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

ya gonna shoot me with your gun?

Isn't that your threat in your sig? You Stalinists will take to the street and burn cities yet again?

guess you can't read home schooler.

I read fine Commie fucker. You have a sig threatening riots or civil war if your fail at your treason.

If your coup succeeds, then this becomes a shooting war - just like that.

If it fails and you Stalinist fucks get violent, you'll be contained.

Clear enough for you, Comrade?

lol.... my siggy says no such thing.

god, you are such a failure at this, little mutt.
Ya gonna hit me with your purse?

ya gonna shoot me with your gun?

Isn't that your threat in your sig? You Stalinists will take to the street and burn cities yet again?

guess you can't read home schooler.

I read fine Commie fucker. You have a sig threatening riots or civil war if your fail at your treason.

If your coup succeeds, then this becomes a shooting war - just like that.

If it fails and you Stalinist fucks get violent, you'll be contained.

Clear enough for you, Comrade?

lol.... my siggy says no such thing.

god, you are such a failure at this, little mutt.
let's find out!!!

How embarrassing, your tampon popped out again.

And you're also an idiot hyperventilating and using words like 'slander' that you clearly have no understanding for what they mean.

Well, not everyone can have the depth of brilliance you display, Herr Goebbels...


See more synonyms on
defamation; calumny:
rumors full of slander.
a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report:
a slander against his good name.

Now tell us Comrade, how is the mindless hatred you spew on a daily basis anything other than slander? :dunno:

I'm bracing to be wowed... :eusa_whistle:
I read that Cohen had a salad with RUSSIAN dressing.
But investigators have traced evidence that Cohen entered the Czech Republic through Germany, apparently during August or early September of 2016 as the ex-spy reported, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is confidential. He wouldn’t have needed a passport for such a trip, because both countries are in the so-called Schengen Area in which 26 nations operate with open borders. The disclosure still left a puzzle: The sources did not say whether Cohen took a commercial flight or private jet to Europe, and gave no explanation as to why no record of such a trip has surfaced.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, declined comment.

The last time "dossier verification" stories ran -- we later found out that C. Steele HIMSELF was planting the fucking stories. Sounds a LOT like those phony circular reporting propaganda tactics..[/QUOTE]

Worse than that; there is evidence Sid Vicious, AKA Sydney Blumanthal is behind the shit the Kremlin put in.

Gowdy hints Sidney Blumenthal leaked info to dossier author Steele
...If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016... And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election... And if Trump knew about it... Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate... Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters... Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.
And if Unicorns really can fly, and dwarves are wearing fairy boots, then your coup d'etat will be glorious as you revel in your treason..
Calm yourself, my little TrumpBot... I know the noose is drawing tighter and making ya'll nervous, but it is no Treason to seek Truth and apply The Law.

Oh yes, all your absurd speculations definitely make me nervous. If Strawberry Shortcake mates with Papa Smurf, Trump is absolutely DUN...

These threads have been cluttering up USMB for a year now. All of them breathlessly predicting the end for Trump. One solid year.
This one will fade away...and then, after a short embarrassed interval, another Marxist will excitedly proclaim “Mueller has Trump now!”....and the psychotic cycle will repeat.
It was funny for a while...then sad...and now just boring.

This one isn't going to fade away because it is proof of collusion.

Going to Prague is proof Trump was in cahoots with the Russian government?


If you smoked as much dope as that retard it would seem so to you too.....
Dear Uncensored2008:

EU countries stamp your passport when you come and go (like, to and from the U.S.), but DO NOT STAMP YOUR PASSPORT WHEN YOU GO FROM COUNTRY TO COUNTRY WITHIN THE EU. There are no physical border checkpoints anymore. It's exactly like going from Pennsylvania into Ohio. "Welcome to Austria". (In German, of course). So it is entirely possible that someone could fly into, say, Frankfurt, rent a car, and go to Prague and back, without. having his passport stamped by the Czech Republic.

However, the case for Cohen having met with anyone is Prague is now pretty much down to egg on the face of the McClatchy News Service. There is NO corroboration, and it was this story, reportedly, that caused Mueller to come out with the statement yesterday about the false and phony "stories" being published.

In short, it never happened.

How embarrassing, your tampon popped out again.

And you're also an idiot hyperventilating and using words like 'slander' that you clearly have no understanding for what they mean.

Well, not everyone can have the depth of brilliance you display, Herr Goebbels...


See more synonyms on
defamation; calumny:
rumors full of slander.
a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report:
a slander against his good name.

Now tell us Comrade, how is the mindless hatred you spew on a daily basis anything other than slander? :dunno:

I'm bracing to be wowed... :eusa_whistle:

How did I defame Hannity, cupcake?


Say stupid, didn't you just claim that I was ignorant of the word "slander?"

When proven to have lied, this is what you spew?

Ad Hominem (Guilt by Association)

argumentum ad hominem

(also known as: association fallacy, bad company fallacy, company that you keep fallacy, they’re not like us fallacy, transfer fallacy)

Description: When the source is viewed negatively because of its association with another person or group who is already viewed negatively.

Logical Form:

Person 1 states that Y is true.

Person 2 also states that Y is true, and person 2 is a moron.

Therefore, person 1 must be a moron too.

Example #1:

Delores is a big supporter for equal pay for equal work. This is the same policy that all those extreme feminist groups support. Extremists like Delores should not be taken seriously -- at least politically.

Explanation: Making the assumption that Delores is an extreme feminist simply because she supports a policy that virtually every man and woman also support, is fallacious.

Example #2:

Pol Pot, the Cambodian Maoist revolutionary, was against religion, and he was a very bad man. Frankie is against religion; therefore, Frankie also must be a very bad man.

Explanation: The fact that Pol Pot and Frankie share one particular view does not mean they are identical in other ways unrelated, specifically, being a very bad man. Pol Pot was not a bad man because he was against religion, he was a bad man for his genocidal actions.


Ad Hominem (Guilt by Association)

Yer a dumb one, which is WHY you are a Stalinist.

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